Goblin Lands 2 Conquest Event 24: Kalok Rises over Der'al





Kalok now lorded over the skyline of Simonsburg. So far only three have died in his worship. Two dressed in the clothing of the Ka Rhug and a third a common smithygog who took his hammer to the side of Kalok and died for it.
Already five scared Olgogs had approached Kalok and bowed down before it. It reached down and burned the face of each with a tendrill of fire and they now acted as his local priests.

The people of Simonsburg were in panic. They had all fled underground during the Flamewinds, the first time the people had experienced the dread and terror of hiding underground. Instead of finding peace and life when they returned to the surface briefly, they found this massive volcano deity lording over their city. With more flamewinds on the way, there was a significant crisis among the citizens of Simonsburg.

Then rumors spread among the people of Simonsburg that the Hovertrain was being loaded up for evacuation. For many the dreams of escape filled them, and they broke into a full run towards the hovertrain station.

They passed by a GNA Olgog soldier trying to organize the panicked populace. Some recognized him, others did not.

He spoke to the townsfolk with an Earther translator, “Simonsburg, the Goblin King Urog stands by you all in your time of need. Kolgol of the Ka Rhug denounces this avatar as an imposter god that means to being war to the Great Northern Army and the United Tribes of Der’al. Together we will stand against this threat like we have against all others. The Church of One could not defeat us… Not once, not twice, not three times. This false idol will not. The Great Northern Army does not abandon you. I will not abandon you. Do not protect this false god. Only together will we defeat yet another enemy to the peace we have found between Earther and Olgog.”

Some stopped to join the defense, but most continued their headlong rush towards the safety of the train. Or at least the safety the train represented.

Within twenty minutes the whole hovertrain was filled with Simonsburg citizens. Every extra car in storage was added to the train, and ever the aisles were filled with refugees. The Hovertrain doors were closed much to the rage and yelling of those trapped on the platform. Some especially desperate citizens tried to hold on for dear life. Many of the Earthers of Simonsburg had gotten on the train rather than stand before the volcano god’s rage.
The train, while able to load a lot of people onboard and move fast enough to escape the flamewinds, also held a fatal tactical flaw as a plan. It assumed Kalok was somehow trapped over Simonsburg proper.

As the Hovertrain just began leaving the station and its hover-emitters logged as all forward, one hand of Kalok extended over the cloud filled sky. It seemed to go on for miles until its massive fiery hand plundged down again into the ground. There was an intense heat that raised the temperature outside to a good 115 degrees miles away from the site where the hand crashed down in front of the onrushing Hovertrain.

The Hand of Kalok glowed became almost translucent. The hovertrain driver, an Immutable, covered his hands in front of his face not wanting to see the moment of impact. Other than a momentary warming of the air in his cockpit, he seemed to pass unharmed through it. He wooped and cheered as the Hovertrain continued onward seemingly unharmed. The driver activated the intercomm to the rear cars, “Good tidings people of Simonsburg. We seem to have survived the impact. We will arrive in Brez within a few hours.”

He expected a cheer to come through but there was just an eerie silence.

The driver activated the video feeds of the other traincars. Each showed the same image. Bodies, charred to a charnel crisp in their seats. Their lower jaws cooked open in a scream of pain and horror. Only in one car did a single person survive. A small immutable child was crying in the ashes of her entire family.

The Hand of Kalok had reaped its sacrifice from the people of Simonsburg… and the loss would be long remembered by the people of Simonsburg.


Part 2: Through the Lens of a Scope.

Captain Reshed of the Rhug’na’ru steadied himself on the outer wall of Simonsburg. From here he could see the entire outer city and the inner city, and could watch Kalok’s attack on the peaceful citizens.

He lowered his eye to his scope, a fine Gunderson & Sons model 2, precision manufactured in the colony of Dusk. A few clicks on its side and he was zoomed in to the edge of the inner wall, where five of the newest disciples of Kalok were ritually preparing an older Olgog for self-sacrifice.

The older olgog stood up his body trembling with fear before the massive form of Kalok. He said, “Mighty Kalok, I offer myself to you, so that my family might be spared and leave this place in peace.”

“Show me enough devotion and I may allow it,” said Kalok’s booming voice.

The older olgog began smearing ritual tar across his body. Before he could finish there was a hollar that echoes through the city. A huge Karovian Olgog leapt onto the wall yelling as he did so. He grabbed the older Olgog by the head twisting it off and ripping it free. The Karovian began shouting in earther, “ME OLGOG THE OLGOG ! CRUSH ME PUNY GOD WANNABE! FOLLOWERS GRASP HEAD IN CRUSHED!”

He hurled the head towards Kalok, who consumed it in fire. The infamous OtO leapt down and charged at the giant monster. He swung his fist into its magma drenched flesh, and felt pain rush up his arms. He continued pounding away at the beast, but the pain got worse and worse. He grew frustrated as the creature seemed to ignore him.

From the Scope, Captain Reshed began focusing on the head of the massive Kalok.

He watched as the Kul Gul Rapi family surrounded Kalok from the flickering shadows. Each raised chill pistols lovingly carved from driftwood. The purple and blue flames of the chill pelted the sides and back of Kalok.

Makka’na, Knight of Simonsburg, had flowers braided into her fur as she rode forth on her fire spirit. Her armor was freshly shined, and a cape of flowers drifted behind her. Next to her also rode three other Red Fur knights, equally shined armor, and each carrying a sharpened Krato-bone Poleaxe.

Four Knights would stand before the great Kalok and his worshippers.

Makka’na will raise her poleaxe in challenge saying, “The people of Simonsburg will never bow before you…False God!”

Then Ya’ka and Ka’ka would begin chanting, “Great and Eternal Ka Gor’na come forth and slay this pretender. Capture its spirit and drag it down and bind its evil.”

They rode down through the crowd of soldiers now surrounding Kalok. Their axes flashed down cutting through Kalok worshippers who had been simple day laborers 48 hours ago. With a path opened to Kalok, they continued on their suicidal charge towards the massive beast.

From their right and left a fusillade of rifle and machingun fire began to strike to Kalok. Gravedust ammunition resulted in a blast of chilling force every time a bullet struck. Each time the magma drenched skin of Kalok hardened where the bullets struck, and strange noises came from inside the beast.

At that moment air spirits rushed in among the followers of Kalok, sucking the air from their lungs. One after another the new disciples of Kalok fell to the ground unconscious. Dead Soldiers of Unit 817 quickly mobilized dragging both the disciples and their potential sacrifices away from Kalok’s flames.

At the edge of the area without breathable air, stepped the Frozen Fists of Or’Lur, who brought a frost storm down on Kalok. The storm blanketed Simonsburg in a fresh snowfall, but also succeeded in driving Kalok to his knees. At that moment a trio of sniper rifles of Urik’s outcasts struck the face of Kalok with gravedust bullets. The face flash froze for a few seconds. Mama Rapigog stepped forward swinging up her deadly bludgeon Ballbreaker and smashed him upward. The face of Kalok cracked, and pieces of it chipped away. A large crack ran through the center of his head.

In that moment, Captain Reshed finally had the shot he had been waiting for. The rifle in his hands bucked, hurling the zela bullet at subsonic speeds. The bullet struck the icy cracked face of Kalok and pierced deep inside him.

The giant being reeled, and began to fall. Under his form, houses and innocents were crushed.
The damage to Simonsburg had been total, and nearly catastrophic. Only the underground city below created by Yyan Kol survived without damage.


Part 3: the Crew of the Inferno

Captain Dominic Levi Strauss, perhaps the youngest airship captain on all of Refuge, had a tough couple of weeks. The assault on the Tomb Factory of Holys had been a tough challenge but at least they had driven Unit 111 from the production facility. Since the ambush by the Falosini, the crew of the Inferno had been cursed to be constantly connected to their vessel. In addition, Dominic had noticed his crew had begun to sicken if they left the ship for more than a few hours.

Now they also had a huge group of Kalok Legionnaires who were forced to stay onboard. They were none too happy and their only time leaving the ship since their curse had been to visit Mt. Rhug and pay respects to their great and powerful god.

For Dominic there were concerning parallels between the faithful of the Church of One in his youth and the Black Legion of Kalok around him. They both killed those who would not worship as they believed. They both seemed to result in more hardship than blessing, he thought, as he watched the hand of Kalok end so many on the hovertrain.

He was at the wheel of the airship Inferno, he had told the bosun to get everyone ready for battle. Already the Air Skimmers of the UtR had warned them off, and Dominic knew it was only moments before they either began warning shots or deadly shots.

Below him he could see the Balgogs marching towards a fortified UtR and GNA line. Twenty imposing Censor-craft hung in the sky between the Inferno and the city of Simonsburg. A battle was raging between the defenders of Simonsburg and Kalok. The large god-being was being pelted from all sides.

His form was impressive, a living Olgog impression of an exploding volcano, heat and magma and superheated rock spraying ever upward. To Dominic however there were too many damned similarities to the way some of the priests of his youth had described a demon, and the way this creature had unleashed its power on their allies in Simonsburg. Later he would have to ask Kolgol why Kalok had chosen to hurt their allies and friends…

He clasped the back of command crystal in its delicate metal housing and spun his fingers.

The airship bucked into a tight roll, barely missing a censor-craft that had tried to cut off his path. The crew held tight to the rigging. The airship coasted just inches over the head of a Brezan soldier before lifting back up.

Behind him the sky had begun to turn red and then green as the Balgogs, Imps and Fell Balgogs began to pulse in time. He could hear the chanting of the Black Legion of Kalok on his ship. Their loud chanting in a language that was neither Earther nor olgog in origin. The Kalokian language was like the sound of rocks crunching rocks and lava bubbling. Yet Dominic could somehow understand it, as the soul-bonded squire of Kolgol.

He saw the fiery energy spark between the Balgogs, and the imps, and the hellhounds.

It was a vast army, impressive and intimidating in both size and appearance. Behind Kolgol strode 20 black clad kalokgogs, each holding various religious symbols of Kalok. Behind them were the legionaries, only thirty strong, but each dressed in bone and leather armor, topped with bone spike helms and shields. Javelins were held at the ready, and meteoric swords hung in sheaths and stuck through belts. Then came the rabble, the various odds and ends of society that had been picked up by the tribe in past endeavors that were not worthy of donning the armor, five ferals and four KGM recruits, armed typically but eyes bright with fervor for the battle. After them was Pluto, smiling to himself as he picked his way along behind the forces. Eru’Khaz then marched, brought along as he had demonstrated excellence in commanding automaton forces.

Then came the terrifying bit, the automatons. First the ten hellhounds, baying and howling rage and fury. They were not so organized as the rest of the forces, rather they flanked the army’s sides, and provided support. A flight of imps then flew, ten screeching and providing aerial support. They were a sight to behold when they flew in a formation. Lastly, came the Balgogs. Twenty five of them. Standing over twenty feet tall, they dwarfed the rest of the army. They went last because each footfall kicked up enough dust to blanket those who went behind. Fire burned from their eyes and mouths, yet their faces seemed almost stoic in their appearance. Thanks to Ol’lur, they had enough to fill the ranks and inspire fear in their enemies.

Dominic saw the image fill the sky on both sides of the city. It was a hell-fire green Gordargor of Kalok, and the fiery monster was tied directly to the Automatons which began running ahead of the Ka Rhug army with alarming speed.

Flames connected them. And they smashed into the walls seemingly immune to all attacks. Bullets pinged off them. Chill disappeared before the deadly hellfire. Above them the Gordargor, the Tentacled Dragonic monster of Kalok, solidified and smashed down into the walls. Its mouth ripped down the walls, while the Balgogs pushed through below. The heat went high enough to incinerate flesh.

The defenders barely escaped in time to the Undercity of Yyan Kol, sealing the great gates, and the Balgogs simply charged past them. They smashed into the walls, pushing through to the inner wall, but stopped before the prone form of the massive Kalok.

The other charge stopped here as well and both Gordargors dissipated as well. The Balgogs now all looked like Fell Balgogs, and the Hellhounds and Imps glowed with a similar unpleasant green.
A sulfuric smell filled the air.


Dominic’s airship was struck by a trio of magi cannon beams that sent it crashing down towards the outer walls. It skidded to a stop, damaged but slowly reforming in its cursed way. The wounded and dead crew also began reforming in a similar macabre fashion. Dominic watched his arm which had painfully been bent in half and then flayed by the crash begin to reknit itself. The worst was once the nerves regrew but the flesh still had healing to do. Like his leg that had been crushed in three places.
From his crashed ship, in pain and heartache he watched his master Sir Kolgol catch up to the Balgogs.

Kolgol leapt onto the massive unmoving form of Kalok. Dominic watched as his own Legionairres left the crew and ran over to form a shield wall around Kolgol. A few went down in those moments, killed by Magi-Cannon fire from Unit 817 Scarab NecroStrider, but Kolgol had the time he needed.

He sunk his axe into Kalok’s head, and cracked it in half, revealing the zela bullet. Walls of fire hid Kolgol momentarily. He covered his hand in a cloth and pulled away the superhot zela and tossed it away from his god. The zela bits disappeared onto the ground below.

Kolgol suddenly saw a cloud of black fire leap from the body of Kalok and begin burning into Kolgol’s soul. He could feel the Greater Evil trying to bond with him.

He rose up over the walls of fire and said to the people still inside the inner walls, “Citizens of Simonsburg, I come to you, prophet of Kalok, and I ask you to stand down and see the true savior of this world. We must bow to this glorious being and allow his majesty to fill our hearts."

Above Kolgol was projected a much less destructive version of Kalok that make the sky bright with his light.

On the inner walls stood a single defiant Yagogi tribal, who raised an ancient sword in challenge.

From the sword fired a beam of pure shadow that punched through the two Legionnaires defending him. It struck Kolgol in the chest and flung him from his feet. Dominic felt his breath catch in this throat and tried to run to Kolgol’s aid. His broken leg failed him, and he stumbled into a pile.

The other legionairres closed rank around the leader of Ka Rhug, and swept him back behind the army ranks.

Dominic sat there, wondering which would happen first…his ship healing or one of the other Ka Rhug coming back for him. Beside him was the hard stone statue left from the first form of Kalok.


Epilogue ?

Lalder stood on the bridge of his carrier. His radar had perfectly tracked the Balgogs, and when they had become whatever those destructive monster were and seemingly immune to their weapons he had helped coordinate the safe withdrawl from their impossibly hot flames.

He still heard reports from down in the battlefield. The inner city, the government center and much of the wealth, was still outside Ka Rhug’s reach. Most citizens safely evacuated back into the underground. The loss of the hovertrain’s passengers had been unexpected, but reports said it was functional.

Yagogi’s sword seemed to have cut the head from the snake as it were. Kolgol had not been seen since Mag Buskt’s darkness had struck him, and they had a full accounting of the Balgogs and others.

He knew he needed to find a way to stop the Mercy of Kalok as many had called the attack on the walls. Attempts to banish the Balgogs during the Mercy of Kalok had failed, and even their beam weapons and most powerful magi cannon had simply added energy to the bond between Balgog and Gordargor. He was angry because he knew his defensive plans should have diverted the Balgogs before they even reached the wall. But there was something truly unholy about the way they had charged. In a way it scared him far more than the giant volcano monster they had successfully put down.

He checked the radar again. He had a full accounting of all citizens and all of the Ka Rhug invaders. They had the Ka Rhug encircled on the outside of town, they could attack the Ka Rhug from the inner walls. They could even attack the Ka Rhug from underneath, and the carrier huge ominously overhead its weapons and its fightercrafts’ weapons all pointed down at the Ka Rhug.

But Lalder had heard reports of what that volcano monster had done to the poor citizens of Simonsburg on the train. And he worried what other tricks that Kalok’s chosen had prepared.

He signaled to the commcrystal operator to transmit the message to the huge force the Gang of Uf Mag’og had brought to defend the people of Simonsburg. Fifty blips appeared directly in the middle of the Ka Rhug lines from underground tunnels. Then another hundred rushed up from other tunnels from the underground city. Their hobtor axes and hammers drove the Balgogs back.

Lalder signalled his aircraft to begin support fire. Keeping them corralled in by magi cannon fire, the Ka Rhug forces made a breakout towards the walls. In the mass of blips, Lalder knew Kolgol’s body would be. Reports of the Yagogi strike against the Prophet of Kalok had been clear, it looked like a deathblow. Lalder wondered if Kolgol would be so quick to resign his own body to the volcano of Mt. Rhug.


Part 5

Lalder didn’t know that down in the mass of the soldiers by the walls was Krodnok making an impassioned speech to some of the remaining defenders of Simonsburg.

With the city under assault by the Ka Rhug, Krodnok’s own Dead Olgogs had been held up at the outer lines. Arguing to be allowed to enter the city, he made an impassioned speech about his own god-hood and Kalok’s role as a false god. However as his very eloquent words were being listened to, the Kalok had been killed by the defenders inside Simonsburg. They had watched the false god crash down, and saw the Mercy of Kalok and for once Krodnok was very happy his soldiers were no where near that. He was sure it would have granted final death to his entire contingent… and possibly himself.
Such power…Krodnok was sure such power was so close to his reach.

Then the UtR counter attack began, and the Ka Rhug began a break out with their precious cargo. They were coming right for the defenders who Krodnok had spoken with such passion. Krodnok saw his moment.

His cloak slowly ‘melted’ and formed his four wings, also revealing his lower pair of arms. He reached up and removed the cloth on his head to reveal a large blinking eye. Krodnok’s warriors removed their cloaks and readied their Magi-Cannons.

“Now,” Krodnok said. “Allow me and my followers to keep you safe from tyranny.”

He turned and opened his wings to their full wingspan. He took to the air, and his followers dropped into shadows, heading towards the battlefield.

Krodnok raised his hell guns and his magi pistols. Beams of energy and hellfire struck down on the advancing Balgogs, shattered Fell Balgog and regular Balgog alike. The Ka Rhug force bogged down in the rocky obstacle field created by their dead automatons. Magi Cannon beams from above from the Auf Lal’al fleet struck, as did beams from the sides from Krodnok’s dead olgogs, and even beams from the rear from the Uf Mag’og defenders.

Krodnok watched flashes of Leyas surge as Ka Rhug Kalokgogs began to teleport their greenfur troops away from the battlefield. The wreaked airship Inferno teleported away at the same time.

Only the shattered stone of Balgogs, imps and hounds scattered across the battlefield gave size to the physically immense forces that had attacked the city of Simonsburg on this day.

A Necro Strider skittered across the battlefield crushing the last of the Balgogs under its hobtor shield.

Krodnok looked at the devastation surprised to see a face he recognized among the near dead.

It was Pluto of Ka Rhug who had visited his laboratory so many times, and Krodnok considered an ally.
The Ka Rhug aged veteran was slumped over with a shard of shattered Fell Balgog speared through his chest. His labored breathing and bloody saliva, said he was not long for this world.

Whether Krodnok saw him as a friend in need, or as an enemy with critical intel, none except Krodnok will ever know. He raised up the body of Pluto under the watchful cannons of the Unit 817 Strider. Krodnok pulled the spike out of the old gog’s body and closed the wound. Pluto though unconscious would not be dying today…

He raised a commcrystal to his lips knowing it went straight to Lalder.
“Guess who we just found on the battlefield?”


Epilogue: At Mt. Rhug

Captain Dominic watched as the magma moved and churned as strange Balgogs quite unlike the UtR Balgogs began pulling themselves from the Volcano. They looked demonic, with sharp spikes of obsidian in ridges and crests across their bodies. Their eyes blazed with green hellfire.

He was sitting at Kolgol’s bedside.

Since being struck by the beam from the sword of Mag Buskt, Kolgol had been non-responsive except a strange sleep. Every time he breathed out the smoke of the volcano exited his mouth.

Captain Dominic grew increasingly upset and worried about his dearest friend and mentor. Maybe the days spent inhaling volcanic gas had done something to his master he wondered. Or maybe this was always the way he had been and once again Dominic had been fooled by a heroic facade.

The eyes of Kolgol opened but they did not look like his eyes. Instead they were black in black with the image of an exploding volcano in each in the distance. The eyes settled on Dominic and the voice said, “Ahh my squire…things…have gotten a bit larger than expected…my soldiers?”

“Most fled with the Kalokgogs back here,” said Dominic, “A few died final death, and Pluto was captured.”

“The Balgogs?” asked the mouth of Kolgol.

“They were all destroyed but…but more have been forming from the inside of Mt. Rhug,” said Dominic, “Already most that we have lost have been replaced. Soon we will have more than even the entire Balgog production facilities could hold. But they are…”

“Different?” said the mouth of Kolgol, “Yes they would be. Their power will be greater as well.
Gather my remaining subcommanders, I must speak to them.

Civil war has come to the United Tribes of Refuge.

And that will draw Warmonger’s fiends to these lands. And Mt. Rhug must consume these fiends, hosts and all… They all must be fed to Kalok.”

The mouth of Kolgol opened into a smile, its tongue lingering across its teeth. Like it was imaging a perfect meal.



Kolgol gains Prophet of Kalok, Vessel of the Avatar of Kalok. Until the Kalok spirit leaves his body to create a unique Greater Evil form, it will possess Kolgol and has the following stats instead of Kolgol’s:
Avatar has 100 H.P. And F.S. 10 and 4 attacks.
It has Fire lvl 6, Earth lvl 6, Air lvl 6 and General lvl 2
It counts as a Planar Knight and gets 8 Automatic successes.
Avatar of Kalok will take damage from Leyas Abilities, Attacks and Weapons that only hurt demons, fiends, Ancient evils, lesser evils.
Avatar of Kalok is clearly a Greater Evil hosted in Kolgol’s Body to Spirit Scopes and Shield of Redeemer abilities and Aura Sight. Leyas Sight however shows him as a resplendent Volcano God because of how much the Ka Rhug believe that is what he is.
IMPORTANT NOTE: KOLGOL can see all Kalok does in his body BUT does not have control of the Greater Evil. If Kolgol does not find a way to drive the spirit of Kalok from his body and into its true form by Goblin Lands 2 Finale mission 2, Kalok will have destroyed his mind and trapped him utterly as his host.
Captain Dominic gains +1 F.S.
Lost all Balgogs, imps and Hounds brought into battle, and gained an equal number of
Fell Balgogs and Fell Imps and Fell Hellhounds (Imps and Hellhounds gain +10 H.P. And count as demonic targets. Unlike Balgogs they don’t need to be fed).

Lalder gains successful training in the use of Radar upgrades. All Olgogs assigned to radar duties on the Carrier, Destroyer and Lur Union Fightercraft gain Ship Operations:(Scanners) skill at 4.

Urik’s Outcasts gain Suppressive Firepower. The Outcasts have learned how to cause Giant foes to take cover with overwhelming precisely targeted firepower. They may use this bonus in one future mission against Giant enemies to cause an army defensive line to take cover even if their orders are contrary (can be used in two future missions ) Does not work on Automatons like Balgogs.

Or’Lur gains the Frozen Fists of Or’Lur.
All tribals involved in this attack gain Leyas Combat Ranged skill 5 (unless LCR skill was higher in which case +1 LCR)

Rhug’na’ru gains Took the Shot that took down the Volcano God. Captain Reshed gains a Finely Crafted .50 cal Sniper Rifle with Thermal Scope and 50 Plasma Rounds (40 Energy dmg, Lowers V.A.R. By 20.) and 50 Acid Rounds (20 Acid dmg, Lowers V.A.R. & S.A.R. By 20 pts) as a gift from the people of Simonsburg.
The tribe also gains 10 Immutable Juveniles (F.S. 4, 2 attacks) who want to join the Rhug’na’ru after hearing the tale of Captain Reshed’s zela bullet that split the head of the Volcano God.

Olgog the Olgog gains Lucky he wasn’t crushed by a Volcano God. His hands and lower forearms are now burned so badly that he doesn’t feel pain in those extremities. They can be used to parry pain based attacks with no effect until the next time OtO injects himself with healing nanites (or someone else does).

Derlur the Nomad gains Saves many in the confusion. He gains an additional 5 Human citizens in Simonsburg and 5 Olgog citizens (both F.S. 3, Unconscious, Healing lvl 3, Shapeshift lvl 1 Bravos) who want to help out. In addition he must now finish conversations in private with OtO.

Krodnok gains 50 Followers: Citizens (FS 3). Have no leyas abilities or skills for combat. They are citizens who after hearing about the impassioned defense given by Krodnok of the beleagered defenders have decided to become faithful.

Gangs of Uf Mag’og gain The Toughest fight of their lives. All Gangs kits gains +1 Health (and corresponding +3 HP) all gangs FS characters gain +3 H.P.

Unit 817 gains Samples of Fell Balgog Material for Study. Now has full knowledge of the markings and belief systems of Kalok Cult. Strider involved in this battle has become a Veteran Necro-Strider and gains +1 F.S. For its onboard nightmare backup and +10 H.P.

The Ka Gor tribe Makka’na’s great loss. Loses three of the Knights of Simonsburg due to final death by Kalok. However Makka’na gains a special Unique Leyas Shield known as the Love of Ar’yay which counts as a Protective Aura + Lifeshield at 8 successes and always on without any fear of burnout.
This shield will also protect Makka’na only from Hell fire and Hellforged weapons.
She gains Faith +1, F.S. +1 and L.R. +1 and becomes an Adept.
Her fire Spirit may now be called without summoning, as its exposure to Kalok allowed it to permanently to stay in this dimension.

Lord Grimaldus gains Background Character Survival. All 6 healers gain Healing Leyas +1 level
and Light +1 level involved in this mission.

Kul Gul Rapi gains Turin’s Fireteam. Any time Turin is deployed to a mission he may team up with other fire and water leyas users to create a Fire team to prevent damage to a city or settlement from fire attacks. (Does not work against Mercy of Kalok)
Mama Rapigog gains F.S. +1

Yagogi’al gains Struck down the Prophet of Kalok. All Gor’abs who serve under Yagogi’al gains +3 bonus to emotional control tests when serving directly under Yagogi’al against Demonic threats.
He also gains Free Booze from all taverns in Simonsburg for life.
Learns that Banish does not work on Balgogs involved in Mercy of Kalok.

Coming soon the GL2 Finale part 1 Diplomatic Mission: The Interrogation of Pluto
Coming soon the GL2 Finale part 1 Warfare Mission: The UtR Civil War