Goblin Lands 2 Diplomatic Mission 19: The Confessions of Glog of Or'Lur


As Glog slowly came to he felt pain. it was unlike any pain he had felt before. As he regained his senses something felt off. Feeling with the hand that had had the Cross in it Glog felt the pieces of it. As he felt them tears started flowing from his closed eyes. ‘My vow must hold.’ he thought as he remembered the vow he had made on the same cross, after what had happened at Bartsport. ‘I cannot alow ignorence and fear dictate my life.’ And with that final thought Glog used what little strength he had to will the Fire leyas to brand his flesh right above his heart. The first simbol was of a sun stabbed with swords and under that was a Cross, exactly like the one that had just been destroyed. With that final action Glog passed out.

(OOC: This is my final post to this mission unless someone wishes to help Glog recover. by convert, will not respond to healing.)


Explosions rocked the cave, and leyas based flashbang crystals shattered as they bounced in seconds after along with a rolling fog.

The last thing Glog saw before his eyes closed were a pair of Mag Der’al standing over him. One said, “We must hurry, quickly gather the weapon.”

“The Mag Daron move close, we cannot let them gather the weapon before it is deployed,” agreed the other.

The Mag Der’al grabbed Glog’s body and fled under the cover of fog and shine. The only ones who saw them were Burke immutable Merc who caught a pic between flashes, Gorkaog and Id who was unaffected by the flashbangs.


[Glog’s body has been stolen by the Mag Der’al. Glog may now deploy Tlahob’s daughter, an F.S. 6 Rehsedian Smith in his place]

Hvalik looked at those assembled, and pointed at the place where Glog’s body had been before the unexpected attack.

“What is the meaning of this?” asked the enraged K’iou.


Burke blinked a few times and shook his head. Damn, flashbangs hurt, real ones or these magic ones. “Well, that was unpleasant, well, I believe your multicolored friend was kidnapped. I caught a picture of it, i can show you.” Burke shows the picture to the K’iou. He would say it in Olgog but his head was ringing and he couldn’t concentrate enough.


A female olgog came charging in. She wore the traditional garb of the Rehsed Tribe.

“Please tell me I am not too late. Please tell me they did not take him.” Her voice taking on a pleading tone.


Burke turend to the new arrival. "You are not too late, they did not take him…is what I would say that if you were looking for this K’iou, but you are looking for the three armed dude with the hammer, then the answers will be the opposite. Sucks huh? 10 seconds ago, you would have been here to be blinded like the rest of us. Good times, pardon me, I need to vomit in that corner over there.


The words that came out of her mouth cause several to blush and wonder ‘How could anyone think aboutt putting that there.’


Dreg blinked repeatedly.“Uh more importantly who took Glog? Who are you and how did you know someone was coming to take him?” Dreg asked the newly arrived female dressed like a Reshed. He really hoped she had some answers because at this rate they’d be at war before the day was out if something didn’t change.


“I am Urog’na, daughter of TlaHob, and…” she blushed before saying" And Glogs mate." she waited a moment for that to sink in before saying “As I was out looking for medals to trade for I over heard a few gogs whisper about plans by the Mag Der’al to capture Glog. One even said something about a mind spike and a hammer.”


Shirley was rocked as they lights blocked her vision. Using Shapeshift leyas, she fixes her vision, correcting the light extremity. She then uses Leyas Sight and/or See tracks in order to get a sense of where they went. As she does, she says, “Look’e here. The meanin’ o’ this is simple. We’ve been had. The Mag Der’al er a bunch o’ anti-Earther haters. If they took Glog, it’s to use it against the Earthers, which’ll explain a lot.”

She looks over to the ForgeMaster, “We don’ have a lot of time to discuss this, but once we get to the bottom o’ this, tha Gang of the Uf Mag’og want to do right by the K’iou. Even if not much’o it is possible. I git me a few ideas, but not sure now is the time or the place… unless o’ course ya say it is.”


Scout looked over all the olgogs that were gathered to discuss the matter of stealing the Teardrop Hammer, but Hvalik the Opal’s concern was correct that there was a bigger matter that needed to be investigated. There was such a thing as the honor of thieves, but Glog and apparently his tribe were making things look bad for the entire United Tribes. Wow an entire tribe of bandits, so not a good idea, and not honor in that. Anyhow, Scout definitely had respect for the k’iou, heck his best buddy was a k’iou and for the most part they had done right even if he was supposedly forfeit. Forgemaster Hvalik the Opal was extremely gracious, he referred to both him and Grim as honored bastards, and that meant something in his book.

“Well I was really hoping that someone, any of the assembled noble goggies here would come forward to say something. But since no one actually want to speak up, Forgemaster Hvalik, I must confess that there was a plot to enter your homeforge and map out different sections. Not really sure who put the job out there, but i hear things, I’m good like that. I don’t fully know who took part in it, but I’m kinda convinced that any of the gogs offering to help you had some hand to play in it. The more they’re offering to help, the more that had a hand in things. Gorkaog, is actually right about a lot of things, thanks for the tip off about Vir and Bry, these are things I should look into. He can be pointing fingers because everyone else is looking to defend regardless that Glog’s story totally doesn’t add up and if you’re going to have the balls to steal something important, you better be able to cover yourself. You could just ask Zar’cos about that, right Yohai? Specifically, me and Grim saw a group of red furs setting explosives and collecting former k’iou reaver bodies into a cart. We actually used their scent to cover our tracks to escape. Either way green fur, red fur, grey fur or multicolored cursed fur doesn’t really make a difference, they have all in one way or another proven themselves untrustworthy. Sorry, but thems the breaks.”


Urog’na was pissed. Instead of even thinking of how to save Glog, or do anything of use they were all bickering about who was at fault or how to please the K’iou.

“Gogs of Der’al listen and listen well.” her voice dark with anger. “On this day you have shamed yourselves and your tribes. Glog and “the Auf” started this little group as the Lur Union in a hope that uniting the gogs would help make life better for everyone. Glog told me of what you have become with shame. May you find no peace for what you have done.”

Urog’na grabed Glogs cloak and the cross pieces that lay next to his chair "From this day forth let all know that Or’Lur shall do whatever it takes to see that this THING that we helped create is nothing but a pile of smoking ash and that your tribes are are scattered to the deserts "

With that she and any members of Or’Lur leave determined to find and save Glog.


Well crap Dreg said to himself in the silence following Scout’s confession. It was actually getting to be kind of amazing how FUBAR this whole thing had gotten. He looked around the room and for the first time really wondered if there was other olgog in the room he could trust. Well if something wasn’t done fast it wouldn’t matter anyway. They’d be stuck together in a war with the kiou.

"Hvalik, I don’t know if what Scout says is true but I have no reason to doubt him really. But I do know that my tribe didn’t send anyone to your homeforge. We have nothing to gain from this situation and stand to lose a lot of this comes to war. I don’t know who if anyone in this room may have plotted against you. But I know your best chance for answers is getting Glog back and finding the Mag der’al that took him. As soon as possible. "


Kharos blinked in surprise in the venomous transformation of the reshedian olgog’s manner. Just a moment ago she had been as mild as a mal’ie, and the next she was brazenly insulting them? Even so, her words had some truth to them, yet he still felt they were a bit unjust. Nonetheless, he was eager to get back to adventuring the lands with his soldiers, and this cause seemed good as any.

“All right, c’mon you lot. Lets go find that idiot and get him back here before he razes any more capitols.” He said with a grin and a hint of humor.

He gestured to his band to follow him, and they set off at a jog to keep up with the Or’Lur tribals.


Auf Lalyan sighs, more confusion thinking all tribes are the same or even act always together. She thought it would be great if all the tribes worked together as much as outsiders thought they did.

Lalyan says in response to Scouts accusation and to the Forgemaster “In your claim that all were trying to map the Homeforge, you are incorrect. Not all were there for that purpose. I do not know of the request to map it out or who requested it. But I’m sure someone did make the request if you say it is so.

In this I can only speak for the Herd of Auf Lal’ al. Not the UtR, nor another tribe.Though the UtR never sanctioned or approved any attack or theft from the HomeForge. Though tribes can act independently like each of the colonies do. And there are no Red furs or Gray furs in the UtR right now, so I cannot speak for them at all.

My tribe’s Interest in the HomeForge was trade. Trade for diplomacy, Trade to survive. My tribe now gives away a majority of its traditional trade of Water and Food. We give away artifacts to create water. So in order for us to have items to trade for hides and other items we need, we need new trading partners. And we have 25 artificers to work with.

Last year we attempted to trade with the Dawn Spear. See if we could get into the Flying ship business. Of course that didn’t go well.

So this year we were trying to start trade with the HomeForge. Our Olgog came to the Market area with a Skimmer to pitch it as a mine cart. He didn’t leave the area until everything went crazy and he was attacked by reavers. He helped where he could. Then once able to leave, he finished the trade, and left for his own training elsewhere. I think near Simonsburg. This is what I know of my a tribes involvement at the HomeForge recently.”

(OOC Auf Lalyan is not lying. This is what she knows. Auf Lalyan wasn’t in the discussion with Lurtor and Lalder. Lalder and Lurtor knew about the request, but ignored it. Though they were curious as to what was at the HomeForge. Lurtor never left the market area and never intended to share the mapping information with anyone or another tribe.)


Grim started chuckling. Looking at the Red Furred olgog, “Do you not get much in the way of news down this parts? The K’ias were granted readmission to the Peace of Falos, along with your precious Ka Gorna. So if you want them put down like animals, you must accept others wanting to kill your ‘gods’.”

Turning to the Forgemaster, “I heard about the plan to try and map the Homeforge. I really didn’t think any of the Olgogs would get past your guards. I figured as a professional in the field of security and item retrieval, that it would be a good chance to see who in the region thought they were up to my standards. And Glinta has some of the best drinks south of I’tash.”


Ufor smirked. It was her finally her chance to speak the truth before things got out of hand. Especially since she was the only one who knew the reason the Olgog were allowed to enter.

“My kinsman, Ferrou the K’iou, heard of the plot to infiltrate the K’iou homeforge. She heard it from a member of the Devotion of Krodnok. Deciding it was a bad idea that Greyfurs have plans to the HomeForge, she contacted Aori Steelsmile of Brez. Together they coordinated a plan to counteract the infiltration. My kinsmen, without telling anyone else at the time, beseached the great Goblin King Urog of the Great Northern Army to enlist the help of his councilgog to help in the deception. Ferrou didn’t tell anyone what her true intentions were. Help was asked for, but none came with us.”

“I cannot speak for the true intentions of anyone who entered the Forge other than my kinsman and the gang-member who joined her, Dreggz of the Gang of the Uf Mag’og. Glog, however, was never part of the picture and was not the threat we were trying to avoid. In fact, there was never any ‘effort’ in any of this. At least from the Olgog of the United Tribes of Der’al. Which is likely the larger problem at hand.”

She then looked over to the Forgemaster, “Ferrou, your kinsman, was trying to avoid needless death by setting a trap for the would-be infiltrators instead of allowing them to be ruthlessly killed in what she considered a prayer of an effort for a church to goad mercenaries into doing dirty work. She is sad that her intentions to save foolish Olgog from foolish plots were in vain, and caused her fellow K’iou so much pain. It will likely be the last time she shows this lot mercy.”. She finished her speech with sadness.

She looked at Yohai. She knew of Yohai. He was trustworthy. " If need be, search the memories of Aori Steelsmile. And of a gray fur known as Lotara, they will uncover at least the reasoning behind why Olgog were present in the HomeForge."

She paused, looked around, “I have nothing further to say of accusations and lies. Many of you are nothing more than pawns of the MagMag Gor, whether you wish to be or not. Enough sowing strife and wishing war.”


(Ooc - when all is said and done, yohai’s gonna ask for 3 small creatures or vermin. He’ll try to only torture one over and over again, but who knows with these things? He’s going to find the following memories: 1) aori steelsmile’s regarding the plot 2) the war monger’s dead lotara… And if not hers, the person who interacted with her to vett if she was truly responsible for the plot 3) the memory of someone “convincing” Glog to steal the hammer. 4) the memory of the one who plotted to steal Glog away. Depending on circumstance, if opportune, “fetch” Moli Niall to see if he can shed any light on the plot (only if Moli is granted the same protection Yohai was given… And Moli wasnt the one to cause the whole thing. At the end, he will share his findings. The thought would also cross his mind, This is no mere coincidence. The last time so many seemingly different things fell into place, Tharr was behind it. Unfortunately, I killed Tharr, so it can’t be him… Or can it? Something else?? Where was Raven when you needed him?)


“Lies lies lies, all lies,” grumbled Hvalik the Opal, "The only truth I see here is that Olgogs plotted against the Homeforge. You say they worked with the Dead only to map our homeforge, as if that makes it okay.
Then you say, you are sure Glog had nothing to do with this? I have never met you Ufor, and therefore your words are just as suspect as all these assembled.
I know of Grim and have heard his legend many times. He I believe about these plots. But they are still plots of Olgogs working with Warmonger’s Dead.
The lesson I have learned here is clear. The Olgogs of these lands are not the noble beings of my youth. They are unworthy of the friendship of the K’iou. Suffer your machinations alone…and let the Dead reap you for your betrayal of the living.

I will hunt down this Glog of Or’Lur and I will make sure he gives up all the conspirators who worked with him."

Hvalik marched off in anger.