Lur Union protects Ichi Station near Tla'Loc'al


If accepted by the Ichi Station.

Lalder will ask the other members of the Lur Union for help in rotating forces to protect the Ichi Station. His messenger will relay
“by protecting the station, we do not need to leave a reason for the Church of One to try and leave forces to protect the station and setup a base. I could use others to supply gogs to protect the station. Between all of us, no one tribe should need to leave a large force to protect this station, but just a few gogs from each tribe of the Union.”

Lalder will have a Lur Union Skimmer and a Civ Skimmer fully manned and equipped to keep watch and patrol the area. Other gogs will be on watch for signals from these tribesmen if reinforcements are needed.

If accepted by the Union, he will let it be known that the Station is under the Lur Union’s protected. If the Union rejects, he will let it known that his tribe protects it.

(OCC Since most of the Union already protected it once, Lalder doesn’t think he’s doing anything they don’t already approve of)