Goblin Lands 2 Diplomatic Mission Week 20: An Article of Faith


So, we have a group of gogs that say they are from Yagogi killing other gogs and stealing their food, water and items. This has been going on about two weeks, and you have known about it. But you chose to do nothing about them. We at Gultor’uf don’t have the luxury to sit and wait for you to decide that training gogs to steal from others is a problem.

At its heart, it is the same problem. Its gogs that decide there will must affect other gogs to survive. You, and others, decided that gogs were feral and that they should join you or die, we find this wrong. Torlallur says they have to have their religious rights to survive where it sickens and kills other gogs, this is just as evil.

You asked what Torlallur can do, and as I told him earlier.

Stop the ceremonies that sicken other gogs.
Let the tribes wander as they have for ages through that land.
Bring the gogs that died in the pit, to Gultor’uf [or someone else] so they can be revived and returned to their tribes.
Send gogs, with someone to remove the diseases that still affect the other gogs.
And tell gogs everything before they try and curse them.

I said these are what was needed to go forward.


Vellum would not let Scribe divert so easily ,"Again you make claims without Proof?
Are we a kolgol court? Hopping from one shiny idea to another?

No. I demand right now that Scribe provide PROOF of his assertion that a common cold given by the Tor’Lallur is somehow more mystical and powerful compared to a standard common cold.

If you cannot provide proof I DEMAND you officially retract your statement as hearsay and slander and give a formal apology to Dar’ab and his people.

Slander breaks the very social contract the Der’al Collective is based on.

Your statement is not an opinion. You stated it as fact. PROVE it or retract it."


"GULTOR UF representative you are ignoring the compromises brought to the table by Dar’ab and you are offering NO compromises of your own.

The tribes were let to wander. They got ill. Tor Lallur offered their faith as a cure. It really does not matter what caused the disease now that Tor Lallur has offered to weaken their induction to a tiny little cold.

A cold that You Uhryu could teach the Ferals to cure. You would have to change their way of life. Then they wouldnt be ferals.

When ferals used to get sick did war get declared? No because Ferals dont answer biological problems with War. Only we tribal olgogs do and it shows how little civility we really have.

You also decided you must change other Gogs to survive. But you feel your ideals are enlightened so you can get away with your own intellectual tyranny.

Was OtO forced to “feel different” about his crimes? Was that infamous criminal told he must change his beliefs?
No he was given a punishment that forced him to help the Olgog peoples at large.

Having the Tor Lallur spread simple colds and heal larger plagues is a perfect punishment in line with a positive social contract.

Legally is does not matter what they believe.

Frankly I dont believe Vampyrs are inherently evil. BUT GulTorUfs laws demand their death if they follow Uhryu tradition.

Is this really just an excuse for the GulTorUf Gorab to kill Vampyrs they are prejudiced against?"


What gives torlallur the right to infect others, when we wouldn’t be allowed to go healing them? We Uhyru can gather and create an aura of healing over Karov, which would hurt or kill vampyres.

If we did that, and offered a lessor form that just hurt after we killed and hurt many, would you say that it is our right to do? I doubt it.

If we intended to just kill Torlallur, we would do it. We wouldn’t be here.


Dreg had entered the room quietly a few minutes earlier and just sat and listened. He didn’t much care how this turned out since it seemed to him that anything bad happening to the Der’al Collective was probably good for the UTR but after hearing GulTor’uf latest argument he couldn’t hold his touge.

“You’d still be here because you want a legal pretext for the war you clearly want. Torlallur faith demands they spread their pit. They’ve offered a compromise that allows them to do that and won’t get anyone else killed. But you’ve rejected it out of hand.
It’s funny I didn’t realize your passion for personal freedoms which is so strong you left the UTR over it, only extended to things you agreed with. Look I don’t care if your tribe wants to prove to the world they’re a pack of hypocrites but at least be honest about it.”


We reject it out of hand, just as we reject the church of one killing gogs for religious beliefs. Mag Mag Gor believes all should belong to him, in his religion. Should we let him force us all to submit, because he believes it should happen?

We reject the idea that we should be subject to others religious beliefs, because they affect others not of that belief.

If Torlallur only infected his own tribe, we wouldn’t be here. If they didn’t use the infection as a way to recruit gogs, We would not be here. If they told the gogs they recruit that they may die and that they infected them first, we would not be here.

The more this conversation goes on the more it seems like any gog in Karov that is not Torlallur, Gultor’uf or Yagogi, is a plaything for anyone who want to take them. Make them sick, kill them, force them to join your tribe, who cares about them.


Dreg looked at the GulTor’uf spokesgog. “Has it really not occurred to you that Torlallur are probably plague vampyrs? Or are you just being deliberately obtuse?” He looked around at the others gathered in the room. “That is what we’re talking about here right? I mean I can’t see leyas so maybe I’m wrong but it seems pretty clear to me.
It’s not just their religion it’s how they survive. They need to make people sick to exist. How else did you think they could spread, control and consume sickness? Or that some people come out of their pit alive and healthy? Somebody look at him in the leyas. Find out if my guess is right. Because if it is they are just doing what they need to survive and probably don’t even know what’s really going on. And that makes GulTor’uf entire complaint as stated invalid. Because if I am right what you’ve said to them is ‘Starve or we’ll kill you.’ Which sounds pretty evil to me. Course if I’m wrong what they’re doing is pretty messed up.” Dreg said with a shrug.


Vellum attests, "I do believe I have seen adherents to the Pit faith who are exactly as Honorable Ambassador Dreg describes.
They have faith their faith is tied into the curse on their spirit.

To deny them any worship would be to Starve and Kill them. They cannot as it were infect their own tribe.

If you reject that you should be beholden to an outsiders faith then why are you trying to IMPOSE Uhryu Reformism on the Tor Lallur?

It seems the easy answer is you have two different faiths. Keep your borders secure and dont visit each other or convert each other and it is not a problem.

Did I just hear the GulTor Uf Ambassador say that His tribe represnts all Karovians who are not currently aligned to UtR or DC? Maybe I misheard?"


Babi’s eyes widened when he read the tablet,
“Honorable Maggul,
The Kolgol would appear to be in direct violation of the laws. How do you wish to proceed? You have the Kul Gul’Rapi’s support on the council for any action to force the kolgol to leave your lands and any sort of reparations you require to make tings right. If the matter is too immediate and pressing for you to wait for the council to come to a decision the Kul Gul Rapi will detain them and bring them for trial by the council.
He passed the tablet quickly back to Maggul. If the evidence supported Maggul’s claims this would be an intertribal matter requiring the council’s participation.
Babi nodded to Dreg, “What he says be true. Some Vampyrs feed off da fear of others, others by da pain they cause others, still others by the suffering caused by da illnesses.” He left out that plague vampyrs were pariahs even in Bruskti traditions. “You tell them they must cease da spread of even da smallest illness they will be like a gog without water, wasting away, followed by madness, and finally death. If dat the only choice you give the Tor Lallur, a short death at your hands or a long slow death then there be no negotiation, or even judgment here, you just looking for a reason to be da executioner.”


Maggul shook his head at the ignorant GulTor’Uf tribesgog, " Ok listen gog, who are you?! Have you become so distrustful and jaded, that you can not even formally introduce yourself and instead having everyone referring to you as gog from GulTor’Uf. You are placing all this blame where it does not belong. If you’re going to make accusation at least have some proof of what you are talking about. First of all, Tor’Lallur has said that they would from now on inform other gogs of their faith and the risks that come with it prior to doing anything, this would take out any false pretenses or force previously used. What has happened in the past unfortunately cannot be changed, but remedied so that the same mistakes are not made. Even though I recently entered, i have heard that offer being given several times. They offer a compromise you offer starve or we kill you, which was the same attack you had against all the UtR when dealing with ferals, kind of sounds a little hypocritical.

Secondly, I assure you that these are ferals raiding from you. They have followed our wishes to refrain from continuing to raid from our tribe, but they are not part of our tribe and do not take commands from us. Why would the Yagogi be stealing from you now, considering we are still doing all our own hunting and gathering and we have tried working together in the past. By the way, how is Olgog the Olgog’s young gor’ab apprentice doing, or did you already forget about that? You are so sure to put blame on the Yagogi, give me names and show me the zela blades they carry, otherwise drop it because you have been given an answer for what is happening. These are ferlas that did not wish to change and they’ve moved to your tribes because you’re already feeding of so many gogs anyways."


Scribe looked at Vellum then the others and said “We are here because olgogs were getting sick, being healed, then getting sick again.” Scribe pulled out several papers and places them on the table. "A few tribes including Herd of Auf Lal’ al and GulTor’Uf tracked down the cause of this strange illness to Tor’Lallur. These are statements they gave which I wrote up. Tor’Lallur have admitted to controlling the illness and using their Pit to turn the sick Ferals into members of their tribe. They even said that the version in the pit is even more deadly. So it would not surprise me if they are Plague Vampyrs. That does not bother me, in fact I was going to talk with them in privet and recommend that they be in charge of a hospital so they may feed with out causing harm, as the Kul’Gul Rapi are in charge of punishments for the UTR. The only issue is that they may try and change their patients with their faith. You asked for my evidence. My evidence is that, the behavior of the illness and the confession of Tor’Lallur.

As for GulTor’Uf that is a little different. They see themselves as a tribe dedicated to protecting other olgogs from those with power." Looking directly at Maggul, "And if you had payed attention you would know that unless they really have to they do not take a name besides their life goals. That is why he is called Uhryu Apprentice.

So how do we solve our problems. Well how’s this, Tor’Lallur and GulTor’Uf work together to build a place of healing. And when a being comes to learn they must choose if they wish to be a healer like the GulTor’Uf are, or if they want to control the illnesses like Tor’Lallur. This way the pit grows from informed members and both tribes help these land."


Torlallur needs to infect other gogs to survive, and they have been here for at least a generation. If both these things our true, why is this the first time that sickness has come from that region? Why is it only this year there is sickness?

And we do believe they are under the class of plague vampyres. The knowledge of the fore Uhryus passed down to us indicate this is so. In our personal experience, we have had a chance to see how a plague vampyre interact with others. We had one reside with us at our camp, when OtO was residing there. For months, she never infected others or claimed the right to do so. She ate food, drank water for sustenance. So when you come and tell us they need to have this religious ceremony to survive, we don’t believe it because we have seen plague vampyres, and we know they don’t need it to infect others survive.

we don’t speak for the tribes of Karov, we try and give those who are not here a voice. Every time we have been at one of these meetings, everyone shows they are not concerned with understanding, they have particular goals they are they are trying to achieve.

Torlallur did say they would tell gogs everything, and this is one of the things we are asking for. The one thing that isn’t, is Torlallur saying they are just going to infect Karov with lessor diseases. If this were anyone else, it would be considered warfare, but because they are Torlallur it is okay? We at Gultor’uf say no, If it was within their own tribe, we have no problem. If they told the gogs everything, then infected them we have no problem. The issue is Torlallur intends to infect the gogs of Karov whether they wish it or not.

I have introduced myself, I am Uhryu of Gultor’uf. In our tribe, we have started to discard our old names and embody the position we are in. In our tribe, the one you know as Bill is called Uhryu and the one you know as Rapiog is called leader. This happens when we choose our path in life.

OtO left some time ago, we don’t know where he is. He left some time ago, and I haven’t seen him or your gor’ab.

So you convinced a tribe to raid other tribes? I know gogs that have told us about the raids, these gogs claim to follow Yagogi. They are now attacking, killing and looting, but since it is not your tribe, it is okay? Or is it no longer your problem, because it doesn’t affect your tribe?


Scribe, Thank you for your understanding. May you find the words that we are missing.

If a hospital where Torlallur would be able to take disease would solve there need for feeding, we will help in any way we can.

Torlallur has agreed to inform gogs of everything, and if a hosptial will be an alternative to infecting other gogs then those are the two issues that need immediate resolution.
It would also allow us to have a place cure the gogs still sick, which was another one of the issues we wanted solved.

The last two, are that the tribes are free to wander the lands as they have before, I believe as long as they don’t attack Torlallur, Torlallur is aggreed to this. As we wander so shall the other tribes.

The last issue, is the recovery of the dead from the pit. Those that died that expected to become vampyres. I believe if Torlallur and I continue our discussion, they will agree that this is probably the best course of action [noting that the bodies are from this incident only]

Scribe, Thank you for your words


Maggul couldn’t help but rub his brow in amazement at the thought that it always had to be the damned bastards that put things into perspective. He opened his mouth ready to challenge and then thought for a moment before sayings what needed to be said, “I ahhh…ok. Very well then, my apologies Uhryu Apprentice. So with this strategy, the GulTor’Uf and Tor’lallur will be working together as healers, acting to spread faith without fear of wrong doing, and take care of the ferals. I believe we may have been given an excellent solution, would this work for both tribes involved?”

Back off to the said, Maggul peered at the tablet and gave his quick response.
“Honored Babi,
I know that a patrol was going over to check out the camp with the desire to take a tour of the facility. They were being led by our Uhryu, after a specific tribal made our frustrations know. Our Uhryu, Zhgog’ol Maklur wants to make sure that Kolgol’s arrival to cobat sickness, is not a plot to spread his interests and cause not wrongdoing. I do not know how the proceedings are going, but I did want to make you aware of the situation. Thank you once again.

and then the tablet was slipped back to Babi.


Maggul, greatly confused, “No this is an even greater problem, having olgogs that are attacking, killing and looting claim to be the Yagogi. These ferals do not claim to be part of our tribe, and do not follow our ways. We initially met with the ferals, offered them a chance to learn how to hunt and gather for themselves and a place within out tribe if they wished. We told them if they did not want this option, we not longer wanted to be the target of their current ways, and so they left. If they are now coming to you claiming to be the Yagogi, I would have to ask again where are their zela blades. i would home that you can tell the difference between the Yagogi warriors, and some raiding ferals. The only other olgogs carrying zela that I have any knowledge of are the Mag Daron, and apparentl,y Auf lalder is trying to get his hands on some as well. No actual Yagogi are going towards you because we’ve had out hands full testing to find out about Mag Der’al, curing the sickness in Karov and now Kolgol’s occupation of our hunting grounds. If you sincerely believe that the Yagogi are coming after you, I suggest we get together on this to figure out what is going on.”


We don’t know what to make of this group,and we know what we know from gogs asking for our help. On this trail of tears, they come under attack. There food and water is stolen, and they loose love ones from these attacks.

We intend to find these gogs and capture them. We want to find out what cause them to start to raid, this behavior change is usually in response to something else. If we can find what caused the change, we can help them so that they don’t need to raid.

We do know that weapons a gog does not make, we also understand that this was not Yagogi main tribe. We don’t know what tribe they belonged to, or if it was a splinter tribe, but we do know about 30 gogs were doing this. Normally we would take less drastic measures, but we don’t have that luxury at this moment.

We have short term need for food, as there are many more gogs in the area. Some have taken our advice, and when they take food they are planting more seeds. Some do not. We have reached out to some tribes for short term food sources (but have not heard back), and spoke to Mag Yyanyi about some long term solutions. Mag Yyanyi is offering us an introduction to kul Gul Rapi family, as they have created seeds that grow food. We wish to speak to them to see if we can learn how they create them, to see if we can augment the oases and other green places in Karov.

We are looking for a way to create waypoints on the trails, ones were gogs can rest and get food and water. The area around our tribe is gathering to many gogs for when the flamewinds come, so gogs were looking into creating a place for all gogs to come and be safe, if they choose.

We have Mag Daron who is irate with our tribe, and we need to find out why. All we know is it has to do with the Mag Deral. The only thing we know about them is that the EEF wants them dead, and when we asked why we should trust the EEF the representative left.


Scribe felt his eye twitch as they talked about how to help the traveling olgogs. Taking out his Rune staff, he started to hit his head repeatedly.

After having his fill of hurt Scribe used one of his markers to draw runes on a table, or some other flat surface, that caused a replica of a city to rise.

“I believe I mentioned this before.”


The Dimension Walker remembered why he used to have a policy of having Bastards killed on sight.

"Scribe I didnt ask you WHY we were here!

You accused Tor Lallur of using diseases that were MORE POWERFUL than normally occuring diseases.
You used that as an excuse why they had to stop their worship.

I ask again if you have proof that a COMMON COLD used by Tor Lallur is somehow more powerful than the normal COMMON COLD prove it or apologize for slandering the Tor Lallur."


"GultorUf your statements prove you are acting from Prejudice against Plague Vampyrs and that you simply do not understand them.

You use as an example OtOs side kick? The same CatDancer who appeared at OtOs trial?

A known spy allied with our enemies in the Earther Colonies?

How do you know she just didnt infect everyone in Tlalocal with a cold before she left?
Then she wouldnt need to feed in your area. You dont know. And i dont care about her testimony because its irrelevant.

To compare a trained spy and agent provocateur with the Tor Lallur who are religious beings is the height of intellectual dishonesty."


"And GulTor Uf ambassador there is a Kul Gul Rapi Ambassador right across the room from you.

Yes thats him right over there."

Waves over at Babi.

To scribe, “If we force the ferals into the city you propose then they arent ferals any more.”