Auf's Log - Lalder


(OOC I"m not a blogger type, but I feel the frustration of the last few weeks deserved a post. Also some idea why he’s willing to take out Unit 111 in the middle of everything)

Lalder was furious at all that went wrong in destroying the relations he had helped create with the Different races around the Olgog lands. He had worked with the Sylvans, K’iou, Earthers, both the EEF and VoVF, and even got some talking done with the Dawn Spear.

And now the VovF withdrew their support, EEF went Neutral again, Oners are free to attack again, K’iou are on the Edge of war and they have no non Olgog allies. And even worst, and not many know of this, but the crystal was stolen. He hoped noone ever broke it. At first it would be bad for himself, but then it would get worst for all. Lalder had limits, his alter did not have those.

Lalder was afraid to call on the Sylvans again. Someone might find a way to mess that up too. But he would keep them in mind as a last resort.

Now is the time for action before those on the fence decide to become our enemies. Now was the time to show that his artificing had not been in vain. If they could take out this warmonger factory, or at least take it out of the hands of those following the warmonger, the other groups who threaten the Olgogs might stop and wonder what else have they been hiding. What is their true strength? Is it worth it?

The is It worth it is the question Lalder wanted to make as hard for those who might want to do the Olgogs harm.

Lalder knew he had one of the larger Air forces in Refuge. But others did not know it yet. He remembered the surprise the earthers had when they found out the Olgogs have a ship capable of space travel, at least to the ones that knew. But it will not be enough of a deterrent.

The Oners were bound to attack soon. Terrorists attack all over. The K’iou already have forces attacking, though at least its not the K’iou themselves yet. Army of Giants attacking Olgogs to the north. And the warmonger’s followers have shown that they are not done yet either.

They really just need more time to build up. But time for inaction was over. Time to make our actual enemies weaker and our allies strong.

Lalder decide he has to order Though his tribe:
a lock down on his tribe’s lands due to terrorist attacks. All members of his tribe are to be ready to be to defend their homes and their tribe. Defend from these terrorist. Defend from invaders. Lalder also calls in some, but not all, of his roaming forces as well to protect his tribe’s lands. The vines throughout his lands are to be extended, and at each terrorist attack, they are to be questioned to find the terrorist quicker.

(OOC the plant part will be in Mission as well.)