Burke visits the Lobbas


Burke was walking around the neighborhood in the south shadow of the Reservoir where the Lobbas hung out, meeting with one of their members he would have him take him to the head of the Gang. As he spoke to the Gang members after each sentence his Chereb Mek would translate what he says into the local Brezan dialect. “Greetings, I must say you all did a fine job at the museum. Considering things were a bit more hectic then I expected you all did very well. Didn’t expect an artillery strider to be there, odd defense for a museum but what can ya do. I promised you a few guns as a reward and I am here to deliver. First of all I present you three Dx224 Revolvers along with twenty bullets for each gun. In addition I am presenting you with a pair of Sforza Bx12 Hunting rifles with twenty rounds for each. Finally as your Gang had to deal with extra difficulty due to the excessive increase in security I will throw in a pair of Sforza Bz-15 Shotguns with twenty Slug rounds each. As these are earther guns you might not be familiar with them. I will throw in lessons for each one, showing you how to fire, load, and clean each one. I know you have had to deal with King Blood’og, he is a dangerous opponent and I think that you will find these weapons to be of good use once you are comfortable enough to use them. Remember these are tools, powerful tools but simply objects to be used. Once you are comfortable with them and have no fear, you will find that they will work just as well as any other weapon that you possess.”


A big Brezan named Goumbi Talyerer accept the gifts graciously, “Thanks Burke.
Its been tough since Moose-face and Billy Ving took a mortar to the head. The bossgog has been distraught as all hell. We just can’t seem to cheer him up.”

The Big Brezan organized the gogs into squads with the weapons, and made sure everyone listened to the lessons Burke wanted to teach them. The weapons worked different than springshots but aimed the same way, so it was a quick study more in tactics. Then getting them comfortable with field stripping and cleaning the weapons.

Goumbi Talyerer asked Burke, “So what else can you teach the Gogs? We got some territory we want to win back from the Uf Mag’ogs and we don’t have the skills to do it.”


Burke thought to himself, “Well, I have done wetwork all over the colonies, I can teach you squad tactics, how to cover one another as you advance or retreat. I can give you some explosive training, how to safely set explosives, proper handling of materials etc. Proper coordination of your forces can be the key to winning against a stronger opponent, working as a coordinated whole rather then a gang of individuals. It will take time and a lot of hard work, but we can work together to get your lands back.”

Burke smiled slightly “However this doesn’t come free, as I gave you these weapons as payment for helping me, how you repay my efforts to reclaim your lost territories?”


A little Olgog bounded up, “Whatcha mean? Where you want us to hit?”

Gouimbi Taylerer said, "A good enough question Mr. Burke. Me boys and I can give the gangs who hold lands we want a bloody nose. Even a few deaths but depending on the target the boys are outnumbered by a lot.

Don’t get me wrong we appreciate the gear but it ain’t be enough to take on a full Uf Magog army with Flying Fortresses and all them gogs they got with Hobtor death axes.

After the Museum we going to need help so what sort of trade you suggesting?"


(After the invasion)
Burke looked around the Brezan Arena with a sense of comical pride. Things had been hectic since the battle had ended, however these Olgogs really put their strength to work when they were properly motivated. The Lobbas had never been a large influential gang, but they were strong and violent. Those were characteristics that Burke liked, and those characteristics that was making this job simpler. The Lobbas were tearing the crashed aircraft carrier apart and using the metal to fortify the arena that it had crashed in. It would take time but they had the materials to make this place into a fortress, and with the weapons they salvaged they now had the firepower to defend it from most other Gangs. Now the biggest powers could still defeat them, however the point of this fortress was to make the effort of destroying the Lobbas too much of a hassle.

The biggest pain in the ass was also one of the best benefits from the battle. A pack of Armorfiends, while tame they were still dangerous. They built a pen in a basement storage area to keep them from wandering around. He would have to figure out the best way to use them. However for now, the construction of the Lobbas’s new fortress would continue.