A long way from home, and yet making a new one


Sir Mag’Nrs (Of Noble Guidance) gains +1 lvl to his Morgothian Devotion (CONTROL NIGHTMARE, DEMONSBEAST), and + 5 followers (FS 3 olgogs)
-Sir Beast, sandy fur heroic male olgog as per Sir Killian
-Dame KeyHob (Our Stone- Key: borrowed term meaning OUR. She is an olgog child born to morgothian followers, she is a Morgothian child, Our Stone), dark green fur trident baring female olgog of prodigious strength- can now summon a MorGog at will
-Morgothian follower #3 (unnamed)
-Morgothain follower #4 (unnamed)
-Morgothian follower #5 (unnamed)

*KEY NOTE: as per Sir Killians, must name Morgthians after alcoholic drinks

Og’GulTor Steed. Brezan Stalker with layered armor, A.R. vs Melee & Missile +4, A.R. vs Energy and Chill is +2. Artificed with Wilderness Camo, Skin Like Stone, Catlike Reflexes, and Obscure at 4 successes.

can now summon a MorGog at will.

MorGog Nightmare
has all normal nightmare weaknesses
HP 20
FS 5
rider can trade one of their own attacks to make the MorGog attack.
Chill Breath 10 Chill dmg
Claws 10 Melee dmg.


20 Ur Kug followers who now worship the path of Morgoth as members of his new burgeoning church.
They have standard Ur Kug stats and rules. They may not be used in missions, but can be used to build the church and do work around the church grounds.

All characters that posted to this mission gain 15 Unenese Rebel Veteran. Specializing in aquatic infiltraition, these Rebels can sneak aboard any vessel at sea, or any island on Refuge without being spotted.

Sir Mag’Nrs gains KeyHob can now summon a MorGog at will.

MorGog Nightmare
has all normal nightmare weaknesses
HP 20
FS 5
rider can trade one of their own attacks to make the MorGog attack.
Chill Breath 10 Chill dmg
Claws 10 Melee dmg.

20 Standard Ur Kug, Unen Tribal olgog (adept), LR3, Air1, Earth1, and General1
15 Unenese Rebel Veteran FS 6, Water lvl 3,Air lvl 3, General lvl 1, Stealth 8


The Chapel now flourishes and many donations come in from Olgogs in need of Nightmare clearing services.