Glogs repentens


It had taken time to set up a cavern large enough to do what he was about to do.

“Is everyone in place?” he asked Urog’na.

“Yes. Do you have to do this?” she replied concerned for her Mate.

Glog did not reply. With the Compassion of Protodoxa necklace on he entered the giant chamber. At the door stood the KolgOlol, ready to purify the air. In the center of the chamber was the skull of the Poisenbringer, a trophy that had helped in causing Glog his guilt. Standing next to the skull Glog called on the Leyas, willing his own life into the dead Darmag. As he did this several of the tribe members who knew Air Leyas brought in food for the Darmag when it awoke.


As Glog converted his lifeforce for the dead dragon the others watched as flesh regrew across the skull. It continued until Glog was on the floor barely alive. He had given almost all of his lifeforce and brought the Darmag back to life.
It was weak and he was weak. Its suspicions were apparent. It sniffed at the food and gulped it down.

Then it swivaled its head and said, “who are you? What is this place? why have i been brought here?”


“I am Glog son of Darmaglok, this is a privet area in the caves of my tribe made for you to help you get better. I got in a fight with other of my people who had captured and were using you. I… I killed you and have spent my time building this to bring you back. I wish to most humbly apologize for the hurt I caused you, and for my slow timing in healing you.” as he spoke he held his arms out showing that he was unarmed though a close look would see that he was missing a toe.


The dragon eyed him even more suspiciously, "Your apologies are accepted Glog of Or’Lur.

Much work has been put into this cave.

Is it a pen or am I free to come and go as I please? What are your intentions towards me?"


Glog shook his head. Waving to a few of the tribe members they started to use the leyas to open the ceiling.

“That is why it took so long. We built this cave in hopes that you would stay and teach or fight with us. This cave is meant to be a place for you or other Darmag to come and visit or stay. In fact several more are being built right now. We hope that unlike others we can make peace with each other.”


Glog stood before the Poisonbringer, having left the Darmag to think on their offer.

“Great one, if you have the time, would you be willing to teach five of our warriors how to fight in the air? They have shown an interest in learning to fly and fight in the air.”


The poisonbringer looked up at Glog and yawned, “I will teach any who wish how to fight in the air.
But how can I teach Olgogs who don’t have wings to fly?”

He got up and stretched like a cat. His long claws cut furrows in the stone.

“Bring the five before me… I wish to meet these warriors who think they can survive a long long fall.”


He returned shortly after with 5 olgog Mercs, each with a stoic expression on their face. They bowed their heads as they knelt before the great creature before them.

“These are the warriors who I have chosen to have the honor of learning from you. They are right now strengthening their connection to the Leyas, so that they are not hindered by their emotions when they try to use it.”

Glog closed his eyes for a moment in concentration. Soon after large reptilian wings grew from his back. Though they looked a lot like the ones the poisonbringer had, they matched Glogs split coloring.

“I intend to gift them with wings, as I have recently gained the needed flexibility in the Leyas that I was missing before. Just as I am giving their current teachers the means to breath while under water.”