The Church of Krodnok in Drewsport


The Church had been open for almost 6 months now. Things had been pretty standard for that span of time.

Then, one day, a message had arrived at the Church:

“The Der’na are upon us. The saftey of all is in jeopardy. Those who seek shelter, bring what you need for food, and come to the Church of the Devotion. However, as unfortunate as it is, room is limited, so we can only take Devotees at this time.”

Those who arrived, seeking shelter, would be taken to an underground city, underneath the lands of Krodnok.


Yirhug of the Bladed Sun approached the temple.

He greeted the priests and parishoners.

"I am Yirhug a wanderer seeking understanding of different faiths.
My I come along? I want to learn more about your faith. "


Yirhug looked outside at the increasingly bad weather.

“I would like to know what your answer is. If you are going to send me out to die in the flamewinds I’d sooner travel before the fire is upon us.”


Yawgmond had been made Head Preist of the Church of the Devotion not long after it opened. So, when an Olgog came along, wh wasn’t part of the Faith, asked if he could come along, he had to be found to deal with it.

“I’m sorry for your wait, friend,” Yawgmond said. “You are welcome to join us. However, we won’t be going underground, like those in Simonsburg.”

When Yirhug gave a puzzling look, Yawgmond pointed out the window in the direction of the docks. “We have a ship that we are going to be taking. Not a large vessel, but it should be enough to carry the Faithful, with room for yourself. Although, i do not believe there will be ample opprotunity to learn anything until we have returned the the Church, and have made whatever repairs may be needed.”