End of the Goblin Lands Part 1: A Pirate War of 2218 leads to Drewsport, Pirate Haven


Journal of Eldrich Henderson, 2218

It was a week before the rise of the Month of Auf Maglal, my mama would have said. My name is Eldrich Henderson, and I am an Olgog. My mama and pa moved up from the Goblin Lands only a generation back. They wouldn’t be proud of me, signing on as I did with the Despicable Desperados. But they sure liked the silver watches, and gold rings I sent home to them. Then retired nicely up in Neo Vargas. A costly enough retirement, one payed for by my own pirating. They thought me a merchant-marine, but the only marine I know, is the one I bashed for his revolver.
That there revolver sat at my hip right now.
Cap’n Rorgan Mueller was a kind and just old captain. He and the Desperados had taken many a ship during the Border Wars. Rich Peacelords fleeing south with their illgotten gains, found them relieved of anything of worth. He flew a flag of Blackest Saragosan Silk adorned with an Olgog Skull.
I take no mind to the skull, Cap’n Meuller did me always a good turn, green fur and all. Piracy was a democracy in many ways, an equal share for all, and we all talked much before we took the Oner’s contract.
The money alone was a nice incentive, but Cap’n Meuller had long talked of setting up a pirate haven on the coast. A place where they could fence their goods, and have a few fine fine courtesans waiting for them. So the five fine vessels of the Desperate Desperados moved south along with a flotilla of other less reputable Pirate ships.
Thirty in all, and we approached with increasing frequency towards the small town of Drewsport.

Their flotilla was not sailing too tightly. The different captains didn’t know each other and didn’t trust each other’s helmmen like the five ships of the Desperados did. Our ships were closer together and moving and signaling each other, keeping our arrow formation.

Suddenly the evening we were scheduled to arrive at Drewsport a strange set of vessels swooped from the sky. They were wooden fighter aircraft flying colors of a nation I’d never seen before.

In the distance I could see the breakwater at the edge of the Harbor, and knew we were so close to our prize. Ahead of us was a small dingy, with a single Merc waving at us.

“Cap’n Mueller,” I called out, “We got a little fishy over the leeward side. You want I to fish him up here for some questions?”

“If this town got aircraft like those,” said Captain Mueller, “Then we weren’t told the truth about our target. Signal our boys, lets pull aside and see how the fodder handles the defenses.”

I leaned out and dropped a rope ladder to the Merc who introduced himself as Dreg as he pulled himself aboard.

“Thank you kindly Captain?” asked Dreg.

“Captain Mueller,” I told him quick.

“Yes Captain Mueller, you and you crew have a golden opportunity here. A town willing to hire you out in its defense,” said Dreg, “I signal to my friends, your ships are safe, we bring a negotiator onboard and we make a deal.”

“I got gold in my pocket,” said Captain Mueller, “What can your people offer me that gold can’t buy?”

Dreg didn’t know what to say, so he just said the truth. He had heard Urik talking at length about G.U.T.S. and its contacts but how badly it needed supplies. So he just started talking.

Dreg said, “A port to start with. Your own slip to moor your vessels. A town where you could trade all that loot for the real stuff you need, good water, good food, tools. I represent a Merchant group called the Greater Unen Trade Syndicate. We could move your loot, and you could avoid having to bring it inland to Neo Vargas for trade.”

“That would save me a nice amount in what I pay to the 99s to fence my goods,” said Captain Mueller, and I agreed. I never liked the 99s and knew they were fleecing us on some of the jewelry we brought in.

While Captain Mueller and Dreg negotiated I looked out towards the breakwater where the first of the pirate vessels had begun creating a Tidal Wave.
The wave rose up and headed for the shore with alarming speed. Out on a jutting escarpment of coral and sand, I could see a grey-skinned humanoid. His Eye was as large as a dinner saucer. He stared at the tidal wave and it parted. It crashed weakly and harmlessly far away from land.

Aye the Captain was right, this was no sleepy fishing village, and the Oners had lied.

The rest of the pirate fleet, nearly twenty five vessels sailed on to my wide eyes.


The first ten to approach the breakwater found themselves having to sail between spaces in the reefs overwatched by large imposing coral watchtowers. It had seemed just raw coral from afar, but only this close could they see the spaces. Yet still not a single attack came, and the pirate vessel’s forward facing ballistae were useless against coral. Those who fired found their bolts bounced back off. I raised a spyglass and saw pike walls extending outward from the fortresses, and slits too small to see inside.

Then explosions among the pirate vessels. I didn’t know what to do. But our ships were safely outside of the range of the attacks so I simply watched with rapt attention. The explosions were coming up from underneath. It looked like they had gone into a minefield. I saw pirates leaping from the sinking vessels, and some didn’t seem to splash. Instead they disappeared into the flickering shadows.
Other pirates shadow walked onto the coral of the breakwater, and were immediately struck from all sides by cutting beams of scintillating light.

The fifteen pirate vessels to the rear found themselves suddenly under fire from both above and from the shore. High caliber machinegun fire cut through masts, and shivered timbers. Volley after volley of screaming fiery phoenixstrikes flew from the breakwaters watchtowers towards the attacking vessels. It set sails and rigging alight.

A few enterprising pirate captains turned their ships to broadside the defenders. Cannon fire shattered coral towers and crushed undead bone and soft olgog flesh with equal danger.

Deadwing aircraft that resembled a cross between a horeshoe crab and bat flew across the sky above the harbor. Now that the pirate ships had turned and becalmed themselves they were easy targets for the Deadwings. I had heard tell of the Deadwings as rumor. They were down right scary. Their beams sent sparks off the water, and smashed wooden hulls like it had been stove in by a Leviathan.

From the breakwater towers across the ocean rode cavalry on eight legged undead horses. Their hooves left sizzling prints on the water as they ran across its surface. The Dead soldiers riding horseback were like an image from an apocalyptic legend of old. And it will always await me in my nightmares as I sleep.

They rode across the water, cutting holes in hulls of those ships that refused surrender. Cannons sounded and some Dead were knocked from their saddles. Yet the fifteen remaining ships had four Dead riding towards each of them. Two firing Magi cannons and two of the dead chopping with strange stone axes. As powder was ignited more and more ships exploded.

The fleet had been sunk before it had been able to land its pirates. The pirate war was a massacre, but it was the pirates and their vessels who were massacred by Drewsport.

No one ever attacked Drewsport for a full year after that war. The survivors fell into two categories. Either you were one of my crew mates who earned our own dock (granted we had to build it ourselves with the help of one of their woodshapers) and sleep on our ship, enjoying the town by day.
Or you were one of the people who got fished out of the drink and took the winners kind offer of work and a place to live if you helped build it from the ruins of your boat.

I found myself a lucky Pirate that day I did.



GUTS Members in Drewsport and Unit 817 gain Pirate Mercs. In future defense of Drewsport missions they can call upon 5 pirate ships with full crews and 200 pirates to defend the city.

Alexraiser gains Cap’n Dol’s Masterful Minefields. Only those give directions by Unit 817, Cap’n Dol Kuglock, Urik, or Captain Reshed of Rhug’na’ru, can enter the now enclosed harbor of Drewsport.
During Intermission: Gain 10 Ur Kug, 10 Olgog Pirates
After Part 2 starts with Week 16 Missions: Gains 40 Olgog Pirates and rebuilds five of the damaged Pirate vessels from this battle.
All Dol Kuglock’s Tribals Gain +1 Temper and +1 Water leyas
Citizens(Citizens can’t be called upon in production, artifact creation or missions, they simply live in the land, region, housing in areas controlled by this tribe): 30 Cabin boys who have been taken in by various families. 100 citizens of drewsport

The Ka Gor Tribe gains So many kidnapped people
During Intermission: Gains 50 Horned Dog Pirates (FS 5) armed with Refugian blunderbuss and water lvl 4 + standard Horned dog abilities. 10 Flayers, 5 Quall N’drone
After Part 2 starts with Week 16 Missions: Gains 150 Horned Dog Pirates (FS 5) armed with Refugian blunderbuss and water lvl 4 + standard Horned dog abilities (50 are adepts) 50 Flayers, 25 Quall N’drone.
The Ka Gor Tribe now has access to water created by their Horned Dog pirates.
Citizens(Citizens can’t be called upon in production, artifact creation or missions, they simply live in the land, region, housing in areas controlled by this tribe): None

Lalder gains Air to Ship Training, the Lur Union Fighter pilots now gain a +2 bonus to stealth checks against naval targets.

Sir Mag’Nr
gains a Large Ministry Tent near the docks. After all his work rescuing pirates from grevious wounds a few of his new followers bought him a stall near the docks and built a prayer tent there for him.

Lord Grimaldus gains The Hospitaller Church of Drewsport. Loyal to Lord Grimaldus, this church acts as a diplomatic embassy for Lord Grimaldus here.

Urik’s Outcasts gains 3 Permanent Bunkers in Drewsport. These bunkers can gun down any vessel that has passed the minefields, the breakwaters and the reef maze. SAR 50. Capacity 20 Olgogs.
During Intermission: Gain a crew of 30 Outcasts (ten per bunker) who live here and maintain the bunkers.
After Part 2 starts with Week 16 Missions: Builds 2 Rafts large enough to carry a bunker or a tracked truck. And gains another 30 Outcasts to man the bunkers defending Drewsport. They also build a Guildhouse in Drewsport called Outcast’s Den. The Den has its own weapon trading counter in the back run by a former pirate named Eldrich Henderson. Every few weeks Eldrich gets deliveries from the colony of Neo Vargas.

Unit 817 gains An Undead Fleet.
During Intermission: Gains six Coral towers S.A.R. 20 surrounded by walls of pikes.
After Part 2 starts with Week 16 Missions: Gains 40 Dead Earther Pirates (dead soldier stats with navigation, and armed with pirate weapons) and rebuilds two of the damaged Pirate vessels from this battle.
All Unit 817 Tribals Gain Tough as Nails
Citizens(Citizens can’t be called upon in production, artifact creation or missions, they simply live in the land, region, housing in areas controlled by this tribe): 100 Citizens of Drewsport