Children's Charity Live April Event 1: The Landship Urrgh


A coalition of tribal leaders joined together for a secret meeting with the Earth Expeditionary force to discuss the matter of the threat of the Kolgul Militia. So many olgogs had been taken and until recently the EEF had considered tbe KGM their allies. As a result Lt. Leydo the son of former EEF Commander Shiro, was sent to provide unnofficial aid along with an armored caravan vehicle holding high tech howitzers.

Before the howitzers could even be deployed the tribal leaders were drawn into an ambush.
Five caravans were set in a circle their drivers drugged, entraces rigged to blow and their holds full of crying olgogs.

With the help of Agent Broma a bastard explosive expert from the Colonies, the tribal leaders rescued most of the slaves from the KGM.

While they were distracted the KGM attacked the EEF camp. Most of the camp was burned to the ground except for an ancient stone tower they had set up around. Though rigged to blow, Agent Broma defused the explosives, and tor’og Urrgh led a group of mighty tribal leaders including even the redeemed Dead of Unit 817 in building an armored burrowing Landship from the armored caravan vehicle and other parts from the ruins of the camp. Leaving the rescued tribals at the ancient tower, the Landship Urrgh, pulled by a ghoul Mighty Yadol of unit 817 dived beneath the sand with many brave tribal leaders onboard including Captain Dol Kuglock.