Looking for a Fight


Scribe was getting bored of all this talking and slight hand work. So instead of doing nothing he spent his free time finding an unclaimed patch of land. On his new land he builds an arena using Earth Leyas and making weapons by slamming his Staff on to the ground to make spikes and using runes to change them into swords and other weapons. Once that was finished he sent out a message to all tribes. "Tired of all the needless war? Need somewhere to fight without destroying everything? Want to settle arguments but still save honor? Come to ‘Scribes Arena’ where you can beat each other to death with out causing a war.

  1. No weapons other then the ones provided, and natural (claws, teeth, ect.)
  2. Payment must be made before use.
  3. NO LEYAS.
  4. All Races Welcome

Currently looking for healers who can work with all races, Immutables, Vampyr, Bandits, or other creatures of this world. Payes in food, shelter, and artifacts (Limited)"

So Scribe stood at the door waiting in his sunglasses, staff in hand. May be this will help them learn.



Two Uhryu apprentices (neither of which was on last weeks missions) will act as healers. They have general 2 and healing 4, which should allow them to “heal” anything with conversion.


Scribe raised an eye brow as two Uhryu apprentices, from GulTor’Uf, offered to be on site healers for his arena.

“I hope you both know that this will be neutral ground. Other then in the Ring there will be no harm to ANY being here. So if you cause problems for me with my allies I will throw you out. You must also be willing to work with others. Am I clear?”


“That is why we came, This isn’t a gog forcing his will on others, it is gogs coming to solve agreements in a particular time and place by violence”