Urgent Letter from Eli to Grim and Lurtor



Dear Grim and Lutor,

Eli McGraw here at The McGraw Expedition Harbor. What just happen last night and what else is coming our way? Was that you guys? I’m getting reports of a “Cursed Storm” that f’ed stuff up. Not cool but whatever. Anyhow, I’m going to take that as a hint that things are going to get worse. If you have further info, just drop a line to me or Olim Antwerf at our little beachhead.

Love Eli McGraw

P.S. Clones?



Dear Grim and Lutor,

Eli McGraw here at The McGraw Expedition Harbor. What just happen last night and what else is coming our way? Was that you guys? I’m getting reports of a “Cursed Storm” that f’ed stuff up. Not cool but whatever. Anyhow, I’m going to take that as a hint that things are going to get worse. If you have further info, just drop a line to me or Olim Antwerf at our little beachhead.

Love Eli McGraw

P.S. Clones?[/b]


Lurtor responds back with a letter and a comm crystal.

Letter says "There was an invasion of the Sea kings out at see north of your settlement. The terrible event that caused many to die was a result of that battle. The resurrection and healing that was done afterwards was one of the members of our party who was first to regenerate and wake up. After this Grim Stepped in and sank the fleet to put an end to the invasion. We believe this destroyed the fleet and all aboard were killed. There were sea kings and Illuminated on those ships.

Also, there are factions that already have claim to the lands here. The Ice Dragons and Skyknights. For our settlement, Grim negotiated with the Ice Dragons free passage within 1 hour flight in all directions from our settlement. Unfortunately, this does not include your settlement on the coast currently. We did not wish to speak for you and your settlement, but we can make the introductions and arrange meetings. This will need to be resolved in the future to prevent conflict.

For now, the Ice Dragons will not need an agreement until Grim, myself and a few others are done trying to negotiate a peace deal between the Ice Dragons and Skynights. We asked for that as we could not make the introductions in a timely matter between you and them. After we are done, they will wish to speak with the leaders of your settlement. I assume this means you. But we can help arrange this meeting.

Lastly, there is a large Olgog Tribe here. They do not seem actively hostile, but I could see them defending if pushed to. And there is many of them. You are most likely under surveillance by them as they are hard to detect in the snow. They do value wood. We hope to learn more of them soon.

Use this crystal for any need to contact us. We may not be able to answer at certain times due to circumstances. We are on our way to try and negotiate this peace between those two groups now.

As for clones, a certain cloner has been active in this area in the past. I will make sure I have this crystal with me if I visit. If I do not have it or I am not with Grim, don’t believe that I am me."

(OOC Lurtor will request a crystal between Lurtor, Grim and Eli for this.)



Dear Lurtor and Grim,

The Glacial Research Facility sucked. I’m taking an extended break from that noise to scout the area around my harbor myself and friends. Try not piss the natives off too much while I’m out. Feel free to stop by and we can see if we can get some business down. Remember to bundle up 'cause it colder outsider now."

Love Eli McGraw

P.S. Can’t use a comm crystal.


Dear Grim and Lutor(OOC: his storage is full),

I’m building an Air Depot at McGraw Harbor. When it is complete, could I ask you two if you could do a little job involving your airship. Need to pick up some hundred or so animals. Interested, give me a ring to work out the details.

Signed: Eli McGraw