Raising from the ruins, a New Holys


This thread is for the construction and development of the community built on the shores of the Bay of Holys.

All posts pending Narrator approval.

Currently open to Unit 817 and the Narrator. Other by invite only.


Torlak’ab looked out from his office in the Red Butte on the Island of Holys. Gazing across the bay, he could see where construction was proceeding on the settlement of New Holys. Already a wide swath of the ruins on the eastern edge had been torn down. The rubble and debris being repurposed to build the community. Many ex-Redfur gogs in the area had been willing and eager to build a community of their own here in the feral south, away from the threat of Dunesphere and the chaos surrounding the UTR.

Lord L’gani had lent his knowledge of administration and planning to the project. Between his knowledge and the abilities of the local gogs and the mancers, a beautiful city would rise.combining k’ias and olgog building styles and design, it would be a wonder of architecture here deep in the wilds.

L’gan had included many ideas, yet he still wanted the olgogs to feel that this was truly their home. As each section was being built by those who whomlive there, they were included in the planning and design. As long as all safety concerns were being taken care of , the builders were given much latitude in their designs.


The one major area that Torlak’ab and the Shield of the Redeemer had been firm on was that the community would be a part of the Peace of Falos and follow all the laws and rules of the Peace.

As such, they could expect envoys and visitors from the member races. So on the edge of the Bay rose the Diplomatic Quarter as it was being called. In this neighborhood, there were building set aside for each of the member races to use. The buildings were outfitted and modified so that the various species of the Peace would have comfortable places to stay while they were in town.

After the Quarter was done being constructed, messengers were sent out to the other regional PoF members, inviting them to come see the community that was forming. Olgog pages carrying the pennants of courriers for Du’ranki of Holys were sent to deliever letters to the Shattered Horn Wartribe, the Dawn Spire Aerie, and the Falling Star Homeforge. The letters requested envoys to come see the town and decide for themselves how it would fit into the local matrix of the Peace of Falos.