TSGL3 Week 8 Event: The Mirror Crystal Invasion Part 2: Kalokian Sacrifices


Part 1: How the Flower Grows

Urik hunched in the doorway of a collapsed building. All around him Outcasts and Unen rebels slinked from cover to cover as they made their way back into the port of Unen. Large parts of the city had been blasted during the attack and the locals’ fighting-withdrawal. He felt anger burning deeply. It was funny really. He hadn’t much cared about Unen in all the he’d lived there but now he was determined to take it. He silently chuckled at himself I guess you don’t know what you have until a megalomaniac from an alternate reality comes to take it away. He singled a halt with a gesture and with another called for a huddle.

"Alright you all know the plan we split up outcasts and Rebels together and get as close as we can to the heavy artillery. At the flare we attack. Take the positions and turn the guns on the other defenders to help force a breach at the Cathedral. If we can hold here the UTD will be here to back us up. If you can’t take a position try to blast their fuel reserves. That will at least take them out of action.

Flora I want you to take our best shots and go hunting. You take out any officers you see avoid direct engagement, you know the drill."

Flora grinned “Yeah Boss I know the drill.”

He nodded and grinned back.

“Remember if this all goes to hell Lalder is planning to level the whole city to stop the sacrifice. The signal for that is our signal to high tail it back to the caves. I don’t want to see that happen. So let’s take our city back.”

Flora and her best snipers and five of the best sharpshooters among the Unenese Rebels left the building by way of a rear door. Flora’s Unit made their way towards a covert culvert near backyard.

Designed to prevent rainwater from flooding this neighborhood the culvert ran in a straight line all the way towards the stone wall that separated this once-wealthier neighborhood from the old Religious quarter.

Keeping low, knowing their Immutability would make them invisible to the Leyas sight used by the Kalokians and their demonic pets, the unit would only need to keep out of visual range.

It was a dangerous gambit in a way. If a single Fell Balgog had been patrolling the inside of the Culvert, it could have caught them all in a deadly funnel of Hellfire. Luckily for them, the Kalokians were relying on Kalok’s hounds to find anyone sneaking around the city, and the Immutables were virtually cloaked from the demon-golem’s senses at long ranges.

Reaching the end of the Culvert, Flora’s team found a once luxurious Merchant’s home, made of finest binber wood, now splintered and crumbling from repeated strikes from falling debris. The remaining sections of the home were two stories tall with a widow’s walk that extended from a small tower, barely tall enough to overlook the stone wall patrolled by the Kalokians.

Using hand gestures, Flora signalled to her unit. Three would maintain this position in case of rapid retreat, three would hold the doorway to the merchant’s home. The remaining three accompanied Flora into the home, and barring any unforseen encounters they would take the tower and set up a position within rifle range of the Cathedral.

Just as she passed across the threshold of the home, Flora could hear a wooshing sound behind her. She watched as cannonballs filled the air and suddenly was nearly blinded by flashing light as one of the balls struck the stone wall. The cannon ball shone with artificed light where it was embedded in the stone, and had struck with enough force that Flora could see stone shards pierced through the wooden wall next to her.

“Looks like the cavalry has arrived,” Flora whispered, “Let’s make the most of their distraction.”

Heading up to the widow’s walk, Flora crawled out on her elbows and thighs, keeping low and slow to avoid attracting attention. Looking out across the port of Unen, Flora could see a full counter attack was well under way.

Out in the bay, pirate vessels and merchant vessels wheeled in the choppy sea, turning their broadsides time and time again on the Port. Kalokian positions were salvoed with cannon balls, and walls of wind and water rose up around the ships to protect them from the inevitable counter attack.

One of the cannon balls, artificed with fire into a swirling ball of inferno, came crashing down on a Kalokian Artillery position. Flora watched with interest as it rolled right into their Fuel barrels. The demonic fuel went off in a greenish explosion, destroying the position and the Artillery.

She raised her scoped rifle to her eye, zooming in on the destroyed position. She could see Kalokian Guard trying to put out the hellfires, and two larger Olgogs bickering in the midst of the destruction.
One was taller, maybe because of the crude hellforged Power Armor he wore. As Flora placed her reticule over his mask, she could see the power armor pilot was a grizzled version of Captain Reshed of the Rhug’na’ru. His face had a massive burn scar showing he had been dedicated as as soldier of Kalok despite his Immutable nature, a benefit perhaps of being a friend of Kalok’s Prophet Kolgol.
Flora knew he must be the Mirror Crystal version of Captain Reshed, and the demonic power armor he wore did give an element of Metal Gog to his style. A pair of hellforged machine pistols were at his wrists, and a trio of single use rockets mounted on his back.

Despite the advanced armor and relatively deadly weapons, Flora couldn’t spot any scanners, thermal scopes or other devices on the power armor that would allow the mirror crystal Rhug’na’ru leader to spot her.

Rather than take the shot, she changed directions and began to look for the other commanding officer she had spotted.

No longer arguing with Captain Reshed about the cannon bombardment, the other mirror crystal leader was making her way back towards the Cathedral. Ordering Balgogs to change their positions to try and intercept the cannonballs with their body, the general seemed cruel in her body language as she gave her orders.

Flora’s hand darted up to change the magnification on her scope, zooming in towards the face of the female Olgog general who seemed to be fearless while standing beside Kalokians and Fell Balgogs. Her eyes went wide as she recognized the face of the cigar chomping general as her own face.

Flora never suspected she would see the Mirror Crystal version of herself. Especially not leading an invasion of Unen. She looked around for Graf, or Dreg, or Urik himself, but none could be seen. Flora sighted back in on her mirror crystal self, and noticed she carried Urik’s cigars in her front pocket, and began recognizing keepsakes from Dreg, Graf and the others all pinned to her body armor like religious fetishes to keep her safe.

Flora had heard about Naeil of the Lucky Fate Gang, how her boss Godart was killed and how it had changed her. Forced her to become a real leader, to take on enemies by herself and rebuild the gang. Flora didn’t know how she would handle it if Urik had died, he was her friend and her mentor. But if all her loved ones died, she knew she would make whomever did it suffer.

Looking at her own face on the mirror crystal version, twisted with malice and pain, and Flora wondered if that had been what sent her down that path in the other timeline. The loss of her beloved friends, taking extreme vengeance on her enemies, and now this version of her own self stood before her. In her rifle sights. And Flora didn’t know if she could pull the trigger.


Part 2: Of Noble Blood and Unholy Steel

Sir Mag’Nrs, honorable paladin of the Morgothians had made Unen his home away from home, and he would be damned if he did not put up a fight.

The problem here was he was fairly overwhelmed by numbers and strength, though having people being held as ‘sacrifices’ did play into his strong suit. With all the strife and fear going around, he had called upon this and used it to form Nightmare Balgogs controlled by the Morgothian Paladins. And as he stepped out of his tent into the ruins of what had been the dockside religious district of Unen, he could see the MorGogs, nightmarish in form and massive in stature, kneeling before him.

Each was controlled by a single Morgothian knight, and at their lead was Sir KeyHob, a female Olgog of prodigious strength and one of the newest of Sir Mag’Nrs knights. Scurrying around the MorGogs, were Least Nightmares, smaller nightmares resembling miniature Balgogs, that were barely being restrained by the Morgothian knights.

Allowed to run free this nightmare battalion could easily be a danger on its own, but Mag’Nrs sense of honor and duty would not allow such a thing. Instead these nightmares had been harnassed for one goal and one goal only, driving the threat of the Kalokians from Unen.

Mag’Nrs cleared his throat, and began to speak. His words were punctuated by the sounds of cannonfire out in the harbor.

“These Kalokians have nothing but fear, no better than a two-bit vampyr believing in the carnage provided by a natural disaster. Kalok is nothing more than a volcano that has erupted and the stories have been built up about it.
If you ask me, he’s just a lot of hot air. We will take back these lands from the false deity, and as we mow down his forces, show him what little baring a walking volcano has around a Port City."

Sir KeyHob and the rest of the Morgothian Knights saluted their leader.
Sheathing their swords, and raising their lances and tridents in one hand, and their shields in the other, the Morgothian knights mounted their MorGogs, and began a steady pace towards the closest artillery position.

Mag’Nrs watched the Artillery piece fire, and its scintillating beam arced across the sky before stricking a vessel out at sea. There was a small explosion, visible from the shore, and the vessel began to sink rapidly. The knight said a small prayer for the drowning gogs aboard the vessel.

Mag’Nrs raised his own sword, and made a short chopping motion while roaring, “For Honor!”

The Morgothian knights and their MorGogs charged, least nightmares running along at their feet. The least nightmares arrived first, as Mag’Nrs had planned swarmed up into the artillery piece and pulling pieces off and gumming up the machine with their own bodies.

Kalokians were ready with a decisive counter attack. Their krato-bone axes cut through nightmare flesh, spilling black ichor with each chop. Then the Morgothian knights were upon them. Sir KeyHob was the first within striking distance of the Kalokians. Ordering her MorGog to grapple with a nearby Fell Balgog, Sir KeyHob hurled her trident at a Kalokian Guard. The trident pinned the guard’s leg, Sir KeyHob leapt from her saddle atop the MorGog.

Her sword blade flashed down. As her unholy sword struck the unholy flesh of the Kalokian there was a sizzling sound. She changed her grip, and slammed the blade into the weaker armor at the rear of Kalokian Guard’s knee. Her blade cut through flesh and sinew, dropping the Kalokian to the floor. She lifted her blade and drove it down into the Kalokian’s neck, severing his head and sending it rolling across the battlefield.

The body was unmoving, and Sir KeyHob thought herself victorious.
Turning she drove her unholy blade into the wounded Fell Balgog’s cracked surface, hoping to aid her MorGog in battle.

Then she felt a painful slice across her abdomen. Looking down, she saw the dead Kalokian Guard was moving again. His body seemed inhabited by something more monsterous. She watched as a biting maw filled with obsidian teeth formed in its neck wound, and looking down she could see its hand now ending in razor sharp obsidian talons was embedded in her plate mail. As the Malevolent now inhabiting the dead Kalokian’s body wiggled its fingers, she felt more painful cuts on her stomach.
The monster was trying to drive its claws through the hardened steel of her chestplate, and was making good progress much to her concern.

Looking down, Sir Key Hob realized her trident was still in the Malevolent’s host body. Leaving her unholy sword embedded in the back of the Fell Balgog, Sir KeyHob grabbed her trident with both hands and lifted. While the Malevolent might have been faster than her, and even more cunning than the honorbound knight, it was just not as strong as the musclebound Olgog.

She lifted with all her might, pushing the demon until its claws were broken off in her armor and it was quite out of swinging range. As it tried to douse her in green hellfire from its neckwound of a mouth, Sir KeyHob spun, using the trident and the body of the Malevolent and a little centrifugal force to hurl the demon directly into the pile of barrels.

The hellfire spewing demon rotated as he careened through the air. So Malevolent was it that it didn’t realize its desire to kill KeyHob was its own undoing as it ignited the nearby barrels of Kalok’s Piss. The fuel went up in flames, and Sir KeyHob was hurled across the muddy street and into a large wooden pole. She felt her ears pop and couldn’t hear anything except ringing, and felt sick and dizzy all at once. Pushing herself up, she could see the artillery position was wrecked and there were dead Morgothians everywhere.

The few remaining MorGogs and living Morgothian Knights were gathered around Sir Mag’Nrs and holding ground against the now retreating Kalokians. Lifting herself up slowly, Sir KeyHob felt more than a little concern. Taking a breath hurt, her arm was on fire and when she looked down she saw the plate mail was cooling from a direct hit from the hellfire. The skin underneath had been cooked badly, but the bone felt sound. KeyHob held in the pain, knowing she could cry later, once the battle was won.

She looked for her battleblade, and saw it still embedded in the Fell Balgog. The explosion had taken out half of its head, and put cracks across its entire body. The spider webbing of cracks was leaking hellfire that ignited bits on the ground as it passed.

The Fell Balgog was preparing to completely crush her MorGog, when suddenly there was a sound of water splashing across the entire Harbor and roaring cannons. The imposing Unit 817 NecroStriders rose up from the sea, their long legs pulling them up the rocky coastline. Their roaring cannons echoed across the Port City as they fired, targeting Artillery positions and Fell Balgogs.

Their sonic blast shook this Fell Balgog badly enough, that KeyHob’s MorGog was able to rip off its arms and kick it backwards. As the Fell Balgog reeled backwards, it fell onto KeyHob’s sword driving the unholy weapon through its dark animating spirit. Finally turning into harmless rubble, the Fell Balgog was fully banished.

With her good hand, KeyHob reached into the rubble and pulled out her unholy blade, noticing it was now damascened by the hellish flames inside the Fell Balgog. From a nearby rubble pile leapt a scorched and half crushed Malevolent. One handed she swung her blade, and Sir KeyHob bisected the demon in a single blow. She felt the blade suffuse her with energy, and her burned arm was restored and the pain in it ended.

Then she realized all the dead Kalokian Guards in the rubble around her were respawning as Malevolents. One raised a hellforged pistol and began firing at her. She dived behind her MorGog, having it heft a section of broken artillery piece to use as armor. KeyHob heard the sound of the gunfire get joined by more, as the Malevolents began to counter attack the Morgothians.

Sir Mag’Nrs was pushed back along with his knights. While they were proud to stand against false prophets and their demon hordes, the knights had little defense against all that firepower the Kalokian Guard carried when used to such effect by the Malevolents.

Giving a solemn prayer to Morgoth, Mag’Nrs saw the skies begin to glow. A wave of energy flowed across the surface of Unen, and where it passed Malevolents were driven from their host bodies. The dead host bodies, now empty, fell to the ground exploding in flames as was Kalokian tradition. The flames rushed out around Sir Mag’Nrs and Sir KeyHob, but the two stood back to back chilling any fires that got too close or tried to spread too far.

Little did the devout knight know the real heroes were far above him, the Auf Lal’al Adepts who were orchestrating the massive sacrifice that was driving the malevolents from this dimension. A full carrier craft had been sacrificed by its own crew. Its weapons, its Djinni blood fuel cells, and its months of field work all went up in a Leyas crackle and then all that was left was dust.

An entire city worth of demons were driven from their hosts. Unfortunately their bodies triggered as they were to explode, sending flames scattered across Port Unen. The Port was mostly wooden buildings and all the inhabitants soon found themselves facing a deadly inferno.

From their location at the destroyed Artillery position, Sir Mag’Nrs and Sir KeyHob watched the Unit 817 NecroStriders disable the last of the other artillery pieces.


With the airspace now clear of overt threat, UtD Censor Craft entered the sky above Port Unen. GNA Gangers began stepping from the shadows around any remaining pockets of Mirror Crystal forces.
UtD soldiers rappelled down from the many Censor Craft positioned over the city. And the rebels knew their moment had come. Rising up alongside their Brezan cousins, the Unense began to take back Unen.


Part 3: Being a Dark God…Its just a Phase.

“Demons…not good for Refuge. Father would be angry if we let them keep power”, Derlur thought to himself, “Plus, any religious ceremony that requires a specific sacrifice in a specific place was not good”.

Derlur knew enough of religious rituals to know that there was something about the Church of One temple in Unen held something specific that Kalok needed. It was up to him and his brothers to find out and stop that.

Sneaking into the GNA meet up had been easy enough, and hitching a ride aboard a Censor Craft carrying Shirley’s Assault squad had been a stroke of good.

When they arrived at Unen, Derlur felt his chest thump in an odd way when he looked upon the devastated city. Port Unen had been destroyed year after year by flamewinds. But the Unenese had long learned to turn their wooden homes into wooden ships and vice versa. But this far outside the season, there was no need to do so, and as a result many a home burned in the fires of Kalok. And the pain and loss and fear of the people of Unen fed the Ancient Evil as surely as a steak to hungry Devourer.

Derlur could sense the Greater Evil’s Avatar was somewhere below, probably hiding in the ruins of the Cathedral of Man. Looking down at the ruined cityscape he wondered if the people of Unen would be resilient enough to come back from this invasion.

As they approached by air, Derlur thought he saw the Mirror Crystal Carriers fleeing the city. If Kalok wanted this city so badly why would his last remaining air forces be fleeing. Harried as they were, it seemed the Mirror Crystal fleet had learned to camouflage themselves. They disappeared into the clear blue sky, leaving Unen to the nearly victorious United Tribes armies.

Derlur looked across the cabin of the Censor craft and saw his buddy Holt Gale leaning against a nearby porthole. He asked quietly, “Which direction were those last remaining Mirror Crystal Fleet ships heading?”

Holt nodded and gave a quick handsignal saying East toward the Tower of Resugent, but said verbally, “Ehh its hard to tell. Could be Absalom, Could be Hebron. Fools could think they can make a run on Brez. So far we never seen a Goblin King in the Mirror Crystal forces. Makes me wonder where they are hiding their Brezans.”

“Heh Brezans are too smart to follow a bunch of Kalokians into battle,” agreed Derlur trying to keep up appearances as a GNA soldier.

“I guess, I guess,” said Holt signalling someone is watching us.

Derlur turned as the burly Shirley lifted him up into a bear hug.

“You look like one of the new bodyguards,” said Shirley.

“Er…yes, in a way,” agreed Derlur, “I got a strong arm and will drive out the Kalokians.”

“Good, cuz I need a good arm,” said Shirley.

He wondered how she meant it when she dragged him towards the hatch out onto the walkway overlooking the city. He looked back at Holt Gale who mouthed, “What should I do?”

Shirley stepped out onto the walkway, it creaked under their combined weight. She said, “Gog, I got me a friend a little girl named Tusk who need protecting. Now I have a Cavalry charge to lead, and you would just struggle to keep up. So why don’t you keep Tusk safe?”

She leapt off the side of the Censor craft carrying Derlur tucked under an arm. Landing and kicking up a cloud of ash, Shirley placed down Derlur saying, “Now you head into that sewer there and catch up to my friend Tusk. Me, I have an army to crush. Go on…Go on…”

Derlur wondered why he felt embarrassed with the way Shirely was waving him onward. He would have to ask father about this strange emotion.

Watching the Censor craft drop off other units around the city for but a moment, Derlur finally disappeared into the sewer entrance. Shirley sighed. Why was it all the cute gogs were going off on suicide missions, she wondered.

Shirley turned towards her gathering vanguard. They were tough looking scrappers. She tightened the Khaz’gha wrappings around her fists, preparing to lead a charge against the most fortified position in town, the Cathedral of Man.

From the darkness of the Sewer entrance, Derlur wondered if he should warn Shirley about the fleeing Mirror Crystal vessels but then he saw something far more distracting. Floating down above the Cathedral of Man, covered in obscurements that would hide his image from even the most ascertaining eye was instantly spotted by the wanderer. His father had taught him unique tricks for spotting entities of power equivalent to Krodnok, and a handy dandy spirit scope.

Seeing Krodnok was sneaking into the Cathedral, and seemed to have a good chance of making it inside to face Kalok, worried Derlur greatly.

Krodnok did not know Derlur had seen him. And as he descended he layered obscurements over himself and used his cloaking device to prevent any visual acuity from catching his arrival. He slipped in otherwise unnoticed. Leaving the Kalokian Guard outside to face the approaching UtR and UtD forces, Krodnok made his way to the deepest chambers under the cathedral.

What he found there was surprising to say the least. His time in the Bishop Kasanth’s lab had taught him much about the man who would one day become the prophet of Warmonger. This was a chamber designed by that man. A chamber that could bring through an ancient evil and bind it utterly and completely. To hold it in place possibly even rendering it able to be destroyed if enough damage were dealt to it before it escaped its bindings.

Krodnok could not fathom why the Kalokians would want it. Bringing through their lord and master here would render him helpless and easy to contain or even possibly destroy. The bindings here had no effect on him, so Krodnok knew this wasn’t a trap for him.

That was when Krodnok realized the sacrifices here weren’t design to summon Kalok. They were designed to summon Warmonger himself here and bind him. Kalok had the perfect assassination attempt, all prepped here and ready and waiting for the sacrifice of lives to power it.
In the center of the chamber was a Nightmare Lord skull, Krodnok assumed one of the hosts that once acted as Avatar of Warmonger over the millenia. A perfect link to the Ancient Evil.

Krodnok also immediately realized Kalok’s plan here. Summon Warmonger and then create a Volcano under him to consume him and much of Unen in a single strike. The far reaching ecological dangers and other effects would destroy the coast and affect the Goblin Lands negatively for centuries to come.

Krodnok could not allow it to happen. Dragging the sacrifices from their positions he began to teleport them along with him to a safe place. In groups of six he rescued the sacrifices. Each time he hoped his obscurement would hide the bursts of Shadow and Earth Leyas, each time he completed a teleport trip he worried what he would return to in the Sacrificial Room.


It was on the final rescue teleport that he realized he wasn’t alone in the room. Looking around, Krodnok felt a similar sensation to what had happened when he had tapped into the madness of Annihilation Leyas, and as a result he instantly distrusted his senses. Leaning up against the wall, and letting his cloaking device keep himself hidden he watched and waited.

He watched as Hikiti, Tusk and Derlur the Nomad entered the Sacrificial chamber. Hikiti immediately approached the bound Sacrifices and began undoing their bindings. Tusk and Derlur were arguing about something from what Krodnok could hear.

“…But thats just not sensical,” said Tusk, “Rubbah and Ya’na are holding the entrance way to the sewers. Lalder’s forces are already in position and they have a shadow cast on our exit way and another near the sewers entrance. A quick sidestep and we can ”

Ya’na leaned into the room, “Tusk, the Kalokians are pulling out. I think we should leave before we find out why.”

“Make sure we have a clear path to the shadow cast by Lalder’s vessels,” ordered Tusk without hesitation.
Derlur said, “There is more going on here than a mere rescue Tusk. This entire mission hinges on an unknown unknown, what the Kalokians are really seeking here.”

The wall on the far side of the room slid open, revealing a handsome young man in a white suit with a black shirt and black tie. He looked human, and vaguely corporate as he approached. There was something about the man that Derlur could sense, something off. His father would describe the feeling as unsavory.

At one side of the white suited figure was the mirror crystal Captain Reshed of the Rhug’na’ru in full hellforged power armor. At the other side stood the mirror crystal version of Flora of Urik’s Outcasts, one hand had a rather advanced technological gauntlet on it, and the other was bare and clenching a large black orb that seemed to radiate purple flames from inside it.

Ya’na stepped in front of Tusk defensively, which made the man in the white suit laugh.

“Sorry to say happy little Gog, your body will do little to stop her death if I wished it so,” said the Usurper adjusting his tie and brushing a bit of rubble off his shoulder.

Ya’na stood with puffed chest as only a Brezan GNA soldier could.

The smile faltered on the Usurper’s face for a moment. “Prove my point Captain Reshed.”

The mirror crystal Rhug’na’ru soldier raised his hellforged machine pistol and gunned down Ya’na mercilessly.

The Usurper sighed, “Point made? Good. Now you will notice my friend did not grant your friend final death. That was my moment of mercy. I have no particular hatred for your kind. I do what I do, because it is what I must do to free my own shackles. And that goal is worthy of any sacrifice.”

“Even if you’ve allied with Kalok, Usurper, How will you free your self by summoning Kalok here?” asked Derlur still not understanding the demon prince’s plans.

“Ahh well I don’t plan on summoning Kalok here,” said the Usurper, “I plan on bringing the Warmonger here.
Step forward Flora and present the Armenius Orb from your timeline.”

Flora stepped forward holding the orb. Only her immense will and her immutable nature combined could hold back the power of the Orb.

“How odd I find it that this unique Olgog warmaiden who could hold back the power of the Armenius Orb without needing the hands of Vul?” said the Usurper, “In this timeline she could not be turned to such a path. But let her watch her beloved Outcasts get assassinated one after another by the once trusted EEF? What say you Flora? Did I twist your mind?”

“No,” she said angrily, “The EEF is just another pawn of the Warmonger. Some of its agents may work against the Warmonger, but then it just a pause between feeding their own warmachine. IN fact you all, you United Tribes members are also just pawns. But me, I will help the Usurper destroy the Warmonger once and for all. My legacy will be the destruction of the most evil of the ancient evils.”

She placed the Armenius Orb in the center of the room. As she let go of it, the spirits of all nearby were pulled towards the heart of the orb. Only the immutables and the demon prince seemed immune.

Tusk and Hikiti might have died their final death in their moment. Except Krodnok stepped out in that same moment, grabbing Tusk, Hikiti, Derlur and their allies and teleporting away.

The last thing they saw before the teleport was the image of a massive serpent slithering from a flaming portal, its sides lined by smaller arms each carrying a unique weapon. Swords, spears, axes, and rifles all marked the sides of the Warmonger. Its body had two larger arms ending in claws. These massive shoulders had three heads on it, two smaller and one larger head.

And it was that larger head which bore a gaping wound in the center of its face. Part mouth part eyehole, part something else more alien and unknown, it bled endlessly from this wound. Tusk realized this was no energy bridge that was forming. The Warmonger was being released through the Orb itself. She gripped her Brezan Lance tightly as all went dark around her.

When she blinked next she could see a verdant forest, and all around her were her friends and a large group of freed sacrificial victims. At her side was Krodnok, whose timely teleport had saved them all.

But off to the west, she could the sky filling with a primordial darkness. There was the roaring of a volcano and the entire coastline seemed to light up for a moment. There was a resounding boom, and then the sky went dark once again.

Tusk and Hikiti held each other, staring at the cataclysm at Unen which was so intense it could be seen from here on the far side of the Goblin Lands.


Epilogue: A Helping Hand…

The Elderly man led a small group of healers and medics to the rear of UTR army. They had red cross armbands to signify their jobs. They set up a row of tents and began to unpack the medical equipment. Nothing high tech, bandages, splints, pain killers, anti biotics, and other useful tools.

One of the healers, Nurse Eve Leshane asked the old man, “Lord Grimaldus had been very specific, there was to be no military aid to the Olgogs in this situation.”

The elderly man smiled a kindly smile and countered, “However he never said no medical aid. He might be angry when he hears about this, however it will be too late by then. Besides, how long can he stay mad at his Uncle Schwarzhelm?”

“Oh Schwarzhelm, one of these day you will test his patience too much and he will finally turn you over to the Inquisition for those heretical poetry books you keep,” replied Nurse Leshane only half joking.

“There is no Inquisition in Absalom and I like it that way,” replied Schwarzhelm.

He walked up to the closest Olgog in UtR colors and asked, “Mister, when will we be allowed access to the wounded?”

“We was told to keep everyone whose not UtD far away from the site of the incident,” said the big Brezan pointing behind him where the Cathedral of Man had once been.

There was now a volcanic crater that spewed lava and fire heavenwards every few moments. Inside it even from this distance could be seen swimming the form of some massive serpent.

“What does the word on the street say…as it were?” asked the old man.

Seeing no harm the Brezan replied, “They say that Kalok didn’t have enough sacrifices on hand to unleash a full volcano on Warmonger, so the old serpent is trapped up there wounded and weakened.”

The old man said, “It may be that Warmonger is the only thing keeping Kalok’s Volcano from destroying the entire coast…and itself in the process.”

“What about those in the Cathedral?” asked the nurse with tears in her eyes.

“Our allies escaped through Lalder’s shadow walks,” said the Brezan in a calming voice.

“So now the Warmonger has set up shop in Unen,” said Schawarzhelm, “How quaint. It seems healers will be needed.”



[/u][/b]All characters that posted to this mission gain 15 Unenese Rebel Veteran. Specializing in aquatic infiltraition, these Rebels can sneak aboard any vessel at sea, or any island on Refuge without being spotted.

Unenese Rebel Veteran
FS 6
Water lvl 3,Air lvl 3
General lvl 1
Stealth 8

Sir Mag’Nrs gains KeyHob can now summon a MorGog at will.

MorGog Nightmare
has all normal nightmare weaknesses
HP 20
FS 5
rider can trade one of their own attacks to make the MorGog attack.
Chill Breath 10 Chill dmg
Claws 10 Melee dmg.