Beneath Bartsport


The time spent by Lord Mada in his manor in between exploits allowed ample time in which his nightmares were left to their own devices. Given that there was not much for them to do, apart from senselessly beating and dueling (if one could call it that) each other, they frequently resigned themselves to wandering aimlessly around the grounds. On one occasion, Mada’s cigar-smoking penguin happened upon a room that was unfamiliar to him. Pleased to find something new in the manor, no matter what it was, he gave a satisfied squawk and waddled inside.

The walls of the room were dotted with scorch marks, and the floor was coated in a layer of soot and ash. The penguin ignored this, as his attention was caught by the opening in the wall opposite the door. While it was a part of the room, it was clear even to the nightmare that it contrasted the rest of the room too much to have been a part of the original plans. Getting closer, it appeared to be a deep square hole that vanished down into darkness. The penguin took hold of his cigar in a clawed flipper, gingerly reached out over the hole, and let go. He waited, un-moving for a minute, listening. When no sound came back, something clicked inside the nightmare penguin’s head, and he knew he had to relay this to his master.

After about a half hour of unintelligible squawks and waving, the penguin managed to lead Lord Mada to the hole. His master was clearly interested in the discovery as he shadow walked to the bottom of the shaft, nearly leaving his minion behind as he did so. Once at the bottom, the penguin happily picked up his cigar and continued to smoke it. After a few puffs, he turned to see Lord Mada looking over a massive room that master’s war dragon could easily have fit inside. Within minutes, the penguin’s master had summoned his cohorts and was giving orders. Guess “play-time” was over.

(OOC: I realized that I hadn’t done anything with the hangar under my manor, so I would like to loot it for any Earther tech that’s left, and working to convert the hangar into a dungeon/torture room.)


Inside the Hangar Lord Made had found a lot of boxes of parts for technological devices. Five of the boxes looked undamaged enough to have some solid resale value if he could find the right people to barter with.

In addition he found a trio of liquid nitrogen cannisters, each six feet tall and thick as a giants leg. They had been used as an cooling system to some vehicle that had probably gone missing back when they had originally attacked Inquisitor Seidermann.

The amount of scrap metal he found was equally useful. A garage full of nuts, bolts, screws and washers, small metal panels and lots of copper wire (two big coils).


The work to convert the hangar into a dungeon was going briskly apace. There was now a St Andrews cross adorning one corner of the dungeon, an Iron Maiden in the opposite and a wall covered in a variety of torture implements and a rack.


The hangar door was repaired and Lord Mada was pleased with the view. When the hangar doors were closed it was a dark and dangerous dungeon but when the doors were open it was a beautiful sea view and a fairly efficient escape path out to see. High on the cliff face the hangar was hard to assail. And as far as Lord Mada knew there were very few people who knew about it. Just Lord Siedermann, Kolgol and his Squire and maybe another two individuals…it was perfect.