UTR - Tor'abs meeting to discuss peacekeeper force in Brez


(OCC Planning thread for: http://dr-forum.whitestarhosting.net/showthread.php?1270-Goblin-Lands-UTR-Turning-Point-Mission-Week-15-To-Gang-or-Not-to-Gang)

Tor’ab didn’t know what to do yet with the issues in Brez. Something needed to be done about the raids by Ganak Lagg and the poisoning of food by Mak’laltor. The UTR needed to be on the same page this time. If any tribe among the UtR acts alone, they would commit the UtR to the action. The tribes of the UtR need to make the decision.

Tor’ab sent out messengers to each of the Tribes of the Council, asking for one who speaks for their councilgog.


In the the room walked Ka’zac, who nodded at Tor’ab, and then took his seat. His tribe knew the importance of acting together, and thus he was here to represent his people. He introduced himself and quietly waited for more people to arrive at the meeting.


There was a messenger sent out to the members of the Olgog Council. Yagogi’al the Og’ab had been told what was coming and the importance of action. For this he sent his tribe’s council seat, Maggul as well as Og’ Lokkol, another tribal that he himself had been working with who would provide assistance along the way. Yagogi’al started to believe his tribe and the members were better off with strength of numbers. For this Maggul would enter the meeting, and Og’ Lokkol would be outside sharpening his skills and waiting for new word.

Maggul entered, “Pardon my lateness honored guests, I am Maggul of the Venerable Tribe of Yagogi’al the Og’ab. I had thought that things would be in full swing by the time I actually made it here with my companion, who is waiting outside. If things have not already started, I believe that the time is upon us. We must have a plan of action before the time for action is too late (our Friday deadline). I suggest we figure things out, and we must do it fairly quickly. Ka’zac and Tor’ab, what is it you believe is our path?”


Tor’ab says "First to state the issues, Food produced by our farms should not be used to kill. Especially so generically. Any gog or Tribe doing this should be removed from the farm, and no longer allowed access until reparations have been made. I don’t believe we should kick them out forever, but give them a way back. To reward good work, and punish bad work.

Next, Ganak Lagg. This one is harder. I do believe any survivors of the tribes, or tribes attacked, should be given the option of working in the farms or other jobs for the UtR. This way they could then gain access to food and water while not depleating our resources. I know we’ll end up feeding them anyways, but we do have to make sure that its something we can maintain.

As for Ganak Lagg, I think we should take with tribes on our border he has not attacked yet, and try to bring them into the UtR. This way we can operate within our lands and prevent some of these attacks. We can have the army in Lur Union Fighters patrol the areas of these newly inducted tribes. I know many didn’t want the army, but patrolling and protecting our borders is one reason they exist. But they protect our borders, do not leave them. This has to be an absolute. We cannot have it looking like we are invading.

Additionally someone should talk with Gang of Hooked Cigar. Getting permission to engage Ganak Lagg on their lands if he attacks. I’m sure Cigar wouldn’t want to be used by another gang."


Ka’zac listen quietly to the problems brought before the small council. He smiled at the mention of using the army.

“Indeed deploying our forces would be a good measure towards showing them we mean business. I have a few minor suggestions that might make our presence more…noted. Allow Ka’Rhug to deploy some of its special forces. We will put one of our finest commanders on border patrol, and we will operate with peak efficiency. The soldiers we will use are loyal to the last, they do not feel pain, they do not question their orders. If we were to say, send a patrol out with strict instructions to only protect the border, they would have no feelings or emotions against or for the enemy. They would defend our lands and not aggravate an attack by crossing the borders or reaching out to former friends.”

“Our tribe is not so skilled in agriculture as yours, but we do have skill in battle and in discipline. Allow us to help in this way, and we will not fail, I assure you.”


Tor’ab thought about it and replies "Do not feel pain? Are you talking about the Balgogs? I have no problem using them with the exception that I’m not sure how gogs would react to them walking around. But if you have a stealth model, that might be better than the full Balgog. Also something lighter that could ride in Lur Union Fighters, or travel on its own with little detection until it needs to act.

I was planning for the Army to dispatch some of their Lur Union Fighters we gave them. They hold 8 gogs total. I think the balgogs take up 4 gogs spaces in them.

Also, I am hoping to get buy in from someone from Brez, someone from the Gang of Uf Mag’og. I know Brez in general joined the UtR, but I would feel more comfortable with direct Brezan involvement. "


Urog walks in. He looks at all assembled. “We have two choices. Both suck. But here’s what we have. And neither involve force. Brez is and has always followed strength. Og is used to cause fear. I know, I’ve done it myself. Today that has to end. There is only one way forward, and we can’t rely on og for it anymore. I need artificers. Lots of them. We need to make sure every remaining goblin king leading a gang has something that either cures poison or purifies food. If everyone can prevent themselves from being poisoned, there is no weapon of assassination. Second, we build a healing hut. The UTR controls it. Healing services for 1 week labor in the farms, either to protect them or work them. We then send word to the gangs, let them flock to us. If we can prevent assassination, we can prevent these gangs from getting bigger by conquering all.”

Urog looked around but didn’t really pay attention to those gathered, “I need help coming up with a new way to attract those who find themselves leaderless. I want to break the custom of the weak attaching themselves to the powerful. We do that, and we can exert greater influence without having to kill my rivals.”


Tor’ab says "We can bring in some artificers. Though curing poison requires Aufs. Ignoring poison can be done with shapeshifting leyas. I have one apprentice Auf who knows enough to build what you need. Purifying water is easier. We have many gogs who can create artifacts like that.

I do love the idea of the Healing tents at the farms, and the labor/protection to use them. We have some items we can use to start with, until we free up more Aufs in the coming days. Both to heal, and create items of Healing. We will donate our Igloo to this effort at one of the farms to start off with. Though we can’t build these ourselves, there should be a few of them amongst us.

As for attracting the leaderless, our success has been limited but we have attacked some to our army and to work the farms in turn for food. This is also how we got the gogs for the army. They would have followed someone, so we gave them something to follow instead of just one tribe.

I think a similar thing could be done here. Food, Protection, and a sense of belonging, these will draw many."


Maggul was honored to have the assistance of an elder such as Urog step in and clear up the circumstances. Well there was the matter that the Olgog nation, their place in the UtR had to decide between the two difference paths: the raids by Ganak Lagg and the poisoning of food by Mak’laltor. Originally they spoke as if the raids took priority, but Urog straightened their thinking.

“It could be that if we were able to solve the poisoning by means suggested by Urog, then those that benefited might be able to then help with the problems of raids. I know that my tribe has elders and juveniles that can provide assistance in healing, and artificing so that there could be stations set up to maintain the peaceful existence of food, protection, and unity mentioned by Tor’ab.”


"Wonderful. Other things:
I want to make the farms attractive to those who are leaderless. Working the farms lets us grow maklal, and if we make it somewhere where the leaderless can go, then we can bolster our numbers. They’ll need places to live and protection.

I want to create safe points where the weak can gather to make the treks to the farms. If the weak can’t make it, we can’t protect against Blood’og’s teachery. Some of the artifacts we create have to go to gang members closest to our farms. It will allow gangs to pool together, and for us to meet them, to make their ways across from the city to the farms. It would make them lesser targets in case anybody gets any bright ideas on sabotaging us.

I want all members of the United Tribes to be recognizable as friends of the Great Northern Army. I don’t want our enemies being able to guess our true numbers. They know I wield many gog, but my gor do not know how many. Let them see us working together, even in groups just comprised of your tribals. Mix and match units in what they appear to give loyalty to. I need to make my fellow Brezans believe I have wide appeal throughout Der’al."

Urog spoke excitedly. His thoughts were coming together. If he could pull this off, he has the potential of nullifying maklal’tor’s ability to swell his gang numbers. Of course, it would eventually lead to conflict, but if he could convince enough gangs to join him, using their fear of Ganek Lagg or Blood’og, he would perhaps be too large to attack. If he could bind the other gangs to him in loyalty and respect, he might be able to have the ability to create a true gang council in Brez, one free of fear of strength and death.


Tor’ab says "We can do as you wish. Ka’zac I think your forces will work well in protecting these groups, just make sure to get the GNA colors with them as well. I suggest we use the Army in these reguards too. They can also provide some of this protection as well.

I will have gogs build shelters around the farms to house the workers with no place to go as well.

Your plan is good and I understand the need to show the GNA to Brez, but we also should have some show of support from the UtR. Showing that the Gang of the Uf Mag’og is even stronger than just the sum of its numbers, it has the backing of a nation, with much greater numbers than just a few tribes."


Tor’ab says “We will work your peaceful approach, but I will still have Fighters and Gogs around in the area. Though most of my gogs I will bring are Brezan. I also recommend that we let Ka’zac help guard. They do have big armies.”


Urog nods. “But don’t give my brethren a reason ti distrust you. Walk very softly, no matter how large your sword may be.”