Tla'loc'al: Hunt for the TearDrop Hammer (week 18-19)


This thread is currently open to Kul Gul Rapi, Scout, Grim, Yohai and not others until Narrator states otherwise.

The trek across the terrain after the trail of the TearDrop Hammer thief had taken days. Even so the journey should have taken longer, but they did all they could to speed travel. When they finally arrived at the entrance to Tla’loc’al, even Forgemaster Hvalik the Opal was concerned.

“If this thief is a Tla’loc’alan elder it could cause a diplomatic incident… a war,” he could be overheard saying as they arrived.


Yohai looked over to Grim, “Do you not know the great war-hero Protodoxa? He might be able to assist in such a diplomatic nightmare.”

Yohai hated politics. They always got in the way of doing the right thing. His people and their former kin, the K’iorn and the Baribur, have hated each other for millenia because of stupid politics. Yohai did not admit to himself that it was caused, in great part, by the years of fighting and hatred. But in his mind, the Zaodonai Uth and Scion of Svanna were married. That was enough for him. A comitted solider, emotions clouded judgment and got in the way of doing what needed to be done.

He waited for Grim’s response.


Forgemaster Hvalik led them into a watering hole. He used some traditional fieldcraft for a while and then returned to them with a local liquor pressed from fruit.

"The good news is it looks like an Olgog in town was seen with the hammer. He’s currently being interrogated by local government officials.

We need to find him before the Tribe of Mag Daron find him."


“I understand little of the natives’ politics. What does that mean?”


Forgemaster Hvalik sighed, "Our Homeforge was attacked and taken over by the Mind Spikes.
The brave Kiou drove the Mind Spikes out with the help of the ancient Iblik of the Eyed Staff. At his side stood hundreds of strong Olgogs of the Tribe of the Mag Daron. They are dragon worshippers. Love all things scaly.
And they loved Iblik’s eyed staff. Follow him to the ends of the continent.

And Iblik granted the Mag Daron caves near the shoreline of the Falling Star.

They are Olgogs who view the Kiou as their divine saviors. Any olgog who has hurt as many Kiou as the Theif of the TearDrop Hammer hurt will be taken by the Mag Daron. And the horrors they will inflict on him and his entire line.
It all falls outside our laws and the olgogs laws.

The Mag Daron will break the Olgog theif if they find him."

Forgemaster Hvalik led them to the caves where the Olgog meeting was taking place. He looked at the locked door that barred their way.

He glanced over at Grim and Scout, “Honored tunnel rats, a little help here?”


Mind spike Uth and dragon loving Olgogs, what was this world coming to? Scout was greatly entertained by story time, especially one he had not been a part of and never heard anything of it before. Then this locked door appeared before them like a shining beacon of light through the dark that had Scout’s name written all over it. Scout slapped his hands together ready for the task, and began cracking him tiny knuckles.

Not really that he thought it would be, but just in case Scout decided to get his deluxe thieves kit out and check for traps before doing any opening. Inspecting the doorway in leyas sight, checking for leyas tied to the door and components that stuck out of the ordinary. If there were any traps, Scout would disarm them, and collect the components to play around with at some point later. Well with traps now taken care of he would insert his picks and jimmie the lock. Nice, easy as pie! He would turn over his shoulder towards the Forgemaster, “So it’s open, should we be polite and knock? Does it even really matter right now? Whatever you want, you’re the one in charge being that the Gog we’re going after wrecked your home and stuff.”


Hvalik watched as the bastard picked the locks disarming the significant alarms and traps artificed to the door.

He turned to those who travelled with him.

"In the name of the Falling Star and the Children of the Falosini I deputize you all in the apprehension and interrogation of the thief of the teardrop hammer. "

(Grim, Scout, Kul Gul Rapi and Yohai may now post to the Diplomatic mission for double rewards. )