Goblin Lands 2 Diplomatic Event 24: A Uniquely Krato Solution, The Yyan Decision


There was a meeting. An ominous meeting, between Kotine of the Krato, the Rehsedgog Chieftain, the Leader of the Armies of Eloga, and the United tribes of Refuge and the Der’al Collective. Select other tribes attended but few knew about the dark dealings of that meeting. For they came together to discuss a giant problem.

Kotine began, “Welcome one and all, I am Kotine, servant of the Ur King Jarl. The Krato have extended our protection over the lands of the Elogans. As we speak there is an army massing on the borders of our lands.
Their diplomats have come to the Krato and offered much wealth in the form of slaves if they can pass without incident through our lands to raid the lands of the Olgogs.
We have not yet given them an answer, because I must decide what is in the best interest of the Elogans under my care. War with the Yyan will cost the Elogans many lives, but what gain does war with the Yyan bring my people…nothing…at least that I can see. Yet the alternative is a huge stock of slaves as payment for our blind eye.”

Quill gave the proper signs of respect, then he said, "Kotine, I for one do not find this to be a dangerous situation.
For every slave they give you who is an Olgog release them into the Der’al Collective as a citizen. I even offer each a comission within the Army of the True Flame. They will have a home, a job defending the collective, and food.
Then we direct this Yyan Army to the borders of our enemies the Earthers. They can travel through are lands without violence as long as they respect all Collective Borders.

You of course will do as you wish with the non-Olgog slaves. I prefer not knowing the fates of them but I am sure they will be quicker and more merciful than the Yyan who currently hold them."

Auf Lalog’na bows showing respect for the gather Olgogs Kotine and says "I am here as part of the UtR and for my tribe. I expect others of the UtR will be here shortly as well.

As if you let that army through your borders, it would be into our lands, so we have an interest in helping you against the Yyan army. Our tribes and nations recently have worked well as neighbors and relations have been improving. We would also like to continue this trend as well. Recently my tribe, Herd of Auf Lal’ al, even have completed a trade.

As good neighbors, we have taken most, if not all, of the Oners attacks as they continue to concentrate on our cities like Simonsburg. The Oners from Dunesphere hold very few cities in the south now.

Also, We can help deal with that Yyan army. They must be dealt with sometime, might as well be sooner than later. We can also limit those lifes lost with our healing leyas amoung other things.

Our common enemies attack, because they see weak individual enemies, whether its true or not. But As we Olgogs form nations and relations with other Olgog nations, we all become stronger. Our enemies will soon not see multiple weaker smaller enemies, but a strong set of nations they do not wish to anger for fear they will take notice. And that fear will work on those giants."

Quill asked, "If the Oners are really threatening your borders and the Yuan want to fight with someone, why not sic them on each other, Auf Lal’ogna?

Let our enemies hurt each other. Then when bloodied and distracted we could clean them both up."

Auf Lalog’na says "The oners are a problem, but not the other colonies or the EEF. While we do nothing outside the Olgog Lands, the other Colonies will not interfer with us protecting the Olgog lands and even will help us as they have done recently. But if we let an Yyan army through our lands unharmed to attack them, we could loose the support of the EEF. And I do not want to chance that.

Also, Dunesphere, the real power behind the Oners, has not actually sent much of their force because of what the other colonies would do. If the other colonies fear something like the Yyan Army on their door step that marched through Olgog lands unhindered, they would allow the oners to get away with send a large force. One that would cause us difficulty.

I fear letting the Yyan army through both our lands is not a good idea.

But I do believe we can help deal with the Yyan army and could even get help from the EEF. We do not fear their Magi cannons as long as you have enough Artificers that know Light Leyas. We can show any a trick to reflect most magi cannon fire. "

“I can think of a couple reasons letting them through probably isn’t a good idea.” Urik said to Kotine,

“First, how do you know you can believe the word of these giants? We all recently fought a large group of Yyan who served The Warmonger. If this group does to letting them cross your boarders would be a terrible idea. How do you know they don’t hope to set the UTR and the Der’al Collective to fighting and then attack everyone while we’re distracted? Or maybe the slaves are just a distraction and really mean raid elogan land.”

“Secondly is the gain of slaves worth the long term alienation of your charges neighbors? The Yyan may come but they’ll also leave, one way or another. And something like this is likely to end in violence between the UTR and the Collective. I guess the question is which is worth more, some slaves or not having open on going war with your neighbors?”


Vektor listened as all spoke. The Brezan didn’t like being left behind while Urog and Shirley defended Simonsburg. But someone had to do it. Might as well be him. Besides, he was the better talker these days. Shirley had become the better fighter, as much as heated to admit it. He thanked everything he could that Shirley had no desire to rule. She could probably defeat the entire tribe at this point.

He bowed deeply to Kotice. Everyone appreciates a bow of reverence. He them nodded to the heads of tribes.

“As my tribal kin have said, the Yyan are no friends of the Brezans. And their lands lie north of us. They must first travel through the lands of the Great Northern Army to get to the lands of the armies of eloga and the Der’al collective. The Yyan are not trusted by the ferals or the Brezans. Other than the Earthers, the Yyan have been the enemy of the Olgog for longer than memory, having enslaved us for longer than memory. The Great 'Uf reminds us of it. I do not speak for the United Tribes of Der’al today, but the Great Northern Army does not look kindly upon those who wish to enslave us.”

“If by complying with our request to not allow the Yyan to enter their lands the Elogans are met with force, the Great Northern Army stands ready to assist.”

“As to the Army of the True Flame’s ideas to set the Yyan against the Earthers, well … We have formally nothing to say of it. That land is protected by the Earther Council of the North, the EEF. They would not appreciate it, irrespective of how easily they would be able to rid themselves of that problem, especially if they ask for our help and if the united Olgog would offer it and perhaps rid ourselves of this problem once and for all. But it is not my place to say and the choice is ultimately of the Elogans.”

Uhryu Bill of GulTor’Uf countered, “Any idea that includes the EEF, I must strongly council against. From the assassination of at least one of the Ur kings, as Kotnce knows. To the promise of non interference, and hardly a week goes by were they do something, or involve tribes loyal to them to do their work have all shown that the EEF has its own plans and will do everything to execute them. Why most recently, they wanted to have us execute sick gogs based on there say so alone, only showing pictures as ultimate proof that the gogs must die.

Can you imagine a world where the sick are execute?

Kotine, a lot has changed since we last spoke. Whether you take payment or not, whether you aid us or not doesn’t really matter. For most of the olgog tribes have been selling what we are for exchange of power. Others will stop this, giving a part of themselves away for aid from the EEF or one of the others who influence the tribes . . .”

“Actually most recently they gave several tribes free aid in surviving Flamewinds and as for the Mag Der’al incident when they determined that it was an illness causing olgogs to attack earthers. They created a vaccine and then gave it away for free. You’re the only one they seem to have asked to execute anyone which makes me think they didn’t ask that at all and you’re just doing that thing where you only hear what you want to hear.” Urik said to Bill with a shake of his head. Some gogs just never learn, he thought to himself. Then he continued to the entire gathering.

“Besides maybe you all forgot but they still have the boarder locked down any giants that did try to raid the Colonies would get nailed with air strikes and artillery before they even got close. And if they did get close they’d find even worse waiting for them. Hmm though maybe that would solve our little problem for us after all.”

Auf Lalog’na says to Bill mainly, but also so others can hear: "Where to start after that one. Not everyone has had the problems you’ve had with the EEF. Not all earthers are bad. The EEF has always come to our tribe with requests and done as they said they would. Even respected our decisions when we asked them to leave once. Should you be cautious, sure, but not to the point of starting a war across the lands by letting Yyan though. And of course the EEF has its own goals, like every nation. I’m going to guess that one goal would be not getting attacked by an army of warmonger following Yyans. Even if the EEF could pound them into the ground, they would not take kindly unless priorly arranged with them.

As for executing the sick, The only reason more gogs that were infected by the Mag Der’al are alive today, is because the EEF worked for a cure for it. The Mag Der’al were attacking the tribes as well as the Earthers. Infected they were friends of few. Without the EEF our only choice would have been to kill them all as they were attacking us. But we didn’t have to do that.

Lastly we have sold nothing of ourselves to the EEF. Have we made peace with them, hopefully. Has that relationship helped us, yes. Two years ago we had to deal with Oners execution squads, today they are gone. While Olgogs did most of that work, the EEF did help Olgogs in that. When the flamewinds came through, the EEF sent Aeromancers to help protect the vulnerable. The Trains have brought needed supplies to our cities and allowed us to let other earthers see we are not the monsters of their nightmares. Basicly, If you work with them, they will work with you. And that is what our experience with the EEF has been.

Oh and Most of our power as you put it, has nothing to do with the EEF."

Lalog’na says to the rest “We stand with the GNA, with Vecktor, Yyan cannot be allowed to roam our lands. We do not trust them, and we cannot have an army march through our lands and attack the EEF and colonies. We will do much to prevent this. My tribe will aid in the defence of the Elogans lands if Kotine and the Der’al Collective would have it. We will also interface with the EEF for you to see if they would be willing to help defeat the Yyan army.”


Rapi’Lal had listened to everyone’s responses before he addressed Kotine.

"I believe it matters not what you do. By warning us you have allowed all Olgogs not under your protection to prepare for war. Either with your help or with out it. So lets list what you get out of either.

Option 1: You take the slaves," Rapi’Lal spoke the word as though it was a curse. "And we, having prepared for the arrival of an army, decimate the forces that arrive. This option also runs the risk that your people will be attacked if the Yyan chose to go back on their word or are not pleased with their welcome in these lands.

Option 2: You tell the Yyan that they are not welcome on the lands you protect. We stand beside you in battle with weapons and ships that the Earthers have shown fear of, not to mention there are those in these lands who have fought Yyan before and have driven them off. In the war that follows you take their slaves and, if you get lucky, you get the Yyan as well.

Which option seems more to the benefit of your people?"

Rapi’Lal looked Kotine in the eye, his arms crossed.

His question was interrupted by arguing between Bill and Urik.

Bill said, 'You are right that the Mag der’al did attack gogs. But that was after gogs that listen to the EEF drove them from their homes . I have heard of tribes gloating that they drove the Mag Der’al to the sea that resided in Unen. When you drive someone from there home, and then they attack you, they are the bad gogs? They attacked you, so they should be put down.

Its like you believe these actions exist in isolation. They don’t, Those tribes that didn’t drive gogs from there home weren’t attacked, that should indicate that these attacks are not random, that they are caused by something. In this case it was because tribes drove them from there homes.

Of course, preventing a disease that causes gogs to attack earthers would benefit them, do you think they do it out of the goodness of there heart?

I provide some doubt, and then you try to verbally eviscerate me for doing so. I was there, as many others, when the EEF said they would do nothing beyond they land they claimed as the colonies. Since then, I know they have assassinated at least one tribal leader, one of the UR kings tribes (OOC: I forget the name) . Since then, they had at least one team down here, which resulted in an attack on Talocal. This was after they said they wouldn’t come down.

The EEF has broken there word several times to achieve there ends, and because of that I provide doubt.

Kotine, much has changed since we last spoke. I have reservations about the treaty with the Quall you showed me, I have reservations about what you intend to do, what your final goal is. I believe that we should discuss all these things and more, but I don’t believe now is the time or place with this.

As for the Yyan, it seems that everyone here is gearing for war. This is going to be like the other times, where tribes are going to go out, kill everything, and come back and congratulate themselves for being the “good guys”.

Smith, a member of our tribe, went to defend his homeland when the Yyan first struck. coming back, he told us that the leaders believed that someone may be manipulating the Yyan. I don’t think anything will be resolved until it is found out what is driving the Yyan, and finding a solution to it.”

"Oh Bill, Bill, Bill the Mag Der’al attack on the Colonies didn’t just kill Earthers,which yes would make them bad gogs but they also indiscriminately attacked civillians of all the speaking races. Which yes again makes them bad gogs. They also engineered an attack on the VofV who hadn’t previously attacked them so thats the end of your self defense claims. And yes having a vaccine benefits them. Giving it us to use free of charge does not. All they had to do was keep the boarder locked or require any olgogs traveling north were treated at the boarder. They could have left us dealing with the Mag De’rel and Mag Daron. But they didn’t they helped to reslove the situation quickly with minimal lose of life on all sides.

And I feel the need to point out that the Ur King Tribe leader you’re talking about was killed before any agreement was made or word was given by the EEF. And your own son admitted he wasn’t following any EEF orders when he attacked Tal’lo’cal so stop trying to use that in arguments against them.

Says alot more about your failures as a father and leader than it does anything. Failures you yourself admitted to and claimed to have learned from when you spoke before Auf Ur’sa barely a week ago. Yet here you are again making the same tired arguments." Urik shook his head and took a breath.

“But that doesn’t matter this isn’t about the EEF or you, or your son. This is about the Yyan. Who we know plan to attack us. That last group, who attacked the Reshed were Warmonger cultists from what I was told. So we know what was driving them. The only question is if this bunch are too or not. Can you shed on light on that?” He asked turning to Kotine.

Kotine simply said, “I do not know their intentions, other than food and plunder.”


Part 2

Zhya Gog’mis, Mag’ol of the Venerable Tribe of Yagogi’al the Og’ab joined the gathering with twin Ur Maks, Gor’ Lallur and Kalok’ Lallur and Yayi the Trumpeter accompanying. The coming of the Krato left the Yagogi and the United Tribes in somewhat of a precarious situation.

It was a blessing having the safe return of Kol’Raptor and Uf Tor, seeing that the report of Kotine the Krato by Kalok’ Lallur and Yayi had been truth and that he did in fact care for the olgog people. The Yagogi did not believe in the use of slaves, as opposed to other olgog tribes and the wise mag’ol wished for time with his tribals to see how they had lived on distant shores and what they had learned. This was not necessarily that time, but a homecoming celebration would be in the future as well as the possibility of opening relations with the Krato representative. Both Yayi and Kalok’ Lallur had met with Kotine once upon a time in the Kolgul Militia feast hall, and from his time Kalok’Lallur had come back different. He would soon be on trial for his actions against the tribe, as well as Og’ Lokkol.

The fault in dealings with the Krato would definitely be strained because of the alliance they United Tribes had with the Sylvan, a natural enemy of the Krato people. Would it at all be possible having a friendly relationship with both groups without angering one another.

"Representative Kotine, it is a great pleasure being reunited with our young ones under the guidance and care that you have shown them to be able to return to these lands. I give a sincere thank you from the master Gor’ab, Yagogi’al in providing protection and a show of your honor. With this being said, I believe that we must be forth coming to say that the olgog peoples, not all of them but many gathered here have previously met with the Sylvan, and have gained the acceptance of their nation. This does not mean that we automatically are against you, but I want to be straightforward that we have worked with an enemy of the Krato. The Yagogi were told of your relationship and cohesive bond with the olgog people from our young representative at your first meeting. As such during your time in these lands, you would be invited to return with our young ones, partake in our celebrations and nomadic ways as a thank you for keeping them safe.

I believe that an inquiry into the motives of the Yyan would be necessary before making any actions. We would not wish for an attack against your allies, but at the same time we would not wish for battle coming back to our lands. There has been fair to much senseless bloodshed from tribes against one another. Coming to conclusions through open communication, without having parties storm off preparing for more battle would definitely be a better way."

Ka’zac entered, taking a glance around the room before turning to address the representative of the Ur King Jarl.

“Greetings and good tidings be upon you and your allies, Kotine of the Elogans. I am Ka’zak, of the tribe of Ka’Rhug and councilgog of the UTR. I have brought a response from the leader of our tribe, Kolgol, to answer the question of whether or not you should allow these…raiders…to enter our lands.”

He cleared his throat, and spoke.

“In regards to the allowance of Yyan raiders to pass through Elogan territory to raid our lands, we are deeply disappointed that you would consider this course of action. Our past dealings and the added fact that we have fought common enemies in the past has led us to believe that we can count on your support in matters such as this. To allow the death and destruction of another group, simply for the acquisition of a base resource, slaves, is a deplorable action by any standard. While we offer no complaint about your desire to possess slaves, we do ask that you consider what the long term effects would be of such an action.”

“The raiders, the Yyan, are not known for letting things stand in their way, and will get what they want regardless of past treaties, or deals. Once the lands of the other olgog nations are plundered and burning, who will you look to for support? What happens when the Yyan decide that your lands look ripe for looting? Perhaps you have the strength to fend them off for a time, but much unnecessary death would be avoided if we all stood together against them now, before they gain a foothold here. Appeasing them will only allow them time to build their power here, and will result in a cataclysmic resurgence of Warmonger’s influence in these lands, and after we have worked so hard to rid these lands of it.”

“We must stand against this threat, we must destroy the Yyan for the good of all. We beg of you, do not allow these vile creatures to lay waste to our lands just to gain a few slaves.”


Quill said, “I wonder I wonder I wonder. Does the representative of Or’Lur speak for all of the UtR when he offered Kotine that if we stand side by side with the UtR against the Yyan we get to keep the Yyan’s former slaves? I mean all the Olgogs go free of course, but I would argue that it is advantageous in that specific situation for the Der’al Collective to support the Krato pushing back against the Yyan, and taking their slaves from them.”

“So what will it be UtR Ambassadors? If the Der’al Collective stands with you against the Yyan, do we get to keep the slaves, no betrayals, no backstabbing, no theft?” said Quill the greenfur ambassador of the Army of the True Flame.

Rapi’Lal looked at Quill and said “I represent my own tribe, no other. The matters you speak of are being dealt with and hold no part in this meeting. Should there be a treaty then my tribe will honor it.”

Kotine’s eyebrow cocked up at that. He felt he was being a promised a lot of words not backed by conviction.

He knew Bill was right about the EEF. They had killed his dearest Eloga after all. Maybe he could get revenge while keeping his own hands clean. If the EEF chose to make war with the Yyan it would be their business not his.

The Mag Der’al were a concern as well. His Krato remembered the war between the K’ias and the Nightmare Lords and its use of Noble Bloods and other monsters like the Mag Der’al. Both sides had unleashed horrors on the universe, and Warmonger had fed deeply.

Kotine sighed, just as Warmonger would feed deeply off a war between the Yyan and Krato… He would not declare such a war. Years later many would consider Kotine the Neville Chamberlain of the Yyan Invasion. He hoped appeasement would end the danger.

He raised up a goblet in toast and said, “To the Honored Olgog peoples. I would see them once again rule their ancestral homeplanet of Der’al. And I would see them rule it in their way not the way imposed by the Krato, the EEF nor any other.

I will meet with the Yyan reprentative and we will find a peaceful solution for all Olgogs. Neither Brez nor Tla’loc’al may fear attack. I will give them clear maps that keep them clear of both UtR and Der’al Collective settlements. They can instead directly attack the Earthers. Any Olgogs taken slave in battle will be released to their home tribe.

My forces will not aid the Yyan. Nor give them aid, or weapons. They will only have free passage onward to the Earther lands. Let them be the Earthers problem. Let the feeding of Warmonger be a problem for the Earthers and the Yyan.

Our forces will keep an eye on the Yyan and if they dare betray us, we will commit our full forces in battle.

The EEF hate the Yyan and have weapons that dwarf our own. The Earthers are warlike. Let them handle the Yyan.

And if anyone runs off to the EEF to tell them. Make sure they know, we claim neutrality. If they do not like that neutrality that is fine.
However if they do not respect that neutrality…they will not like the results.

This treaty will keep the Rehsedgog and the Brezans safe from a full Yyan invasion. War will not be on my hands.”


The Rewards

Kolgol, GulTor’Uf, Lalder, Urik’s Outcasts, Gangs of Uf Mag’og, Or’Lur, Ka Gor, Yagogi’al all gain
the Goblet of Kotine.
This Golden Chalice casts Sustain, speak with animals, speak with plants, Pass trees all at 8 Successes.
They also gain the Krato Mason’s Belt. Has one chisel made of Swordfiend bone artificed with Tunnel Material at 8 successes and an Armorfiend Bone hammer artificed with Stone pillar at and Change Earth at 8 successes.
All settlements they control are protected from Yyan attack during the Intermission between
Goblin Lands 2 and Goblin Lands 3
They also gain +10 Displaced Olgogs

Displaced Olgogs have FS 4 and 2 attacks and LR 4 and Earth 2 and Water 2.