Tor'lallur reach out to the Der'al Collective


Lok’ab go to Armies of Eloga to speak about Nine.
“Greeting, as know, I Lok’ab of Tor’Lallur, Nine here demanding of Gogs. What you know, plan?”


Bo’gan had Lok’ab brought in to meet with him.

“Greeting Lok’ab of Tor’Lallur,” said Bo’gan, "It has been long since I’ve been in a healthy enough state to handle my responsibilities as leader of the Armies of Eloga. But no longer will Captain Oliver stand in my place.

It is good to greet you.

The Nine have demanded only that weapons of great artificing be handed to them. I have no problem giving these Nine the Magi Cannons the Armies of Eloga have gained in battle against Unit 111, if it will buy us an advantage over those kue’lo in the United Tribes.

Seeing the invasion caused by their deals with the Djinni, my people hunger for their blood and their suffering.

My plan is to try and convince and aid the Nine in their efforts to dismantle the United Tribes mighty air fleet. But not in a way that will put your peoples and my own in danger, but will pit the Nine and the UtR against each other.

What say you Lok’ab?"


Lok’ab nodded his head “Agree, too long has UTR Gogs threatened all with flying doom weapons. Tor’Lallur has kept no magi weapons, so no care bout those. Tor’lallur only has concern about one thing. Tor’Lallur have artifice pots making Tla, Do mighty Bo’gan think they want those destroy? Tla vital to keeping both Tor’Lallur Gogs and Pit growing. Tor’Lallur no need mighty weapons, so if Nine fine with Tla giving items then Lok’ab believe Tor’Lallur willing support Eloga and them.”


Bo’gan thought for a moment and said,

"Lok’ab of Tor’Lallur, My suspicion is that these Nine fear weapons and vessels not water for drinking or lighting for caves.

After all the Tla’loc’alans have had vessels for water and artificings for light long before the Nine disappeared according to my Krato allies. So they must have supported the original Tla’loc’alans and the Mag Aufs who were known to be master artificers.

And the Karovians have used artificings to hide their nomadic presence for longer than they were called Karovians, and yet the Nine did not punish them. So they must have supported the original Karovians in their use of the Leyas to hide themselves from battle.

It also does explain why despite having been master artificers for centuries, the Tla’loc’alans never made massive artifacts of war until the Auf Lal’al began their alliance with the Sylvan Warloechs. The Tla’loc’alans must have known about the Nine and feared them."


Nodding Lok’ab smiled “Glad hear this. Tor’Lallur have little in way of weapons beyond tradition. Long as Nine no try to hurt Pit Tor’lallur no care what do.
Do Bo’gan think Nine bring war to UTR? Tor’lallur believe UTR gogs too powerful and widespread. Der’al Collective quite small compare, perhaps if UTR influence shrink, Collective influence spread?”


Bo’gan agreed, "The UtR realizing the limits of its power is a good thing. And with such a limit, the Collective could find our place in this Der’al.

In fact, I see this matter of unrest in Absalom as the perfect wedge issue. I know I will always side with Olgogs over the Earthers that want to kill them.

I will send one of my Armorfiend Riders to Absalom to aid the Nine in ending the oppression by Earthers by diplomatic means. And when the oppressive UtR inevitably kills everyone, I will be ready for the battles that will follow.

For over a year, the Der’al Collective has watched and waited. In that year, the UtR unleashed a fleet on us from some alternate timeline, and now their Earther allies put Olgogs to sword once again."