Goblin Lands 2 Diplomatic Mission Week 20: An Article of Faith


To the Tribe of the Tor’Lallur, there has been as an article of faith that all should be exposed to the greatness of the pit. Those worthy of worship were exposed to the pit and survived. The unworthy died, and the tribe of Tor’lallur became stronger as a whole.

When imposed on hundreds of ferals inhabiting Karov it has caused an outbreak of plague of unexpected proportions. During the Reaping of Karov, discussions between Olgog Leaders and the wild animals and plants of Karov revealed the Pit of the Tor’Lallur.

Expecting to find a place of overt hateful evil, instead they found a group of faithful who in their own twisted way truly believed they were helping make things better.

Yet the Tor’Lallur had technically not broken any laws, and were only expressing their faith.

Truly a concerning turn, and the Elogans set forth to create a Investigatory Council under guidance of the Der’al Collective. Oliver of the KGM led the proceedings with Dar’ab of Tor’lallur and Vellum of the Army of the True Flame. Scribe was taking minutes and notes, and a seat was available for GulTor’Uf.

The doors were open to any who would come without violence.

It would take a unique perspective to handle this matter without it causing an internal civil war between GulTor’Uf and Tor’Lallur for the lives of the ferals. And Oliver hoped outside perspectives would prevent it from escalating into all out warfare over the Tor’Lallur’s freedom of religion.

This was a matter of religious freedom vs public good. How would they decide?

Mission Rules

All players may make unlimited postings.
All other actions are compressed together by the DR team with a focus on storyline, so do not worry about paradoxes between different action posts.
Not every aspect of every action will be shown. This is especially true of actions that exceed two paragraphs.


Open to all tribes and all mercs

This mission ends on Friday 18th April at 8.PM. E.S.T.


In the limited dealings with Torlallur, Gultor’uf doesn’t believe that there will be a peaceful solution. The camp has been reorganized, guards have been posted, for Gultor’uf is planning to go to war.


One of the Uhryu apprentices came to this “court”.

"By The Mag Deral’s collective law, Torlallur has done nothing wrong. They have come into Karov, claimed land as there own, and then infected the area with plague so they can gather gogs to be thrown into a pit to die or become cursed. A place where those who survive are forever cursed to have there soul be devoured by the sickness they embody.

First, This land is part of Karov, the land of the Uhryu. A place where the vampyres have stayed away from, as we are considered their natural enemies. We were formed to stop vampyres for destroying society. In our earlier days, we pushed them into the southernlands and to the coast of Unen. Today, we have a tribe show up, claim the land as his own, and infect the others with his diseases.

There were many other tribes that used those lands, but that doesn’t seem to matter.

The tribes own laws are supreme in there own lands, The other tribes are dead or scattered because of Torlallur, and they weren’t part of the Mag deral collective, so they don’t matter. What matters is Torlallur didn’t break any laws in “their” lands, even thought they plauged all of karov.

They were only expressing their faith? So does the Church of One when they kill anyone who isn’t an earther. We hate the Church of One, mostly because they kill us. When it happens from gogs killing and converting others, it is a legitimate expression of faith?

These “religious” ceremonies are still going on, currently infection the others in karov. Are we just suppose to let one tribe kill everyone not like them so that there “religious rights” are upheld? What about the rights of the gogs that were infected and died? Oh that’s right Torlallur claimed the land so their laws rein supreme. Including infecting other gogs with disease.

These are the facts of the matter at hand

Torlallur participated in a religious ceremony.

At some point, this ceremony started spreading disease to the gogs in Karov.

Torlallur response was to let everyone try and deal with the disease, when they closed down “their” borders to hide the fact that they were knowingly spreading the disease [diseasing others gives them life, not the religious ceremony. Once they started getting life, they would know they were infecting others]

They sent envoys to recruit gogs, not letting them know that they were the cause of the disease. The earthers have the term for it, it is called false pretenses [They knew they infected them, and used it as leverage].

Uhryus normally would have driven Torlallur out of karov by now, but the Uhryus see Torlallur being protected by the Armies of eloga through the Mag deral collective.

What can this “court” do, By the laws of the Mag Deral collective, they have done nothing wrong. They just infected Karov with disease after claiming land in it as theirs. We at Gultor’uf left the Mag Deral collective so we can prevent as much as this type of tyranny as possible. If we stayed inside, By the Mag Deral laws, we would Have to let Torlallur infect others.

This doesn’t get into many other horrors, such as the lose of life of the gogs thrown into Torlallur’s pit.

We at Gultor’uf do not believe this “Court” will proceed in true justice. The court is bound by the laws of the group it represents, and the Mag Deral collective has voted to indemnify anyone acting within their own laws.


Dar’ab of Tor’lallur stood up and looked at the unamed Uhryu apprentice (might be easier if he had a name for us to refer to him as besides unamed Uhryu Apprentice)

“Dar’ab no know many word unnamed Gog say. Take long ask each. Dar’ab know upset when hear. So, Dar’ab keep simple. What like Tor’Lallur do?”


OOC: Tribe of Gultor’uf members as they age, try to become the ideal form of the job they have. So my reshedian smith is smith, Rapiog is leader and bill is often called Uhryu inside the tribe.

Stop religious ceremonies that infect other beings outside your tribe with diseases. (this would included the “feral” tribes)

Try to understand Karovian society and our ideas of land. Let the other tribes wander through, and use the land as we have for many years. (this may include moving the pit away from water/food sources or setting up purification methods to prevent diseases from leaving the area: Warning signs that you have residence there would be permitted but in something that wouldn’t offend karovians)

Bring the gogs that died in your pit to Gultor’uf, if anything of them is left. (this does not include the new plague vampyres) Gultor’uf will try and revive them to be returned to their respective tribes.

Send gogs (with a representative to calm the local populous) to remove the diseases that are left in Karov and the surrounding areas, without trying to recruit the gogs.

When you try and recruit gogs, tell them everything. What happens if the ceremony fails, and that there soul is damaged if it succeeds. If you are the cause of the disease you must tell them that too. [Full disclosure clause]

The tribes of Karov will distrust you because of you being vampyres, now because of your action doublely so. What little trust there was has been destroyed, it will take a long time to rebuild it. Some of their loved ones have been forever changed by your actions. I don’t know what can be done to show that you have remorse [Other things may need to be done]


Dar’ab wrinkles his brow, "Want stop worship Pit? No spread Pit? You give up you faith too? Ask abandon what make Tor’Lallur Tor’Lallur? No Pit, Tor’Lallur die. Want Tor’Lallur die? Faith center Pit. Spread Pit center faith. What Gog no faith?

Ceremony never fail. Gog be one with Pit. Always tell Gog. Pit return some Gog. Give strong. Master weak. Tor’Lallur promise, never sick. Tor’Lallur speak true. Pit return Gog, never sick. Pit no return Gog, never sick. Will unnamed Gog give up he faith?

Unnamed Gog, no want Tor’Lallur in unnamed Gog land. Tor’Lallur say ok. Tor’Lallur spread Pit elsewhere. Why you say where Pit go? We no say where unnamed Gog go."


We did not say stop worshiping the pit, we said stop doing religious ceremonies that spread the disease to others [against their will[.

You say you are not sick, but you carry diseases along with you at all times. This is because you are so sick, that disease has started to consume your soul. You just don’t see it, as you are living it.

I did not say you couldn’t stay, I just outlined some of the things that would need to be done to rebuild trust of others.


Scibe was a little tired of these two going back and forth like this. Every meeting where they were in the room together it goes from calm discussion into a yelling match.

“Peace, both of you.” Scribe said, calling attention to himself. " The truth is that Tor’Lallur did violate our laws. The law is clear. Your lands, your ways. However, Tor’Lallur spread their illness to other tribe on other lands."

As he waited for it to sink in for the others he scribbled a quick note then said " As that is the case I believe that the best way to handle this situation is to fallow the apprentice’s plan, this alows Tor’Lallur to stay where they are and keep their faith. The signs should be blessed to contain the illness so that only those who want to and are truly faithful will be effected. If you need resources then I am sure that we can set up a pick up and drop off point for trade."


Dar’ab smiled at Scribe “Tor’Lallur no break law. Law say no harm Collective. Tor’Lallur harm no Collective. Feral tribes no in Collective. Tor’Lallor need spread Pit. If no spread, Tor’Lallur die. Faith is spread Pit. You say no spread Pit, that gainst faith. You say Tor’Lallur must abandon faith. Tor’Lallur agree no spread to Collective. Tor’Lallur no agree not spread anywhere. Tor’Lallur no violate law.”

Turning to unnamed apprentice, “Say consume soul? Proof? Dar’ab soul in Dar’ab. How you know state of Dar’ab soul? You apply, you moral to all. You no like Pit. You say bad. Think know all. Arrogant. Tor’Lallur smart. Tor’Lallur know that no know all. Tor’Lallur learn. Unnamed Gog just judge. No know Tor’Lallur, no care Tor’Lallur. How judge when no know?”


Lallur, a Kaviorian Olgog in Lalder’s tribe had been listening to the back and forth. He said "Gultor’uf was given the Ferals to take care of by the VovF. It is their responsibility to maintain the health and numbers of the ferals. So in fact Dar’ab, your tribe did attack Gultor’uf’s.

With that, you also attacked the ferals in the UtR as well. Are you trying to start wars? I do understand religion, and I understand survival, but causing strife with every tribe not in your collective does not lead to long survival. Your timing was good for you as the tribes are busy with Terrorist attacks and they don’t want to battle in another conflict. But that might not hold out in the future.

You could even do like the Vampyres of Kal Rapi. They hunt and feed, but in enforcement of the laws and only do this to criminals. No adding to conflicts, no more additional enemies, pit still spread.

And before you say you what the UtR thinks, or you hate them. That is not the point I’m making. "


Dar’ab looked confused at Lallur (who i assume introduced himself?) Feral, no part him tribe. He watch, but no part of tribe." Dar’ab wrinkled his brow if trying hard to think of something… “technicality! Sides. What give Human right to give way tribes? V O V F no own tribe, they no decide who own them. Those tribes their own. No belong to Unnamed Gog tribe. Less he like slavery now.” Dar’ab shurgged.

“Also, no do thing to tribe in you land. Only do neutral tribe. No idea spread you land on own. Gog move round. No plan do thing you tribes. That accident. We try more careful in future.”

Dar’ab thinks for a minute "Idea maybe. No sure. Problem be, sick spread farther then Tor’Lallur think. That why Tor’Lallur gather much and bring back to Tor’Lallur. Sick should slow down now. Future problem though. Have plan. If want, can provide tribe to prevent in future. If sick spread you land, you tribe can remove without bring to Pit. Sad not join Pit, but gradual process, too fast bad. Set up marker. If sick pass, Tor’Lallur envoy remove sick from Gog. Then, no accidental spread. Keep contain target area. What think?

Also, this nothing do with UTR. Sick hit tyrant UTR by accident.


The ferals are part of a tribe, it may not be like your our mine, but it is a tribe. Just because they don’t conform to your standard of tribe doesn’t give you the right to infect and curse them.

We speak up for these tribes because others don’t. If gogs would consider their actions and not impose their will on other gogs, then we wouldn’t have to speak for them.

What is even worse, is you just said sick spread farther than you think, This is an indication that you intended to do infect others. These weasel words you are using to try and escape consequences betray your true intentions.

Just because the UTR act tyrannical, doesn’t mean that there opinions are wrong at this moment.

Gultor’uf does not play favorites, you can ask lalder’s tribe how often our lead Uhryu has called them out for their actions. This time, they came and helped the sick. They did try very hard to do well, and overall did a good job. They only is only one action that we disagree with, but that is because of a lack of thinking and context of how their actions would be perceived.

And I will say this, in all of UTR’s actions, they have never under false prentences cursed other gogs. They have disenfranchised and killed, cause horrors such as the trail of tears, but they never infected gogs, and then offered a “cure” to swell there own ranks.

You ask how we know it damages the soul? Its because we are looking for a cure, but the only one we found is worse than the curse. we would have to remove the tainted part of the soul, changing the gog at his most fundamental level. This should remove the vampyrism, but it would leave the gog forever changed. And we won’t use this, because it is just as bad as the curse, it changes the being that it is applied to.


"Never say not part tribe. Say not part your tribe. They independent tribe. No belong to you. Feral tribe always fight, for long as be. Recently fight all you tribe. Believe fought, kill many Feral many tribe recently. No see you tribe go after them tribe. Condemn Feral tribes for recent attacks either? No you not. Selective in outrage. One tribe use sky ships to kill Feral, what happen them? Say sorry then home. Brez tribes kill many Feral, you say no? No investigate them. They big strong tribes, so ignore. They kill cause angry. Ignored.
We act faith, provide Tor’Lallur life. You condemn. Hypocrite. Spread Pit faith, holy act. Brez tribes, Sky Tribes, kill for what? Cause angry. No condemn, nothing done. Yet go after Tor’Lallur for expressing faith?

If no play favorite, why not Sky ship Tribe here? Why no Brez tribes here? Why only Tor’Lallur? Cause you pick on Tor’Lallur. You think Tor’Lallur weak. You think safe pick on Tor’Lallur. Why mass butchery worse then Tor’Lallur spread Pit? Hypocrite. Brez tribes poison food, kill Gogs, steal tribesmen to “swell their own ranks” Yet unnamed Gog tribe do no ting. Hypocrite.

You want cure what Tor’Lallur is? Tor’Lallur what faith make Tor’Lallur. Who you judge? Cause different? You hate what different, not like you Gogs. We no like you so bad. You want kill you way. Hypocrite. You want fight, kill Tor’Lallur.

By Der’al Collective we break no law. What authority you have to punish? You want find solution. Be constructive. Give solution. Tor’Lallur can work harder to make sure Tor’Lallur faith no go you land. Will not change. You accept Tor’Lallur. If no accept. then try kill Tor’Lallur. If no want kill. Think real solution.


Vellum leaned in closely to Dar’ab and said, “I wonder what Tribe the ferals say they are a part of?
If they consider themselves GulTor’Uf than a law may have been broken. If they consider themselves otherwise then they are not beholden to our law and each individual Olgog is a freegog.”

Vellum adjusted his sash, a new addition made from silk. It was embroidered with a fine border of spun silver.
He was trying new fashions, and was still experimenting on the uniform of the Army of the True Flame.

Addressing the Auf Lal’al representative, Vellum asked, “I see similarities between Tor’Lallurs challenge and the UtRs struggle with the Ethnic Cleansing by the Ka Rhug. The Ka Rhug are still quite active I take it? Has the UtR found a solution to their violent forced conscription?”

"Irrespective of Tor’Lallur’s actions, their reasoning in acting was to make fellow Olgogs better.
Civil society cannot accept the actual actions of Tor’Lallur due to the non consent of its victims.
If there were houses of worship across the DC where your way of life, the Tor’Lallur way of Life, and elements of the Truth Flame doctrine might be shown each on their own merits then Tor’Lallur could spread the pit only to willing participants.

Oh and GulTor’Uf representative please stop calling us the Mag Der’al Collective.
I suspect the only member of the Der’al Collective that works closely with the Mag Der’al are GulTor’Uf.
I dont like terrorists like the Mag Der’al and I dont want to confuse our neighbors."


Ka’zac chuckled to himself quietly in the back. The situation was laughably similar to the one he had dealt with just a few weeks earlier. Try to express your religion, a few ferals die, suddenly you’re the bad guy. He felt sympathetic to Tor’Lallur, they were largely in the same boat in terms of situation, but he also felt like Tor’Lallur should own their mistake and take steps to make peace.

He interjected to answer the Ka’Gor tribal Vellum.

“Hello everyone, as some of you know, I am Ka’zac of the tribe of Ka’Rhug, as well as a member of the UTR council. I agree that the situation at hand is similar to the one that we experienced not long ago, but I see no reason why we can’t find a resolution as we did before.”

He turned and smiled at Vellum.

“Dear friend, we of Ka’Rhug are a changed people, we do not burn those who do not wish it, nor do we use it as a conscription method. While I can understand the misconception, I am happy to correct you so that you don’t sound uninformed in future discussions. Since the agreement between our tribe and our leadership in the UTR, we have not burned or destroyed bodies of olgogs or humans that did not expressly follow our beliefs, nor did we threaten said parties to make them join our ways. While once we did this, we have been reformed, and I would appreciate if we could leave it at that.”


Lallur says "I will defend the UtR this one time. But today is not about our actions as the Tribes of the UtR have spent weeks beating themselves up.

So did the UtR make mistakes with the Ferals. Yes. But most intentions were good, but actually helping the ferals went badly. Lalder had this problem. He didn’t have food enough to feed them, he sent gogs to teach them to farm, they still attacked and stole from our tribe. There is only so much you can do. But as part to help more, Lalder did send out teams to heal the sick.

While Bill and his like to call Lalder a tyrant. Lalder has not forced any tribe to join or conquered any other tribe. He has not tricked Olgogs into joining his tribe. He is more militaristic than most Olgogs, but not tyrannical. His intentions are to feed and protect Olgogs from Earthers. And Oners are our real enemy. The warmonger’s forces are our real enemy, and I’m not talking all dead tribes, just the ones that still follow the warmonger.

With that said, Will is what makes everyone special. Recruit the strong who are knowing what they are getting into. They will be even stronger if you are correct about the pit. But tricking the weak, the willess, the sick into this is wrong. Especially when you can make them stronger by removing the sickness. Show them your strength rather than make them weaker. You’ll build better Olgogs for all."


(Lalder is there a reason for the font size going from small to big to small again? Confusing really)

Dar’ab looked inquisitively at Lallur, "Dar’ab no say all UTR butcher Feral. Dar’ab say some. Dar’ab also say some Brez tribe kill then force other Gog into tribe. Gog like King Blood’og do same UTR politely deal and make offer. He no spread faith, kill and recruit for power. No stop cause King use Gog forced join to farm? Yet, Tor’Lallur spread faith to make Gog strong, spread Pit, so need be stopped? Confused why Tor’Lallur worse.

Anyway, already offered solution. Was ignored. Will offer again. Tor’Lallur offer envoy to other tribes. Job to make sure no Plague enter UTR land. Also Unnamed Gog tribe protect too. If plague spread these land, envoy cure Gog there. No bring Pit.

Tor’Lallur considered Feral like these Gog. Why other Feral Gog ok raid, attack. Why Tor’Lallur no allow recruit other Gog. Cause they no volunteer? Did Gog who forced join King Blood’og volunteer? He force many, make much suffering. What UTR do? Why better then Tor’Lallur?

Still, Dar’ab reasonable. Tor’Lallur need spread Pit survive. So, Tor’Lallur redirect effort someplace Gog here prefer? Can no stop, Tor’Lallur die stop. So give option for Tor’Lallur which no kill Tor’Lallur. Faith continue, Pit continue. Give option to allow faith then Tor’Lallur consider. "


The chuch of one has sincerely held religious beliefs. They must convert earthers to their religion, and kill all non earther sentient beings. Their religion will die if they stop spreading it.

We reject these claims out of hand. In short, we can say gogs agree that Individual rights are greater than religious rights.

The Torlallur tribe has sincerely held religious beliefs. They must converts all sentient beings by throwing them in their pit, and if they are weak they will die. They will die if they stop spreading it.

We have a word for this, it is called zealotry.


Dar’ab looked oddly at Unnamed Gog “Unnamed Gog still no actually say useful thing. Pull out Der’al Collective yes? Have no legal say? This no morality meeting. Unnamed Gog no like how Tor’Lallur survive. Rather Tor’Lallur die. Dar’ab understand. Know Tor’Lallur response. Faith continue, no stop. Want find solution good all? Unnamed Gog rather preach? Tor’Lallur believe spread Pit all important. More important than individual right, is Faith. All Tor’Lallur work together as whole. No seek individual glory. All work towards Pit. Unnamed Gog no agree. Figured out in beginning.”


Then, do you acknowledge that the Church of one killing gogs is a good thing? If they came down here and killed you, as their faith says, would that trump your life to live?