Seeking Training in Vampyr and Nightmare Hunting? Join me on the beach of Unen!


–Advert Posted in the Rhug’ru, House of Loot–

Learn from one of the most infamous assassins from across the distant shores, locally on the rocky beaches of South Unen at Night. Only those who show up and pay will be allowed to stay and meet the trainer.

Will train Olgogs in combat against Vampyrs, and against Nightmares, give tactics to handle their different types of combined forces.

Payment to be given upfront.

Payments accepted: Vegetables and Fruits, Liquor

Cursed Beings and Servants of the Ancient Evils not welcome.
Cursed Beings who show up will be considered fair game.


-Advert Posted in the Rhug’ru, House of Loot–

Learn from one of the most infamous assassins from across the distant shores, locally on the rocky beaches of South Unen at Night. Only those who show up and pay will be allowed to stay and meet the trainer.

Will train Olgogs in combat against Quall N’drone and Flayers, give tactics to handle their different types of combined forces.

Payment to be given upfront.

Payments accepted: Wooden Spears, Obsidian spears, Javelins and hunting gear in general, Liquor

Cursed Beings and Servants of the Ancient Evils not welcome. Cursed Beings who show up will be considered fair game.


-Advert Posted in the Rhug’ru, House of Loot–

Learn from one of the most infamous assassins from across the distant shores, locally on the rocky beaches of South Unen at Night. Only those who show up and pay will be allowed to stay and meet the trainer.

Will train Olgogs in combat against Dragons and Falsewyrms, give tactics to handle different types of combined forces.

Payment to be given upfront.

Payments accepted: loose Gunpowder, Combat Drugs , Liquor

Cursed Beings and Servants of the Ancient Evils not welcome. Cursed Beings who show up will be considered fair game.


We need five Ka Gor Adults and five Ka Gor Juveniles trained in the tactics of defense and fighting against Enemy Hives.
We offer ten spears of obsidian for hunting


Thinking to himself this seems like a trap but oh well.

“I will train your ten, and I will accept your ten spears. Make sure they are brought to the beach south of the Batavian Bats dock at midnight.”


Urog sent Rhug’ab, Hikiti, 3 other elders and 3 other Ur’Rhugs to the location with enough combat drugs to serve as barter. No haggling needed, whatever the price, it would be paid.