Glacial Wastes Mission Report 7: Discovery at the end of the Nuria Copper Mine


Part 1: At the Rear of the Nuria Copper Mine

Nuria had returned from her exploits aboard the flagship of Nereel Pyreen to find the entire landscape of Jemison Post had changed. It was now filled with white fur olgogs, and strange cloned green furs. More than a few looked like Lurtor, but didn’t seem to recognize her even though the real Lurtor and her were friends and allies.

Finally she found the Alphine who informed her she had more pressing matters. It seemed Eli McGraw had found a buyer who wanted copper from her Copper mine. The Banking Guild seemed willing to cover transport cost for a more than reasonable percentage, and Nuria realized she could make some solid bank.

Knowing Nereel Pyreen had some cult off in the mountains on Mt. Sandspire had freaked her out, but this matter of the Copper mine deal seemed more pressing.

Taking a Tracked truck out to the mine with both banking guild reps and Eli, Nuria had a comm crystal to call in Grim and Lurtor if things got concerning. But right now it was a business deal.

Then much to Nuria’s concern, there was a worker who stumbled from the mine screaming. Another was running steps behind the first. Then a third scrambled from the mine entrance.

But this worker did not look like the rest. He had obvious claw and bite marks on his neck and face, and they looked relatively human. The worker was clutching his chest, tearing away his clothes even though he was stumbling through knee deep snow.

There was what looked like an icy insect with a crystalline outer shell which was burrowing into the workers chest cavity. Nuria stepped forward fearlessly and burned the creature with fire. Melting away the crystalline insect, the worker fell to his feet relieved.

Thanking her profously he said, “We were digging a plentiful copper tunnel when we found a new shaft. One we had not dug ourselves. It had High Falos writing on it. Our translator said it was something about Frozen Homeforge territory.

We respected that and turned back to our own tunnels. But a skeletal thing, with a crystal in its chest tried to jump Zachary the Foreman. It got Andrew instead, and while it gnawed on him these insects burrowed into his body. And suddenly Andrew grew one of those crystals in his chest. Andrew turned on me and Zachary called for an evacuation.”

As Alphine began setting up a medical tent to treat the wounded workers, Eli, Nuria and Lurtor began planning their response to the infestation. While they bandied about different plans, including one that had a sonic attack echo through the tunnels shattering every Ice-Heart inside the mine. But the final plan was decided, a simple one, but a good and reliable one, where they would move tunnel to tunnel, clearing out the Ice-Heart worms as a team.

It was a good plan, but during the planning, and during the exploration, the bastard Grim was unusually silent. It was as if he was pondering something. He had never seen the Ice-heart Worms before, but they reminded him of two things. The first was the Ice-Heart themselves. He had been around the soldiers serving the K’iou Dra’kan Garmin Fe in the Northern Kingdoms, and those K’iou had similar frozen hearts, but theirs were controlled and did not take away their will or minds.

The second thought was one about the Ice-Heart worms they had witnessed. They reminded him of something, something he had seen a long long time ago in the Museum of Zelga. It was a set of scrolls brought back from the Prison Dimension of Les’tas’tral, the same prison dimension that had held Warmonger for aeons since the end of the K’ias Wars until only a year ago. The scrolls showed a historic epoch known as the Elemental Holy Wars. And in one corner of a mural, embellished with great beauty was a K’iou with an Ice Heart, with an army of IceGuard and Ice Giants at his disposal, standing on a Glacier infested with bugs that looked very much like the Ice-Heart Worms he had witnessed here. It was only a passing memory, and barely remembered over a life long lived.

Still Grim pondered the memory of the mural scroll, and said nothing, after all other than saying he had seen a picture of this creature in a museum on the other side of the continent, there was little to add.

Eli McGraw led the way, his revolvers at the ready. He wore heavier army, and rightfully so. The stove plate was incredibly heavy, and the tin can mask cut off a bit of his peripheral vision. But the first time an Ice-Heart Ghoul came charging out of the dark tunnels and leapt upon him, Eli was happy to have it.

While the Ice-Heart Ghoul shattered its teeth trying to bite through stove pipe, Eli put two rounds through its heart and shattered it. Eli kicked it upwards, so that Nuria could torch it. Again as the heat from Nuria’s fire ignited the former miner’s body, Eli was happy for the extra armor.

Nuria was meanwhile more worried about what it meant to be facing this type of outbreak. She had a deep fear of what could be causing these worms. Her mind raced with thoughts of what type of creature could be birthing them at the far end of the mine.

Yet she pushed on, torching and melting ice-hearts and worms as they went. Behind her Lurtor extinguished the flames once they passed, and preventing the bodies from being destroyed fully by the fire. Still Grim followed along, quiet, torching an Ice-Heart Worm here or there after seeming to study it for a moment.

It took them two hours to clear the mine, and by the end of it all four of them were so very tired. But their methodical plan had successfully disabled the Ice-Heart Worms and their hosts. The former hosts were now gathered outside the mine, in Alphine’s medical tent. It seemed except for two miners who were missing, all the workers had been rescued.

Heading back into the mine to find the last two remaining workers, Eli, Nuria, Grim and Lurtor continued their careful sweep. Finally arriving at the rear of the entire mine complex, Nuria found a curious tunnel that did not correspond to the Foreman’s maps. This must be the tunnel that the miners had mentioned.

As they got closer they saw the ground was littered with the dying bodies of Ice-Heart worms. These parasites didn’t seem to live long without a host, maybe five minutes at most. So those who were furthest away from the curious tunnel had died hostless. This did not stop Nuria and Grim from doing the responsible thing and cooking them with fire leyas for good measure.

Arriving at the curious tunnel, Grim saw markings carved across it. It was definitely a K’iou-made tunnel, but the design of the tunnel was not modern at all. In fact it was an ancient tunnel design, used by all K’iou Homeforges. Known as the Tail of the Gresla, this tunnel would lead to the heart of the homeforge.

From the markings in High Falos, this was labeled the Frozen Homeforge. Yet Grim had no knowledge of any surviving Homeforge being out here, nor any K’iou survivors except those living under rule of the IceWyrm Dragons.

They followed the tunnel downward, clearing Ice-Heart worm corpses as they went. It was as if the heat of the workers had caused a surge of activity and once all the available warm bodies had been converted, the rest of the Ice-Heart Worms just died.

Pushing onward, they found the tunnel opened up into a large amphitheater. Some sort of council chamber? Thought most, though Grim recognized it as the council chamber where the Homeforge’s Forgemasters and Leaders would meet with the Falosini. Currently the chamber was devoit of life, and the center of the amphitheater had apparantly had one final performance.


Part 2: The Crypt of Pelonius IceGuard and the Frozen Homeforge

In the center of the amphitheater was a sarcophagus in the design of the old Sylvan Empire. Grim recognized it as the type they used to hold dangerous creatures remains. But the lid of the sarcophagus was flipped aside and partially shattered. And standing above it was an eight foot tall seemingly skeletal creature made completely out of animated ice. Its inhuman eyes watched them as they entered.

Lurtor’s eyes were immediately drawn to the gaping hole, very similar to the Ice-Heart shape in the frozen creatures chest. Its eyes were drawn to the flames that danced in her hands.

Nuria’s eyes were drawn instead to a broken section of sarcophagus, which seemed to have a lock, and the key to that lock was the same shape as the Warmonger Cult Symbol that had been missing from the airship she had found. It was now affixed like a crown to the icy creature’s head.

The IceGuard began speaking in its own frozen language but used the Leyas to translate its own words. Even Eli could understand the strange alien being.

“I am Pelonius IceGuard, once honored servant of the Warmonger. Now once again, alive and well. I thought I had died long ago, my final death, on the Prison Dimension of Les’tas’tral with my lord Fredrick IceHeart and our master, The Warmonger. But Warmonger is a kind and gracious master as long as you will destroy all in his name. Now Fredrick IceHeart is long dead, but I have been blessed with his crown and life-everlasting again.”

Pointing at Nuria with a long finger, Pelonius continued, “And the fires of Warmonger burn within all your souls.”

There was a flash of fire from alight upon Nuria’s brow in the shape of the image of Warmonger’s Cult. Its heat seemed to scare the IceGuard for the first time. The IceGuard disappeared in a cloud of steam, leaving the heroes alone in the now quiet amphitheater.

Walking up the stairs of the amphitheater, the team reached the top and the doorway out of the large room. Stepping out they could see the massive Frozen Homeforge expanding out around them. It was miles and miles and miles of ever widening cavern. Here a full city of stone, metal and ice lay before them unexplored and untamed. It had been abandoned or its people had been wiped out at some point in the past.


Part 3: The Nuria Copper Mine is only the beginning

Alphine passed Nuria a warm mug of Coffee, and the pair shared a drink before talking.

“I don’t know if you realize how amazing this find is. The Copper veins are probably why the K’iou set up in this mountain range. But there is no record of the Frozen Homeforge, nor any claims to it.”

“What about the Children of the Falosini?” asked Nuria, “I don’t know much about them, but wouldn’t they want their Homeforge back?”

“Possibly, in which case I can draft up paperwork for you to get a finders fee, once they are ready to claim it of course. Until then, who knows what sort of historical resources, or artifacts are down there. We should immediately begin exploring, that way we can claim first rights to anything we find,” said Alphine nearly giddy.

“What about Pelonius that frosty the skeleton guy, or IceGuard, I guess Grim called him an IceGuard. Apparently its not just an Ice Golem, its some sort of living water-ice creature from another dimension,” said Nuria with concern.

“Yes and he fled your aura from what the others said,” Alphine quipped.

“But why did he flee my aura, and why was there a fiery Warmonger symbol,” said Nuria.

Alphine pouted, “The Banking Guild avoids all religious matters. You may want to reach out to Biff or one of the other religious folks around Jemison Post if you have those sorts of spiritual questions. Right now is about claiming territory. I’ll have some workers put some lights down in the tunnels so you can start exploring if you like…”


Epilogue: Dreams of Nereel

(only known to Nuria)

Nuria was standing on the bridge of Nereel Pyreen’s pleasure barge, but not the dilapidated wreck she had found in the glacial wastes. It was around her in all its splendor. Gold chased adornments, and fine wooden decks.

Nereel was sitting at the captain’s chair, and little Obis Firul was floating in circles around the Greyfalcon Prince’s head.

“Ahh beautiful Nuria, you have left my hot press unused. Sad indeed. Oh well it was your loss. So many a structure could be built there.

And you have let my Engineer escape you again. Always three steps ahead of you, he seems to be.

He has already allied with your friends Grim and Lurtor behind your back…sad indeed.

But all is not lost. You are my choice…to succeed me.”

“Succeed you…what do you mean?” asked Nuria.

“In every age, on top of the fiends, and demons and Qliphoth that Warmonger can control, he has four devoted generals. Each claims one of the four elements as their own, and with Warmonger’s great shadow channelled through us we become greater in power than any Mancer could hope to become.

During my age, I was but one of Warmonger’s four generals. I was Nereel Pyreen, the Fire General. There was Acil Tempest, the Air General. There was Drendeer StoneKing, the Earth General. And there was Fredrick Iceheart, the Water General.

When my rule was in ruins, before I myself was slain by the assassin known as Daemonsbane, my Engineer escaped with two parts to a weapon left to me by my dear friend Fredrick Iceheart. You have seen it in action today. I had hoped you would find it and melt it before the seal on the Sarcophagus could be opened. One of his official orders was to deliver the Sarcophagus to the Frozen Homeforge. He was never supposed to take the key that opened the sarcophagus as well.

But past is past, and I am long dead and gone. My spirit trapped for all time in the blade of the Daemonsbane sword, much like Fredrick IceHeart’s. We both have been so entertained by these events, but neither want to see Pelonius run wild with the powers he currently has.”

“I am not your servant,” said Nuria with an immense strength of will.

Nereel stopped smiling and said, “I know that Nuria. You are my chosen replacement. You saw the Ward of Warmonger protect you today. The Elemental Generals of Warmonger may never harm each other.”

“If what you say is true, and your Blessing as your successor is what kept Pelonius from harming me, won’t that prevent me from harming him?” asked Nuria.

“Rightly reasoned,” said Nereel, “But you have friends who can harm Pelonius. And you have all the weapons of the Frozen Homeforge to arm your friends with for that battle. You need only find them. Like most Homeforge’s, this one was a site were weapons and armor were made for the armies of the Falosini, and where dangerous weapons were stored. And there are some sweet choices deep below the depths. Weapons that would either allow your friends to destroy Pelonious, or one crown forged by the Nightmare Lords and powerful in Summoning Leyas that could allow you to bend Pelonious to your will or pull his blessing from him and pass it on to an Aquamancer who is more deserving?”

Nuria saw an image of a crown fashioned from Ruby and Dragon Bone.

“And you will probably want to find that crown before Pelonious, because if that IceGuard combines the Nightmare Lord Crown with the Warmonger Cult symbol he already has, his IceHeart Worms will be able to affect you Nuria, and possibly even be protected from your flames…” said Nereel.

“If you are dead why are you helping me?” asked Nuria.

“Because it is a point of pride, I desire a Pyromancer of the old Bloodlines to be my heir, not just any loser in the colonies who can ignite stuff with the Leyas. You have that bloodline, and you are untouched by the foolish religions of Refuge. Your mind is willful, and will not just succumb to the temptation for demonic dealings. For Warmonger’s Elemental Generals may not sell their spirits, and their bodies must be free of demonic taint.”

“Why?” asked Nuria, almost afraid to ask.

“Because how else could we have infiltrated every major civilization since sentient minds first drew breath?” answered Nereel.

As the dream faded away, and Nuria awoke with a start she looked around. None but her knew of these strange dreams, but her allies had seen that fiery aura. And while Lurtor had checked her over and over again saying he could find no demonic corruption within her, Nuria herself now knew what a dangerous potential destiny lay before her.

She could imagine it, life as a fiery Empress. But she rightfully did not trust the Warmonger or his previous generals. The real question was what did her heart say…



All players gain +1 skill to the weapon skill of their choice (to a maximum of 8, cannot chose any weapon skill to raise it higher than 8 using this reward) OR they may choose to gain +1 L.R. and +1 Elemental Leyas level to one Elemental Leyas they already know.

The Nuria Copper Mine is now open for business, and can ship copper to McGraw Harbor to meet Banking Guild contracts with Doyest Vesk and the Lost Colonies.
Five new buildings are erected at the site of the Nuria Copper Mine. 2 Buildings are barracks for workers. 1 is a food storage building. 1 is a water storage building. And the last is an administrative office and shipping depot building.


Nuria and anyone she takes with her gains access to The Frozen Homeforge