Goblin Lands 2 Rescue Mission Week 23: The Flame Winds come


The First of the Dreaded Der’na or Flamewinds of this Season has begun tearing across the Goblin Lands incinerating everything in sight.

Olgogs everywhere are in danger. Living or Dead. And all have the threat of final death.

How is your specific tribe going to survive the flamewinds?

A) Flamewinds count as a natural disaster making Leyas use very dangerous, especially Fire Leyas.

B) How will you access air and water while the Flamewinds strike your settlement?

C) What aid do you offer to nearby tribes you may not have planned for the Flamewinds?

Flamewinds can do between 4d10 Energy dmg and 8d10 Energy dmg per round to every target on the surface. Targets underground also suffer from death by oxygen loss and/or superheated air.

Mission Rules
First player to post gets a repost when all other players have finished posting to the mission in response to all other actions.
All other players may only make 1 posting.
Other players may only act as if they have seen the action of the first player who posts.
All other actions are compressed together by the DR team with a focus on storyline, so do not worry about paradoxes between different action posts.
Not every aspect of every action will be shown. This is especially true of actions that exceed two paragraphs.

Special Challenges: Cant use any artifacts that were created post week 22 on this mission. Immutables ONLY may design new technology to help deal with this challenge. Leyas Using tribes however must only use techniques and stuff designed previous to this mission

Open to all tribes and all mercs

All players are encouraged to create an open planning thread to help each other survive the Der’na.

This mission ends on Friday 30nd May at 8.PM. E.S.T.


The message had been sent. Bulletins had been posted at both of the Churches of the Devotion, in Simonsburg and Drewsport.

The message read:

“The Der’na are upon us. The saftey of all is in jeopardy. Those who seek shelter, bring what you need for food, and come to the Church of the Devotion.”

From there, those who sought saftey from the Flamewinds would be moved to an Underground facility. This Facility wasn’t the Lab, but was just a few miles away, still in (or under, at least) what was considered the lands of Krodnok and his Dead Devoted. It is a large area, dug out underground by Krodnok’s followers over the course of the last year. It’s original purpose was to be used to house all of the followers of the Devotion, but the Church hadn’t grown as quickly as Krodnok had hoped. So, while he waited for the expansion to the Church to take full hold, the Underground city could be used to house nearly 1,000 people, keeping them safe from the Der’na. Room was limited, however, so the allies of Krodnok, any who were residents of the city of Simonsburg, and his followers who resided in Drewsport, Unfortunately, took precedence.

Considering that those who had dug out this city were Dead, there was no food. Water was available, (underground lake, filled by Krodnok, using the Leyas), but food was scarce. The message that was sent out asked for those who were accepting the invitation to bring their own food, and maybe enough to share, just in case. Those of Krodnok’s followers who were alive and lived in the towns of Simonsburg and Drewsport, they would bring what food they could.

Underground, there was plenty of room, but oxygen might be a problem. If it became an issue, some of those who gathered here could use Air Leyas and create breathable air, if needed.


The Ka’Gor Tribe have no reason to fear the Flamewinds. When the Fire comes a dozen Ka’Gor’Na (Quall Warriors) will come out of energy bridges around each Ka’Gor settlement. They shall each raise a hand and work together to shield each settlement from the flame. If any want further protection they will be allowed to enter the lands of the Hivequeen Ar’yay. They will be protected along with anyone who they vouch for. In addition any other settlement that they ask to be protected shall be saved. If the Ka’Gor tribe wants any of their allies saved then it shall be done as well, any group or faction that the Ka’Gor Tribe/player lists shall be protected as well. None shall doubt the kindness and generosity of the Ka’gor’na.


The people of Ka’Rhug would weather the flamewinds much as they always had. Their home, the rocky and barren volcanic waste that was Mt Rhug, was an excellent natural defense from the scorching wind. Tunnels ran deep and far through the mountain, stretching well under lake Ruil. Many caves had been flooded in the massive excavation project that had occurred in the year previous, and the water that dripped in these caves was pure and clean, filtered by the porous stone that it ran through. (Although to most, the source of this purity was unknown.) Rather, most only ignored the pools of water that were stagnant, and smelled of volcanic sulfur, for it was known that these were best left alone.

Fresh air to breath was not in short supply, though it had not always been thus. As the tunnels were dug, toxic volcanic gases had poured in to many places, choking workers and poisoning the air. However, the aufgogs of Ka’Rhug had labored to make the leyas bend to their will, creating wards of Purify Air to counteract this. (These wards are also in the half built temple atop the mountain, the inclusion of these is mentioned in the construction thread.) These wards kept the air clean and easy to breath, making the otherwise deadly atmosphere breathable.

Runners were sent out to nearby tribes, offering refuge and shelter from the winds. These would mainly be sent through areas in the immediate vicinity of Tla’loc’al, but if there was time, they would allow pretty much anyone to take harbor in their mountain (with the exception of Mag der’al). They had ample supplies, but even so, the contribution of food and living supplies was encouraged, as they did not have endless food to give everyone.


Auf Lalyan was overseeing the protections and lockdowns of all of the sites that Herd of Auf Lal’ al had to take care of before the flamewinds came. With many actions, Lalyan was aboard the carrier flying near orbit in the communications relay coordinating the prep and responses to the flamewinds. Below are their plans:

Common Actions at sites:

[li]Have 20 Necklaces of Protective Aura, at least 2 at each site should be wearing one as a backup.[/li][li]General 1: Grounding Wards will be placed at each site to help prevent any burnouts from Gogs using Leyas.[/li][li]No use of Fire Leyas as a rule. And limited elemental Leyas that can cause burnouts. Use summon elementals or artifacts if possible.[/li][li]15 Artifacts summon elemental of each Air, Fire, Water, 25 of Summon Earth Elemental[/li][li]Leyas levels:[/li][LIST]
[li]Everyone in my Tribe has at least Water 3 for Adepts, and Water 2 for tribesmen.[/li][li]All Ur Tor have all Elements at lvl 3 with General 1.[/li][li]All Aufs (Apprentices and Elders have All elements at 3 and have Earth and Water at 4.[/li][li]9 Olgogs with Summon 3.[/li][/ul]

[li]Sealed Doors will be Earth Leyas reinforced and a few layers of Ice to keep it cool. Blocking any air from the outside.[/li][li]Additionally below ground trees will be placed in Each shelter to allow the Aufs to move between them.[/li][li]Purify Air (In Grounded area) will be used to refresh the AIr in Caves that don’t connect to large enough supplies of Air.[/li][li]25 Waterskins of create water spread around with Create Water and Fountain of Resurrection[/li][li]96 Farmers Kits (Includes rings of tunneling and Waterskins of create water) [/li][li]Fang Ward of the Auf Lal’al (Grounding Ward at 3 successes on any area the fang is stuck in (size of ward narrator discretion)[/li][li]30 - Armor of Auf Lal’al (Ring of Healing)[/li][li]Gogs in risky areas will have a tooth (or finger tip) preserved at the Carrier just in case.[/li][/LIST]

(OOC not much of rp post, too much to do in too little characters. Trying to get the plans across.)
Carrier/Destroyer/Lur Union Fighters
The Carrier will be used as a command central, high enough to stay out of the effects of the Flamewinds as we are unsure how the crystals floating it will react to the flamewinds. The destroyer will be the same way, though will be assisting in Patroling or kept to the sea. 20 Lur Union Fighters will stay aboard the Carrier being deployed from there as needed.

From the Carrier, the hope is the Flame winds will be able to be seen and tracked. In Addition to the EEF Warnings. Aufs will study them from this distance to see what they can figure out about them and how to redirect or prevent them.

One Crystal Lur Union Fighter and One Air Leyas lifted Fighter will be used to test the effects of the flamewinds on the fighters. They will avoid getting close too. This test will be done with baby steps. Starting at a good distance and working their way slowly closer. And one final test would be flying high and over the flamewinds. This information will be used to determine where the fighters, Farms, Destroyer, and Carrier will fly and how high. Both pilots will leave finger tips to prevent final deaths if they crash.

Of note, the Lur Union Fighters are already artificed with Protective Aura. Only the Lur Union Fighters are flying with levi stones. The one crystal Lur Union Fighter, Destroyer, Carrier, and Farms are all using Crystals.

Krodnok followers transport
Up to 20 Lur Union Fighters with a tribesmen pilot will transport Krodnok followers from Simonsburg to his base. Then the fighters will head to the farms to dock into their new Hangers.

Urik’s Outcasts
Working with them on the Trading Post. Making room for them there as well.

Working with EEF
Lurtor will corridinate the UtR, Herd of Auf lal’al, and EEF troops/Aeromancers. Lurtor will give them a comm crystal that reaches the carrier communication room. This will allow EEF early warnings to go out through the network of Comcrystals throughout the Olgog lands to act as an early warning system of the flamewinds and coordinate other rescue/supply/needed missions. Lurtor will bring the EEF help to the trading post, Brez and Simmonsburg. (Or where else requested).

Working with Other Tribes
Especially UtR tribes, comm crystals will be given out (some from the EEF) to tribes to create a communication network to organize any responses needed including the above mentioned warning system.

Lord Grimaldus’s new Towns:
4 Apprentice Aufs would say in the shelters that were built over the past weeks with the villagers of the towns. They have spent many weeks with these earthers and do not wish to see them harmed. If the town is protected already, they will purify Air, create water, Heal, or create ICE walls to cool areas. If a flamewind is active, they will use a summon artifact if possible.

Protect the Farms
Auf Lalyan ordered the Farms to be harvested if possible and food to be flown to areas using Lur Union Fighters or Skimmers to where Gogs are taking refuge and need supplies. Some plants could be transported to the newly constructed deep witcaves to help with Oxygen supplies, and to save starter plants.

Next the 100 Vandals 100 Ur Rhug, and 20 Tribesmen with 60 Farmers kits and 10 summon Earth elemental stones, would be sent to the farms to prep them to be lifted in the air. Together they would work to surround the underground farms with Hard and Harder stones. On the Surface/top, a Hanger will be contrusted to allow Fights a place to stay, load or unload items. Also using Earth columns to reinforce. Summoned Earth elementals would be used to speed this up. Then Apprentice/Elder Aufs would come and set Levi and control crystals to lift the structure into the air. Inside Grounding wards would be used to stablize Leyas use (Purify Air, create water, etc to maintain the farms while they float high above the flamewinds.

Any farm unable to be floated will be sealed off from the outside for the duration of the flamewinds. Trees will be used to travel in and out of.

Trading Post
The trading post and museum had already been built underground in preperations for the flamewinds but was then reinforced after the orbital laser attack. Currently it could house 300 Earthers and gogs safely. The another 5 summon Earth Elemental stones with 20 Ur Tor continued exapanding the lower levels to provide bunkers for the rest of the town to stay in. The entrance to the trading post will be sealed with Layers of ice behind it to keep any heat from entering the initial hanger.

This is one location where the EEF help will be asked to help protect or diminish the effects flamewinds.

Resurrection Fountain will be placed in the Museum. This will supply water and heal any killed.
Fang Ward of the Auf Lal’al (Grounding Ward at 3 successes on any area the fang is stuck in (size of ward narrator discretion) will be placed here as well.

Artificing Caves and the Healing Caves
These caves connect to my deeper caves in Tla’loc’al. These will be sealed with the outside caves closed with 2 gogs who have protective Aura necklaces who will maintain Ice and grounding wards preserving the caves. The healing tree chamber will also be sealed. The children will be moved into the Sylvan Chambers/learning area with the Tla’loc’al citizens that cannot work or are taking care of the chambers.

Sylvan Council Chambers, Root System, and Food Valut.
Two of the Elder Aufs will check the chamber, root system, and food vault to make sure they are protected from the outside air. These should already be built deep underground, but good to double check.

K’iou supplied Reinforced Shelter
This shelter will support up to 500 olgogs and was built protected from the flamewinds. This is where a bulk of my civilians are.

Other tribes in Danger:
If the flamewinds are heading to an area where a tribe is not prepared and Lur Union Fighters can evacuate them, they will. If possible the gogs will be taken to safety of a shelter with room, or a place where the flame winds are not active. If these gogs wish to help, they will be recruited to help. Additional gogs maybe taken to the Farms if there is room.


OtO is staying at the Gultor’uf apartment in the underground hotel in simonsburg. Assumption is that Ollurug is with me, and possibly Derlur’s Smith as well. Og Or’gog from Yagogi too. They all would be inside this apartment.

The 40 tribals he has, are chillaxing on Mag Buskt’s island, Its easy to stay safe from the flamewinds when you are surrounded by water.


The town of Drewsport is prepared for the coming of war, flames as well. There are walls set to stop the flamewinds. We have been allowing merchants into the town to set up shop, the ships are safe in the water, although they may be moved deeper into the reef for protection.

Use of certain leyas especially FIRE leyas is prohibited in the town of Drewsport until further notice, the exterior is set with guiding leyas abilities, however, none are in town. Water, air, healing, and light leyas are not prohibited. The air and water is no issue for the pirates, the town is protected well from man made destruction, now we shall see how much protection from the elements themselves.

Travel ban is in place. No one is permitted to leave Drewsport until the flamewinds die out. This does not mean that we are not accepting those that seek refuge from the finality of the flamewinds, however, just understand that when you enter, you may not leave until the threat is gone.


Provisional Colonies:
The EEF has loaned the provisional colonies two city size detour shields and a crew of 80 (40 per shield) adepts to operate them during Flamewinds. These resources are to be deployed per instructions of Lord Grimaldus. Additionally they are being lent comm gear so that warnings of approaching Flamewinds can be given. Also a crew of 30 Areomancers will be sent to try to create storms and shift weather patterns ahead of Flamewinds in an attempt to keep them in the deep wastes or push them out to sea. Early warning will be issued from the orbital installations.

The EEF will also be sending a comm crystal to UTR (for the carrier I guess) so they can be issued with warnings of approaching Flamewinds. This warning will be provided from the orbital installations which will maintain constant observation of the wastes during the season. They will also provide addtional crystals to help fill any gaps in the UTR comm network. Next crews of aeromancers and adepts to go where the UTR wishes and attempt to create storms and manipulate weather patterns to keep the Flamewinds away from settlements or weaken them as much as possible. These crews will all leave fingers behind should the worst happen and will be issued with rings with become shadow on them to use in an emergency.


((OOC: Sorry Kul Gul Rapi, I stole your idea))
After receiving Maverick’s confusing message about a warmonger trap Kincaid planned to leave. He gathered the thunder god priests. “I and the other thunder gods go to fight mag mag gor.” He stated solemnly, “He chooses to attack when he knows the thunder gods would rather help the tribes through the flame winds.”

“Now though we will show our enemy on both fronts we are strong. The thunder gods will battle him and the olgog tribes will show they can stand without their gods for a short time.”

“You will have a very special mission while I am gone. Go throughout the lands and use your drums to warn the tribes when the flame winds approach. Your bravery will let you stay to warn where other others run. Your strength will help those who have fallen flee the deadly winds. Your music will calm the panicked and your wisdom will show them how to survive. Use your drums to create the thunder that will be fighting the eldest enemy.”

Thunder god drummers (Religions of refuge pg 40) would wander the lands teaching the tribes of the ways of the Thunder Gods but more importantly always watching the sky. When the flame winds approached they would drum loudly to warn the tribes of the approaching flamewinds using their strength and endurance to run ahead of the flame winds and warn the tribes.


With the flame winds upon them Unen prepared for a rough season. The fishermen kept their boats moored away from shore with many fishermen deciding to live on their boats. It was a time of fear and all Bruskti would feed off the constant apprehension the flame winds brought.

Both the Beezos and the Proud Mary were laden with food and water. They would each have a few earther crew members who could hopefully influence the tides and winds to favor the sailing ships.
Most of the family would head out in this manner. The sylvan bunker (But not the coven itself) would be opened up to allow nearby villages in. The elders shown how to seal the cave.

The Rapion riders would act as an early warning network riding hard and fast to warn of approaching flamewinds. The riders leader would have the shell shield of auf Lal and use its igloo ability to protect them like a smoke jumpers emergency blanket if they couldn’t out run the flamewinds.

Qata would be in charge of the Kalok Fraytur. The airship would try to warn villages when the flame winds appeared picking up anyone who couldn’t make it to the shelters. They would bring the ship in low enough to drop a large fishing net to be used like a cargo net ladder. The fleeing gogs would hopefully jump onto the side and hold on for dear life.

Between the flamewinds the family would be out in force with every tunneling artifact and pick they had (300 picks, a few of which are also artificed with tunnel material) trying to build shelters. If the tribe helping build the bunker could purify their own air the bunkers would seal off. If they couldn’t the family would experiment using protective aura artifacts and water artifacts to protect the air vents.


The Outcasts traveled across the wastes. The bikes rode out in front and each of the trucks towed along one of the mobile bunkers. Urik looked over the jerry rigged air scrubbers in the back of the truck as they drove across the wastes to the Tal’lo’cal trading post.

“That’s pretty good work, Rags. All things considered.”

Rags was up to his elbow in one of them making some last minute adjustments. He nodded excitedly. “I can’t wait to see them work! I’ve never made something like this before.” He kept fiddling with something in the scrubber as he continued absently. “I’m also happy they gave us the Trading Post. I mean I designed them for the bunkers I don’t know if they’d have worked fast enough in the big caves.”

“But they’ll be ok in the trading post, right?” Asked Graf from the drivers seat as he glanced back over his shoulder.

“Yeah! Definitely. Well probably… sure they’ll be fine.” Rags replied happily. Graf looked at Urik doubtfully “Uh, Boss…”

“Relax,” Urik cut him off. “We’ll be fine. The scrubbers are only for during storms and we got the air bottles. We can open up and air out between storms and we’ll have time to button back up with the EEF issuing warnings. Sides who wants to live forever?” The Outcast convoy crested some dunes and finally in the distance saw the Trading post.

Once they arrive the Outcasts will seal and bury their vehicles and bunkers in alternating layers of ice and sand to protect them from the Flamewinds (If there isn’t a protected vehicle bay or cave, I’m not sure). Once done they will move into the trading post and set up the air scrubbers. They will help seal and secure any entrances as needed and listen closely for the EEF warning of any approaching Flamewinds. Between storms they will open up a bit to let more fresh air in. During storms they will have the scrubbers and some air stored in tanks as a back-up.


Lord Grimaldus was annoyed, very annoyed. At first he simple assumed that like every year the Flamewinds would be no problem, until of course he was told that his towns were now vulnerable, he was told that the Church had used stolen Olgog artifacts to protect the towns from the Flamewinds, and of course he didn’t have any. His mood lightened a bit when he learned about these “detor shields” that the EEF had shipped over and the people needed to run them. The citizens of Absalom and Hebron shall be evacuated into the underground shelters and farms that Lalder’s tribe created under the towns to keep them safe just in case the Detour Shields let anything through.

With Hebron and Absalom protected all that was left was Resugent’s tower and Fortress Isaias, the thirty Aeromancers the EEF sent would be all gathered at the Fortress, they would work together to try to create storms and shift weather patterns ahead of Flamewinds in an attempt to keep them in the deep wastes or push them out to sea. Personel not involved in the protection of the fortress will remain in the basement to provide at least some protection in case anything gets through.

For Resugent’s tower Grimaldus would have to rely on his own people rather then the EEF. Sadly General Vulfrym hadn’t gotten back to him about the aid that he promised. On the other hand having at least one site protected by local forces rather then EEF would be good for moral. Thankfully There were the ten individuals that the Olgogs had taught their magics to. To protect the tower these mancers would each create ice shields to protect the tower, multilayered so if the Flamewinds break through some others will intercept the next barrage. They will go in groups of three with a back up mancer to cover any gaps in the defense. Of course all soldiers and or civilians in the area shall remain inside the tower, with the windows boarded up to provide some protection.

If General Vulfrym provides any aid will be accepted any appreciated.


Orz’ad, Captain of the Wintermute Twilight Guard deployed 20 high ranking undead along with himself to the Ruins of Karov. Once there they would attempt to gather all of the Tribal citizens of the Gul’tor’uf and the other Olgogs they protected. Once they were gathered together the Twilight Guard would form a circle around them, they would focus shadow leyas (Shadow 6 and General 2) and project a Dome of Shadow energy over the assembled Olgogs and themselves. This Dome of Shadow/Ice Armor (Shadow 5, Water 2, and General 2) would be designed to absorb the energy from the Flamewinds (Shadow Armor absorbs Energy damage alongwith the cooling of the ice) While not as strong with Water leyas as the Herald they had learned much from him while defending him.

As agreed the members of Gul’tor’uf would channel their own Water leyas into the Dome to enhance it’s ability to protect against the Flamewinds to compensate the weak Water Leyas abilities of the Twilight Guard. They shall do their best to protect the civilians and citizens under Bill’s care.


Bill would ask the citizens and the other tribes near the ruins of karov, that if they needed a place to stay during the flamewinds to gather what they can and bring them to the ruins of karov.

The citizens would be asked to go back into the old lands, and gather what tribes they could from there, so they could be safe. They would be asked to gather food, and make certain they replant the seeds in the areas, so that when the flamewinds are over, there may be food when gogs return.

There would be an underground path dug, from the area near the oasis into the city of Karov, to allow water to be gathered while the flamewinds are around (being careful not to disturb the oasis).

Those that are using leyas will ground themselves first, before they start using it (if able). We would work with Wintermute, to provide water 8 adepts with water lvl 3, and bill water lvl 3 (100 feral citizens have water lvl 2, but it is up to them if they want to help ).

Durning the downtime, and for those that aren’t able to help, they will start cleaning up karov. They would start in the center, in preparation for making an oasis (if we can get the water thing from kul gul rapi family) 5 roads would lead outwards in equal intervals around.


each area would represent a part of the goblinlands 5 being the southernlands, 3 being karov, 1 being unen 2, being brez, and 4 being talocal.

Karov would be the one worked on ( because we are karovians). The housing in each area would be step pyramids, but designed to be like the local housing. for example, in karov, it would be built like giant sand dunes, with nice paths that wander up and down. Unlike the rest of karov though, it would be be built so that food grows on the outside walls of the city.

Tunnels underneath would be mapped, and connected. They would be dug far enough to support the gogs we have, if something bad does happen.

If other tribes that followed the trail of tears wanted to build a place like there homeland, they would be helped, and shown the designated area

OOC: sorry for the disjointedness of what my tribe is doing during the flamewinds.


Gobbog had all his Army of the True Flame Pray at once. They would trust in the powers of their Quall HiveQueen. They would focus their faith on the storms as they approached knowing the Ka Gor’na would be supreme.

They would extend these prayers to Zh’ka’al, the Ka Gor Pit, the Army of the True Flame Barracks. It would also extend to any city with a Der’al Collective Embassy with Quall Ambassadors dressed in True Flame armor arriving at the Pit only and protecting the city from there.

Because how? Prayer power thats how.

Just as the True Flame is praying, the new Elder Og’na will lead the Pit Mongrels in a similar chant encouraging other Pits to join in too. Let it ring loud to every pit in the southern lands. THE KA GOR’NA have come to protect us all!!!
Praise be they.

Yirhug however would grab a ride with Krodnoks believers hoping to learn more about the faith.


Urog had a lot to cover. Most if it he protected over the last few months, setting up Grounding wards across the lands in Brez. Brez also had a system of bunkers in place. Ur Rhug and tribals knew how it went. All goods were stored underground anyway, and all were already ready to be sealed. Ur Rhug, vandals, raiders, and other citizens can purify enough air to ensure the der’na doesn’t cook them alive underground. The comm crystals helped as well to communicate across the city. The UTR measures would be used to communicate with other tribes and areas, particularly across the GNA. The EEF’s help would be a boon as well. Perhaps some drills, just to make sure everyone knew what they needed to do, would help. Protection from Der’na was old hat in Brez. After all, it’s how the Earthers were defeated… All tribals know tla’or, and there are at least 20 artifacts of create tla around brez, not including what kul gul rapi dispersed. And all ur rhug know how to create a chill if needed. Having many artifacts of chill helps too. Standard Brezan underground bunkers, the K’iou-built sanctuary, the Sylvan root room… all standard.

New things to worry about:

Farms: 100 Ur Rhug would be deployed to protect the farms. Seeds to save, food to be stored underground. Der’or would be used to ensure maklal don’t die. That’s what Tla’loc’alans said. For everything else, grounding wards to prevent too much damage. With summon elemental artifacts, the elementals will cover the farms with stone during the der’na. When done, uncover, and the ur rhug would recover the farm and get it back. Since many farms are underground, seal them, der’or for breathing, tla’or for water, and save everything.

Censor-craft: All 101 (the two that were destroyed have been recovered and rebuilt, as stated by narrator in week 22) will be manned by at least 3 ur rhug (if, spatially, more are required, then more used). They will use grounding wards to protect the craft. If possible, fly and evade (Brezans would know if it was possible based on their experience, be it flying high or flying away). If possible, the censor-craft would also act as a haven for stranded citizens.

Underground tunnels - By the old train station, now in my control - have ur’sa’or users cast light, can be used as a haven as well, being wary of nightmares and other creatures living there. (Stalkers are good for defense). Too bad Ol’Lur didn’t get back to him earlier about clearing these tunnels. Use as last defense.

Simonsburg - Yyan Kol built an underground city. Use it. There are enough Der’or users for air and tribals to create water. Since the city was under attack by the Avatar of Kalok, most citizens were underground anway. Make sure to save the weapons, too (the magi canon). Set up drills as well.

Across the GNA - the chieftains always had their ways. Offer Brez and Simonsburg as havens during the season of Der’na.

UTR networks - early warning systems when seen, let others know what’s happening, pass along information as we get it.

To areas affected, offer tla and food (such as ferals who give fealty to the GNA and/or UTR).

I have artifacts of tunnel materials. If any GNA “tribes” need tunnels built more deeply, do so. Provide help when asked for, to the extent I can provide it.


Tor’og trust ally. Allow Ka’Gor’Na to protect tribe. Give protection to Ka’Gor’na that to protect Tor’Lallur. Praise to Pit for provide ally for Tor’Lallur. All Tor’Lallur stay within caves during Der’na. Also stay within Hospitals and pray to Pit for protection. Tor’og pray to Pit to keep ally friend and be safe.


The nomads are plentiful, but have no land of their own.

Current locations:
1 in Drewsport - to take refuge among UTR (revealing self to be GNA at that time). Offer to purify der’or and help with preparations.
1 among the Elogans - presuming they are prepared (he’s done a mission every other week). If not, then there will be travel to trading post by tla’loc’al. As all are accepted, take refuge and offer to help (e.g.purify der’or).
3 in Simonsburg - 1 travelled with OtO, 1 meeting in up with them, and another being teleported outside from Plane of Fire from prior week’s mission. They’ll take refuge with GNA in Simonsburg and/or in the hotel suite. Of course, there’s always the avatar to worry about… (if moving, then do so with caution. Hire EEF, request use of censor-craft)
Rest are in Brez - always offering to help with preparations either levitating, creating air, etc.

(I might have missed one, but if that’s that case, then do as above with any UTR).


Every entrance to surface closed by a foot thick slab of stone. Those that were away from the Caves would find or make caves and make their own small cave, the auf of each caried a necklace to purify the air and will revive the others when the winds pass. Glog carrying a nacklace of hold life and has a finger with Lok.


Presuming it’s only Yohai, he’ll just rip a hole through reality to the plane of awareness. If he’s stuck with stragglers, then quickly take them back to somewhere safe. Do not leave them among the uth. Depending on who it is, take to his castle (floating above the nightmare moors), like scout, forge, Kul Gul Rapi, and opal.

If the castle appears to be in trouble, then teleport it out.