TSGL3 Week 5 Mission Results: When Enemies work together


Prologue: Neliff? The Good Life

The creature was five foot tall, and rather small from the waist up. It was vaguely humanoid with two arms ending in hands, and an obvious head on a neck. From the waist down it was a mass of tentacles, and each tentacle was tipped by a stinger, with an egg sac at its base. Its mouth was very carnivorous looking, and its wide fish-like eyes were positioned on the sides of its head. Its markings were strange, but then again neither Oliver nor the Old Vlad had ever met a Neliff before and they didn’t know if the markings were birthmarks, scarification or some sort of tattooing.

The Neliff levitated two feet off the ground, although Oliver noted it did not seem to be using the Leyas to do so. Maybe some form of natural anti-gravity, he wondered. Of course Old Vlad and Oliver were in a chamber on the opposite side of the facility where the meeting was taking place.
The Neliff diplomat would only be met with via the hard line holo-vid communicators that had been built in this place for studying dangerous lifeforms. Oliver suspected there were few aliens as dangerous as a Neliff.

“Excuse me,” said the Neliff as if unused to speaking vocally, “Is there some sort of device here I may speak into?”

Oliver realized that stuffing the Neliff in a room surrounded by one way armored mirrors might be a little off putting. Then he looked over at the Old Vlad, as the Spymaster studied the creature, and knew instantly that was what the old man had tried to do.

The Old Vlad was in his Olgog clone form, with a pair of platinum caps on his tusks. It was the only form of Old Vlad that Oliver had ever met.

Even long ago when he was just a boy soldier serving in the Kolgul Militia, Oliver had been impressed by the Old Vlad. One part weathered soldier, one part devious game theorist, with an unstoppable thirst for knowledge, Oliver had looked up to the old gog back then. Before he knew the truth about the Old Vlad’s operations here in the Goblin Lands.

The Old Vlad leaned forward and said, “Speak aloud diplomat, this entire room is transmitting so that we do not miss a single of your important words.”

The Neliff’s tentacles spamsed a bit, though if it was from pride, or from embarassment, they could not tell. It said, “Thank you honored hosts. Both the Kolgul Militia and the Armies of Eloga have been so kind in their treatment of our caravans. The Neliff appreciate that.”

Oliver looked to Old Vlad, and the old gog motioned with a finger for Oliver to speak, Oliver cleared his throat and said, “Thank you. It has been our pleasure having the Neliff as our neighbors. Before you arrived, the Armies of Eloga were regularly fighting back packs of raiding Giants from the mountains. Now the attacks have all stopped.”

The Neliff seemed confused, “No Disrespect, but the Neliff were told the Neliff would be meeting with Bo’gan the leader of the Armies of Eloga.”

“Bo’gan has become incapacitated due to chronic overdoses of Voho,” said Oliver putting extra effort into adding sadness to his voice, “I am Oliver his second in command, and his right hand. I will be running things until Bo’gan recovers…if he recovers…”

“Then the Neliff have brought honors for you, Oliver,” said the Neliff diplomat, “This Neliff has come directly from Neliff the Outcast in the mountains. Neliff the Outcast tells of a return of the greater evil Kalok to this dimension.”

Old Vlad looked up concerned, “Kalok was sealed away in Mt. Rhug.”

Neliff the Diplomat replied, “Mt. Rhug is now a hell dimension, where Kalok has grown more and more powerful. His armies are ready to strike, and when they do the UtR and their allies will be distracted.”

“This seems like a win,” said Old Vlad, “Let the Kalokians destroy the UtR and then your own forces can mop up the remaining Kalok forces.” Old Vlad didn’t add that he had a few orbital weapons online to clean up the Neliff forces. The weapons had been available since he hitched a ride on Olgog the Olgog’s hacking of the planetary satellite grid. It had been so easy to fool the impressionable Olgog into turning the weapons on the Tla’loc’alans over a year ago.

“Neliff has but one master, and that is the Warmonger,” said Neliff the diplomat, “And Neliff the Outcast has interpreted Warmonger’s will. An army of giants must face the Kalokians on the mountains over Tla’loc’al. And if we succeed, then Kalok’s host must be brought to Neliff the Outcast so he may be implanted, and we may make Kalok a servant of Warmonger instead of his foe.”

Old Vlad pressed the mute button, and faced Oliver, “What do you think?”

“If we let another army of Giants and Neliff through to attack the UtR across our borders they will hold the Der’al Collective responsible,” said Oliver.

“I see, well how married to this Der’al Collective are you?” asked Old Vlad, “I mean it was perfect when we needed a hegelian dialectically opposed force to test the threat of this UtR to the Earther Colonies. I definitely feel the UtR proved itself to be a lumbering juggernaut more likely to harm its own than give the Colonies any real threat. And with the weapons I received from Alchemist Onderal prepped in specific locations, I could eliminate them quick enough if needed.”

“Good to hear, father,” Oliver replied, “But I do feel a certain kinship with the folks in the Der’al Collective. Even the dirty Tor’lallur have a charm once you get to know them. I would rather not see them blamed for the attack.”

“Then it is simple,” suggested the Old Vlad, “Send word of the attack to the UtR and their allies. Let them know the exact location the Neliff and Giant attack will come. Blame it on the members of the Ka Rhug who have embassies in your region.”

“Those embassies were negotiated in good faith, father,” Oliver corrected.

“Good faith?? Good faith by a tribe who brought about the rise of a Demon that could wipe out all human life on this planet,” countered the Old Vlad, “I’d rather their faith go the way of the dodo.”

“What is a dodo?” asked Oliver.

“Extinct Bird from Earth,” said Old Vlad, realizing again how odd it was to have a son who never knew Earth, and from a species standard never would need to. Who would have thought a drunken dalliance in Neo Vargas would have birthed one of his most exceptional agents. Ever since that one upload…He sighed, though Oliver interpreted it as related to their current situation.

Oliver suggested, “Why not show a level of honesty to both sides… Allow the Yyan army through because we do not have the forces to hold them back. Alert the UtR to the Yyan presence and advise them when the attack is coming, so they can prepare an ambush. Blame the whole thing on the Warmonger vs Kalok rivalry, which is quite true.”

“Tell them the truth?” asked Old Vlad, “What other foolish ideas are stewing in that head of yours? Me turning myself in to the EEF?”

“Not that, the EEF would just imprison you again,” said Oliver, “But there are times when Truth is better than lies, especially when manipulating your enemies.”

“Not in my experience,” mumbled the Old Vlad, as he thought back to when he tried to reveal that the Colony General was a vampire feeding on the colonists all along, and the huge backlash he saw among his friends, allies and supporters.

Even his dearest friend McMurphy had turned on him to protect that monster. Revealing that truth and trying to fix it was one of the main reasons he was stuck down here in the Goblin Lands instead of still running the agency for which he was named up north. The only man who had bravely stood by his side was Yildor Roren, and that had earned the old man a visit from a new VLAD agency kill team that destroyed Yildor’s ancestral manor house, and killed off both of Yildor’s sons.

The Old Vlad looked over at Oliver, and truly didn’t want him to have such a fate as well. And he knew full well if the EEF or the new VLAD Agency discovered the truth about his son, they would make him a target, and destroy all he had built here.

Ever since that memory upload, he knew things would be different for him. His passion for supporting the Church of One was gone, and he saw the racists for what they were: superstitious zealots who would move humanity back to the dark ages if given the chance.

It made him slightly annoyed it had taken so long for him to realize it. Perhaps if he hadn’t aided agents like Mortis Leonin and Cristos Dugari, this world would be a far safer place. But past was past and future was future.

The only goal he held onto was the disabling and dismantling of the government of cronies and minions working for the Vampire Malthus and his EEF, and an end to the new VLAD agency that kept the Vampire’s regime in power.

“The Neliff diplomat is waiting, father,” said Oliver, “What do we tell him…her….it?”

“Your plan is a sound one,” replied the Old Vlad, “Do the honors.”

Oliver leaned forward, steeling his will, and pressed the mute button into the off position.

“Neliff of Neliff, allow me to thank you for this opportunity,” said Oliver, “The Der’al Collective will give you the quickest path through our territory so that you may use the mountain paths to reach where Mt. Rhug once stood. Though with the UtR Airforce, you should expect attack the moment you leave our territory and enter theirs.”

“Neliff appreciates the hospitality and support of the Der’al Collective. It shall be remembered by Neliff once Neliff elimiates the thread of the Kalokians,” said the alien happy to be acknowledged after the long moments in the mirrored room.


Part 1: The Mirror Crystal Kalokians

The Museum of Brez was quiet at night. Except for the feet of the security guards, all Brezan Olgogs in heavy leather combat boots, tromping along the hallways, it was silent. The Brezans were all on their guard of course, it had only been weeks since the Museum was attacked by gangs of looters. The damage was mostly fixed, with a few walls plastered over and in need of a good paint job.
All of the guards were battle hardened, these Olgogs were no weekend warriors, they had all served in the Great Northern Army, and bled at the Siege of Thomasville. This gig was supposed to be a reward, a bit of paid retirement as it were. And except for that one night when the looters attacked, it had been relaxing as security gigs go.

Bartom Odd-eyes was a Brezan, born and raised. His family had been killed off by King Blood Og the first, and his street block in the hands of King Blood Og II’s gang. Bartom didn’t care though. He lost all taste for revenge when he joined Gul’al’s crusade against the Earthers. At Simonsburg, Thomasville and in the desert, he had seen the worst of his people, and was just done with it all.

As Bartom’s patrol took him past the hall containing the statue of Rapi’og and the Mirror Crystal, he was too deep in thought to notice the glimmer. A small piece of stone had flaked away, revealing a small hole in the mirror crystal underneath. Bartom turned just as he saw the flash of light as an Earther youth and a pair of Olgogs appeared. The guard instantly recognized the Olgogs armor as that of the Kalokians, and moved to yell out an alert.

The young Earther simply raised a hand, and Bartom felt as if he could not talk. His muscles were locked, and his breath even held in his chest.

The young man walked up so he was eye to eye with the big Brezan and said, “Hello good ser, I am Dominic, and I would like to offer you a deal. You join my Kalokian Army, and I will grant you whatever you desire…do not worry, you may speak now.”

“Whatever I desire eh?” asked Bartom, knowing it was too good to be true. But in that moment the posession of his body lessened, and Bartom took his moment instead and began to yell, “Alarum, Threat, Danger, Kalok Demons in the museum!!!”

Sir Dominic from the Mirror Crystal, soul-taker and demon knight of Kalok, simply closed his hand and the Brezan was engulfed in hell-fire. The infernal greenish flames cooked away at the screaming Brezan, while Dominic Demonknight watched with nearly religious joy. He knew that Kalok would enjoy the screams of the dying in fire as the highest form of prayer.

Dominic looked at the pile of ash with a gleeful smile, “You should have taken the deal. Praise be to Kalok.”

One of his kalokian guard asked him, “Sir Dominic, it will only be a matter of time until more guards come. Should we initiate the release of the fleet as Lord Lalder commands?”

“Not yet,” Dominic said, “The Prophet Kolgol, blessed Host of Kalok, has given me more important directions. We are heading south, to the lands of Tla’loc’al. In this timeline Mt. Rhug has been trapped outside of this dimension, and our fellow Kalokians need our help.
Be proud, my gogs, we will be freeing Kalok’s Avatar in this timeline. Praise be to Kalok.”

“Praise be to Kalok,” they repeated.

The trio left the Museum, and it would not be until the next day that the Brezans really knew what happened. Word got to the UtR high council, word that Kalokian demons are coming through the Mirror crystal and have already escaped into the Goblin Lands.

Some could not help but wonder, if they had acted when Witch first told them about this danger, instead of waiting and bickering, could they have stopped this.

The Battle

Days later, Sir Dominic Demonknight and his Kalokians had arrived at the mountain pass overlooking where Mt. Rhug once stood. In the sky in the distance they could see the Flying Fortress that sealed away Mt. Rhug. On the ground, however Sir Dominic could see an army bearing flags of the Yyan Empire and the Warmonger Cult. The army of giants dragged a pair of massive Artillery pieces behind them. It seemed these servants of Warmonger were preparing to attack the Flying Fortress. Dominic Demonknight wondered, had fate aligned to allow him the perfect distraction to free his master?

It seemed the world was already working in his favor.

In the sky above the Forbidden Armory had been turned into a flying fortress, with over fifty magi cannons pointed down upon the advancing Yyan army. The Dead of Krodnok’s Disciples who manned the guns, were out of sight of the dangerous Neliff who so daintily hung from the necks of their Yyan slaves.

Magi Cannon fire laced down from the fortress, striking Yyan soldiers and burning flesh and cracking armor.

Then Sir Dominic saw the master of the Forbidden Armory, the creature who had been the Dark God Krodnok in his own time line. Here he was no less impressive, floating above the flying fortress, wrapping it with an impenetrable field of annihilation. The salvos of magi cannon fire from the weapons carried by the Yyan Giants were simply absorbed harmlessly by the field that now protected the fortress.

Sir Dominic wondered…how would they get in now?

Part 2: The Madness of Annihilation Leyas

Krodnok stood proud before his army. Soldiers were prepared on different levels of the fortress to counter any onslaught from the outside. He had an elite core of twenty surrounding him, ready to push back the inevitable attack from inside the hell dimension of Mt. Rhug.
On the other side of Krodnok was the rip in space and time that led to the Hell Dimension of Mt. Rhug.

These twenty would hold the breach while he himself handled any truly dangerous demonic threats that tried to push its way through. Just as their preparations finished, Krodnok received word that the Yyan army had been spotted by forward scouts and would soon be within magi cannon range.

Krodnok would remove any threat to his fortress without a moment’s hesitation. He reached out to his devoted followers, pulling in their power to fuel his own Leyas use. In that moment, as Krodnok reached out beginning to simply will the bolts of magi cannon fire to disappear before striking his fortress he began to tap into the forbidden art of Annihilation Leyas.

The followers of Krodnok watched as he brazenly abandoned his position before the portal to Mt. Rhug. Instead their god fearlessly flew above the fortress a target for all to see as he wrapped the Field of Annihilation around the fortress.

He flew brazenly in the air as the cannon shots struck the field only a few feet away from him. His Followers whooped and hollared in cheer as their god showed his impressive power.

They would never know the inner torment their god-king faced in this moment. They were distracted by the forces of Kalok smashing their way from the portal. Fell Balgogs went hand to hand with Krodnok’s Disciples, smashing bone, and ripping off heads.

Krodnok was trapped for a moment in the madness brought on by Annihilation. At the moment he had first began to draw upon the annihilation, Krodnok had heard a voice like his own in the back of his head. Yet it was darker, more corrupt, and Krodnok could feel an inner sickness coming from it.

“I am the Krodnok from the Mirror Crystal. You have made a fatal error my egomaniacal double. In so many timelines, I have rose as a Greater Evil. In some I have allied with the Warmonger, in others allied against him. But in all I have fed my greater evil self and gorged upon the souls of my followers. But you…you took the light path, you foolish self-worshipping undead. And you deprived me of all the souls of this timeline. How could you? For Pride? What could bring more pride than marching the weak before your throne. Forcing them to kneel and worship you before signing away their souls to your eternal service. Or to die slowly for your entertainment if they fail to see the worthy ness of worshipping the great and magestic Krodnok,” said the voice in his head.

“I am worshipped because I am great, not because I force anyone at gunpoint to do so,” said the real Krodnok as he fought back against the growing power of the voice in his head.

“If you are so great,” said the voice of the annihilation madness inside his head, “Then why have you left your position?”

Krodnok looked around and realized somehow while tapping into the Annihilation Leyas to create the Field of Annihilation to protect the fortress, he had lost complete control of his mind and his body. Luckily all that had happened was what he wanted, the field would stand firm.

Then he looked down and noticed his soldiers had stopped firing upon the Yyan, and the sound of battle could be heard inside the fortress.

“See what your coveting annihilation have wrought young god,” sneered the voice of the mirror crystal Krodnok inside his head.

One wall of the flying Fortress shattered and Fell Balgogs and Kalokian Malevolents leapt out en mass. Krodnok sighed, and created his hellguns, ready to banish some dangerous kalokian demons. He would deal with the mocking voice later. For now he would reaffirm for his followers why he should be their god.


Part 3: The Spirit of the Ragha

The Yyan army was finally in position. Giants hurried to assemble the giant-sized artillery, their sweat falling like massive raindrops upon the rocky terrain below. The magi cannon fire from the Flying Armory had finally stopping, and the last parts were put into place.

A single good shot from the artillery should make the armory crumble, or at least that was what Neliff the Siege Engineer knew to be true. He was floating above the emplacement, watching the Giants work. He used his powers to calm them, make all the distractions of the battlefield disappear.

That was the moment the mighty yadols attacked. They churned up the dirt, causing the terrain to slope, and the cannons to come offline.

Neliff the Siege Engineer immediately called out to Neliff the War Profiteer and Neliff the Lesser General telepathically and demanded their help. The two other Neliff moved into position with Yyan soldiers. The Giants hefted their magi cannons and began cutting into the Yadols.

Neliff the Lesser General had his Yyan grab the immense millipede-like aliens, so they could not dive beneath the rocky ground and burrow to safety. The Mighty Yadols fought back and one even wrapped instelf around a Yyan Giant. Neliff the War Profiteer urged his giants to fire upon the Yadol wrapped giant. They did so with glee, blasting flesh and carapace alike with deadly cutting beams.

Neliff the Siege Engineer saw the feint for what it was, and turned to see Olgogs clamboring up the sides of the Artillery, placing explosives as they went. He floated down to them. He expanded his telepathy towards the Olgogs.

One whose head roared the name Zhgog’ol Maklur simply would not succumb. Neliff the Siege Engineer watched the Olgog closely finally switching to Leyas Sight to see if the Olgogs had some sort of shield he had never seen before. Instead of their normal auras, he saw each of the Olgogs had become the aura of the Ragha. The strong native forest creature was thought to be bearlike by the Earther colonists, though it had more in common with a Tsoga than it did with a bear.

The spirit of the Ragha was all encompassing, and the Neliff found their minds were protected fully. He telepathically warned his fellow Neliff of this strange oddity. Charging in to close combat, Neliff’s tentacles struck out towards Zhgog’ol, but the veteran Olgog easily dodged it. His apprentice Gor’Lallur was not so lucky, and was hit by three tentacles before the yayogi escaped from the Neliff.

At the same time, Neliff the War Profiteer was in a failing war of salvos against an advancing UtR Airforce. Each time he would have his Yyan fire, more than half their shots would be reflected back. As Yyan fell in combat, juvenile Neliff would spawn from under the giant’s skin where they were gestating. The juvenile neliff were quick to add their own energy attacks to the battle.

Under this new added onslaught, the Fightercraft had to withdraw, but not before a single fighter craft would deliver a massive bomb to the artillery site. In but a moment, their position was rushed from all sides by an army of summoned Earth Elementals.

As the bomb detonated, Neliff the Siege Engineer found himself caught between that explosion and the explosion from the weapon snuck in by the Yagogi Olgogs. His jelly like body was pulped and he found himself in immense pain as he smacked into the ground and bounced a few times before rolling to a stop.

Neliff the Siege Engineer called out telepathically to Neliff the War Profiteer and Neliff the Lesser General. The creature plantitively cried out for help, mewling in pain. Neliff looked up at the sky and saw a single winged Olgog high in the sky above.
The Olgog smashed the seal on an ancient jar and from it dumped a volume of sand that seemed much higher than its contents could hold.

The sand solidified into an intimidating golem many stories tall. It was vaguely shaped like an Olgog, and it began to breath a pressurized stream of sand that stripped flesh from bone. Neliff had not yet been noticed by the Golem, but watched with interest as it crushed Yyan left and right.

As the last Yyan Giant died under its fist, the Golem turned its attention on the Fell Balgogs. It began to breath its sand once more, cutting the basalt of the fell balgogs and pushing back the assault.

With the Golem’s attention drawn by the Kalokian automatons, it did not notice the clouds of juvenile Neliff rising up from the dead army of giants. For each dead giant at least nine Neliff rose up. And had they simple bolted in all directions the Neliff outbreak could have quickly overcome the Goblin Lands. But instead the Neliff had a mission, and even their juveniles knew that mission from the moment they hatched. And their mission was to capture the Host of Kalok.

In that moment Neliff the Siege Engineer watched as Krodnok rose up again over the Flying Armory. The undead godking focused his followers faith once more. This time tapping into the much safer troubadour leyas, and shouting forth a sonic attack that echoed across the valley where Mt. Rhug had once been.

Neliff’'s jelly like flesh was ripped apart and its semi etheric tentacles simply faded from our reality.

Neliff the Siege Engineer’s last thought was to wonder how the UtR and Krodnok had set up such a perfect ambush against their attack.


Epilogue: Naeil explains it all

Half submerged in the rocky terrain, Naeil of the Lucky Fate Squad watched the battle between Yyan and the UtR. She adjusted the pair of .50 cal machine guns she carried, resting their bipods so the twin guns were ready to be unleashed on any enemy who came her way.

But she was lucky not to see any direct action, and instead spotted a single vehicle riding away from the rubble that fell from the Flying Armory. Moving one of her scopes she prepared to engage, when she spotted an Earther driving the vehicle and dressed in a Rhug’na’ru uniform.
A zepplin style airship dropped down from the UtR lines and allowed the motorcycle to board during the highest chaos of the fighting. While the Zepplin clearly bore UtR battle flags, its crew were Rhug’na’ru soldiers. Naeil could only expect that the UtR doesn’t even know of this betrayal.

But the vehicle was obviously a new technlogy and seemed to be running on a new fuel. The potential of a new fuel, and new technology might be worth keeping the secret. Whether she told the UtR leaders would be up to her…



Kolgol gains Successful Escape Attempt. As an added bonus, the Kalok Colon Engine and Kalok Piss fuel has been safely delivered to the Rhug’na’ru. They also escape with one Shyrd of Kalok. This shyrd of obsidian will open a one time use portal to Mt. Rhug that will last exactly 23 hours before closing again. This will allow them to move large portions of Kaloks Piss Fuel but the portal once opened must be protected for 23 hours until it closes. May be activated at any Ka Rhug or Rhug’na’ru settlements.

Rhug’na’ru gains Access to Kalok’s Colon and Kalok’s Piss fuel. Can now design and build more advanced vehicles using this hellforged engine design. They may build their 1st prototype as a free action (post in Airship yards of Rhug Tor thread).

Krodnok gains the Madness of Annihilation. Any time he calls upon Annihilation Leyas it will cause him to be overcome by the will and torment of the mirror crystal Krodnok Demon. The worst part is that Krodnok cannot know if its just madness or the actual influence of the mirror crystal demon.
In addition in many cases the madness will cause Krodnok to do things he has no control over it. However it does open up the possibility of Krodnok learning full Annihilation Leyas at Running Gagg this year. Artifacts made with this annihilation will pass on the Curse of Krodnok’s Demon to any who use these annihilation artifacts. This Curse will cause characters other than Krodnok to try and sacrifice Krodnok to the Krodnok Demon so it might supplant him in this timeline.
Krodnok’s Disciples may make a Will (T# 8) test to ignore the Curse of Krodnok’s Demon. Others have a Will (T# 12) to ignore the curse.

Lalder successfully defends the UtR Honor. All UtR Pilots involved in this mission gain +3 Max H.P.
Tor’ab gains +2 to his pilot skill. Lalder gains Military Officer (3) skill (or +2 to this skill)

Glog gains. Glog Golem-master. By using his reward against the perfect threat, when Glog reaches 0 H.P. in one Online Mission, he may summon the Sand Golem again to defend his body and carry him to freedom. He may seperately use this power once per live mission he is a part of when he hits 0 H.P. in combat (will not activate in the face of Annihilation dmg, Zela metal Dmg, Poison dmg or Pain dmg.)
Glog does not control the Sand Golem, instead it is Narrator controlled in these instances.

Godart gains Naeil the Tunnel Rat. Naeil gains +2 bonus to Stealth Tests and +2 bonus to Riding tests while burrowing on the back of a Brezan Stalker.
And gains INFORMATION WORTH BLACKMAILING OVER on the Rhug’na’ru and the Ka Rhug.

Yagogi’al gains Apprentice Totem now gain access to Totem lvl 2 (if they had totem lvl 2 they now gain totem lvl 3)
Gor’Lallur is infected with Neliff larva. It must be dealt with in the tent.