Lurtor's Search for Unit 817 in Drewsport


Torlok’ab of Unit 817. It seemed the Shield of the Redeemer had arrived at the perfect time.

Lurtor had no time to waste, we needed to get Unit 817 involved on the Neliff hunt. They had the numbers of the redeemers who could sense the neliff’s possession.

Lurtor flew to Drewsport where unit 817 had setup base. Lurtor told the pilot of the Lur union Fighter to wait for him, hopefully he wouldn’t be long.

Lurtor walked through the streets of Drewsport, looking for the a member of Unit 817. When he found one he said “My name is Lurtor, I have urgent need to talk to Torlok’ab or another in leadership. There is a nasty creature called a Neliff that injects Larva into any it comes across and controls them. We need the help of the redeemers.”


Lurtor leaves a commcrystal after he is unable to find Torlok’ab as Lurtor needed to move. Lurtor would had a message and a commcrystal to one of Torlok’ab’s dead.


When Naneless Finality returned from a patrol, he found that a commcrystal had been left for Torlok’ab. Taking the crystal, he headed to the Holys base.

Upon reaching the base, he delivered it to Torlok’ab. “appartently this was left in Drewsport for you”

Taking the Crystal, Torlok’ab called in. “hello, this is Torlok’ab, who do I have th honor of talking to?”


Lurtor was relieved to hear the commcrystal. He wasn’t sure if Torlok’ab would help them specificly, or even his desire to learn more about the path of the redeemer. But he definitely would not be able to help if he was never asked.

Lurtor says into the crystal "This is Lurtor. I’m of the Herd of Auf lal al, and I interface with the Earthers. In these duties, I have come across a being of great evil. Worst than the Quall.

They are called Neliffs. They are like Quall N’drone in that they take a host an implant larva to grow new Neliff. One giant we killed had 4 of them in him. But that is where the similarities stop. Neliffs reproduce in Days and hours instead of years and decades. They are suppose to have full control of the host immediately, though I cannot verify that. Also, It doesn’t seem like their is any benefit to the host either due to the short period. I’m told they are vulnerable to cold. And they like caves.

The Neliffs so far have been found in Giants, in necklaces around Giants, and have already killed many Olgogs. I have also seen an entire large cavern covered in hanging corpses of Olgogs infested with Neliffs before the corpses were destroyed.

Since we have spotted them many times in giants we are checking out any giant squads. Like this weapons factory operated by unknown Warmonger’s dead. I have information that Yyan giants are heading there.

I ask for your help against these neliffs. We need the redeemers to protect all from the Neliffs as anyone else who would get close to these neliffs would be infested with Neliff Larva and lost to us. And very few other than the redeemers could tell if someone was infested.


(OOC sorry for the long post, but with xmas coming, I wanted to give unit 817 justification to be there for the mission if I can’t respond quick enough for the discussion)


Torlok’ab responded “sorry about taking so long getting back to you. W e have been doing a lot of work to secure our facilities in the south. and I haven’t had much time to review the happenings near the utr. I will be sendning a squad to aid you as best they can. they should be arriving shortly.”

sorry, been a couple of rough weeks in the food service industry. one of our busiest times.