Goblin Lands 2 Diplomatic Mission Week 23: The Trial of Gorkaog the Pit Mongrel


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You are not Rapi’og. Other than the remnants of the force he lead informing us of his demise, you aren’t screaming about the deaths of your property, the gogs of Gultor’uf.


"So the reason i cant be Rapi’og according to you is that I finally see my tribals as people worth caring about not just property.

What type of Uhryu is Bill that he let me treat you so poorly for so long that you think such horrible things of me.

Seeing all your advisers burnt ashes and your family torn apart by machineguns and grenades changes a gog.

I now understand that…"



I saw you speak to the other gogs, You spoke of getting your property back. This property you spoke of was the Uhryus taken. The only premise that swayed gogs is that the real Rapi’og believed that they would be final deathed before this trial.

Your advisors are dead? Then why am I standing here, why is Hunter, Smith, Uhryu, and Quatermaster back at camp? Did you forget, that you mainly had the younger members of Gultor’uf with you? Its seems you forgot the basic membership of the rescue mission.


Rapi’og smiled cruelly, "I am happy you brought that up. Yes most who came with me were youths. What type of Uhryu would allow such a thing? One who had raised us for just such a purpose.

Children sent on an apparent suicide mission? And they all died.

Why did I not listen to Hunter, Smith and Quartermaster? Simple when Bill convinced them to give up their names for a title held by many in tjis wide world I knew they were indoctrinated by Bill. Did you know two year ago all in our tribes had real names? Individuals who held a name all their own. Now each is replacable, a title to be filled by a faceless gog only there to enforce Bill’s will.

I feel for Gorkoag. This conversation must feel telling to him."



Sent? You mean impressed. If it wasn’t for the stupidity of Arrrgh!, two juveniles red furs would be dead. I saw the Rapi’og of Gultor’uf thrown these juveniles into the group he was going to war, you wanted them in their armour. If he didn’t get in the way and take the blows from Gultor’uf’s Rapi’og, and if the young ones didn’t take this for bravery, they would be dead too.



The real Rapi’og embraced this convention, he started acting like a real leader after we started calling him Leader. He actually took responsibility for his actions, and tried to do the things a leader was suppose to, instead of foisting them off on others of our tribe gesturing to Kaloklur.

Let you? Please, Rapi’og of Gultor’uf was eaiting to see that others wouldn’t listen to Uhryu, so that he could run off when Uhryu arrived back. Not even a minuet Uhryu was back, and Rapi’og of Gultor’uf was running off, leading others to their doom.

I remembered the day I arrived, with 9 of my companions. You screamed, thrashed and hit that Uhyru was taken. Your response was to assault the nearest gog, even the ones that brought you news of what happened to Uhryu. Names? you called us property, your possessions. The closest thing to a name was gog.

Rapi’og of Gultor’uf was a brute, and Uhryu was unable to help him become the leader the tribe needed to be.


Witch Gogkiller

Starts loading here rifle, and starts looking to take up position to take out new Rapi’og just outside the tent


Rapi’og walked to the edge of the area and looked outside easily seeing Witch’s aura.

“Apparently either I was a complete monster or Bill was beyond successful in indoctrinating you,” he said sadly, “The GulTor’Uf even use children now. They sent the Uth girl to kill Gorkaog and even now she waits outside like an assassin.
And you want all these gogs to believe that this goes on without Bill’s approval? That Uth outside is a Katheron.
I bet the GulTor’Uf never told you that. She was an independent Uthvelor child.
Then the GulTor’Uf killed her, wiped her memories and replaced her soul with a spirit personally loyal only to Bill.
That is what Bill has planned for all of you. Agree with him or be killed and have your soul replaced with one that aggrees to his way and only his way.”


Rapi’og knew he just needed to give the GulTor’Uf enough rope to hang themselves in defending their Uhryu.


Scribe moved to the edge of the group, while all eyes were on the three gogs of GulTor’Uf, and spoke with Loki just low enough that the others could not hear.

“Lord the AoE has started a practice of carrying their prisoners dead and throwing acid on them should any try to rescue them. Is this against your personal rules? I ask for I wish not to anger you. Also Gorkaog ,” he points to the Pit mongrel in the cage. “Chose to insult the you and all of Asgard by saying that the Gods are false gods and only the Qual are true gods. I originally asked Lord Forseti to come and hear the case so he may show the true might of Asgard, but maybe you could show this blasphemous retch how weak his gods truly are.”


Loki glanced over at the red fur, "So he insulted the Asgardians?
And of course you challenged him to honorable combat so you could prove we made your arm stronger than his gods made his?
After all you are a champion of asgard, you don’t need us to coddle you or fight your fight for you?

You called for Lord Foresti and you called me by name many times…but I dont usually hear your prayers whom is your patron, Scribe?"


What a diplomatic mess, Vektor thought. He’d rather bathe in Stalker dung rather than say anything in the interchange between GulTor’Uf, Scribe, and Der’al Collective. Rapi’og made everything worse. At this point, he didn’t care anymore. Brezans may be considered Goblin Trash, but at least they didn’t bicker. They resolved conflict quickly and decisively. Was this truly “more civilized?” Vektor wasn’t so sure.

“Let the gog repent among those he offended. If GulTor’Uf isn’t interested, then let another come forward to accept his servitude. Otherwise … he gets death.” He turned to Quill, “If there is anything history has taught us, is that nothing good ever comes from genocide. Death causes more death. I will not agree to killing all the redfurs. Find the one responsible, however we can.”


“Lord are you feeling well? For it is not you to forget one who has swarn themselves to you. Though you do bring up a point. For a while I felt my prayers were going unanswered for I asked many times for coincil from Lady Hel but resieved no answer. As for challenging the idiot. I know that non here would have seen my challenge as something they can allow. Many have insulted or angered me lately and I have fallowed you in waiting and humiliating them later. There is also the fact that such a challange from me would do nothing as his words were ‘Bring Forseti here I punch him in stones he feel it.’ Then he said his gods would not feel it. I felt non here would believe the gifts I have are from Asgard lest one of the Lords or Ladys were to… deal with them. You saw how quikly they went from being friendly to demanding after you showed yourself my Lord.”


Loki made a skull appear out of nowhere then another and another an he began juggling for his own amusement.

"Ahh so I was ignoring your prayers. Ever think you were lax in your proper worship?

After all an enemy of your enemies comes and says Punch Foresti in the stones and you consider it an offense to your honor? That is not my way that is the way of Tyr of Heimdall of Thor.

My way is to laugh and agree because Lord Foresti and the other asgardians deserve a good punch in the stones. And if the Quall could aid me in bringing down Ragnarok on their heads I would weave them into my plots immediately.

I sit each day under Hels watchful gaze while burning poison is dripped onto my face.
I long for the final death of all things. I long for the liberation of Ragnarok. The final death of all who mocked me in Valhalla. And an age of Giants and monsters where I replace the All Father.

Yet you call the son of the fool baldyr whose death resulted in my punishments. See this spear of mistletoe,this was my murder weapon and a blind god my patsy.

You did not summon the asgardians to defend their honor,you summoned them to protect your pride.
If your faith so hollow that it crumbled when another mocked you?

No fear little bastard I have already found a way for you to regain your faith and your powers. It will be pain and it will be bloody and it will involve giants.

Now you will know the true power of Loki. For me the other Asgardians aren’t to be worshipped, they are to be mocked, overlooked or profane.

I do not decry final death, I embrace it for all it means for the Immortals who have wronged me and all their servants. So are you the servant of Wodens children?

Or are you my servant Scribe?"


Scribe, going behind something comes out wearing a sleeveless set of Runecaster Armor. Anyone who sees this will think this is strange, for in all his time in the south non have seen him without sleeves. He also had his two straps of Flashbang Bottles. Those that look closely enough will see a mark on his upper right arm of two intertwined snakes that were eating eachothers tails. Any that looked at it with Leyas Sight would see fire and ice yet it did not seem to effect him.

“Show your self deceiver. For I am Scribe, third generation of the Fangs of Loki. I have stood before my Lord, I have faced the challenges set by my Lords children, I have been marked by my Lord and have seen his true form. You have tried to temp many of my kind from Lord Loki, but we know the truth.”

With his last word Scribe stood his Staff in his left hand and his trusty marker in his right.


Loki rose until his shadow filled the room. They all no longer saw the prancing form of Loki.

They saw his true form for Loki had been son of a Giant in the myths of Asgard.

He was terrifying from the full scarring that the poison had done to his face and form.

Scribe watched as his staff shattered into a million pieces and the power of the runecaster left his form. His runic armor turned to simple wood and rotted away quickly.

All his runic items fell apart as the blessing of the Asgardians failed him.

"You expected a hero when you called me here Scribe?

I am the hero of the mischief maker, the saboteur, the anarchist not the honorable knight Scribe.

I am Loki and my brood are monsters. And you have lost my blessing. When you are ready to Walk the Path of Loki then you will understand my way…"

[Scribe has lost the faith and powers of a Runecaster for now. A week 24 mission will be set up to allow Scribe to regain Lokis favor or the favor of a different asgardian.]



Adept watched Scribe quibble with this god, and watched this god intimidate Scribe. Scribe, one of the few people outside Gultor’uf that Adept has worked with. Scribe, One that has tried to find a reasonable solution to every disagreement that Adept has known him to be involved in. Scribe, one of the few people outside his tribe that he would call friend.

"You, a god? Rapi’og of Gultor’uf acted like you, a mere antisocial arrogant fool. Look at what that brought him, Final death. Giant as you are, you are a mere boy, prancing at playing an adult.

You think you are a god? We have a history with gods, many have tried to conquered us on refuge, all have failed. Think on this before you challenge us here.

It is said that short lived beings lifes burn brighter, and it is true. And we will consume you with our brighter flame, and destroy you."



runs over to Adept

“Did you just pick a fight with a god?”

Shakes him




stares up at Loki, undeterred by shaking