The devoted caretakers of Tla'loc'al


Ka’mag’s body hit the side of the wooden boat with a muffled thud. After him was tossed in his weapons and the gear that he had left Tla’loc’al with. Two of the Ur’Tor began to push the boat into the sea but but were stopped by a cold glare from another olgog. He was the oldest gog in the group, his mane of fur grey with age. Despite this, his well formed muscles gave evidence that he still possessed a great strength. His name was Gormuk, and he had something to settle.

“What’s the holdup?” asked a voice from behind them. Tor’ma was his name, and was as young as Gormuk was old.

“We ain’t going anywhere until we decide what we’re doing with him” Gormuk said, jerking a thumb at Ka’mag’s mangled corpse. “He left us for dead and betrayed the tribe, by law of the tribe he should be given to the fire, and now.” Gormuk was a very traditional gog, and not given to break with his own ways.

“Trust me, I’m pretty sure Kolgol will want to see this for himself.” Tor’ma said, one of the more ardent supporters of the new chieftain, and wanted nothing more than to impress him. “Besides, he still has family back in the mountain, they will want to give him the natural rites themselves.”

Gormuk’s voice was a low growl as he spoke. “You saw him, there was nothing natural about his death. What if he becomes one of those…things. We would be caught at sea stuck in a boat with it, with nowhere to go. Besides, that blood will draw all manor of unsavory things to us.”

Tor’ma frowned, acknowledging the sense in that sentiment. Still, it didn’t feel right just leaving the body on a pyre at some foreign beach. “Even those Aufgogs who were disgraced should be treated with respect” he thought. Besides that, he knew Ka’mag had a family that went back to the tribe’s creation, and they would most likely be suspicious if Ka’mag just happened to be given to the fire while supposedly on a mission with his rival Kolgol.

The other Ur’Tor looked around in confusion before one spoke up, “Why don’t we just tie up the body in the back. If he starts drawing things we’ll toss 'im over the side.” The others nodded in agreement, still somewhat disconcerted by the idea of burning an Aufgog without the proper ritual.

Gormuk glowered at the group, but then sighed and began pushing the boat into the water. “Very well, but you’ll be the next into the water if that doesn’t work.”

((They will sail home, leaving Ka’mag bound but intact. If they reach the mountain without incident, he will be placed on a slab of rock and bound to it, for further study by Kolgol))