Weeding out the chaff


Grimaldus knew that much of his forces were insane zealots that only followed him as long as he was willing to fight the Goblins. Many were disgruntled that he was holding the vast majority of his armies back from the fighting. This was on purpose, he now knew many of the ones who weren’t actually loyal to him, it was time to clean house so to speak. He gathered up many of the disloyal fools in front of his Manor and said.

"Good soldiers of Holy Dunesphere! Your time has come! Your patience has been rewarded! We have found the enemy from the shadows! Doyask Vesk has declared that all of these lands are now theirs! The Goblin Lands and the Peninsula of Man as well! They say that we have no rights! that we have no claim! They do not understand that no claim is more righteous then the claim of the Children of God! They prepare themselves at Brez! They will sign their treaties with the demonic Goblins and they will then move their armies here to kill us all! They have shown to be servants of the devil and must be stopped! Thus I have organized you all here together!

I see before me a mighty host! You have all trained specifically to fight Goblins! You have studied their tactics, seen the videos! You know your enemies and you have no fear! (Special Training True Church of One Zealot Target Olgogs) I see three thousand mighty Paladins, and three hundred brave Inquisitors, I see the greatest fighting force that the world has ever seen!

You shall all march east! Into the lands of Brez and slaughter all in your path! Drive the Goblins out of these lands and their demon loving traitor human allies! The lost colonies are indeed truly lost…lost to the Devil himself! Go my faithful brethren! Go and purify the lands and consecrate them to the Lord!"

The crowd cheered and began their march. Paladin Captain Michael led them, he was so crazed that he almost foamed at the mouth. Heh, he would charge his forces straight into whatever Goblins he saw. With him not being around Grimaldus felt better already.

Grimaldus smiled, of course they would all die, Brez held more then a million Goblins, if a few thousand Paladins were enough to conquer it then it would have been conquered centuries ago, but zealots weren’t very bright after all. Now Grimaldus had work to do, he had to develop his loyal soldiers so that they would be ready for the true threats, the undead demonic Goblins, like the ones who attacked Thomasville, those needed his full attention.