Goblin Lands 2 Heroic Event 20: Mag Der'al vs. Mag Daron


Part 1

Glog lay unconscious on the large sterile plastic sheet, in a back tunnel of Tla’loc’al’s poorest zone. Alchemist Onderal was standing over him, taking notes in a small journal. He finally put the notebook away in the inside sleeve pocket of his brown robes. His simple garb only added to the diminuative impression others would have gotten of the elderly olgog. Onderal finally prodded Glog one last time with his finger saying, “You little olgog brought this on yourself. But do not feel sad. From your lapse in judgement, I will craft the finest revenge the Olgogs have ever had on the Earthers and their precious colonies. Colonies built on land stolen from our tribes. The Earthers traded for land from the K’iou and the K’iorn and the thrice-cursed Falosini. They made deals, but never did they make deals with our kind. No they took our lands and drove us out. Like animals. Like simple animals.”

Onderal lifted up a syringe filled with greenish fluid, resembling what the hammer had secreted before. He injected it directly into the base of the third arm that had grown from Glog’s side. The Arm thickened, shedding fur, and growing scales. As it began its change, Onderal flicked out a long scalpel lovingly crafted from a Manslayer mandible. It slipped easily through flesh and tendon, severing the arm completely and deftly removing the extra bones the Teardrop Hammer had grown to anchor itself in Glog.

Mag Der’al Olgogs crowded around him, reverently taking the tools as Onderal discarded them. A meter long metal cylinder was laid out to Glog’s left. As the third arm was cut off, it was uncermoniously dumped, Teardrop hammer and all, into the open hatch on the side of the cylinder. Once it was inside, the aged Alchemist closed the door and spread a little powdered krato bone over the locking mechanism. A catalyst in the form of a drop of collodial silver and a small blast of Leyas changed the lock fundamentally, sealing the arm inside hermetically. Through a viewport made of perfectly tranparent quartz, they could see the arm spasming as the hammer began oozing more and more of the green slime. It filled the cylinder, and Onderal motioned for tubes to be connected to the cylinder.

The tubes spread the fluid to five different warheads made from alchemical steel. Each was designed for a simple rocket powered by a potent alchemical chemical mixture, and each had lovingly crafted faucets allowing the warhead to spray its contents while it arched over a target at full speed. Alchemist Onderal sniffled a little. His old body was suffering, and it would not be long before he could no longer keep extending his life. The pain…the suffering would be too great. What is endless life if it is not accompanied with an end to aging, other than a living torment.

Onderal heard the sounds of approaching footsteps. His eyes darted nervously at his pet who sat next to him. It was calm, so he calmed down. He was surprised to see Mag Der’al Olgogs from Unen and Karov and Brez here.

“Speak,” he said going to back to work monitoring the hand pumps and tubes filling the warheads.

“There is attacks on our groups across the Olgog lands,” said the Mag Der’al Olgogs in a strange unison, “The Mag Daron, a tribe of Olgogs who worship all things Draconic and consider the K’iou Forgemaster Iblik of the Eyed Staff their messiah, has come back to these lands from the Falling Star Homeforge. They are using Zela axes to expose our members, and eating them.”

Onderal blinked a few times, “Repeat that last sentence.”

“They are using Zela axes and eating us,” said the Mag Der’al Olgogs, “They are so deep of belief that we are nothing before their hunger. All we have built, family, lives, killed and consumed as well.”

“Surely the leadership will not allow such brutality against their own citizens?” said Onderal surprised considering the violence his own Mag Der’al faced when they were revealed.

“In Unen the Kul Gul Rapi hunt us on every vessel leaving port. Every seaside village has become a trap for us. Luckily they have equally hunted the Mag Daron,” said the Mag Der’al, “Only Rhug’tor Town is a safe haven near Unen, and we have watched the Rhug’na’ru cut down Mag Daron in a hail of rocket fire.”

“I am surprised they didn’t turn on us when their UtR allies did,” said Onderal, “

“In Drewsport the crew of the Batavian Bat came to our aid,” said the Mag Der’al, “They trapped the Mag Daron hunting us in mud and stone and shot him with their blunderbusses until he gave up took him into custody. He currently awaits trial for the Mag Der’al family he killed.

The Unit 7756 in the feral lands has offered us aid, as well.”

“Keep the flow of food going into Drewsport to the crew of the Bat,” said Onderal, “They have done right by us, we will continue to do right by them.

I do not like the dead, but if Unit 7756 has left us alone in this time of conflict, then we will extend a similar respect to them.”


“Karov has been infested with Unenese Pnemonia,” said the Mag Der’al in unison while they watched the warheads filling, “Many have died. Families have died. Sickness is terrible and it comes from the Tor’Lallur.”

“Once the Earthers are handled, we will address the Tor’Lallur my pet,” said Onderal, “I have little patience for Plague Vampyrs. How have they handled those who hunt us?”

“They have hurled the Mag Daron into their Pit.” murmered the Mag Der’al Olgogs, “It thrashed and pulled itself free. His faith, very powerful, and allowed him to survive the Pit. But not without changes. Now he is a Dragon of Plagues and flies above the lands of Tor’Lallur attacking the tribals and all others who enter the region.”

Onderal smiled at that, it was exactly what the Mag Daron deserved. He softened a little and said, “Capture a Tor’Lallur tribal. Take samples from their blood, then let them go.”

“Yes,” said the Mag Der’al as a single member left to take the action commanded.

“What of the Ka Rhug?” asked Onderal.

“They have allied with the Mag Daron,” said the Mag Der’al, “Ka Rhug has given them a place within Mt. Rhug. A single Diplomatic Mag Daron has joined them to observe their ways.”

Onderal snarled, “The Ka Rhug and their leader Kolgol will suffer for this alliance. Our deathmark on his people will be the end of them. Wait until they face the planar knights, then our curse will bring death upon them.”


Part 2

Tor’ab eyed Dehv Dragonspawn. The angry Mag Daron was staring at him viciously.
The Tla’loc’alan sighed, this didn’t look like it was going to be easy. The Mag Daron was still chewing on a piece of an olgog. It looked like a piece of flank.
Tor’ab didn’t like this guy, but…he knew that the Mag Daron would just keep sending more like him.
“My name is Tor’ab, Elder here. We are no friends of the Mag Der’al, and we may even have a way to eliminate the parasite forever. Tell me what you know, stop your attacks in my lands, and work with us. If you do not, I’m no pup like those you attack. I will stop you and break you here and then kill the Mag Der’al on my own. Your choice.”

Dehv looked at him, spat out the piece of flesh, “I’ve been asking about the Mag Der’al for the past day, and you are the first person who’s actually talked to me. It is a nice change of pace. You have a serious infestation here.”

“Infestation?” asked Tor’ab, “But we…I thought we had captured most of them. How do you know?”

“I can taste it,” said Dehv, “Their blood tastes wrong. So…lead me to the Mag Der’al nest and I will teach you how to clean out monsters like these. You will want to keep your gogs back until I handle them. Their blood will transform the unprepared.”

“Yes, we were aware of that,” said Tor’ab, “What else can you tell me about them?”

“They are chewy,” replied Dehv, “And they taste better raw than cooked.”


Part 3

Tla’Hob stood next to his daughter as they readied the tribe’s warriors.
“You know you don’t have to join us.” he told her. He wish he hadn’t as she glared at him.

“Glog is my Mate and I will do whatever it takes to find him.” Urog’na said as she examined the Honor Steel Katana. “Besides he would want us to show those Zh’ab who is incharge around here.”

Tla’Hob nodded. “What about Uf’ogmak? He has not been well since his return.”

“That’s why we are knocking him out once we have Glog and leaving the urn behind. Let the fools deal with whatever it is.”

Tla’Hob nodded. looking at them he said “Search every part of Tla’lok’al, every cave, every tunnel. We will not rest until we have Glog back. Move out!!!”

At his words the force of gogs move out, leaving half the tribe and a finger from each fighter with Lok’Uf’Tor and Gul’Lal so that they will not be lost, even though they would be near to home.

It took nearly a day and half of searching to find Glog, with home advantage and excellent hunters in their favor.

Tla’Hob and Uf’ogmak came upon the body of the controversial Tor’og, finding him discarded in a refuse pile. His unconscious body had been left outside the back tunnel of a dilapidated tavern known as Gyorgyn’s Jug. Tla’Hob sighed. Anyone who came upon this body would just assume that Glog had gotten drunk and fallen unconscious in the warm soft pile. Tla’Hob knew better. He motioned to Uf’ogmak, “Take his arms and pull him out of the pile.”

Once Glog was safely out of the refuse, and Uf’ogmak’s back was turned, Tla’Hob followed her orders. He swung a fist striking right at the back of Uf’ogmak’s head. The cursed olgog dropped to the ground like a sack of rocks. Uf’ogmak was unconscious, and his urn rolled into the refuse pile.

Thinking it ironic, Tla’hob lifted up Glog and Uf’ogmak and began the long trek back towards the Or’Lur caves. His back was turned so he never saw the hand of the Mag Der’al Olgog reach up from the refuse pile and close over the Urn of Ashes of the Ages and draw it back into the darkness.


Part 4

The infamous OtO ran through the streets of Brez. Ahead of him was the maildrop supposedly used by Derlur the Nomad to communicate with his allies. He could see the small blue plasteel box still set in the shadows of a collapsed marble building.

On top of the wreckage he saw the strangest thing. There was an Olgog ganger who was slammed to the ground by a large Mag Daron Olgog dressed in acidwyrm scale armor. Another Olgog ganger charged the Mag Daron, who split him easily in half with a swipe from his axe. Suddenly the Mag Daron began to levitate into the air.

OtO was about to attack him from behind when a crowd of Mag Der’al charged at him from a building to his left. They had not seen the Mag Daron, and he had not seen them. Unluckily for OtO they were in a pack, and armed with a lot of very dangerous looking weapons. He made a tactial retreat to a fallen pillar, which he leapt upon. He hoped to delay them so he would only take on two or three at a time.

OtO punched a single one crushing its jaw and kicked its dead body off the pillar. In that moment he saw the Mag Daron being raised into the air by some unknown force. The Mag Daron hurled his axe with unerring precision and cut down one of the gangers and there was a shimmer of leyas dissipating.

The body of the ganger fell and as it did so it changed into the form of a ragdoll. Sand and silt spread across the ground from where the material of the human-sized armature was ripped. The zela axe was embedded in its chest.

OtO recognized the creature that had been revealed. It was a Phantom, one of the servants of Lord Roan Desdaemon. He had remembered seeing a file on Lord Roan as a possible ally during his short service in the VLAD spy agency. Its hands were still reaching out towards the blue box. OtO realized he wasn’t the only one hunting for this Derlur the Nomad. If both the Phantoms, and the Mag Daron were hunting for the Nomad, then OtO had his work cut out for him.

He yelled at the Mag Daron, “Hey!”

The Mag Daron turned and saw the Mag Der’al Olgogs spread out around OtO. With a look of pure glee, the Mag Daron sheathed his remaining axe, and walked over to the Phantom. He broke off a bit of his axeblade in the body and then sheathed that axe. He then charged the Mag Der’al and began pummelling them with his fists. OtO took this moment to leap over the melee below him. He landed on the rubble pile and quickly clambored up and over it, barely sparing a glance at the now dead Phantom. OtO found the blue message box and opened it. Inside he found a single letter it said, “I have finished my work with the Headdress of the High Chief. I must simply gain the blessings of the Wild Karovians. Then I will be off to Brez to deliver the Headdress to the Museum.
See you when I return in two weeks.”

OtO was surprised the note was written in Earther. This Derlur must have been a colonial at some point. A colonial now being hunted by the Old Vlad, the Phantoms, the Mag Daron, and of course Olgog the Olgog. OtO knew he couldn’t investigate all of Karov to find a single wayward olgog in the time allotted, but he did know where his target would be in two weeks time. The abandoned Museum of Brez, not too far from here. He could wait and prepare the ultimate trap. Then again, OtO thought as he tapped the yellow envelope a few times and a ticket to the museum fell out, he could always wait for The Nomad in the event itself.

He looked back to see the Mag Daron still engaged in close combat with the pack of Mag Der’al. Many of the Mag Der’al lay dead, bludgeoned to death by the olgog’s powerful fists. OtO wondered how that guy was preventing infection. The Mag Daron was literally sprayed with Mag Der’al blood and it seemed to have no effect.

The infamous OtO felt his impatience fill him. Sit around, and wait and wait, or rush into the desert to try and find him…which to choose?


The Epilogue

Alchemist Onderal held the strange urn, eyeing it suspiciously. He motioned for ten Mag Der’al to take the warheads and bring them to the secret launch sites. The teardrop hammer and arm still sat floating in the sealed cylinder. It made Onderal think of Glog.

“So you say the Or’Lur collected the body?,” said the Alchemist, “Why did they leave this urn?”

“The younger Olgog was struck from behind by the older one. He had no warning. He was knocked out and dropped the urn. The other left it, but his arms were full. Maybe he did not see its aura in the leyas,” surmised the Mag Der’al.

Onderal held the urn closer, feeling a strange warmth inside it. Were those voices inside he heard, calling out to him? He didn’t know.

The drapes across the cave entrance parted and in came a blind redfur who was sniffing the ground.
Alchemist Onderal was just frankly confused. What was a pit mongrel doing here?

“Where are the guards?” asked Onderal, “Where are the guards?”

The eight Mag Der’al in the room replied in unison, “They cannot be smelt.”

At the sound of the voices, Gorkaog realized the entire room was obscured and he couldn’t see who was really here. He could smell them though. He knew behind him an entire pack of erstwhile allies were following him. Gorkaog had met Kamis Firewyrm of the Mag Daron and simply told him he could lead him to Glog. On the way they had met Gortins Claw, a Mag Daron who had come south from Brez, and Dehv Dragonspawn and his new friend Tor’ab of Auf Lal’al. They had even run into an Uthvelor wandering Tla’loc’al. The Mag Daron and Tor’ab had killed the Mag Der’al guards quickly and quietly without alerting those inside while Gorkaog had followed the scent of Glog’s sickly arm.

Now blind but not helpless, Gorkoag swung his axe around, and prepared for unexpected attacks. He listened closely. He could hear the foot falls of a Mag Der’al Olgog to his left. Gorkaog’s hand whipped up hurling a fireball the size of a beach ball at chest height. The Mag Der’al was bent forward and the blast actually struck him on the chin, incinerating the top of his head and the parasite inside him.

Then the Uthvelor was at his side, cutting down two of the Mag Der’al with a smooth slice of a nodatchi. The blade shimmered as it cut through reality. It annihilated the Mag Der’al flesh and blood as it passed through them. The body fell to the ground.

The Mag Daron tribals raced forward pummeling the Mag Der’al into submission. Alchemist Onderal found himself knocked from his palaquin by Dehv Dragonspawn. He rolled across the floor clutching the urn. It came open in his grasp, and ashes spilled out and over him. The spirits of hundreds of sacrificed by Emerald suddenly surged into the Alchemist’s body. His hand spasmed towards his pet Mag Der’al, the creature suddenly found itself sucked into its master.

Onderal roared and charged Dehv. The tiny Olgog slammed the Mag Daron to the ground. Standing on his chest, the Alchemist kept punching the Mag Daron in the face. Then he leapt towards the wounded and barely conscious Mag Der’al Olgogs. They rolled across the cave together becoming a giant Olgog. It looked like Onderal but was twenty feet tall. They cut into him with their zela blades but like the Mag Der’al he was protected from it.

Tor’ab leapt at him, climbing up a fist as large as a Mak Hoblok’s head. He stabbed down into base of the wrist trying to disable the giant. Gorkaog drove his axe up and into the exposed belly of the giant. Onderal looked down and the ground below Gorkaog became mud and the Pit Mongrel stumbled. Onderal used that moment to kick him with enough force to hurl Gorkaog’s body like a ragdoll.

Onderal swung his fist in wide arcs knocking back the Mag Daron. In that moment Onderal ran for the exit, using Tor’ab (who was holding on for dear life) like a buckler. Moments before striking the cave entrance, Onderal fell into pieces, each becoming one of the Mag Der’al Olgogs he had fuzed with. Onderal, now much younger and his usual 2 ft size, used the pile of bodies to hide his escape.

The Mag Der’al were not so lucky. They were killed and consumed by the Mag Daron while Tor’ab and Yohai looked on uncomfortably. Gorkaog kept asking what the smacking noises were.

With the battle won, Dehv was surprised to see the cylinder holding the Teardrop Hammer. He whooped and shouted with joy.

“We can go home now,” said Dehv, “We have found it.”

“No Dehv,” said Kamis Firewyrm, “We must recover the Glog of Or’Lur. He is a criminal against the Falling Star.”

“I will find him,” said Gortins Claw, “You two take the cylinder and the hammer inside it back to the Falling star.”

With that Gortins Claw left them to finish securing the site.

He headed up to the upper tunnels where the Tla’loc’alans were in a madness of violence. Their fear of the Mag Der’al was getting the better of them. Gortins Claw headed towards the tribal lands of the Or’Lur, but on his way there he passed into the caves of the Ol’Lur.

The Mag Daron was set upon by a pack of Yadols. The fight was fierce and the Yadol riders found themselves hard put to the test. Finally Gortins Claw lost his footing on the stone ground up by the Yadols. He tumbled down, and was eated by the maw of a Yadol, and was never heard from again.



Alexraiser gains Trapped a Mag Daron. A single Mag Daron terrorist has been captured by the crew. They may either be used for a Prisoner Transfer or can be simply executed.
In addition, Alexraiser gains A RailGun in the Works. The plans have been drawn up but parts are needed for the Railgun. Parts that must be figured out by the player are 1- The Power Source, 2- The Magnetic Rails, 3- Metal for the Ammo. These parts are not normally available in the goblin lands so it will take creativity to figure out how to either gain a real version of each part from the EEF or Colonies (or Goblin Gunner player tribe), or to figure out a work around that uses Leyas or available parts.
They have retained their bonus for having the Mag Der’al as allies.

Unit 7756 gains Ignored by Both Sides. By allowing the Mag Der’al to infect the nearby ferals, the Unit 7756 has gained Immunity from Mag Der’al attacks (barring a future betrayal). The Mag Daron have offered to Alert the Unit 7756 if the Falling Star Mobilizes . This ability may be used in any mission involving the Falling Star homeforge but must be referenced in the players mission post.

Tor’lallur gains The Unexpected Blessings of the Pit. They gain 1 Month extended life.
The Mag Daron was altered by the Pit but not into a Tor’Lallur worshipper. Instead he has been broken into a unique creature who will now attack anyone who travels through Karov anywhere near the Tor’Lallur lands. (this includes both Tor’Lallur and all allies and enemies in the region).
Special enemy broken: TorWing, Plague Dragon of Karov
H.P. 24 F.S. 7 3 attacks
A.R. Vs Melee, Missile and Energy 10
A.R. Vs Chill 5
Not a Plague Vampyr but has all powers of a Plague Vampyr. Devotion: Mag Daron
Special Attacks: Plague Dragon Bite: 10 Melee dmg + Disease
Corruption Breath Weapon: 10 Chill dmg, Cone attack, + Disease
The Tor’Lallur have a deathmark from the Mag Daron. Tor Lallur gains 2 Zela Metal Axes
1d6+6 Melee dmg, Zela metal.
A sample of Tor’Lallur plague vampyr blood has been taken by the Mag Der’al.
The Mag Der’al have been driven from Tor Lallur lands.

Kolgol gains a Temporary Alliance with the Mag Daron. They gain use of Hehnah Fang, Mag Daron Diplomat. He will never give his gear to anyone, and will retain his worship of the Mag Daron faith.
He may be deployed to any mission against the Mag Der’al OR against Tribes who have given refuge to the Mag Der’al. He may not be deployed to Diplomatic missions, but may be deployed to Heroic Missions.
Hehnah Fang, Mag Daron, Olgog Fanatic
F.S. 6, 3 attacks, Earth, Shadow, Water all at lvl 4, Strength 8
Armed with a pair of Zela Assassins Axes (x2)- 1d6+6 Melee dmg, currently 1d6+ 11 with strength. Drops all Leyas Shields and Shapeshifted armor on targets. Can be used to deflect Leyas attacks on the flats of the axe blades.
Armed with Khaz’gha wood Fist Wrapping- 5 Melee dmg, Bludgeon, currently 10 Melee dmg Bludgeon. Indestructable weapon.
Mag Daron are immune to the Mag Der’al, Noble Bloods and all Alien Larvae and Mind Control. Unknown other powers (may be unlocked in future missions).

Lalder gains a Temporary Alliance with the Mag Daron. They gain use of Dehv Dragonspawn, Mag Daron Hunter. He will never give his gear to anyone, and will retain his worship of the Mag Daron faith. He may be deployed to any mission against the Mag Der’al OR against Tribes who have given refuge to the Mag Der’al. He may not be deployed to Diplomatic missions, but may be deployed to Heroic Missions.
Dehv Dragonspawn, Mag Daron, Olgog Fanatic
F.S. 6, 3 attacks, Earth, Shadow, Water all at lvl 4, Strength 8
Armed with a pair of Zela Assassins Axes (x2)- 1d6+6 Melee dmg, currently 1d6+ 11 with strength. Drops all Leyas Shields and Shapeshifted armor on targets. Can be used to deflect Leyas attacks on the flats of the axe blades.
Armed with Khaz’gha wood Fist Wrapping- 5 Melee dmg, Bludgeon, currently 10 Melee dmg Bludgeon. Indestructable weapon.
Mag Daron are immune to the Mag Der’al, Noble Bloods and all Alien Larvae and Mind Control.
Mag Daron Devotion lvl 1: Taste the Truth. Mag Daron after eating another creatures flesh can tell you whether the victim of their cannibalism was under the influence of alien parasites, or other biological or technological control mechanisms. They are immune to the effects of any bio-mass they eat (can’t be affected by parasites they ate). Can grant final death to a creature eaten in this way (slow process, cannot be done during battle but can be done afterwards).
Unknown other powers (may be unlocked in future missions).

Kul Gul Rapi gains 5 Weeks of Extended Life and gains Trapped a Mag Daron. A single Mag Daron terrorist has been captured by the Sniper team. They may either be used for a Prisoner Transfer (see the bottom thread), or can be simply executed. They have also wiped out the Mag Der’al among the Bruskti tribes and among the Pirates groups that roam the seas near Unen coast.

Unit 817 gains Found a Peaceful Solution to the Mag Daron. All Standard Tribals gain +1 Leyas Rating, (not Elders or Youths/Juveniles, and not WarMachines).


Yagogi’al gains Found a Peaceful Solution to the Mag Daron. They gain use of Mawen Rapider, Mag Daron Gor’ab. He will never give his gear to anyone, and will retain his worship of the Mag Daron faith. He may be deployed to any mission against the Mag Der’al OR against Tribes who have given refuge to the Mag Der’al. He may not be deployed to Diplomatic missions, but may be deployed to Heroic Missions.
Mawen Rapider, Mag Daron, Olgog Fanatic
F.S. 6, 3 attacks, Earth, Shadow, Water all at lvl 4, Strength 8, Flesh and Spirit Dweller
Armed with a Zela and Meteoric Iron Executioner’s Scimitar- 2d6+6 Melee dmg, currently 2d6+ 11 with strength. Drops all Leyas Shields and Shapeshifted armor on targets. Can be used to deflect Leyas attacks on the flat of the Scimitar blade. It marks its bearer as a Gor’ab and servant of the Falosini.
Armed with Khaz’gha wood Fist Wrapping- 5 Melee dmg, Bludgeon, currently 10 Melee dmg Bludgeon. Indestructable weapon.
Mag Daron are immune to the Mag Der’al, Noble Bloods and all Alien Larvae and Mind Control.
Mag Daron Devotion lvl 1: Taste the Truth. Mag Daron after eating another creatures flesh can tell you whether the victim of their cannibalism was under the influence of alien parasites, or other biological or technological control mechanisms. They are immune to the effects of any bio-mass they eat (can’t be affected by parasites they ate). Can grant final death to a creature eaten in this way (slow process, cannot be done during battle but can be done afterwards).
Unknown other powers (may be unlocked in future missions).

Gang of Uf Mag’og Finds a Peaceful Solution in Simonsburg. The Mag Daron will now keep Simonsburg free from Mag Der’al and other hidden shapeshifting threats. They gain use of Dakon Drake, Mag Daron Gor’ab. He will never give his gear to anyone, and will retain his worship of the Mag Daron faith. He may be deployed to any mission against the Mag Der’al OR against Tribes who have given refuge to the Mag Der’al. He may not be deployed to Diplomatic missions, but may be deployed to Heroic Missions. He can also be deployed to any mission defending Simonsburg except against Mag Daron
Dakon Drake, Mag Daron, Olgog Fanatic
F.S. 6, 3 attacks, Earth, Shadow, Water all at lvl 4, Strength 8, Flesh and Spirit Dweller
Armed with a Zela and Meteoric Iron Executioner’s Scimitar- 2d6+6 Melee dmg, currently 2d6+ 11 with strength. Drops all Leyas Shields and Shapeshifted armor on targets. Can be used to deflect Leyas attacks on the flat of the Scimitar blade. It marks its bearer as a Gor’ab and servant of the Falosini.
Armed with Khaz’gha wood Fist Wrapping- 5 Melee dmg, Bludgeon, currently 10 Melee dmg Bludgeon. Indestructable weapon.
Mag Daron are immune to the Mag Der’al, Noble Bloods and all Alien Larvae and Mind Control.
Mag Daron Devotion lvl 1: Taste the Truth. Mag Daron after eating another creatures flesh can tell you whether the victim of their cannibalism was under the influence of alien parasites, or other biological or technological control mechanisms. They are immune to the effects of any bio-mass they eat (can’t be affected by parasites they ate). Can grant final death to a creature eaten in this way (slow process, cannot be done during battle but can be done afterwards).
Unknown other powers (may be unlocked in future missions).

Krodnok gains 5 Mag Der’al Bodies in storage.
Also gains one Dead Mag Daron
Dead Mag Daron, Undead Olgog Berzerker
F.S. 6, 3 attacks, Shadow at lvl 4 All Standard Warmongers Dead rules apply.
Armed with a pair of Magi Pistols- 3d6+6 Energy dmg or 3d6+6 Chill dmg
Armed with Khaz’gha wood Fist Wrapping- 5 Melee dmg, Bludgeon, currently 10 Melee dmg Bludgeon. Indestructable weapon.
Mag Daron are immune to the Mag Der’al, Noble Bloods and all Alien Larvae and Mind Control. Unknown other powers (may be unlocked in future missions).

Rhug’na’ru recovers from a torn apart Mag Daron, enough zela for a single Zela Rocket Warhead and a single .50 cal bullet cast in Zela. Rhug’Tor Town is now gained +25 citizens (Mag Der’al who moved there with their family)

Or’Lur tribes gains Glog was Healed by the Mag Der’al. Glog no longer has the teardrop hammer, but does retain the coloration changes and brandings. Glog is free of the curse of the Teardrop hammer. He may now be used again by the tribe. Glog loses 1 Charisma due to the mutations to fur and brandings BUT gains a +1 to Temper and +1 to Emotional Control after experiencing the most agonizing month of his life.

Ka Gor Tribe gains Found a Peaceful Solution to the Mag Daron. They gain use of Kamis Firewyrm, Mag Daron Pyromancer. He will never give his gear to anyone, and will retain his worship of the Mag Daron faith. He may be deployed to any mission against the Mag Der’al OR against Tribes who have given refuge to the Mag Der’al. He may not be deployed to Diplomatic missions, but may be deployed to Heroic Missions.
Kamis Firewyrm, Mag Daron Pyromancer, Olgog Fanatic
F.S. 6, 2 attacks, Earth, Shapeshifter, Fire all at lvl 4, General at lvl 2, Strength 8
Armed with a Zela and Meteoric Iron Assegi Spear- 1d8+6 Melee dmg, currently 1d8+ 11 with strength. Drops all Leyas Shields and Shapeshifted armor on targets. Can be used to deflect Leyas attacks on the flat of the spear blade.
Armed with Khaz’gha wood Fist Wrapping- 5 Melee dmg, Bludgeon, currently 10 Melee dmg Bludgeon. Indestructable weapon.
Mag Daron are immune to the Mag Der’al, Noble Bloods and all Alien Larvae and Mind Control.
Mag Daron Devotion lvl 1: Taste the Truth. Mag Daron after eating another creatures flesh can tell you whether the victim of their cannibalism was under the influence of alien parasites, or other biological or technological control mechanisms. They are immune to the effects of any bio-mass they eat (can’t be affected by parasites they ate). Can grant final death to a creature eaten in this way (slow process, cannot be done during battle but can be done afterwards).
Unknown other powers (may be unlocked in future missions).


The Mag Der’al gain Unlocks Olgog Fusion! Contributed by Jon Miele and Justin Fishman. Costs 15 points. This ability requires Tribal Fury as a pre-requisite and infection with a Mag Der’al. For an entire combat, this Olgog can join together with other Olgogs shapeshifting into a Giant Yyangog. Each character who joins the fusion may make 1 attack in the form of the Giant using the abilities of all Olgogs who are members of the fusion. This includes combined Leyas. Only one Olgog is required to have this ability to fuze, but all Olgogs in the group take damage when the large form is hit. They may stack their H.P. But not their other stats. They retain the strength increase from Tribal Fury.

GulTorUf gains Trying to Find a Peaceful route but fail. Mag Deral have sent an additional 25 citizens to live on the Reservation. The uhryu apprentice failed all negotiations and is being hunted across Karov by Mag Daron.

Agent Brook gains Pilot (AAV) 2 skill.

Yohai gains Profession (Investigator) 2 skill.

Ol Lur gains Yadol Riders of Epic Skill. The Ol’Lur Yadol Riders involved in this mission gain +1 F.S. And +1 L.R. Their mounts gain +1 F.S.

Lord Grimaldus gains EEF has set up a full defensive network around Absalom and Hebrom. These settlements cannot be attacked without a full EEF mobilization. In addition the Mag Der’al have been driven out of this region. Acendus Blade has tasted the Mag Der’al and now it wants more…

EEF Field Marshall Strykker gains Created a Successful Synthetic Antibody to Mag Der’al. They can now drive a Mag Der’al out of an Olgogs body and make the body uninhabitable to the Mag Der’al. All EEF Olgogs are now given this as a vaccine as a precaution.

Derlur the Nomad gains Effective Teamwork bonus , +1 L.R. To all standard tribals (not elders)

Urik’s Outcasts gain +1 Rifles Skill for all tribals.