In the desert between the Tribes


In the desert between the Tribes, nearby the town of Jamesville. Here on one faithful night, Ondar sent by Gul’al, Ya’na of the Gang of Uf Magog and Eric Gul’ab of Kul Gul Rapi are here sharing a meal after the skirmish at Jamesville. The next morning they will all head home, but tonight they get to discuss their situations if they choose.

–[Eric Gul’ab of Kul Gul Rapi and Ondar of Gul’al and Ya’na of the Gang of Uf Mag’og only are here unless invited by the Narrator]–


Ya’na sat, weary after his exertions. The Loktlatorya made gathering the Ka’or easy, but he was still tired. He found himself in strange company. He had heard of the recent interactions with the family of the Kul Gul Rapi family, but he had never heard of anyone wielding such a weapon as he witnessed today. As he pulled out some water and food, he offered some to Eric and Ondar. He looked especially at Ondar, whose throwing strength was prodigious today.

“That was a hell of a throw back there,” he said to Ondar as he took a bite of his dried vermin meat.


“Yeah, that was incredible!” Eric agreed, “How’d you learn to throw like that, its like something out of a legend!”

He readily accepted the food and water and ate them like it was the first meal he’d had in a week. “That was the coolest thing ever. I mean first you threw that spear though the paladin’s hand, then that fire spirit was like BOOM WHOOSH engulfing everything. Then I…I killed someone.” His youthful enthusiasm quickly draining as the gravity of his actions set in. he looked to the adults gathered around the fire, “Does it always feel like this after? I think about the earther I killed and my stomach churns like I ate rotten food.” His voice was suddenly timid as he dealt with the emotions.


Two emotions hit Ya’na simultaneously. First, a Bruskti, who were universally feared among the olgog, just admitted to regret. They have emotion! Second, he realized how he, as a Brezen, had no reaction to death, even when he was young. His first memory in Bred was of a raid. His cousin was killed. Because his cousin was considered too weak by the rest of the gang, they never bothered bringing him back. Death, and killing, were such a natural part of his existance that he never bothered thinking about it.

After pausing for a moment, a wise smile parted his lips. His voice was raspy and deep. “It’s like the first time you bed a woman. You’re so in the moment you don’t know what you’re doing. It feels great… until theI warmth leaves your manlihood. Then all you’re left with is uncertainty and doubt about the whole thing.” He let out a raucous laugh, “because then you remember that she spent the whole time crying, complaining you were too big.”

He raised his water skin, “young one, with experience you’ll get better. Until then, to becoming Gog!”


Onder grins and slaps Ya’na on the back, “To becoming Gog!” His mirth from remembering past indulgences is tempered by wondering what prospects an Ur Tor will have in a Brezan tribe. “Experience will get you a long way. My throwing, for example, took knowledge of the wind, angles, and distance along with a strong arm, all from practice and experience.” He accepts the offered food and brings out some of his own to pass around. “There was some motivation in there too. I was told to deliver a message and now I can report that it was delivered directly to the Paladin Captain.”


“To becoming Gog!” Eric agreed raising his cup. “I can’t wait to tell the family about this. They won’t believe it!”


Ya’na couldn’t believe it, a bruskti felt positive emotion. His gangmembers would never believe it.

“Ondar, your throw was epic. My children will know of it’s legend.” Ya’na frowned. “Too bad Jamestown stood tall. My der’or was not enough to bring down the wall. What do we do now?”


After sharing a meal and spending the night, a strange friendship began to blossom for the trio, despite their contradictory backgrounds.

–[They can now get the benefit of being an Adventuring Party (+2 bonus to all attacks and dodges made as part of team-based tactics) in the Flashpoint: Jamesville Mission , but only if they work together. Double bonus rewards for missions as a team.]–


Eric Gulab returned to Jamesville and saw the eery ritual. He also saw his friends from the last assault on the base. He crept over to them. “What’s going on? That looks creepy!” He noted. He was dressed in real nightmare hide armor now, he still had the sword from last time as well as his slingshot.

“How are we going to stop that?” He asked the others. “I bet they all have to sacrifice themselves to finish the ritual and that’s why they are doing it out here so we will kill them and complete it and summon a monster!”


Ya’na and the group had agreed to report back to their leaders and meet not too far from Jamestown. After reporting his findings to Urog, Ya’na had not been able to scout out Jamestown yet. He smiled when he saw Eric. Apparently, he was well rewarded for his actions. His smile faded when Eric pointed in the general area where the ritual was taking place.

“And hello to you too, Eric Gulab. Well met, so nice to see you. Cake and tea?” He was carrying no cake, and had no pot, and his delivery was drier than the desert they were surrounded by.


The situation outside the town did sound strange and Onder agreed that it would be wise to stop it before it culminated. “Best way to stop it is probably to get them to leave. Either scare them or grab someone important and carry them off a ways. If their leader is missing, the underlings will worry about finding the leader while the leader is worried about the walk back to town.”


Eric nodded, “Cool, so who can take the leader? I know my dad could if he were here, the family trains to grab people like that from the shadows.”

((OOC: how much does it suck the conflict has already gone “kill em all”))


((OOC: I know, so many lost creative opportunities!))

“That’s a very useful skill, but not one I can try to match. I can throw javelins at the candles and incense they are burning to make them think they are being attacked and hope they run for the town. Scaring them might be easier for us.”


Ya’na said, “Ceremony is important. It’s more than just actions for them. Even when being attacked they do these strange motions where their hands clasp together and their heads are bowed. I’ll use a stalker, burrow right underneath the circle, destroying it. You two work on blowing out the candles. My stalker will catch the priest and hurl him from the circle. Cover me, make sure I don’t get killed in the process.”


“I’ll cover you as best I can.” Eric swore. He had a knew toy to try out a piece of L shaped driftwood covered in intricate carvings, with a thought it would shoot a chill bolt from the slightly burnt pointed end.


“Good, make sure you blow the candles…the Earthed may not even fight back. If they don’t, pull them out of the circle. Don’t let them kill themselves.”


Onder picks up a quiver of javelins and checks a sling with bag of pebbles. “I’ll go around and draw their attention with some sling shots. It should give you an opening.”