UTR Farm outside Brez


5 Tribesmen and 7 Ur Tor from the Herd of Auf Lal’ al arrive at Brez to ask where they can start setting up an area to start the process of teaching of how to build underground farms and farm them. 5 Ur Tor has Air 2, Earth 3, Fire 2, Water 2, General 1. 2 Ur Tor have Air 2, Earth 2, Fire 2, Water 3, General1. Each Tribesmen has Shadow 1, Water 2, General 1.

This gives them enough to also teach Earth and Water Leyas to help with the farming.

At their lead is Gulor.

Gulor will say to any Brezian who asks why they are there “We are the first part of the Promise from the Aufs of the Herd of Auf Lal’ al and of the UtR to start teaching how to build the unground farms and how to farm them. Any Gog interested in this, should head over here to begin learning and helping.”

Gulor will hunt out the Brezians in charge since one leader hasn’t been choosen yet, to get permission and a specific place to put the first farm to start teaching. Specifically he will find a member of Gang of the Uf Mag’og, as they are the ones we have relations with.

(OCC I will be doing this at Brez and Ta’loc’al, giving some of those 200 Gogs jobs to do, and making good on a promise I made in the Brez debate.)

(OCC I will make a similar post in Tla’loc’al)


Shirley runs into Gulor. When he is done talking, she grabs the olgog into a tight hug, lifting the olgog off the ground and twirls him around with glee.

“Gee am I happy to see you. I missed having you around. Tell Auf Lalder that I miss the little fella!” (She ignored the strange looks the Tla’loc’alans gave her as she referred to Auf Ladder as “little”).

“Well, this week is a mess. The gangs are all in a hot fuss about leading Brez. Ain’t gonna get much folk wan’ing to learn much.” She pauses to laugh loudly, bellowing first to the skies above her, then wraps her arms around Gulor and the next gog over, laughing in each of their faces before stopping. “Besides,” she looked over the Ur Tor, “I think there’s a little something something I’d like to teach some of you first.” Shirley repeats her laughing ceremony as she slips her arm from Gulor’s shoulder, down his back, and takes a handful of his butt in her hand.


Week 14 mission: The Fight at the Farm will be posted either tonight or tomorrow.

After set up and preparation of the Farm began, a huge group of different Brezan gangs have moved into the area and it looks like they are going to fight over who “owns” the food and land in a typical brezan fashion.

As Shirley and Gulor watch they can see over one thousand gangers surrounding the farm zone…


Gulor says “Hmmm, I wonder how our army and new Ship is doing.”

He pulls out a comm crystal to begin relaying their situation. This way others could organize with them.

Gulor continues to Shirley “This crystal is active so we can call in some help. If it were just me, I’d have a few snipers just take out bother leaders. But I know you Brez are much more direct, but I really don’t want to crush them with the Army. And we could. But we need Brez to be apart of the UtR, not fear it. Though I think we should have the army on stand by, these gogs attacking us need to learn they cannot just take one way or another.”

(OCC I brought out the comm crystal so others can participate in planning, without entering the farm. )


Gulor says "I think we should call in some support to at least create some defences. Lalder said that he will have Lurtor and Tor’ab bring their groups here to help. 15 Raiders, 8 FKM Gogs, and a few others. They should be able to make the area defencable so we can try to talk our way out of this.

Any other ideas, outside of Someone just challenging the leaders of these armys?"


Shirley pops out her comm crystal. “Bossman, you sexy yaldol of a king, big problems at the farm. Get O’er here quick.” Urog, about a minute later, appears through Shirley’s shadow. “OOhhhh! I love it when you sneak up on me like that!”

Urog tries not to smile, but can’t help but crack one any way. “What are we looking at?” Shirley responds, “Blood’lac, thousands of followers to the North. Ganek and his stalkers to the south, prolly below too.” Gone was her joviality, in its stead was calm and collected intelligence rarely seen before. “Help at this time includes maybe 30 gog.”

Urog nods, “Gulor, how well have the Brezans learned how to build these farms? Specifically, my gangers?”


Urog follows-up with a quick call to the Torab, “Torab, send messengers to all allies. We’ll be needing help. Use the the portal network and have Ur Rhug bring them just beyond the farms.”


Gulor says “They should be getting pretty good with it. Though the leyas part of it, they may need more time with it. We have been using artifacts to supplement the lack of Earth and Water Leyas.”

(OCC I expect that Create water, and Tunneling are a large part of initially building a farm.)

Gurlor Continues “Do you think we can get these armies to want to build their own farms? We are here to teach the gogs of Brez. But we cannot allow these armies to take what’s not theirs. Or what they did not work for or trade for.”


Tor’ab says over the crystal "We will dispatch messengers, some by teleporting to our allies. We have already sent a few Lur Union Fighters your way, and my group is just waiting for the right time to pop in. We should be able to fortify quickly.

As of right now we have not involved the Army. We need 2 other tribes to approve or than mine. They can be staged though."

While Tor’ab is talking Messengers are sent to the tribes of the UtR. Letting them know the situation and the call for help.


Kharos arrived on the scene, accompanied by his fifteen Ur’Rhug compliment of fighters. He quickly approached the pair and introduced himself.

“I am Kharos, of Ka’Rhug, and I am here to represent our interests in this farm. I will act as representative of our tribe and as commander of the forces we see fit to deploy here. Before we begin talking tactics, I need to be filled in on what exactly we are trying to do, and how we intend to accomplish it.”


Gurlor says "We have an army on 2 sides of us. Each is too Lazy to make their own farm and so they are trying to take this one. The Big guy there is of Great concern. Currently, they out number us.

We are right now trying to consider ways of getting out of this without slaughtering them all. We are just gaining the trust of most of the Brezans and don’t want to field our own full army here. Though a show of strength may be needed.

We have forces waiting to jump in to build defences really quickly. And thats where we stand. "


Gulor says "Lutor plans on trying to talk the Army leaders down from Fighting. We will offer them the same as we did here. Our Tribe will help them build a farm. But they will need to supply the workers to farm and learn. Basicly if they want a farm, they can have one, but they need to put the effort into it.

Thats about when I expect things will go down hill. But Lurtor can be persuasive when he wants to be."


Urog was heartened by the quick response. He still didn’t have an answer to his basic question.

“I intended on offering the other gangers a choice. If they leave in peace, they’ll get regular food from this farm until we can build one in their territory. If Blood’lac chooses to fight, he alone with die and we’ll destroy the farm. I intend on forcing him to make a choice. He can choose to allow all to feed, showing his desire to truly ensure the survival of all Brezans, or he can choose the selfish route, where he only cares about his power. Same goes for the other gang. If any attack, we destroy the farm. We either feed together, or starve alone. That’s my message. Question remains, how easily can we destroy this?”


Gulor says "Ok, we can do that. This is your, Brez, farm. And It would only take a few weeks to rebuild it. Though it is a shame to loose a food source.

We can use some summoners to summon earth spirits to wipe out the underground caves. And we can torch the area above the ground. As long we do do this in a way that does not destroy the nutrients in the soil, we should only loose one crop. If we get the option to rebuild. Though we may have to make the next one more defensible."


“Ok, and how many of my olgog learned to do so as well?”


(OCC I’m not 100% sure which of yours could do this. Or who was actually here. I had listed my initial gogs, but never was it done on the otherside. Also we never talked of teaching leyas in this thread, just teaching the farming using leyas. Best would have been if they were raiders or had, Earth 3, Water 2. Mud wave is Earth 4)

Gulor says "I’m not sure I understand the question. We did not concentrate on Leyas strength or specific abilities since we could use artifacts if the ability was not there. Our intent was growing things, which uses much less power than destroying things quickly.

For farming, I would say any of your gogs who worked on this can create the farm. Either on their own power, or an artifact, they could do it.

For destroying, I don’t know the answer to that.

I was planning on using the summoners because they could mud wave the farm in the case you ordered it destroyed. This would be flashy and look terrible, especially to those who don’t know farming, but would be the least destructive to the land itself. This is more powerful Earth Leyas than most in my tribe can actually use, but the summoners can have an earth spirit help them.

We could destroy it, or even have your gogs, destroy the farm with Tunneling. A tunnel in the wrong, well in this case Right place will take out the ground above. We have 10 rings anyone can use for that. Some of which we used when we dug out the area initially. But that would alter the shape of the land, and of course be a bit of a pain if you standing in the center of the collapsing area.


Urog smiled, with a sad sense of irony. “Don’t you worry, Gulor. If there’s something that Brezans are good for, it’s destruction.” He sighed.

“So my plan is this: set-up snipers in the area, like the Unenese. I’ll offer them peace, on one condition: they leave. They will have access to the mak, but it is not meant to be controlled. If you’re willing to work, we will teach… but we will not cede control. I will also warn them: the first to die will be the gang leader. If he gives me problems, then we take him out and offer the rest their freedom. If that fails, we destroy the farm, to build it again elsewhere. Maybe Simonsburg… where we can teach many to do it… then build them here by such great numbers at one time that there will be no need for a few to wish to control them.”

Urog frowned… his dreams were close, but so far away.


Gulor says "When my tribe jumps in, they will setup a defensive wall of Pikes with a path for you or Shirely to talk to them. Tor’ab will stand with you. At the same time we will deploy our obvious protection, a few gogs with Magi cannons and Springshot rifles. This should distract from your snipers.

In the case of an attack from either army, they will use suppression fire so we can destroy the farm, and evac. Our summoners will use Mud Wave to bogg down the Stalkers if they attack.

Now one question are you planning on winning the fight? Or get out after we destroy the farm? Though a thousand gogs are alot unless we go all out.

We have Lur Union Fighters in the area, but we are trying to keep them out of it. But if we can’t get out, or you decide to win, we can have them engage.

And don’t worry my friend, we can rebuild this in a few weeks. The reason we don’t have more is it takes gogs to build farms and maintain them. If you have more gogs, we can build more farms."


(OCC due to work issues I’m posting tonight. Most of my actions are based on Shirely/Urog’s Lead. So feel free to override me, and on my last post, I will acknowledge the change in tatics.)


(OCC, I would have loved to play a bigger part of things, I have not been able to participate much within the last week because of an extended stay in the hospital without computer and a dying cell phone.)

Yagogi’al the Og’ab along with matronly mak’ab Yalar Took patiently waited at the edge of the encampment for an audience with other members of the United Tribes concerning what he had heard of the attack to the farmlands. It seems somewhat counter productive to Yagogi’al being that Shirley of Uf Mag’og had recently asked for an audience with the United Tribes, and he wondered how that meeting was going. He spoke to one of the tribesgog guarding the areas, “We have come to help defend the farmlands, and join in the responsibilities of all that it entails. Please bring this message to the other elders on my behalf.”

Once brought before the elders, Yagogi’al assumed the crossed legged position, laying his battle blade in his lap and presented a low bow. He began “Greetings elder representatives of the United Tribes. I am both proud and ashamed as I come before you today. I see how much you have come together to accomplish, and though I personally do not approve of the direction of all of the progress, that is not the true matter but more that I have kept to my own nomadic tribal ways and have not done more for the dream that we all foresaw. It has been apparent that there have been some issues and slights, I would like to make good and come to your aid. What is it you have planned for already? I will send for reinforcements and if it must come to battle, we will act as additional cavalry. And then I will provide tribals to help rebuild the farmlands, learn the farming ways and provide whatever assistance. I hope that this pleases you, and thank you for seeing me on short notice.”

(OCC: I will be posting according to any response that i get from you, if you do not wish me to post please just say so. If no response given, i will try my best to follow along with the plans set forth in prior posts.)