Goblin Lands 2 Diplomatic Mission 19: The Confessions of Glog of Or'Lur


Dreg spoke up at this point he figured he couldn’t make things any worse.
“I’d say if he’s lying is beside the point right now. We know what he did he admits what he did. Glog doesn’t deny he took the hammer and the results of his taking it aren’t changed one bit if he did it himself or if the hammer some how took control of him. Whatever the Uth might find out we’re left with the same problem. What should his punishment be?” He looked to Hvalik.

“You asked before what could he do to make up for it. I’d rather know what you want out of this? Is Glog’s death enough? Or if he can find and return the armory will your people be satisfied? If he can’t make reparations himself is there something you want from his tribe or the UTR as a whole?”


Ufor had, until now, kept her mouth shut. The Goblin King Urog was already represented here, so she hadn’t needed to speak up. It was easy for her to keep her mouth shut… She was shorter than everyone here. Even the tla’loc’alans were tall. Her garb marked her as a clanmember of the Falling Heavy Rock, members of the Great Northern Army. But she wasn’t here to help out Urog.

“There is no lesson in death, fellow Olgog. As the red fur so graciously pointed out on various occasions, lest we not get the point, the Or’Lur tribe sent a poor negotiator, was tempted by power for whatever reason, and made a mistake. Greater fools have made greater mistakes. But this one was costly. One that a simple apology won’t fix. Not for K’iou. Reparations won’t help either. That’s just currency, which isn’t enough either. Rights must be wronged and lessons learned. One that must be learned not merely by Glog but by our entire council.”

She turned to Glog. “The creature that escaped the Homeforge doesn’t appear to threaten the K’iou anymore. How is that helpful to them? How does going after it right your wrongs? What else are you willing to do? How far are you willing to go to prove that you are repentant for your actions?”

She turned to the rest of the council, “what about the rest of you? Are you willing to stand by him? The Lur Union? The tribal council?”


Hvalik looked Dreg in the eye and said,

"What do I want out of this? I want my family not have been killed. I want my home tunnels not to have been collapsed. If it were up to me I’d simply pummel this Glog with me own hammer until i felt better. But its not my choice.

If Glog admits to this crime and has no good excuse for it, then I’ll bring him back to the Falling Star. Once there they will kill him and probably toss him into a Zela tomb so none can bring him back and his hammer canna do anymore damage.

That is, If he is lucky enough NOT to be captured by the Mag Daron. The Mag Daron are your kind, but would feed him to their young. Slowly. Over many, many months…

You ask what my people want. They want justice. Just as your people would want justice. But no punishment I’ve described will prevent my people from wanting more justice. There were reports of an Olgog plot to infiltrate our tunnels before Glog’s attack. They came from a very very reliable source.

You canna imagine our concern when at the same time we are told to beware an Olgog plot, this Glog enters our tunnels and steals from us. Even when Glog is dead in a tomb, the Falling Star will roar for Olgog blood. If you really want that not to happen, then you best prove that these attacks are not linked. And even a Pit Mongrel is smart enough to see that an assassin claiming to be on a trade mission with no trade goods so soon after warnings of a plot is suspicious indeed.

Without a sufficient explanation, you could march the entire tribe of Or’Lur into the fires of the Homeforge, and many will still consider the Olgogs suspect. And I would not think such an end justice…unless there really is a plot.

With respect to those who came to our aide, surely ye can see the problem here.

Glog you say let the Uthvelor test your memories. If that is the case, why don’t you just explain how ye planned on setting up trade without samples of what ye wanted to barter? Show us yer master skills as a tradesmen? Because you have the hands of a soldier and a killer, Glog, not the hands of a merchant.

As for the armory my people are handling the Armory on our own. I don’t see how the Thief of the Teardrop Hammer gaining access to more Forbidden weapons does any of us any good."


Maggul kept his own thought to himself, but knew that any judgment on Glog would be a judgment on all of the tribes and the olgog people. He hoped beyond hope that something was going for the olgog people.

“Evidence of Glog as warrior and assassin, does not help his case any, especially not having any wares to actually trade. But to counter that argument, the Yagogi had two tribals enter the homeforge regardless of the warning presented by Yagogi’al the Og’ab for the purpose of finding out about acquiring more zela. They did not bring anything with them but a thirst for what our tribe desires, and wishful thinking of regaining status. I can say this because they are barely considered fighters; truthfully you have one that has been maimed being punished for losing his zela battle blade, and with him accompanied his shell of a broken battered mate. Regardless that they were shamed, they are still part of our tribe and for that the Yagogi showed their strength to come to the aid of the homeforge.
With this being said, Gorkaog, where do you and your tribe take part in the events of this disaster? What’s your stake? Maybe with the great forgemaster, Hvalik the Opal here now, Glog can give his actual testimony of the events. We have the added benefit of the master Uth, Mr. Yohai Horosha that can check the validity of the statements, holding no barring towards the olgog or the k’iou. Hopefully with all those present, something falls in to place and we can then make sense of the events.”


Grim looked on, thinking to himself ‘maybe its time to speak up’.

stepping forward, he lit a cigar. “well, folkes, one thing you might ask him is why if he was there to trade, that he walked thru the trade quarter and barely looked at any wares that were set out. instead he looked like some one with very poor training in field work trying to act casually before he snuck out? and he never even tryed to look like he was headed to either of the other sections of the homeforge.”


“You ask why I had no goods to trade with me. Most of what my tribe has to offer has shadow or a way to carry it. So I took the one thing I thought they would like.” Glog said as he pointed to his earing. “Earings that translate spoken words. And as I told the others I was on my way there when I lost control of my body. I did not regain control until after the hammer was in my hands. As for why me being a soldier not a merchant, I was chosen because I use simple words while others like to talk in circles or had other task.”


Gorkaog instantly disliked the Yagogi tribal who tried to turn it away from Glog and scapegoat him.

"Green Fur want from Kiou. They want your Zela and want your metal.

That why they all nice now. You Kiou say no metal bad Greenfur see how quick they ignore you Kiou. Glog say he sent because he use simple words? Then why he not go to many tents Kiou set up fot trade? Is tent of Falling Star here in Tla’loc’al? Why he not go there to ‘trade’?

They make trouble for Kiou. At least Red Fur honest. Red Fur serve Ka Gor’na. Ka Gor’na say to Red Fur make sure Nightmare Lord servant get punished. Stop all from working with Nightmare Lord.

Kiou hate Ka Gor and Ka Gor’na is way of world. But both Kiou and Ka Gor hate Nightmare Lord.
This Yagogi nomad is Red Fur stake. Nightmare Lord hammer hurt everyone no distinguish Red Fur from Green Fur."

Then to Glog he said, "you criminal and theif. You here because you did bad to Kiou and start war.
Then you challenge me to RapiTor? RapiTor for Gogs with honor.
Glog you have no honor and act like a pup with paw in the tasty treats who gets caught.

Still all Green fur want to protect you. Why because Green Fur stick with Green Fur. Green Fur dont care about reparations.

Instead Glog whine Im innocent Im innocent Hammer make me do it.

Well Greenfur Hammer made me do it, what is you offer to make things right?"


Babi sat forward. It was as if Glog and Gorkaog and friends missed the most important thing Hvalik said, “Honorable Hvalik, did your source know anyting of the tribes dat were schemin’ against da falling star?”

If it were true and such a plot was afoot in the UTR it could compromise everything. “Dat a grave matter, one da family will investigate.” Babi paused, “I know da trust be broken between our peoples but if there be others who planned to steal from da home forge I want dem brought to justice. Please tell us any ting you can without putting da source at risk.”

Babi would have liked to have that particular discussion in private, if tribes were accused in public they could destroy evidence before he could find it. At the same time it would be fuel for the fires if the Bruskti kept too many secrets, hid in too many shadows.


(OOC I missed like the 5 to 10 posts before this, I might redo it some. Just take that into account when reading.)

Auf Lalyan saw through the red furs challenge. It was just trying to put a divide between the tribes and the K’iou. Unfortunately Glog gave it a good opportunity.

Auf Lalyan says to Gorkaog "Stop being… Its obvious your trying to push the worst solution for Glog and his and not trying to find a solution. To find a way to help the K’iou and find a way for Glog to makeup for his crime, willing or not. Or even check if Glog was taken over by an artifact or not.

My tribe didn’t send an Auf to the K’iou to establish the trade deal either. We sent an Olgog who was comfortable dealing with other races, who had the best skills to do the deal. Maybe in Glog’s tribe that is him. There are more to Tor’og than just killing."

Then to the rest, Lalyan continued "Glog has offered to have the Uth to test whether he is telling the truth. I say were start there. I will summon an animal for this if you need.

Also Glog has said he will talk to the Thundergogs and ask for help. Again, if he has this favor, they could help the K’iou. My tribe called on Kincaid and the thundergods before, and they saved many Gogs

I say we start with the Yohai Horosha reading Glog. If Glog is lying, he’s the K’iou’s without question. If Glog is telling the truth, I think he should work to repay the K’iou. Glog should visit the Thundergods and make his request to help the K’iou. He’ll have to do more and this may take a long time and won’t be one act, but its a start.

Also, if the curse of the reavers can be broken and the K’iou agree, we will send Aufs to raise those killed that were not given final death. "


Gorkaog outright laughed in the Auf Lal’als face when he said find a solution.

"What solution? What solution? Glog criminal. Solution is PUNISH criminal.

If Glog was a Red Fur he already be dead. His whole tribe already be dead. Green fur no find solution when Red fur is a criminal.

Criminal is criminal. Me not here to help Criminal get away with Crime LIKE ALL YOU GREEN FUR.
Say again me here to see Gogs who work with Nightmare Lords is punished.

And me never stop from this goal."


Auf Lalyan says "So you would throw away the help of the Thundergods just to kill him? You would throw away any help that could be done?

I do not think he should get away with no punishment, but if there is anything that can be done to help the K’iou, that should be done first."


Scout was somewhat confused again, "Here I though Glog had already offered his own life if the k’iou demanded it. Blood for blood, it doesn’t really actually solve matters at hand but if it makes the k’iou feel better then it’s definitely a start. If you really just want his head, maybe you could have him work to repair things first and then if it’s still not enough then you can take his head because then you at least got work out of him first. He’s already offered it, and it’s theirs if they want it but there should be some sort of repayment. Forgemaster Hvalik, I can of course resurrect any and all of your people that need be brought back, as well as any necessary healing. Glog’s task should be something grander, maybe something like granting you a replacement homeforge in their lands while your home is being rebuilt.

Well I happened to get trapped in the mess at the homeforge too, used Glinta’s tavern there as a hideout, lots of people did. People that valued their lives, who didn’t want to be turned into monsters, didn’t want to be attacked by monsters and didn’t want to be caught in the explosions. Say Grim refresh my memory, do you recall coming across any red furs while making our escape from the homeforge?"


Gorkaog agreed, "Yes Glog offer life.

It auf lalal tribals who put words in mouth. Never said Glog tribe not help fix problem.

Thundergods dont exist, silly Greenfur. They no real. You put hopes on imaginations.

Ka Gorna could help Kiou but Gorkaog know Kiou kill red furs and ka gor na if we try help so dont get all high and mighty Auf Lalal gog.

You all, bastards included, act like using Nightmare Lord artifact okay and fine. Not okay and fine.

Nightmare Lords and Kias must be killed and granted final death.

The Ka Gorna demand it AND Falosini demand it. Tell me wrong Scout bastard ?
Only one Kias may live Vir. And only one Nightmare Lord may live Bry.

All others are forfeit."


Kharos had heard enough. He was a soldier, not a diplomat. Point out a target and he’d vaporize it with a fireball, give him an axe and he’d slice a chimera in two, give him a javelin and he’d pin a paladin from a hundred yards, but this, this was one of the most unproductive methods of warfare he’d ever experienced. The pit mongrel was almost oblivious to what the goal of the meeting was, simply riling all the others up with radical claims and self righteous statements about his precious Ka Gor’na.

He rose slowly amidst the argument, and put his branded face inches from the pit mongrel’s.

“Listen here friend, and I’ll only say this once. I don’t know how you do things down in your lands, but here, amongst rational, civil peoples, we do not sentence others to death simply because you alone believe that you are correct in every aspect of the situation. The only way we will accomplish anything is if we can all accept that we will not agree on every part of what happened, and that the solution to this will not be as simple as just killing Glog and walking away.”

“We should refocus on what Hvalik wants for some part of recompense. Obviously this will have to be an effort made by more than one tribe, and will not be solved overnight. Already one has offered to provide healing to the Homeforge. I myself can speak for the fact that my tribe will send craftsgogs to repair some damage, and I am certain that others here could provide even more to aid the Homeforge.”

Leaning back, he said,

“What I am most curious about however, is why you are here. As you have said many times, your kind and the K’iou have not had the best of relations. So what care do you have for what happens to Glog? As Hvalik said, Glog and his whole tribe could be executed, and the Homeforge would still not find any solace. Clearly more must be given than just Glog’s life, so I ask you, what do you have vested in the outcome of this debate? How do you plan to help the grieving K’iou of the Homeforge?”

I also wonder at the fact that you so badly want him dead…dead so that he will have no more chance to right his mistakes, no chance to destroy the artifact alone, and work to fix the problems he created. You are being the voice of madness in this debate, you say that gogs who work with Nightmare Lords should be punished… but the only one who has said anything about working with Nightmare Lords is you. If you know something that we don’t about Glog, by all means, spit it out.


Kharos words caused Glog to think.
“I said I knew nothing about the hammer except what it has done in my hand. And no one else here mentioned Nightmare Lords. Yet time and agen you say that I serve those foul things. Now if these two things are put together that tells me that this is a Nightmare Lord crafted weapon. But no one here pointed that out until you started saying I work for them. So do please tell us what you know.”

As Glog spoke thoughts of a Qual plot started to form in his mind with only one missing piece. How had they controlled him?


Dead Warrior Id had to laugh. It wasn’t often that a Pit Mongrel could get anything right. She stepped forward. “Glog, your handlers in Unit 111 wanted me to let you know, you were off the reservation for this one. You have done good work for us in the past but this was too far.”

She turned to the K’iou, “I will skip the pleasantries, I realize the K’iou have no reason to trust a grey fur like me, but let me tell you a thing or two. My unit isn’t trusted, too new, mixed loyalties, so many accusations. I am merely a messenger for the other units.”

She turned and nodded to a few of the gogs present, she didn’t expect the nods to be returned. “I helped the Kul Gul Rapi and others in Bartsport, and I fought shoulder to shoulder with the gangs of Uf Mag’og to break the siege at Thomasville. It is good to see you all again.”

She turned back, “As messenger I have relayed messages to members of the key tribes in the UTR on behalf of the big red triple one, unit 927, 2354, Dominoe’s Daggers, and others. Let me tell you their black tendrils go deep into the fledgling government.”

Her eyes narrowed. “You are of course suspicious, why would I relate that too you? The reason is simple and petty, if the other units fail the North Star Battalion, Remis’s Raiders will rise and get the respect they deserve.” She winked at the K’iou, “It’s your call though, is what you see before you a working government of tribes, or a shadowy puppet show put on by the puppet masters serving war monger?”

“Though I will also make an offer, should you decide to execute Glog give his body to my unit. Ask the K’iou, a rogue nightmare lord roaming around is detrimental to my lord warmonger.” She shot a smile to the gathered tribes, “Plus let’s face it the Kiou will probably fail to contain his body the way they failed to protect the Hammer in the first place.”


Burke walked in in the middle of the Warmonger’s Dead’s speech. he looked around at everyone’s faces, “Huh, well, timing is everything I suppose. I heard that this Glog fellow stole something from the Homeforge and caused a problem. Is the tribe a bunch of Kleptomaniacs? Cause I recently saw someone from that tribe stealing stuff from a circus. I recorded it if anyone wants to see. Does Or’Lur translate to sticky fingers? Oh, damn, I am talking in Earther, that is rude. I shall switch to Olgog. Ok, my Olgog is a but rough I am told.” Burke clears his throat then continues in horribly broken Olgog “Passionate, embrace of Gog embrace loved one of others. Or’Lur make semi sexy time with big tool of K’iou. Or’Lur also make sexy time with tool of Circus. I keep on smooth silky skin, eye vision of my big stick which I love long time. I share eye vision of big loving stick with all hot mommas in orgy room.” Burke would then show the pictures of the Or’Lur tribe member stealing from the Circus. “For my eye vision, give me sweet love prize?”

Burke smiled to himself, and people told him he couldn’t learn Olgog in less then 2 weeks. Maybe they can’t, but Burke was just that awesome. He wondered what kind of reward he would get.


As Id spoke Glog reach into his cloak, which hung from his chair. As he took hold of what ever it was he was reaching for Glog started to convulse. His shaking caused him to fall to the floor. As the others looked on those that could see leyas would watch as a battle of light and darkness took place inside Glog. What was most surprising about this was the fact that the item he had grabed, a Cross, held no light leyas only healing leyas. as the battle seemed to end with neither the darkness nor the light winning, but reather the to mixing and existing as one. a phisical change also occurred. Glog once healthy green fur rapidly changed colors, going through every color and shade of fur that has ever been seen. Finaly it stopped his fur taking on a mix of its former green color on his right half and his left half being a rare white color, as is see on olgogs of the north.


All watched Glog’s strange transformation with confusion. His fur had changed and with it his features, but what hadn’t changed was the hammer attached to one side and the healing artifact held tightly in the other. Glog’s hand began to burn and smoke where it touched the opposing Healing Leyas of the cross while the power of the Teardrop Hammer flowed through his body. At the same time, lightning arced between cross and hammer until finally the healing cross shattered.

Glog had changed but the pain he had experienced had nearly killed him.

Forgemaster Hvalik the Opal looked upon the assembled Olgogs with disgust. His confusion at Glog’s transformation caused him to overreact and believe much of what the Grey Furs had said.

The pictures of the theft caused him to doubt some of the good things he had heard earlier.

Hvalik was no great orator. He had grown up a miner, and gained reknown as a Greslarion in defense of the Falling Star. Only his last few centuries had been spent as a Forgemaster, and most of it took him outside the Falling Star protecting ambassadors.

His anger grew and smoke rolled off his shoulders. But not a word was said.

Hvalik the Opal was speechless.

[Glog loses Healing Cross. Physically changes.]


Auf Lalyan says to the Forgemaster "The Gray fur lies I’m sure. They see a chance to wreak havoc and strike. This is not the first time they have come in with their lies. Our tribes have fought Unit 111 to the point we beat them out of our lands. At least in any detectable numbers. There maybe other Warmongers dead who still serve the warmonger that we don’t know, but if we have proof of them, we will do the same to them. And this one in front of me is most likely one of those who still serve. You cannot trust what she says as the doubt and conflict she is trying to instill is her goal.

Our enemies do strike to ruin try and ruin the good we have brought to the Olgog lands. And Glog just gives them more opportunity.

But Forgemaster, I feel we must get glog to Kincaid quickly. See if they can do anything. It is a chance to break the reaver curse.

If not, your pit of Zela is looking more and more like the answer. What do you say? Do we give a chance that the thundergods might intervene to help the K’iou and Glog? What ever you decide, we must act soon."