Goblin Lands 2 Diplomatic Mission 19: The Confessions of Glog of Or'Lur


Kharos leaned forward after that question and addressed Glog.

“You know friend, you may already be aware of this, but you’ve created problems for a lot more people than just yourself. Even if your solution is to die for your own actions, that still leaves the rest of us in hot water with the K’iou. Not to mention the fact that simply letting yourself die for this is fatalistic and wasteful, and will probably negatively impact your entire tribe even more so.”

“I suggest that you take a different action, perhaps take steps to amend our relations with the K’iou, help them to see that you are a better gog than this, and in doing so, you’d be doing us all a favor.”


Maggul had been quiet, listening as others of the council were attacking Glog and he had not enough answers to remedy the situation.

“If I may, what sort of ties would you or the Or’ Lur tribe have to the Teardrop Hammer? You say it took control of you and forced you into these actions, but I have heard evidence of others being in the area. I know that there were two Yagogi present even though they were warned against going, as well as members from the Herd of Lalder and the Gangs of Uf Mag’og. What makes you so special, why you versus another olgog? On top of that, there happened to be two trouble making bastards that had no qualms about sneaking into the Forbidden Armory. Why you, and not another intruder? So please, give us something better than the hammer made me do it. Did you meet with someone prior to going that might have been able to sway your thinking through mind control like used in the KGM, or even someone instilling a nightmare? I don’t want to sound like I am attacking you, but rather want to believe in the events that occurred. We need a solid answer; even if it is just that you wanted it for yourself, because when the K’iou arrive we are all going to be paying dearly for this and truthfully I would rather not be paying for someone else’s mistake in judgment.”


Miss posted


“I know very little about the hammer as I spent my life fighting and hunting.” Glog said. As he spoke those around saw his expression darkened and the the shadows near him bend as though they were trying to comfort him.


Maggul stood there expecting some grand story that would all make sense of the events that had played out before them. What he received left him with a dumbfounded expression (what must be a pretty peculiar sight on the olgog’s muzzled face) only wanting more. In exasperation, Maggul took a deep breathe, then taking a few more just to make sure he was nice and calm when he began speaking, “Okay, thank you for better explaining things. So please correct me if I have this wrong, but you really have no explanation for why you decided to take a weapon sealed in a K’iou Forbidden Armory that you knew absolutely nothing about? Is it that you are working for someone else and just never got all the information on the specifics of the job? I’m really hoping we can salvage something here, no need for another international incident.”


Auf Lalyan shook her head. This was starting to be depressing. She was going to miss her friend. But maybe something could still be done. She wasn’t sure, but hoped. Maybe they had to put their trust into the K’iou to resolve this.

She said "What makes this worst or better, I’m not sure yet, is that due to this theft, and in addition to the deaths and transformations of the K’iou, the K’iou lost their forbidden Armory as it flew away. So who ever took that during the chaos, doesn’t have the hammer, but they have anything else that was in there.

Right now there is no need of an incident between the Tribes and K’iou. An individual committed a crime and admitted to it. I see no reason not to hand Glog over to the K’iou. Maybe they can remove the hammer. Maybe they know about its abilities. I do hold hope that the K’iou know more about this hammers abilities than we do, and that they will take that into account. If the hammer called Glog, maybe that is his best defence.

But I fear we will have to leave that decision to the K’iou. Unless someone can come up with a better solution."


Glog looked as the back door to the meeting room was unlocked and forced open by a K’iou and several mercenaries.
“Welcome. You are of course aware that the front door is open.” his voice taking a cheerful tone for the first time, as he pointed to a bigger door on the other end of the room.


Hvalik the Opal entered the chamber listening to the discussion.

He turned to the Kul Gul Rapi tribals who had accompanied him.
“Seize the theif who bears the hammer.”

“Grim, Scout you have been in service to the Falosini for millenia.
Your eye witness testimony will be crucial here.”

Turning to Glog he said, “what is the meaning of this theft?”

Turning to the others he said, “explain why the Olgogs meet in secret to plot against the Falling Star?
Our investigation led us from The Homeforge to here.”


Auf Lalyan "There is no plot. And Obviously, this meeting is not very secret. " as Lalyan looked around to all there.

Auf Lalyan continued"
Glog who commit a crime wished to turn himself in, explain himself, and find to see if anything can be done to atone for his crime. Also, as he is holding a powerful artifact which he claims to have compelled him to steal it. Being that it grew a 3rd arm out of him just to hold it…

That being said, none of us have tried to take or examine this artifact yet. So we do not know what to make up his claim yet."


Kharos was not surprised that Hvalik the K’iou was so thirsty for Glog’s blood, in fact, he would be too in his shoes. However, letting Glog die was not in the best interests of the Lur Union, and by relation, Ka’Rhug. The two legionaries stepped forward to defend the accused gog, standing in front of him protectively.

Kharos bowed deeply to the forgemaster, and introduced himself.

“You may remember me, noble forgemaster, for I was one of those who braved the deeps of the cursed armory with a company of gogs to clean up the mess that was made. You must forgive my weakness, but nonetheless I must confess I am quite hurt by your accusations of plotting against the homeforge that I fought hard to defend. I did not help save the homeforge from destruction just to be accused of such treachery.”

“I will vouch for Glog, not for his innocence, but for his character. To kill him for this crime, would accomplish nothing, and would only weaken us all. Surely we can figure out a way he can be of service to the Homeforge…perhaps to recover that massive armory of forbidden weapons that is now in danger? I appeal to your mercy and your grace on behalf of this gog, let us deal with the real problem at hand before we cripple ourselves further.”


Glog smiled, glad to have such allies. Opening the front door he said to one of the runners “You get chairs for our new guest, also some food for us all.” After the runner had set off Glog addressed the Forgmaster “Please join our talks so that we may solve this situation. If at the end you still want seek my death I shall come peacefully.”


If Yohai were capable of showing emotion, he would have sighed heavily, out his hands in his head, and groaned and the stupidity of K’iou, Falosini, and Olgog posturing.

Instead, he kept his usually blank expression through the mask he wore, betraying no emotion as he felt felt none. He would, however, need to make this quick. He had no patience for politics. They got in the way of everything. He was, indeed, a soldier through and through.

“I am Yohai Horosha, Akalus Ha’ku. I accompany the K’iou as a gesture of goodwill not only toward the Children of the Falosini but the Olgog tribes. I advise everyone present that lies will not be tolerated. My race is gifted with the ability to read thoughts, see the past, and find the truth of things. It will be easier for everyone present that you do not make me do so today. You all have been warned.”

Yohai took a step back, and waited for the proceedings to begin.


Hvalik was growing concerned, the Kul Gul Rapi had said nothing yet and they were the law officers of the UtR.

He had tried being patient but instead of the truth he felt he was getting half-truths.

He looked over at Grim and Scout, “Honored Tunnel Rats, do you have any tricks learned from your time fighting the Krato that would help us get to the bottom of this?”

He looked over at Kharos and said, “Yes your tribe did serve in our defense. But i ask what could Glog do that would make up for the thousands dead and tens of thousands whose lives have been disrupted by his theft?”


Glog bowed his head low then said “I don’t know what could reverse it but I plan to seek the help of the thunder gods as their priest owe me a favor. After that I plan to hunt down the armory and either return it or destroy it so that no one is hurt by the weapons in there.”


Gorkaog scoffed and jeered at Glog.

"He say no plotting? Then ask him why of all the tribals of Orlur it was Glog who was sent.

Glog is mighty Tor’og. They are Strength of Death. You Kiou call them Assassins.

If its a trade deal why send an Assassin? Because it is no trade deal.

Green fur knows only great Assassin sneak past Kiou traps and guards.

If little trader sent then no way they could sneak into forbidden armory. But master assassin he sneak in easy?
Way too convenient.

Kiou no like Red Fur and Red Fur no like Kiou but all dont like Nightmare Lord.
Mutual enemy.

Greenfur that helps unleash Nightmare Lord no better than Nightmare Lord cultist.

How does breaking Armory now make up for crime?

It no make up for crime, Glog try and fool Kiou. He only offer to clean up mess Glog made not make any reparations.

You kiou do what you want. Ignore redfur. But kiou know Redfur does not lie here and now.

What of other Olgogs sent? They say trade? Ask them what types of Tradegogs they send?

Assassins to raid not tradesgogs.

Punishment must be severe or all Greenfur think they can steal from Kiou without consequence."


Glog looked st Gorkaog and said “Would you send a pup to to trade for a weapon they had never seen or to talk with outsiders who have a strong dislike for you. Others said your tribe was smart but you just choose without thinking, like earthers.”


Shirley was at a loss. She had no idea how to salvage the situation. She wished Vektor was here. He was shrewd enough to get them through the mess that Glog created. Especially since the red fur was right, and she knew it in her bones. There was no way out of this, and she worried about the consequences. Especially once the Uthvelor were involved.

“There’s no plot against tha K’iou. If there were, so many of us wudn’t’ve gone down to help ya with tha mess. We wudn’t’ve bothered. And sadly, considerin’ who dun it, I’m not sure he be smart or willful 'nuff to do it.” She glowered at Glog, and then looked back at the K’iou. “His story is that he wuz taken o’er by sum bein’, or sumthin’, and had no memory of takin’ the weapon. True or not, tha’s his story. Be it good ‘nuff or not, I dunno. But what I do know is that someone under us dun ya wrong. He jus’ offered his life, an’ to help you track down the armory. It’s a start.”

She looked over at Glog, “Like it or not, the Red Fur ain’t wrong. It’s not jus’ about cleanin’ up da mess ya made, willful or not, you gotta do more.”


Gorkaog would remember the sneak theifs insult on this day of all days.

He snapped back, "Glog no have Aufs in his tribe? No wisegogs?
No one other than Assassin leader? What goods you bring to trade? You go empty handed then claim peaceful mission of trade?

I GORKAOG CHALLENGE YOUR STATEMENT. I think the Aufgogs of Tlalocal want to steal Olgog artifacts held by Kiou. They want back power hidden by Kiou. Glog no remember anything? No reason how artifact possess him?

Then Uthvelor should check lies. If Glog really left Tlalocal with intent to trade, his own memories will explain why no goods to trade.

Unless Glog wants explain here and now?"


Glog laughed at Gorkaog.
“I Will gladly submit to a test by Uth. And if not for this damned hammer I would challenge you to Rapi’Tor for the stupidity you have shown today.”


Babi bit his lip, it didn’t look good at all. He honestly didn’t understand Glog’s logic in leaving to trade without goods and understood Gorkoag’s anger at the possible lies.

“Its true dat it don’t look good. He offered his life but what happens when we kill him? Will da spirit in the hammer take over? Will he change to something worse than a gog with regrets?” Babi honestly didn’t know, but he knew that unnatural hammer was not going to let go without a fight.