Goblin Lands 2 Heroic Mission Week 21: Last Stop This Desert


Tusk stood on the bow of the Bruskti Airship as it coasted over the deserts of Karov. Hikiti stood off to the side of and seemed to be fiddling with a metal hook one of the Brukti pirates had given him.
For the past few weeks he had been traveling South Vima (the Goblin Lands), and gathering tools and blessings.
Along with them traveled the strange nutter Derlur the Nomad, every day after pacing the deck and writing a letter to his father, he would descend below deck. Disappearing for a couple of hours, he would then return to the deck, pacing again as it were.
The Karovian Wild Nomads (who refused to deal with other tribes in any way) had been quite hard to convince to help the trio in Mag Buskt’s strange plan. The creation of a Headdress for a High Chief that was never to be worn? But Derlur had been an eloquent speaker and convinced them to help. Their one caveat had been the headdress must be brought back to them to be seen before it could be placed in the Museum.
The Headdress was beautiful, and was magnificint. All who looked upon it, longed for a noble leader to wear it.

Honagaran waved up at them. The Old Wild Karovian had traded with other tribes for years and acted as a diplomat for them with other groups. Derlur said, “I’ll swing down to speak to him and then we will be onward to the Museum.”

The Nomad flipped down on a rope, leaving the airship high above, the Headdress safely in its hold.

The old wild gor’ab smiled at him saying, “You bring the headdress? We give final blessing?”

“Where is the rest of the Wild Karovian Uhryus, Honagaran?” asked Derlur.

“War has come to Karov. The Uhryus will hide in the canyonlands while the war continues,” said Honagaran, “Where is the headdress? Where is the high chief’s headdress?”

“Its up there,” said Derlur, “I’ll bring you up, and you can give your blessing.”

“No you bring it down here, we make it, its ours.” said the old wild Karovian, “The law of Earthers have come to Karov. No one attack tribe living the old ways. Give back tribal relic.”

Derlur shook his head sadly, “You made the base, the Tla’loc’alans added to it. And the Bruskti gave the Gemstone that adorns it.”

“It is not true,” said the old Gor’ab drawing his Zela sword, “Brukti just cursed thieves. Tla’loc’alans are just Earther’s stooges. Give me Headdress now. Return our tribal relic, return our culture you stole.”

“We had a deal Honagaran,” decried Derlur as he stepped back. His hands reached out levitating common stones into his hands. They were bigger rocks with flatish sides. Derlur continued, “There is a sweet little girl and boy up there who don’t need to see this get worse.”

Honagaran stepped back, motioning towards the seemingly empty desert around them. There was a flickering of light as the Wild Karovians were revealed and behind them larger hulking armored forms of VofV Robot Armor.

“Now you give us headdress?” asked Honagaran.

“When did the Wild Gor’abs lose all honor?” asked Derlur. He eyed the sword, knowing a wound from that would be capable of killing him and even his father’s great power would not be able to restore him.

“You work with Brukti, they vampyrs,” cackled Honagaran, “We are not liars and scum like Yagogi. We do not let vampyrs live in our territory. We told the VofV about the Vampyr pirates. They agreed monsters like that need to be destroyed. You, girl, boy, step aside. Give us headdress go home safe.

Bruskti die final death. Way it is intended.”

Derlur nodded as if he agreed. He went to climb back up the rope when Honagaran approached.

“No no, you no go up. They come down.” said the Wild Gor’ab as he swung at Derlur.

Derlur wasn’t letting any Gor’ab lay into him with a sword. He parried the sword with a rock held in his hand, using the rock in his other hand to deliver a swift blow to Honagaran’s head. The gor’ab slumped, unconscious but not dead.

Then Derlur looked down to see about twenty laser designators pointed at him.

He wipped his hand and a cloud of sand covered him for a moment. As the spot he was on was peppered with railgun fire, Derlur was already up the rope, yelling, “If you have any other allies, now is the time to call them. The VofV thinks we are robbers of primitive artifacts, and the Wild Karovians are letting them keep on thinking so.”

Tusk asked, “Why but why?”

“The Bruskti, apparently not all Karovians have heard the Mag Buskt is now on their side,” said Derlur as he flipped onto the deck, “We have a moment before they unload on us. We need to disable that Robot Armor and those Gor’abs or this this ship is going down.”

“What about diplomacy?” asked Tusk.

“When they are marching to burn your tents to the ground, the time for diplomacy is long past,” said Hikiti, thinking back to his time with the Nngao.

Mission Rules
First player to post gets a repost when all other players have finished posting to the mission in response to all other actions.
All other players may only make 1 posting.
Other players may only act as if they have seen the action of the first player who posts.
All other actions are compressed together by the DR team with a focus on storyline, so do not worry about paradoxes between different action posts.
Not every aspect of every action will be shown. This is especially true of actions that exceed two paragraphs.

Special Challenges:20 VofV Robot Armor (in Peacekeeper mode, can be driven off by dropping them to 0 EP), 10 Wild Gor’abs (should not be killed if you want to keep the VofV in Peacekeeper mode but should be disabled), 25 Olgog Hunters (FS 4, 2 attacks, obsidian spears and Earth and Air lvl 4 leyas.) Keep the headdress safe.

All on Camera

Open to all tribes and all mercs Each player may only send a single hero into this mission (Mercs only may bring any apprentices they have)

Gang of Uf Mag’og may use BOTH Hikiti and Tusk in this mission, (but not other tribals)

This mission ends on Friday 2nd May at 8.PM. E.S.T.


Tla’LurOg was sad that there had to be such fighting between gogs. “The Elders always tried to make peace, now we live in times of war.” he said to himself as he walked the desert, his blessed gear giving him a feeling of peace. How ever his walk took him right into a fight, between the Karovians (and Earthers) and the Bruskti. He may not like fighting, but Tla’LurOg never stood by and let Earthers rule how gogs lived. Remembering the teachings of Auf Maglal, he held fast to his spear as he ran into the fight.

1 LalgOl’ol
Hp 12 FS 5 Move 5
A.R. Bone and LeatherArmor
3 vs Melee
2 vs Missile
1 vs Energy
2 vs Chill
+1 Charisma
+1 Em.C.
1 attack

Water lvl 3
General lvl 1

Wooden Spear - 7 Melee dmg, x2 dmg against charging enemies.

Special Artifacts:
Water Change Form Ring, Cure Disease Necklace, Translate Earring and Slick Surface at 3 successes.

Using water Leyas to attack the Robot Armor with ice, or changing the terrain. Any olgogs that attack will get the same treatment. After all the fighting Tla’LurOg will help heal those that have been captured or killed and have been bound. He will also provide water for any others that are in need of it.


Lalon would have liked to take a Lur Union fighter, but with half the fleet missing, the others were needed to patrol the warzone and protect home. Lalon had other tricks. He took out a leash and used to summon a Chimera. He climbed on and headed to Krav as quick as it could fly. Once he got in the area, he would land and finish the rest of the way on foot and shadow jumping. Keeping his eyes out for any tech devices.

When he can see the area of the confrontation, he would jump to a shadow, hopefully without a camera, lay his cloak over him hiding him from his targets. Now he knew they had to take out the eletrical devices and cameras. He started to concentrate to summon a Light Frost storm. Just enough to short out the Cameras. He doubted this would effect the mechs much. Once this was going, he would sustain it while moving on.

Next, Lalon adjusted his eyes to see better at range (Bird sight), then he would take out his nerve disruption sticks. They could be used in melee or at range, in this case, he used the leyas ability. He Targeted the Krav gogs who were attacking his allies. He would target any looking like they were concentrating, interupting any leyas they were invoking.

Lastly, he had his elemental summons. The Earth Elemental could mud wave the Mechs or any gog on the ground without killing them.

Lalon did his best to just incompasate the attacking Gogs. Letting his allies escape.

If all went well, after they escape, he will leave and the Frost storm will stop. Allowing the Camera’s to turn on. It should be like glitch. Hopefully the VovF won’t think much of it.

(Allies) -
Lalon has Leyas sticky mines and 4 extra Nerve Disruption Sticks to get to allies if they need them.

Lalon ((Ur Tor Special) LR:4, Heal:2, Light: 3, Shadow:3, Air:2, Earth:2, Fire:3, Water:3, General:2, Shape:3, Summ:3) Adj: (Stealth 5)

Armorfiend Hide Vest (Life Shield),
Phoenix Strike Pistol, Artifice Forked Krato spear with Shieldbreak, Solar Essence and Lightning spear studs, and Wave motion fist gloves. Also has an Unnamed Warsword cut by Demonsbane (6 Dmg Half AR, Lowers SAR/VAR 6)
Ring of Healing (Cure Disease, Heal Internal Damage, Cure Poison (3 succ)), Ring of Tunneling, Camo Cloak (Wilderness Camo, Obscure), 4 healing potions, 4 rez potions, Goggles of Night sight, Leash of Summon Chimera, Stone of Summon Earth Elemental, Feather of Summon Air Elemental, and Waterskin of Summon Water Elemental.

Extra Equipment: Sticky Leyas Mines, 5 Nerve Disruption Sticks

Shields: Chill Shield, Life Shield (Item), Wilderness Camo (item), Obscure (item)


((OOC: Sorry I can’t wait for the response to the planning thread I doubt I will be able to post later. Gangs can alter my post as they see fit))
Rapirova brought the Kalok fraytur to a light touchdown near the assembly area. Her and Gabi had been charged with helping out the gogs trapped in the desert. They would take on any one coming to help them.
The Kalok Fraytur would have a crew of 10 to fly her with another 5 creating the shadow protection against energy attacks (Mission bonus shield). Gabi would be in charge of the 9 human pirates accompanying them. The human pirates were armed with Unit 111 magi cannons (Last resort against the battle droid) and chill bolt pistols (primary attack against it to power it down).
The humans would also be using air leyas to create coughing clouds to drive back or hinder the wild Gorab and cloud cover to give the trapped Gangers and Bruskti the ability to escape (Technically not damaging, I am unsure of what the escalation of force doctrine is in the VofV but hopefully these less than lethal measures won’t trigger more proactive measures).


Burke never liked Robots, ever since that Giant clown tried to touch him in the ally had used small robots to keep him from escaping. However he knew that his rifle wouldn’t do much against them, and it looked like they were defending the feral Olgogs so executing them would bring their ire upon him. So he would instead keep them on their toes. Burke would fire shots at the feet of the Feral olgogs to keep them off balance using his non laser sniper rifle. the loud noise and the impacts on the ground should keep them from being able to cause much harm. Hopefully someone else would be able to take out the Robots.

After the battle if people disabled the robots, Burke would head down there and attempt to salvage parts from them. He needed some to make repairs on his new translator robot…yes it seemed a bit of a contradiction that he hated robots yet kept one for himself. However he made sure that this robot didn’t have a molest function, so it was alright. His Cherub needed spare parts for repairs and it listened to him.


Dreg stretched in his seat to see over the steering wheel as the Outcasts truck rumbled across the sand dunes out into the dessert. Their two bikes driven by Rags and Graf ranged ahead.
“Ya sure the Boss is gonna be ok with this?” Asked Mac, one of the original Outcasts, He had spent most of his life as whipping boy for his old tribe until the Oustcasts had found him.
Yeah, probably,” Answered Dreg uncertainly.
“Supposed to be Urik decides what jobs we do.”
“This isn’t a job we’re helping out valued allies.” Dreg corrected as the truck slide down a dune half out of control.
“If you say so.” Mac said with a shrug.
Up ahead Dreg could see that the bikes had halted just below the crest of a dune and Graf was carefully peering over the top. Dreg bought the truck to halt and they hopped out, jogging over to the bikes “Well?” Dreg asked Graf as they neared he could hear the others piling out of the back of the truck.
“Yeah its just like they said. Got a bit of a stand off it seems.”
“Great, them lets get to work.”

The bikes (each with a .50 cal mounted) will act as rabbits rushing toward the bots and attempting to draw them apart and scatter them to make it easier for others to disable them they will not fire accept for occasional warning shots well into the air it is just hoped that the presence of the heavy weapons will draw the bots attention. Dreg and the other ten outcasts will use the truck (with the extra armor strapped on) to move around and make a lot of noise so as to further confuse and distract the bots and the wild gogs hoping to make it easier for others to disable them. None of the Outcasts will fire directly at the bots or their olgog allies.


Derlur hated betrayal. He hated greed even more. The Earthers to the East were being used against the two young pups, and Derlur hated that too. They were good little ones. They deserved a chance, and he was going to do his best to ensure it.

Defensive Strategy: Create space between the ship and the attackers. Blow up wind around the vessel, using dust from the ground, to obscure the view. Levitate the peacekeepers into each others’ line of sight. Lift the rope up over the deck the second he got on it (or cut it down) to prevent boarders. (can he create a windshield large enough to protect the vessel?)

Offensive Strategy: Use levitate to pick up environmental objects (like rocks) and knock heads of Gor’ab (it worked once, right?). If possible, levitate a weapon from the VofV troops and use it to create “cover” (strafing across, no intent to hit anyone, but enough to prevent anyone from chasing them). If needed, use his special ability to shadow walk and cover multiple sides of the ship. To throw attackers off, change his appearance if need be. Make it seem as if there are more defenders than it seems. Cause enough damage to allow the ship to escape. If there happens to be a dead vofv trooper whose armor isn’t too damaged, then he’d levitate it up for keeps (or one who’s been taken down to 0 EP, steal the armor if possible, use ray of sun to recharge the battery, and then use the armor later).

If the vessel gets grounded: Defend the Gang pups. Shadowwalk them out if need be. Use whatever is at disposal to protect them. As a last resort, appear to be wearing the headdress, and escape to a different direction than the kids, allowing them to escape by whatever means necessary. Hopefully, he won’t be killed with Zela. That would be bad.


Bazman was eager to get away even for just a little while from life in Karov, it was not that he disliked things but as of recent things had gotten very hectic. He had developed close friendship with Maggul who was away dealing with council matters and his little buddy, Yayi the trumpeter who was found to be infected by Mag Der’al and kind of creepy currently. He was glad just to get some time away to himself and for a good cause helping out fellow Brezans. He would hail the crew via com crystal to assist with the wild gor’ab and the V of V robots, as well as the cameras. He will board the ship casting FIRE LEAP and LEVITATE for a controlled flight.

Once he is aboard, he will used the Cantrip Familiar in the form of a pet snatcher (damn love those refugian snatchers) to fly around and scope out for the cameras keep an eye on the situation. Finding out the locations , Bazman will use CHILL BOLT to disable to cameras and then cast SHADOW WALLS to separate/disable the robot armor, that is if the robots press forward into the way. This is an olgog matter, and why are they now infringing upon it. With the robots and cameras being disabled, Bazman will instruct Tusk and Hitiki that he’s got a way of showing the wild gor’ab the headdress without actually putting it in harms way, but he would need to actually see what it looks like. Taken to the relic, he would use the artifact to summon a Cantrip Familiar version of himself holding onto the headdress and stay out of sight. The tough Brezan cantrip would act as if it were fully substantial using ropes to make his way down to ground level to do as the wild gor’ab wish, having the headdress taken to them for viewing, but not for being held. They can to appease the silly wild gor’ab with viewing the relic for the final blessing, but with all the commotion from others attacks Cantrip Bazman will hurry towards safety back on the airship where all can be on their way. Bazman would do nothing to make matters worse, but if the airship is in dire trouble he would get with Tusk and Hitiki, “You need to get out of here with the headdress. I will stay and fight for you behalf the Yagogi (mostly, mud wave and brute strength pummeling), or I will take you all and headdress to rendezvous at the UtR council chambers. I have learned it well by going with Maggul. The choice is yours, but I highly doubt you want to lose this vessel.”


Tusk - F - (Mag’Ol), LR 5 - Gen lvl 2, Water lvl 3, Summon 3, SS 3, will 6, light 3
1 Cloak of the Unit 817 (2 A.R. Vs Melee & Missile & Chill wt 2, Chill shield (3) +10 A.R. Vs Energy attacks while shield is active, Hide in Shadows (3))
Platemail (chestplate)
Brezan Lance of Protodoxa
“Rat Skull” Necklace of Uf Magog: Speak with Animals & Speak with Plants, Translate, Read and Change voice (3)
Summon Earth Elemental
Summon Chimera
hobtor axe

Hikiti - M - LR 6 - speaks Earther, Gen lvl 2, water lvl 2, will 4, summoning 3, Earth 4
1 Cloak of the Kul Gul Rapi (2 A.R. Vs Melee & Missile & Chill, wt 2, Shadow Walk (3))
Nightmare hide armor
Warwalker Hide Buckler: +2 A.R. Vs Melee & Missile, +3 A.R. Vs. Chill. WT: 1 Parry vampiric
Warwalker Hide Axe: 1d8+4 Melee dmg, Half A.R., does No A.R. Dmg to Undead and Warmonger’s Dead. Does x2 dmg to demons. Does No A.R. Dmg to demons.
Summon Hydra
Summon Sword Fiend
small hobtor knife

Tusk wears metal armor, won from the Church of One with a cloak around it, a massive Brezan lance gifted to the gang by Protodoxa, a necklace with a kolgul skull on it’s end, and two other artifacts on her person. Her Karovan features are prominent, but her demeanor is a mix of her Karovan heritage with the outward show of strength typical of Brezan leadership.

Upon seeing the chaos erupt, she immediately had two thoughts. First, save the newly created olgog heirloom. Second, she couldn’t leave the Brusktis to die. She barked the order immediately, “Hikiti, teleport home immediately. Have King Urog send censor-craft.” She then looked to the crew, “GET US OUT OF HERE! I will not let us die today!”

Hikiti was torn. He wore hide armor, also with a cloak over it, as well as a warwalker axe on his hip and a warwalker buckler hanging from his arm. He also had a few artifacts at his side. He was here to protect Tusk, and he wouldn’t desert her. Not now, not ever. She shot him a glare before turning her back on him, as if to say, “You better not be there when I look back.”

Tusk focused on the artifact, summoning a chimera as a mount, and jumped off the vessel. She used Change Voice (ability) to amplify her voice so that all could hear her below. “Hear me, my Karovan kin. I am Tusk, the last Mag’ol of the Nomadic Tribe of King Dargor the Hoblok. My tribe was destroyed by the Uthvelor raiders. With no tribe to serve, I serve only one purpose. To bring the tribes of Vima together. What you seek I have put together, with the help of the Unenese, the Brezans, the Tla’loc’alans, and your tribe. What you seek now no longer belongs to any single tribe, but to all of them. If you wish to have it, then fulfil it’s destiny like I intend to … by uniting the Olgog under a common cause. But until then, you are nothing more than greedy thieves who wish to own what is not theirs, using Earthers as your pawns to steal what you cannot earn. I am witness to your betrayal, and may the tribes of Vima forever know the Wild Karovans as betrayers of the Olgog tribes. I stand as the last of my tribe, but I am willing to die to protect our dream to unite the Olgog. So in the name of the Mag Auf Olgog to come, CEASE YOUR ACTIONS”

As anyone tried to attack Tusk, Hikiti would summon a hydra to act as a meat shield and disrupt the attention of the attackers, allowing her to escape. Hikiti, blatently disobeying orders, would order the crew to flee to the isle of the Mag Buskt. He’d tell them to focus tor’or on the Earther machines. He’d summon hydras, earth elementals, and Sword fiends to disrupt those who would make thier way towards them. Those earth-based creatures would use their abilities to disrupt, but not kill Gor’ab. Disarming them would be a nice benefit. Hikiti would then try to chill bolt the VofV troopers’ armor. He had an extra axe of chill bolt, which he’d give to a member of the crew who may not have tor’or. Once the Troopers were disarmed, he’d focus on the Gor’ab. If possible, erect Stone Pillars/walls to disrupt oncoming fire.

Tusk would dismount back on the vessel, summoning chimeras to void claw Earther Weapons. Leading the crew in the defense of the vessel. She would summon creatures to harass the gor’ab as well. All non-mortal combat.

If the Gor’ab are persistant in their chase, and they can’t escape, then do joint attacks disarming attacks, with the hope to maim and prevent combat. Summon chimera and charge attacks if needed/possible.

If the vessel goes down, Hikiti will endeavor to gather everyone together and teleport. If he gets too seperated from everyone (he’s holding the object in his shadow cocoon), as a last resort he’ll teleport out. If he can only save one person, he’d obviously save Tusk. If he can find a way to create a shadow large enough (off a boulder, by having tusk create a light off an object to create a shadow), he’ll shadow walk the vessel out of there as well. If needed, he will sacrifice the three summoning artifacts to pull off the teleport with everyone on it.