Goblin Lands 2 Diplomatic Mission Week 23: The Trial of Gorkaog the Pit Mongrel


If the Herald was still alive and he might find the situation funny. However he wasn’t so he was beginning to lose patience with this circus. These “Gods” were a waste of time and took focus off the important things. “Can we please ignore the supernatural sideshow and concentrate on the Murderer in the cage?”


Loki laughed a big bellowing laugh which got smaller and smaller as he shapeshifted back into his foppish smaller form.

“Antisocial and arrogant? Hahhah you are funny little gogs,” then his eyes got very serious and glanced at Scribe, "I think you may have found your first ally in your act of proving your faith little Scribe.

But I will take my leave for now, and no more asgardians will interrupt this hysterically absurd trial.

I hope the Red Fur knows now how little you respect him and his ways, and his life being on trial.

Maybe see you in the kingdom of Hel."

Loki said with a sadistic smile at Gorkaog.

When Loki finally withdrew, Oliver said, “I’m happy that is done with.”

Rapi’og said sadly, "See how the GulTor’Uf still spread the lies that I am dead? This is because they don’t want me telling the real story about how Bill runs things.

Did you know that when Bill disagreed with my rulings as Chieftain he beat me. He would use his fists to strike his cheiftain to get his way. Then he accused me of acting as a Brezan. No offense to the Brezan leaders here."

Oliver interrupts saying, “Again I don’t see how any of this addresses Gorkaog’s trial?”

“You are right of course,” said Rapi’og, "I am sorry for interrupting and making it all about me.
I feel for Gorkaog. It is hard being told you follow instructions or you suffer.

Did you suffer much Gorkaog?"


As everything crumbled around him Scribe felt something snap. This was not the Lord Loki he had been raised around, the Asgardians of this area did not act as he was used to. As the others continued with their trial Scribe fell apart. His mind broke as he tried to understand what had happened. He curled into a ball singing a song his mother had to comfort him when he was younger.


Maggul had sat with Tun’Dra quietly explaining the different relationships of those that spoke and there connections to the bigger picture of tribal life in regards to the Yagogi. There were the fellow members of the UtR, providing brief introductions: Gangs of Uf Magog, Herd of Auf Lalder, Urik’s Outcasts, and the Kul Gul Rapi family. Maggul whispered to the cub of his personal experiences in dealing with each, that they each had their own ways of doing things and very different attitudes. He knew of interactions with councilgogs, and could speak of those he genuinely liked working with, and others that he put up with mostly while being quiet and taking in the surround events.

“The Gangs are good gogs from over in Brez, kind of a rough sort of bunch. Your father, Yagogi’al has great respect for Urog and thinks that we tend to work the best with them. From council meetings, I have met both Vektor and Shirley who are interesting allies. I did not get off to the best start with them, but I actually really like working with and hearing from them, also especially Shirley’s aid Tla’al,” said Maggul with a bit of a grin that was lost on Tun’Dra.
“Auf Lalder is an interesting fellow, leads gogs over in Tla’loc’al and tries to get the best words out about the olgog people through use of the museum and trading post. He comes off a little bit too controlling for my tastes, but he really does mean well and tries to be most helpful while getting everything squared away to a tee.
Urik’s gogs are mostly military, I believe from Unen. I do not really know much about them, because I have not had very much direct contact with them, but Urik is definitely a wise gog, knows about a lot of stuff important to our der’al. Truthfully, his gogs have been there for us and I would like to strengthen our bonds with them and work together with them some more.
The family is lead by Mama Rapigog, another Unen based tribe. They took some getting used to, but the Yagogi have already seen how ideas have changed while allying with the Mag Buskt. The family is a similar experience, as they have worked alongside the Yagogi acting as another sort of enforcer. I have learned a thing or two working alongside Babi Yaal.”

Maggul continued talking about the Der’al Collective: the Army of the True Flame, the Tor’Lallur, the Kolgul Militia, and the Armies of Eloga. Then the others that were mentioned and others participating, like the GulTor’Uf, EEF, Wintermute, the Scribe and his Asgardians. Without any real warning, Tun’Dra spoke before the assembled crowd, “Mr. Bonegnawer, you have talked about a Holy Quest of hunting the Mag Der’al, and took out the GulTor’Uf without any real proof of them being infected. What are your thoughts on other tribes, and groups in relation to their interactions withe Mag Daron? Where would your Holy Quest have taken you to attacking next?” Maggul looked on in a state of shock, thinking the cub was going to put them in a terrible spot. To his surprise, Tun’Dra did not do half bad, and he gave the cub a little pat on the shoulder for peaking up.


Gorkaog was shocked, "Scribe you offend. Gorkaog never ask for Agard laws, told Scribe i no worship your gods and they no mean nothing my trial. But you make it bout you not my life. Selfish Scribe make all about Scribe.

You cry? What right you have cry? Before you make mistakes and talk bad to others you Quartermaster of Rank you have house and things and food in belly. All these things Gorkoag no have but you…you cry.

Gorkaog grow up hunted by Green fur Gor’ab and by Falosini children. No care Gorkaog child then. Only care kill red fur.

Elder teach Greenfur no trust. Elder right. You all like Mag Der’al so much go have breeding with them.
You say gorkaog commit crime. Scribe make joke of Gorkaog life.

ME Listen to lies said Scribe bout I want agard laws? Call earthers to mock gorkaog. No want laws of Earthers and agard. Want Ka Gor’na laws because Ka Gor’na who Gorkaog follow.

Even if elder lie bout Uhryus being Mag Der’al, GulTor’Uf evil greenfur work with Mag Der’al. No innocent. No innocent. Criminals gainst all.

Sick of jokes at Redfur expense. Red fur living too, have own gods not want Agard to mock.

They say Gorkaog pay money Gorkoag no have money pay.

You say use Gorkaog bait for Elder, why Gorkaog help after be joke to Green Fur?

Wipe eyes Scribe, be adult, stand by decisions or apologize decisions.
cry for pup and pup who cry in wilderness draw down predator who eat pup and family.

Gorkaog say Mag Daron good greenfur. They want kill Mag Der’al. They friends. Not like gogs who hide Mag Der’al.

Gorkaog thought maybe make mistake maybe kill wrong Uhryus but hear words of Uth child and hear words of hiding GulTor’uf and know did right things. Uhryus no final death, Uhryus keep helping Mag Der’al. Uhryus no final death then Rapi’og keep attacking Der’al collective until Uhryus freed. No laws just GulTor’Uf way. No laws just Mag Der’al way.



Scribe you no know Agards like you think. Ka Gor’na gods strong and they help you. But stop cry and grow up.

If Gorkaog sentence death, no want last sight to be bastard cry like baby."


Gorkoag looked at Tun’Dra strangely.

He repeated again for Tun’Dra’s benefit, "Gorkaog say Mag Daron good greenfur. They want kill Mag Der’al. They friends. Not like gogs who hide Mag Der’al.*

Gorkoag declare here now. Let Gorkaog go Gorkaog hunt Mag Der’al more.
Help Gorkaog find Mag Der’al, no accidentals die. No help Gorkaog find Mag Der’al, then ally of Mag Der’al target too.

No let Mag Der’al spread. Holy quest, mag Der’al must be stopped."


From the back row a figure shall rise from the seat they had been quietly sitting in from the begining in a red cloak shall approach, a raised hood shall hide the appearance of the person entering. Upon hearing Gorkaog speak the figure shall raise their gloved hands (velvet gloves) and push back the hood revealing a beautiful Earther female with blonde hair up in a bun on her head. Upon reaching the cage she shall reach her hand out and gently stroke Gorkaog’s face. Then turn around to face the rest of the crowd. “Why is such a noble being caged like a common animal? I know what has transpired here, I know what has been said. This farce is laughable. The militia units have already declared that enemies of the Der’al collective will given final death for attacks on the Der’al Collective. The Collective’s will was exercised by Gorkoag. I request hat he be released and rewarded for his heroism in protecting all of the Collective from the actions of bigots and terrorists.”


Tun’Dra nodded at Gorkoag’s response, “There is logic to this. We have been joined by Mawen Rapider, a Mag Daron Go…” and with that Maggul’s paw came upon Tun’Dra’s shoulder to quiet him down. Maggul started speaking over Tun’Dra to not give away too much information, " Easy there cubbo! I believe what Tun’Dra is saying is that we are in agreement about ending the terrorist actions of the Mag Der’al. To give final death to those infected by Mag Der’al without any shred of proof is unjust and is what you are facing trial for. You have not offered any evidence other than the words of an elder of the Ka Gor’na, and what is to say that this set up against you is not the outcome they wished? I have seen evidence of the Tor’Lallur’s attack against the Mag Daron, it is the dreaded TorWing that has been circling Karov. Following the words of the elder, who would your next targets be? Might it be the Tor’Lallur, and their close allies the Army of the True Flame, and Scribe? What of the whole Der’al Collective, have they not been in council in close proximity and the infection could have spread? What actual evidence do you hold directing you in this Holy Quest? It is known that GulTor’Uf took in ferals thus allowing Mag Der’al entrance but how did you know that the killed prisoners were infected? Or is it that you took the opportunity of attacking and ending a tribe on the run?"


Vektor didn’t care anymore. A crying gog, strange gods, and things called farces. He wasn’t sure what those were.

“Not sure what a farce is… must be Earther. There has got to be a better way to manage this other than through petty bickering.” He looked over to Oliver. “Look, if we come to blows, goodness forbid, and you take prisoners, don’t cover them in acid or burn them in fire. We’ll do the same. If there’s an offense, let’s talk it out amongst us. We’ll offer the same courtesy. Without a bunch of other folk in the middle of it, like Northerners or Earthers.”

He looked around. “That said, we weren’t wronged here. So do as you will. But if you take our prisoners under the pretense of a trial, and then allies kill them anyway… I wouldn’t be happy. What that means to you, is up to you. Urik speaks for the United Tribes today, but the Great Northern Army appreciates the invitation to these proceedings and for wanting our input. As I said, let’s meet and talk separately. As for Gorkaog??” He looked at the redfur, “I have nothing further to add. I wouldn’t want a rumor to lead to my death…”

Vektor sat back down, took a massive puff of urya, and offered it to his consort.


The young woman who hasn’t introduced herself yet (Totally rude, I know…bitch) looks at Vektor “A farce is a ludicrous, empty show or a mockery. As in this trial is but a joke, an excuse for people to bicker and accomplish nothing. Now you know, and will understand the next time someone uses the word. Understanding is very important. As for the origin of the word, there is an equivalent word in High Falos, and in many languages. Making random assumptions kinda makes you look silly cutie. Don’t worry, I like silly cute furry guys…no not that way…sicko.”