Goblin Lands 2 Rescue Event 23: The Flamewinds Come...


Prologue: A Wooden Craft over Hurricane winds

The Lur Union Fightercraft was normally a nimble aircraft. But the turbulence from the edge of the storm surrounding the flamewinds was causing the Olgog pilots teeth to chatter. The pilot felt nauseous as the aircraft edged up and over the highest winds, trying to find a safe pathway. The aircraft suddenly was flipped, as an updraft from the flamewinds struck one side and not the other. The olgog pilot wrenched at the controls, finding the artificings sluggish or activating with more force than necessary. He allowed his vision to slip into Leyas sight for a moment.
Down below him the Flamewinds had drawn so much air and fire leyas along with it that it was nearly blinding. He blinked a few times closing off his vision, and focusing instead on the controls in front of him.

He nudged the aircraft back up, trying to climb away from the dangerous winds. It hopped and bounced with enough force that the pilot’s neck was compressed. Cracks were running through the walls of the fighter, never having been designed to survive hurricane force winds. The pilot swore he could hear the sound of the hull tearing around him. His own pain was excruciating, but the pilot never released control of the vessel. He pulled up and away, reporting back to the Auf Lal’al leadership, “Our attempts to fly over the Flamewinds have been a failure. Our fightercraft can outrun them, but we don’t want to try flying over them. I worry we would have to go orbital to get around them.”


Part 1

The armor was hot, and made Geoff of the Rhug’Tor town guard sweat under the summer sun. He tried to air out his collar, but it just let more hot air in. Relief didn’t seem in sight. He looked up at the sky, watching the Rhug’na’ru pilots soar as they tried out the newest biplanes off the assembly tower.
Geoff thought they looked smooth as silk. He cursed his genes, knowing as long as he wasn’t a Rhug’na’ru immutable they would never let him into the cockpit.
Geoff watched the Zepplins make their lazy circles around the production tower. It was a typical day in Rhug’Tor and many were busy at their tasks around town. Geoff sighed knowing he wasn’t seeing the sky anytime soon. If he was lucky and he kept doing his job of town guard, one day he could own his own home and find a nice hot Olgog gal to settle down with.

Geoff heard the loud sound of drumming as a group of tribal olgogs ran towards Rhug’Tor. Their drums sounded again and again, warning in a primal way. In the distance, Geoff could see the fiery tornado funnel on the horizon. The tribal olgogs barked, “Der’na, Der’na, Der’na, Tor, Tor, Der’na, Der’na.”

Geoff quickly translated (Earther was his first language, his own native Olgog language a second he had learned as an adult). His eyes widened and he began to yell, “Flamewinds! Flamewinds!”

A peasant turned towards him and yelled, “What are we supposed to do?”

Geoff honestly didn’t know. No plan had been set forth for the people to follow by the Rhug’na’ru.
He looked up to see at least the alarm had reached the airfields. The Biplanes began to take off, one row after another, seeking safety in the sky far away from the flamewinds.

The Zepplins turned on the wind and began fleeing the oncoming firestorms.

The firestorms struck the outlying homesteads, burning crops and structures equally quickly. Geoff had never seen such destruction in such a short time, and it was racing towards them. The airfleet had escaped Rhug’Tor but the rest of the town was going to burn.

Then as the firestorm was about to rush down upon his position, Geoff saw a strange nightmare man step from a burst of shadows. The nightmare man raised his hands and a huge shield raised over the entire town of Rhug’Tor.

The fire storm blasted down into the shield, and there was a sound like a thunderclap.

When the flash ended, the winds had died down.

Geoff waited until the ringing in his ears finally stopped. He approached where the Nightmare man had stood. He found the creature curled up in its cloak. Pulling back the cloak he revealed Uriel sitting meditating, trying to focus his mind. Blood poured from Uriel’s eyes and ears and mouth, making his already strange form look hideous.

Geoff looked down, at a loss for words.

Uriel coughed up a little blood, wiped his lips and said, “The word you are looking for is thanks.”

Part 2

Mihael Yonik had been riding with Godart’s gang across the deserts of Unen for over a year. They had amassed a nice fortune in trade goods after taking a Petrol Refinery months ago. Many of the Pirate fleets and the Unen truckers relied on the extra boost that Godart’s petrol added to their engines. There was even a parts manufacturer in Port Unen who used the petrol to create plastic replacement parts for high and ultra-tech gear. Gimgo’s Parts and Sundry if Mihael remembered it right.
The trade was brisk, that is until the day the flamewinds came.

Before the flamewinds hit, Mihael had heard the drums in the night. They had been partying with Carvan Merchants who traded Godart’s Petrol on the black market, and the Maklal Liquor had flowed freely. Mihael had woken everyone up, and gotten them on the road.

Godart was livid knowing the full value of the Petrol refinery. The spinning tornado of fire swept down on their position. To Mihael’s sadness the carvan guards had tried to escape with their haul. Down the road when the flamewinds struck them, the petrol tanks they carried erupted in flames. They added their heat to the flamewinds, and added clouds of shrapnel to the now scything wind.

As the flamewinds roared down, Mihael was sure they were doomed.

But instead a dark cloaked nightmarish man stood between their fuel depot and the onrushing storm. The army trucks of the Godart gang were parked on an overlooking hill. Mihael watched in surprise as the shield sparked to life around the fuel depot. The Storm ground into it, setting sparks across the sky.
Then all was still and quiet.

A few moments later the nightmarish man limped to his feet and teleported away.

Part 3

The tribals of Og-orol held their belongings on their back. Riding the Lal sand disks across the dunes, the many families of Karovian nomads were making their seasonal migrations away from the Ruins of Karov and deep into the canyonlands. The traditional Karovian migrations took them to the deepest canyons where the caves provided much protection against the Flamewinds, and often had natural sources of water.

On their fast discs they quickly outpaced one tribe of nomads following Kilma Ur’ab.

Off to their flank the Og-orol Lal disc riders could see the large brown hull of the Landship of Tor’og Urrgh, where it made its way south to return to the safety of underground Tla’loc’al.

Still further the Og-orol flew on their Lal discs, sliding across the sand with a smooth soundless ease.
Then suddenly the horizon was in shadow as a multitude of Mighty Yadols rose above them. The Yadols had been driven to madness from fear of the Flamewinds, and with it moments behind them, they were in frenzy.

They knocked the Og-orol from their discs, and especially the young found themselves half-buried under the sand. Their bodies wounded by the spear-like legs of the Yadols with small punctures that dyed the sands red.

The Yadols were doing no violence on purpose and continued fleeing across the harsh terrain. The Great Uhryu Og-Orol stood forth to defend her people as the Flamewinds lashed down upon them.

Suddenly a nightmarish man was standing in front of her. He raised his hands, and a shield erupted around the tribe of Og-Orol. Then the storm struck and Uriel nearly reeled. Since he had started this plan, he had been in constant motion, defending tribes across the Goblin Lands.

The storm dissipated but Uriel felt his head begin to swim. He teleported back to the VLAD base hidden in Port Unen and passed out on a medical gurney bleeding from all orifices.


Part 4

The Dome shined black under the hot sun. It was layers of shadow walls, bound together with ice walls. The combined forces of the Alma tribe, the GulTor’Uf tribe, and the envoy of Wintermute filled the sky above the city with an intricate network of wards and walls held together by will and the Leyas.

The ferals cowered under the dark sky, through the dome and many whispered the final end had come for them. Fear spread across the ruins of Karov, and the ferals bowed their head and began to cry saying that Auf Ka and Auf Tor must be battling above them.

This fear filtered up through the Dome and began to bind with the Shadow Leyas pooling there. When the flamewinds struck the Dome, it dumped a huge amount of energy. As the Flamewinds struck, three over the course of a single week, the sparks lit the sky above the Ferals. Fear mixed with their water leyas and pulled shadow up to the Dome.

Finally when they tried to drop the dome it would not. Now like a black sun always at sunrise, it marred the terrain of Karov. Inside its walls light cannot reach, and all plants have died off.


:confused:The Rewards :confused:

Gangs of Uf Mag’og have successfully populated the undercity of Yyan Kol in Simonsburg. This protects the current population from the flamewinds and also opens up an extra 1,000 citizens that could live in Simonsburg once the Train line to the Colonies is opened back up.

Urik’s Outcasts gain Defensive Barracks set up at Tla’loc’alan Trading Post which can maintain 200 individuals.

Yagogi’al gains 20 Bladders full of Burnt Smell. (they did not capture the already burning petrol on the winds)

Kul Gul Rapi gain 10 months of extended life for each vampyr

Krodnok gains +500 Citizens to the Underground City of Krodnok. However there is not enough food to last out the week and the season of flamewinds is at least six more weeks. How will you feed them?
(Citizens are not faithful)

Unit 817 gains Fortified Relationship with the Ferals. Drewsport gains +100 additional Feral citizens who will bring food, salvage and gathered goods to trade with the Drewsport people.

Lalder gains The Success of the Flying Farms. Lalder may now automatically grant enough food to provide for a settlement of up to 5,000 Olgogs, each week, in addition to food already provided.

Ka Gor Tribe gains The Power of Faith. As long as there is an allied Quall N’drone warrior on the battlefield, the Ka Gor Tribe or Army of the True Flame can unleash a Flamewinds attack on an enemy target on the battlefield. Yirhug and the Knights of Simonsburg cannot use this power.

Ar’yay HiveQueen gains Enshrined by the Der’al Collective as a National Hero.

GulTor’Uf and Herald of Wintermute gains the Great Dome of Shadow and Ice over the Ruins of Karov. This is now a permanent structure artificed onto the landscape by the immense power drawn by the flamewinds dumped into the defensive dome and mixed with the feral’s fear.

Uriel gains 1 Rhug’na’ru Biplane, and enough fuel for eight missions from the Godart Gang, and 1 Lal Sand disc from Og-orol for defending their non-posting tribes. He should also get thanks…

All Tribes involved in this mission gain We have Survived the Flamewinds! Their standard tribals gain +1 F.S and +1 L.R. All tribals who are not standard (Warmonger’s Dead Olgogs, Pit Mongrels etc) gain +1 L.R. To a maximum of 6, and gain Survival (Goblin Lands) skill of 5.

All Mercs involved in this mission gain +1 Will to their racial maximum. (unless both Tribe and Merc posted in which case only the tribe gets the reward). And survival (Goblin Lands) skill of 5