An envoy to the tribe of Ol'Lur


Ar’Yahn arrived in the lands of Ol’Lur, bearing an important message for the ears of "The Auf’ only. Upon meeting the tribals there, he asked implicitly to meet with the venerable elder, and to have a discussion with him. He would then state,

“The tribe of Ka’Rhug call upon your assistance, great ally of our people. Kolgol, your friend and fellow aufgog asks for your permission to utilize our additional balgog heavy forces unit to stop and prohibit further incursion into the town of Simonsburg. It has come under attack by a powerful entity, and as I am sure you are aware, we will require more troops to properly combat this threat. With your permission, we will marshal these forces and use them to defend said town, you will not be required to enter the battle if you do not choose to. Will you aid us in this endeavor?”


“The Auf” looked up at Ar’Yahn sullenly. He had heard about the situation, but did not know that it was bad enough that Ka’Rhug would request the might of their shared Balgogs. “Yes. Defeat enemy.” was all the aufgog said in response, praying for the safety of the innocents that would be put in harms way.