The Der'al Collective


The Armies of Eloga and the Kolgul Militia have opened their arms to other tribes to form a limited federal government for a new nation. They have extended invitations currently to the Ka Gor Tribe, the Tor’lallur, and the GulTor’Uf. Any tribe who is not part of the UtR can request to join the Der’al Collective.

This thread is to join the Der’al Collective. Once three players have joined the Der’al Collective they may begin deciding on a flag, laws etc.

Current Der’al Collective charter requires slavery to be legal if a member tribe’s own laws say slavery is legal (only counts within their borders so they may not enslave in another tribe’s lands without permission from that tribe’s representative)


Dar’ab hear about Gog collective. Not sure what mean. Red Gog invite, maybe some Gog explain what all mean?


Scribe sought to be a member of this new nation. As a member of the local army and as a craftsman he showed that he would be a very productive member even though he was a basterd and not an olgog. Is currently staying with the GulTor’Uf tribe until he finishes his current job then will stay in his military provided tower until he can get land and has a house of his own.


One of the Uhryu apprentices from Gultor’uf arrives and state.

Gultor’uf has seen the rise of the UTR, and of other groups. So far, this has lead to militarization and the killing of many gogs. These gogs, because they weren’t in large tribes and didn’t want to fall control of others. Right now our Uhryu, Bill, is working on helping these disenfranchised gogs rebuild what was destroyed. What is even worse, it that the leaders of the tribes seem to show little want to take responsibility for there actions, foisting most of it on Gultor’uf.

These tragedies need to be avoided.

The enslavement of others is a crime against those who are enslaved or impressed, Gultor’uf would want slavery to be illegal. We recognize to do this, we would destroy the livelihoods of some tribes, so if we were to join we would want to have a plan to transition all tribes away from slavery. This would most likely be finding an easier way to survive without the use of slaves for all tribes.

With the rising of the UTR, the tribe has witnessed power become concentrated into a few hands. This will lead to the eventual downfall of any government we put in place. To prevent this we need to set up a government that balances each part against each other.

Each of our tribes lives in a different area, with many other tribes around us. We have different cultures, and different ways of solving problems. In karov, we either have rapitor or a concil decide issue, in brez it is a claw vs claw fight. To enforce ones way of solving on another would just cause strife.

To solve most of the issues I see, I believe we will need several different groups to take different positions in this government.

Army -> the ones to train and order gogs in battle, such as the coming one against mag mag gor.
Teacher -> provide education for all gogs, in history, leyas, survival skills, and anything else.
Council of elders -> in matter of justice, we will need to have several gogs decide who followed the laws and who didn’t it would be this group to decide who based on the facts
Warehouses -> these are gogs that will store the excess items goods and food we have
Distributors -> these gogs would gather the excess goods from each tribes and give them the goods they need
Law Makers -> no matter how good we are, we will fail at some things, these gogs would change the rules and laws we made to fit with the times
Enforcers -> this gogs would police the towns and act as arbiters of the law between tribes.
craftsmen -> this is the group that would produce items for the rest of the tribes, help show whats needed
gatherers -> the gogs responsible for the food.

This would be at the highest level, dealing with things that deal with all tribes. It should prevent corruption because one branch needs the support of others to survive. If the army unjustly attacks some other tribe, the gatherers, craftsment, and warehouse could stop providing them with needed equipment and food. if the council of elders makes unjust laws, the enforcers can stop enforcing them. I believe this is the only way to prevent corruption.

In each area, like Karov, we could have the current way of doing things, transitioning into a smaller version of the large governments. By smaller, I mean in number of gogs involved, and not in divisions. This group would deal with issues between tribes in karov.

At each tribe level, each tribe can have there own setup. This should be fine, especially if we help everyone transition to a better way of living.

I would also suggest we ask Talocal to send a representative, knowledgeable in other tries to from a government, and what the old government was like. Their knowledge could help us avoid mistakes of the past.

As with everything, this will take some planning to do it right. Let us do this correctly and become a beacon of hope for the olgogs of refuge.


Dar’ab looked even more confused at Uhryu apprentice from Gultor’uf. “No understand, what mean? Can explain in simple? What is Coalition bout? What you want change?”


Scribe looked at Dor’ab and said" He means that he wishes to join but wants to remove slaves and other things he finds bad."


Dorr’ab looked at Scribe “Thought Coalition have rule of do what want, if no hurt Coalition. Slave ok, slave coalition no ok. Flame ok, no flame coalition. Pit ok, no Pit coalition…unless coalition want Pit (everyone want Pit). He change rule? What he rule on Pit? He can change rule when want?”


“He is asking that we change. I do not agree to this. I may agree to a minimum treatment law where I will be but I would not force others to agree. The rest are his ideas to help us grow. Elders to solve conflic, warriors to fight, teachers to build gogs minds, gogs who collect, protect, and move food and other needs. While each idea is good the fact still remains.” Scribe looked at the apprentice, “The agreement to join clearly states that you must allow slaves in your lands. No exception.”


You misunderstand me, the apprentice says, I do not mean to outlaw slavery as a condition of joining, that would create undo hardship on the tribes. We wish for a plan to make the tribes to thrive without slavery, so that there is a plan that we work towards with a end goal at a specific time of completion. We of Gultor’uf do not see this happening for about 30 cycles of the sun, possible 40. But we wish for a plan to be put into action for doing this.


“As nice as the thought is it does not change the need for structure and order. I once read of a system earthers had long ago called sierfdom, in which all the people that lived in an area were forced to serve the land owners, in every way. I feel that this is the method that will be used most.” Scribe said as he thought of his next project.


serfdom is something that we can not abide by, because it makes one gog lord over every other. Out system will prevent that from happening by enabling groups to prevent abuses of power.

Just think, if the one called kolgol obtained this power, at his will all the serfs would be burned alive in his volcano.

While serfdom may have solved some issues of the past, we can build a better form of government where gogs are free and able to expand society. We should put in the effort to do make the best society possible.


Then you seek communism, another government the earthers tried and faild. we should find something more not repeat.


OOC: Ill see how far I am able to “know” about earther governments, for ease of arguments sake.

Communism is an economic system, not a government system. In earther history, communism has almost always been implemented with some form of dictatorial government.

And with communism, an object can not belong to a gog. This is not what we are striving for, we wish for a system that prevents a few from consolidating all form of power, whether is is militarily, economic, or social. Because it is when there is a consolidation of power, that gogs get hurt and have prolonged suffering.


Under the name of Vellum the elaboratively dressed Dimension Walker had met them. But today he
Would be dressed to look much younger and change his outfit so both his red fur and green fur can be seen.

"Hello Greeting and I salute you. For I am Quill the Steward of the Army of the True Flame.

Maestro Vellum bids you all Greetings as well.

Greetings to GulTorUf, TorLallur, Elogans and our new friends"


Quill says, "If we base the different jobs on tribe, then give it a generation, and we would have created a caste system.
Mayhaps it would be better if each tribe contributed a few members to each type of job.
Then cross tribal team building could be heralded as a benefit of the Collective.

These organizations would stand somewhere between Guild and Trade Union.

Slavery slavery slavery. Such a divisive topic.
It would depend how we define slavery before I could agree to a social contract that eliminates all forms of servitude.

Apprentices of the True Flame are little more than slaves until they complete their training. Would that type of Indentured Servitude also be denied? "


Quill looked around for a few moments and then raised an even larger issue than Slavery,

"It is well known among the Earthers and Children of the Falosini that commerce can be expanded more rapidly when a “gold standard” is agreed upon. The Colonies use their Ghaz coins.

Should the Der’al Collective develope a unique currency? Coin or otherwise?"


Dar’ab looked around, so much talk, change tribe, change part tribe. Slave, indentured, so much. “Why each tribe change? So you feel good? Told group help, no change. Told keep what make tribe special, either Pit, or Flame. If change, each group no special. Gor want all tribe same. If all tribe same, same plan kill Gog. Tribe different, Tribe special. Tribe strong in one, help tribe weak. Make strong by own hand. Make strong by unique. Me no say how you run tribe. Me no know you tribe. How me know what best? You say what best for Tor’Lallur? You no know Tor’Lallur. Tor’Lallur no know True Flame. Give job tribe, no know other, tribe weak. Tribe do many thing within tribe. Only food, what stop fight Gog from take food? What stop Food Gog, Fight Gog join to kill other? Tribe survive by know what best for tribe. Change tribe structure, chaos. May no have nough Gog to do specific task. Too vague.”


Quill smiled kindly, "Yes Dar’ab is right and correct. Rather than start with all the issues that make us different, a wiser gog than I would have started with what brings us together!
Let us ratify the first law of the Der’al Collective.

Law 1: All tribes have their own ways, in their lands their ways are law.

By making this vote we solidify our choice to work as a unit to govern all our beautiful and individual Olgogs."


Scribe addressed Quill first.
“As prosperous as the others are they also are more vulnerable. Their money can be forged or worse they can have more then their gold covers. The system of trade in these lands are the best I have seen anywhere. I do agree that it would be good to have guilds or some other way to share our skills and talents.”

Turning to Dar’ab he said “You are right. Each tribe must grow and be strong. That is why I agree to a weak governing group who act in the be st interest of the group. We must work as one to defend against those that threaten us. We must agree on how that group works. That is why we talk.”

Scribe looks around before saying to the group "We may not need slaves but until we can come to a better agreement let us keep the law as is and those that don’t like it can not practice on their lands.


Quill nodded in agreement.

"I hereby place in front of this respected group a vote for Law 1

Law 1: All tribes have their own ways, in their lands their ways are law.*

Please vote Yes or No.

My Vote is Yes."