The Tent of Peace of Mag Auf Yyanyi


He was small olgog, but not tiny at four feet tall. Mag Auf Yyanyi was broad of shoulders and stocky but still looked like he did not quite fill out his robes woven from grasses and Mak Hoblok hides.
The large pavillion tent he now lived in had once been owned by the previous Chieftain Tladol, and was made from Krato skins.
He had left the blood stain of the dead Ur-King tribals on the floor as a reminder of the dangers of letting violence overtake solidarity and on each he wrote a phonetic interpretation of the Olgog names of each dead in Earther.

He holds court each day at noon for all who wish to speak with him. He is defended by Tor’ogs of Tla’loc’al despite his

[All who took part in the SIMCON Event Death of a Chieftain are welcome here, and open to all Brezans, all other MUST be invited by either of the above two parties to join this meeting for the first two weeks of missions for Goblin Lands]


Goblin King Urog had little time or room for large scale Olgog politics. There were wars between Earthers and Olgogs, massive battles, rumors about … all as useful to him as an amputee tribesman. He was, however, curious. He had heard during his time among the Karovans of the Mag Auf Yyanyi. And here he was… just outside of Brez. Why not visit him?

He stood at the entry of the tent. “I am Goblin King Urog of the Uf Mag’og. I’d like an audience.”

ooc - The Nnghao is invited, if he wishes to come


Bill waits for an audience, and when it is his turn he speaks:

Mag Auf Yyanyi, Many things have past since the time of your previous demise, and many things have changed. Some better , and some for the worse. Due to the hunting of our people, many of our customs and knowledge were lost.

Recently, the hunting has stopped. The EEF state that they are involved in a battle in space, and I have seen a treaty between the Quall n’drone and the Krato stating the Krato can make militaristic movements in our lands and the lands the EEF control. The EEF came to us, and stated that they wanted to help us, but were bound by treaties preventing them from doing so. There is a line that anything below the EEF states that they won’t do anything about, but the same representative sent out an assassin who successfully killed Tladol. I don’t know whether I believe him.

  • shakes head sadly * It saddens me when a gog will send out assassins because they disagree with each other.

The future hold many uncertainties, and I do not see any way to provide a peaceful place without battle. It is abhorrent that things are going to come to this, but this seems inevitable. The Church of One want to eliminate us, and are actively making spys to kill us. They are doing this with technology that is unfamiliar to me.

The only way for olgogs to survive is to unite. I have heard some of the Aufs talk of a single unified tribe, but I do not see that that happening. We are to diverse of a society to have a single ruler. I think the best type of solution is to utilize our diversity, by giving domains or jobs to certain tribes, balanced so it is impossible for one tribe to take power. I am trying to speak among the tribes, to try and lay the foundations for something of the sort, but this is becoming difficult for one gog to do.

I believe that we as a people must prepare to protect our land for the incursions, and that we must do as a single force. I know your preference for peaceful ways exceeds mine, and I am proposing to prepare for war, but are you willing to aid me in any way?


Both Urog of Uf Mag’Og and Bill of Gultor’Uf were invited to enter at the same time.
When Urog introduces himself Yyanyi says, “I call no gog King, and I call no Olgog Goblin. Urog you are welcome here, as a tribal leader you will be given respect, but I will not call you king. If it is acceptable that I call you Cheiftain Urog or simply Urog then stay and join our circle of discussion. If you will only stay if I call you king then the flap of the tent is behind you.”

To Bill he would listen politely and say, “I do not know enough yet to say who I will aid and how,yet.
My power is great but I will not use it to help MagMag Gor (Warmonger).”

“Tell me first what do each of you great leaders think is the solution to the Earther problem ?”



Urog shrugged, not caring what the elder’s views on his title were as they were irrelevant to the conversation. While some gang leaders would get their knickers in a bunch, all he required was respect. “Chieftain works when addressing me. If you ever need to find me in Brez, refer to me as Gang Leader. Nobody will know what a Chieftain is. To answer your question, I don’t give two Kuolo’s poop mounds as to what the Earthers do in space or in their own colonies, or what the Krato do, or what the Quall N’Drone do. I don’t have that luxury. In Brez, we fight every day for our survival. We have no water…no ability to grow crops… we live in constant fear of the Der’na. Although the Earther vermin raid our lands, they don’t do it as often as Olgogs do.” Urog’s temper was flaring as he finished his statement, though kept under control. “Earthers are not my biggest problem.”


Mag Auf Yyanyi seemed deeply saddened by what he heard, "Why do Olgog make violence on Olgog? Have they forgotten that the Der’al gives us all we need? We wish for water and it is granted, we hunt for food and it is there. What more could Olgogs want? Olgogs become strong in Hob’or and can even make armor and weapons and tools from the environment? Tell me Chieftain Urog, why do your Olgogs prey on each other?


Urog felt his temper getting the better of him. Mag Auf’s Yyanyi’s ignorance of the matter was infuriating and found himself speaking at nearly a shout. “Because we’re on the brink of starvation and death always.” He stopped, took a deep breath, continuing in a much more controlled manner. “Been ever since the Goblin Genocide. The strong took what they wanted, and the weak served them or died. We pretend it’s to spite the Eathers, but it’s because we don’t know any better.” His voiced returned to normal, with a tinge of regret, “There is never enough food, water, or resources. It got worse after Brez was overrun by nightmares, driving our people out of the city. When the city was emptied of the nightmares, the strongest became even more ruthless and we remembered less of the old ways. The people live in broken structures and bunkers. The Der’na destroys anything we create or build. Most of us don’t know how to do do anything other than fight or die. We have no skills to speak of. The fine crafts created by the olgog of Karov and Tla’loc’al are mysteries to us in Brez. We mine stone, and trade what we can get. Our kind is a mix of Earther colonial refugees, criminals from all over Olgog lands that had nowhere else to go, and the ambitious wanting to rule their small kingdom.”

He stopped speaking, staring hard at Mag Auf Yyanyi. His eyes were teeming with anger, frustration, sadness, and hopelessness. He opened his mouth to speak, but nothing else came out.


The Pit mongrel elder said ,“You are trying too hard to be like stone, instead be like sand”


“Am I right Yyanyi?” Asked the Dimension walker as he paced near them. The Olgog was dressed more like an Earther than like any Olgog, “You may call me a friend from the south. I am here to speak of Peace and generosity of spirit. I have soldiers who will aid you Urog to subjugate the other gangs.”

“Uhryu of Gultor’Uf, we need not be enemies. The tribe I serve does not wish to kidnap anyone. They just want to be left alone.”

“I hope you will not judge them or me harshly.”


“You stink of the Ka Gor’na, friend from the south,” replied Yyanyi, “And you show no respect by your entrance. Still this is a place of meeting and as long as your refrain from violence you are welcome here.”

“And being sand, being impermanent has been part of their problems,” Yyanyi continued, "Sad sad Brez. But Urog if you see this problem and you have armies underneath you what stops you from fixing this? Taking what you want?


Urog ignored the pit mongrel’s intrusion. “Armies?? I have a gang. You can only take on as many people as you have water for. I have enough to be strong and not be defeated, but not conquer all of Brez. The more you conquer, the more enemies you make. In Brez… the fewer enemies the better.”


Yyanyi nodded as Urog spoke, allowing a little sand to play between his fingers as he listened. When Urog was done he said, “Yes good. You understand why war is not the answer. The more people you conquer the more enemies you make. Conquering the Earthers will make other Earthers our enemies. And eventually there will be more Earthers as enemies than we have olgogs.”
Turning to Bill he says, “This is why I choose peace over battle respected Uhryu. Battle will turn other others against us. But i do not advocate non action either because we will be killed by them if we do not act at all.”


Urog calmed himself as Yyanyi spoke. Urog thought for a moment. He didn’t mean to say that war wasn’t the answer… at least not in those terms. It was something to ponder further on his own time. He knew, however, that Brez would not change until they figured out not only how to work with each other, but to do so without warring over water.

He looked over at the others in the tent, waiting for their reactions, looking impassive in the process.


Bill Pondered as all of this happened.

Mag Auf Yyanyi, As much as Battle creates problems, it can also solve problems. Bill sketches a map on the ground of the with borders in the sand These lands are what the EEF states that the old treaties states that these are ours, and the they will not attack if we stay within these borders, for whatever worth their word is. The are being intruded upon by the Church of One, whom which you have personal unfortunate incidents with. With the earthers technology, they have hunted us down for many a years. But, if we can gather the tribes to fight as one, we can remove the Church of One from these lands, and prevent them from returning.

I do not advocate to go to battle just to fight, as that will provoke enemies to hate you. You are right that we must be careful when we apply strength, as too much can cause fear of what you are capable of. And we olgogs are capable of so much when we work together. long pause here

The earther problem has changed since you have been around, most earthers seem to recognize we are not evil. It is just one group, the Church of One, who actively hunts us down. These are the ones who are actively and openly encroaching on the lands that we are told belong to us.

This leads us what to do, many support uniting the tribes. This is a great idea, but the ways people want to do it seem full of folly. I hear mostly the idea of on giant tribe, but I do not seeing this working. The remenates of our society create many diverse groups. The question is how, then , to united the tribes while respecting the individual tribes. I believe the only way to do this is to use the strengths of the individual tribes, give each a domain or job to do. Each of these tasks would need to be balanced against the others so that no one group can take power over the others.

I wish to set up tribal domains, were each of the tribe has a specific task and contribution to make. For example, the Aufgogs would be good at determining where resources are needed and distributing them, but if we give them that task, we would need to keep the production of the food, water, and other material goods from them. This would prevent help prevent the Aufgogs from hoarding needed materials, because all the producing tribes could stop the production. This is just one of the many checks that would need to be set up.

If we did this we could show a unified front to the Church of One. This showing of strength would enable us to demand the interlopers to leave, and with the force of strength behind it would help make the decision for them to leave. The only way this would work if we are were willing to use our strength if necessary. While I do not wish to make war, I believe that we need the strength to use it to prevent us from hunted down and destroyed


"And Uhryu how do you see the gangs of Brez producing? Or the Tribal Armies of the Ur-King? Or our less eloquent cousins in the south who are blind due to no fault of their own?


Urog heard Bill speak. Bill, he thought, was a very stupid Earther name. Bill, however, was not a stupid Olgog. His idea would never work.

Urog’s ears perked when the pit mongrel mentioned Brez. The Pit Mongrel, for better or worse, was right. Brez was too starved, too poor, and too damned near feral to join some greater collective.

He nodded, visibily, in agreement to the Pit Mongrel’s point, waiting for either Bill or Yyanyi to respond.


I am but one gog, I do not have an expansive knowledge of the tribes. I have heard there are tribe in Brez that trade with the earther colonies, and do well for themselves. I have heard of tribes that take stone and make metal out of the that thrive in Brez. I know less of the Ur King’s Tribe and I have not had much experience with our feral friends. Each of the tribes has things they can do to contribute to this society, I know most all of the tribes of Brez respect individual strength, and create fierce gogs. Perhaps we can have the Brez act as patrols on the Northern border.

This . . . is one of my failings, without intimate knowledge of the tribes, I am unable to apply their strengths to such a union. This is why I am here, speaking with Yyanyi, to get aid and to learn about his tribe. Directing his gaze at the Ka Gor, and then to Uf Mag’og he states Each gog should give according to his ability, and should receive according to his need.

The way I am trying to unify the tribes, will take the knowledge and skill of many gogs, and I invite both of you to help create a union such as this.


Urog once again felt his temper flare, and spoke with furious anger. “Bill, did you NOT just hear me speak of Brez and our present condition?!?!” He was getting really angry again, especially since he had to restate something that was hard enough to say the first time. Urog’s skin grew warm, Fire Leyas skimming across his flesh. “What about anarchy, chaos, and the daily fight for survival did you NOT understand when I stated it not less than 10 minutes ago?!?!?!”


Bill looked at Urog with sadness in his eyes. Yes, I do understand, every gog has dealt with the daily fight for survival for all his life.

The concerns you seem to speak about most is food and water. If we are able to unify in my plan, the tribes that produce more food would give that to a tribe to store it. The Aufgogs, seeing Brez’s need, would then tell that tribe to deliver food at water to you, as you have the need for it. This should help your daily survival , as you would need to worry less about some of those things. With the shared abundance, you should be less likely to be raided, as those other tribes would also receive what they would need. What I am proposing is not just for protection, it is to help propel every tribe to prosperity .


“But will the Aufgogs respect the religious and cultural freedoms of the different tribes?
How will they handle the Grey Furs who hunt our southern cousins daily,” the dimension walker said with genuine feeling and worry.