TSGL3 Week 3 Mission Report: The Dust of the Mirror Crystal reaches Drewsport


Part 1: The Ways of Witch
There was a road that made its way from Drewsport to a rest stop on the coast. Then the road left the rocky coastline behind, and curved and curled up through some Canyonlands before opening up into open desert. This transitionary landscape was an ideal place for an ambush. And the caves that dotted the canyons made excellent campsites hidden from view.

They were cloaked in shadows, obscured in the Leyas, and hidden along a ridge. The ridge gave her a perfect view of the road. She could see the coastline in the distance, and noticed a large ship moored there. Another worry? Possibly, but was it worth killing another of her olgogs to gain the knowledge…?
Of course it was, thought Witch Gogkiller, the Uthvelor Katheron and slave-Captain of the Mirror Crystal Karovians. She was barely five feet tall, dressed in heavy armor made from the carapace of a Mighty Yadol. Her hair was held up by multiple bone spikes, and she held a chain leading to a stooped undead Olgog. She made a set of hand gestures at the nearest GulTor’Gor.

They dragged over an Earther dressed in church of one pilgrim’s robes. Witch reached out and gently caressed the gagged human, her long fingers traced the line of his jugular. He stiffened under her touch as Witch’s eyes grew wide.

The Uthvelor maiden entered a trance flowing into the stream of consciousness. As her cursed nature took hold, Witch could suddenly see and feel the memories of someone aboard that ship.
She knew it was called the Revenant, and the pirate whose memories she experienced was concerned about his captain.

It seemed, Olgog Pirate Captain Dol Kuglock had caught wind of an attack that may affect her income. “This must be corrected, quickly” she said to her crew. “We have many options open to us, however, the best path for us will be to take out the GulTor’Gor. Do not misunderstand me, it is in no way to aid the…” she paused and spat on the deck and said with a cringe “…Church of One.”

“It is simply that we have a good chance of taking them out. As such, we must prepare a few tricks that I have set up” she said with a smirk.

Witch listened to the plan through the Pirate’s eyes and ears, as the pirate had heard it hours before when Dol had commanded her crew into position.

Then Witch found herself seeing out the eyes of the Earther pilgrim. Awww, she thought as she felt his thoughts, He truly doesn’t know how violent his faith is in this region. Too bad she also had to experience her own fingers slash his jugular, feeling his lifeblood flow out like it was her own.

As his dying body tumbled to the ground, Witch was puilled back into her own mind. Then her Tor’ol used his training as a Wintermute Re-Animator to raise the dead pilgrim as yet another undead shuffler in the growing army of the GulTor’Gor.

There were so many good sources of flesh for the undead army, the Tor’ol supposed, between the Oners and their pilgrims, the nomadic Olgogs, and the traders moving back and forth between Bartsport, Rhug Town, and Drewsport. This timeline was so like his own, and yet so different. In his timeline, this entire region had been forced into service to the UtR. There were no Oners, no Pilgrims left, and the only merchant in the region was the Merchant of Death. The Tor’ol supposed his Gulmagtor Witch was doing well. Then again any plan that involved a side mission into a different timeline seemed inherently dangerous and just a little bit wrong.

But Rapi’og was sure of himself. What he had seen in this timeline had led him to one inescapable fact. The only force that could stop the evil Tyrant Lalder of their own timeline was the UtR in this timeline. Though the Tor’ol wondered if it would just be easier to meet with the Lalder of this timeline and ask him, he knew what Rapi’og would say. He was sure Rapi’og would say Lalder is a tyrant in every timeline. But then again the Tor’ol wondered if there were any timelines where he and the rest of his tribal family ever got their own names. Or did Rapi’og in every timeline beat the names out of his subordinate tribals.

Witch Gogkiller grabbed him by the chin fur with her bloody little hand. “You look distracted, Tor’ol. Are you troubled?”

“No my Gulmagtor,” replied the Tor’ol, “I simply worry because I hear the sound of Earther machines in motion.”

The Uthvelor pointed at her pointed ears, “You think I have not heard them in motion? They are probably just the forward movers

Having listened to the plan as it was, Witch knew she herself was not much at threat. Short of being hit straight on by a cannonball, Witch knew she was fine. Her GulTor’Gors were far less resilient since their conversion to Wintermute’s lifestyle, but they would survive long enough to counter attack.

As she prepared to give orders to her GulTor’Gor to shadow walk to the vessel out on the coastline, her most trusted subordinate Gormagtor interrupted her train of thought, “Witch Gogkiller, mighties of Rapi’og’s Gormagtor, you must be told, one Gormagtor has engaged with a vehicle. One of the Strider Behemoths that the Earthers ride in and one of their deadly tanks. But the runner tells me, these are not just Earthers coming. They are Olgogs, and the Soul Scopes show Demons ride with them.”

Witch’s eyes went wide, true demons were rare. Usually the term was just bandied about to stigmatize a group for being different. But true fiends were infernal creatures, parasites upon this existence and those who inhabit it. And Uhryu Bill had warned her well against their evil nature. From inside her armor she withdrew a small crystalline magi cannon that had been fashioned for her by the Dark God Krodnok of her own timeline.

Witch said, “Send runners to three more Gormagtors and their Gortors, It is time their undead join the battle.”

Her Tor’ol looked at the subordinate Gormagtor with suspicion but bowed to Witch, and left through a shadow. He would send the runners, and he would make sure Witch Gogkiller was kept safe, as his Mag’ol had commanded before disappearing to this timeline.

Down on the road, the Strider and Tank and their comrades made their way up the incline. The rocky terrain upthrust into cliff walls rising to their left The Tor’ol was ready with the three squads, prepared to attack the Strider and the Tank. Their first attack was simple. It was one part human wave, as the undead rushed from the shadows of the cliff walls. They quickly swarmed the Strider. The.50 cal machineguns of its support troops fired in rapid succession, but as the undead were cut down, they seemed to reassemble and rise again.

The Tor’ol could tell the Strider pilot was beginning to panic, trying to swing its main cannon down to fire upon the wave of flesh. The Tank rolled backwards, crushing undead under its treads like so much soft meat. But once free of the undead horde, the Tank turned its main gun towards the back of the Strider. To the Tor’ol’s shock and amusement, the tank fired on its ally. The Strider was blasted apart, leaving little more than its angry legs.

The Tor’ol never knew the depths of the betrayal, but he could see a pair of red cloaked inquisitors firing
wildly with their grenade launchers at the Olgog defenders. With a rushing horde of undead on one side, and grenades coming down on their position, the Goblin Gunners were caught in the rush. They fought bravely but most were killed in those initial moments, and the Tor’ol said a prayer for their spirits.

Five Gunners fought back to back, their combined gunfire cutting down finally cutting down the pair. Bloodied and barely alive, they fought their way back from the battle. Their nanite syringes depleted, the five had no choice but to retreat.

The Tor’ol was tempted to chase them down, but the Steam Tank was still active. Luckily it seemed, its only desire was to retreat while dropping gas grenades. The tear gas had little effect on the undead who harried them backwards, preventing them from recovering the two red cloaks.

Tor’ol leapt from shadow to shadow until he was near enough to the inquisitors corpses. He collected them, hoping Witch could make some sense of it all. Then Tor’ol heard the sound of cannons over the hills. Glowing cannonballs slammed into the ground around him. Where they struck, the undead shattered and turned to dust, but they equally crushed the top of the Steam tank as it attempted its escape. Tor’ol dived into its shadow, hoping to keep safe from the raining death. He watched as one hundred of the finest undead slave army stock were destroyed by the cannon barrage. Surely this would mean more body collecting, to make up for the losses. Witch had promised her Mag’ol an army, and the Tor’ol knew he would have to deliver it.
Hearing the sound of breathing inside the shattered tank, Tor’ol supposed its pilot was still alive. A bit crushed, a bit trapped for now, but definitely in a state Witch would enjoy torturing for information. Tor’ol swore he could hear another voice breathing…something closer. He was sure it wasn’t the voice of an Earther. It was an Olgog breathing, but by that realization it was too late.


Tor’ab of the Auf Lal’al was already there, his spear thrusting at Tor’ol of the GulTor’Gor. Tor’ab was simply faster, and the poisonbringer stinger that tipped the spear slid quickly between Tor’ol’s ribs and gave him a mortal wound. The last thing he would see was a light mark where the three Gulmagtors and their Gortors were waiting. And in that moment a trio of Lur Union Strike fightercraft flew in over the coast. Their energy weapons cut into the GulTor’Gor knights, and shattered the cliffs around them. The Strike craft brought down an entire cliff face but only took out three of the GulTor’Gor teams in the area.

Tor’ab looked down at the dead Karovian from an alternate timeline. He immediately noticed the black steel armor, done in a Wintermute style. The armor was inscribed however with runes praising the dark god Krodnok. Tor’ab scratched his head. While Krodnok was certainly a powerful entity who had a following, Tor’ab did not classify him as a dark god. He wondered how much worse things were on the other side of the mirror crystal.

Then Tor’ab saw something that worried him far more. It was a vessel of strange design to the Tla’loc’alan Olgog. It was a large floating step pyramid of a white marble-like stone. At the highest floor of the ziggurat was Witch Gogkiller, she stood triumphantly carrying a spear of Reshedian. There was a moment when Tor’ab could visibly see a forcefield around the floating ziggurat, and from this extended a beam that reached out touching each of the Lur Union Strike Fighters in succession.
The amount of annihilation leyas given forth was immense, and when it struck, to Tor’ab’s dismay, there were no fightercraft. Their crew had been annihilated along with them.

He watched the forcefield extend down towards him and the shattered steam tank, and closed his eyes terrified he was about to be annihilated. Instead it sheared away the top of the tank and then levitated both him and the broken body of the occupant of the tank up. Tor’ab struggled against it, but found himself pulled against his will. Then he saw another body, broken and burned bad enough he couldn’t tell if it was female or male was pulled from the smoking ruin of the Strider. As they disappeared up towards the Ziggurat, Tor’ab saw a case on the body’s belt with a familiar symbol many Olgog immutables seemed to carry these days. He popped it open, pulled out a nanite syringe and plunged it into the body, wondering who it was from Godart’s gang.

Naeil’s eyes opened just as they were pulled up into the Ziggurat. The first question that sprang to mind was,
“Where was Godart?”

Tor’ab pointed at the ground now far below, where it seemed nothing living could possibly remain in the smoking ruin of the Lucky Fate Strider.

“Who did this to us?” asked Naeil

“It was the Oners,” whispered Tor’ab shocked at the first major betrayal since Lord Grimaldus had begun working with the Olgogs fairly. Then again Tor’ab wondered if these Oners were Grimaldus’ men, or men working for Siedermann, or worse yet, Oners who were completely unreformed. He would have to check with Lalder…well if he survived whatever this version of Witch and her crew had in store for him and Naeil and their church of One prisoner. He tucked away the shadow cocoon he had taken from Tor’ol, having seen the Karovian stow the inquisitor corpses in it.

As the Ziggurat made its way south towards Drewsport, Witch Gogkiller was preparing. A much smaller undead army onboard, she still needed one more thing…


Part 2: Child Soldiers and Other Distractions

Nameless Finality had come so far in the past years. Little more than a cadet, he had worked his way up to Warmachine and eventually become an Angel of the Redeemer. His name was considered death incarnate to the Red Furs of the south. He was well liked among the people of Drewsport who considered him a bit of a local legend. So it was easy enough to secure the alliance of a merchant caravan heading down the southern roads.

They had passed far beyond the limits of Drewsport and were now in the open desert. Here the merchants had revealed there was one traveling along the caravan road whom they did not know. Nameless Finality recognized the traveler as none other than Glog of the Or’lur. Nameless Finality calmed the merchants and moved to intercept the Or’lur leader.
Then he took a moment and raised his spirit scope. He could see an entire group of Brezan stalkers and their Olgog riders were about to pounce on Glog from below. His magi cannons raised up and blasted the first of the insectoid millipedal-aliens as it leapt up on four legs larger than the rest that extended from one end of its segmented body to the other. Using these four longer legs, the Brezan Staker was inches from Glog’s head as the beam struck it in the chest and blasted it and its rider backwards. The Og’GulTor youth fell from his saddle, breaking his leg in the process. He yowled in pain, and in that moment, Nameless Finality realized quite how young these Og’GulTor were. They were mostly teens at oldest.

Glog didn’t hesitate, with so many riders about to attack, and called down a horde of Dragons. The Poisonbringers flew down from the clouds, spreading miasma from their fanged maws. As the cloud of poison spread down, the Stalkers and their riders began to fall dead en mass.

Even through the thick poison gas clouds still lingered over the Og’GulTor Raiders corpses, Nameless Finality was sure not a single of the child soldiers out there survived. Looking at how few older gogs fought alongside them, made the Dead Warmachine wonder how they ever hoped to overcome a real threat. Yes they could ambush merchants and travelers, but they didn’t have a real hope against an organized resistance.

Suddenly Nameless Finality had a terrible worry. What if the caravan attacks were just a diversion, just a way to draw away and test the defenses of Drewsport. But why Drewsport he wondered? They had attempted to avoid the conflict between the GulTor’Uf and Auf Lal’al in this timeline. He gathered up the dead and loaded it onto a Necrostrider that had followed a few miles behind.

With Glog onboard they turned back towards Drewsport. Halfway through their journey, they saw a battle off to their right. It was the Kasanthian WarCriminal Leftenant Ryuk and he was surrounded by stalkers and Olgogs. They were in a circle around Ryuk who was spraying them with a strange green chemical sprayer. They watched as the Kasanthian was employing chemical weapons against the Karovians. One of the Og’GulTor got a lucky swing in and severed Ryuk’s foot. After dodging fourteen of their attacks, Ryuk wasn’t surprised they finally hit him. Unluckily the hit severed his much needed appendage. Ryuk stumbled. He could tell the malverde chemical was some sort of narcotic absorbed through the skin, but beyond that in these crude settings he couldn’t tell much more.

The caravaneers watched him as he summoned down a doomwyrm dragon to rescue him.

Nameless Finality surveyed this battle site and again confirmed the youthfulness and lack of heavy weapons or armor of these Og’GulTor. He jumped down from the Caravan and walked over to the dead. A snap of his fingers and the Necrostrider approached from the distance. Again he took the time to load the bodies onboard. Some suffered heart attacks from an overdose of the malverde. Others had been killed when the Doomwrym came down to rescue Ryuk. But Nameless Finality collected as many resurrect able lives as he could. With the dead prepped for travel, once again Nameless Finality was ready to travel.

Yet their travel did not go more than two hours before again they came upon a traveler surrounded by Og’GulTor tribals . This traveler they recognized as the Morgothian Knight, Sir Mag’Nrs, and his Daemonbeast nightmares fought hard against the Karovians. A trio of Karovians lay dead at Sir Mag’Nrs feet. The rest seemed intent on carving him up. But their spears had little effect on his heavy armor. And those times they did, he simply supped back the lifeforce using his vampiric hand and half sword. Its wide arcs would cut a little bit here and there, and each time drawing only a little blood and keeping the pack of Karovians at bay. But each strike drew lifeforce with it, and the massive armored knight was so full of energy his blade felt light as a feather and his armor like a fine cloth suit.

Nameless Finality noticed the Demonbeast Nightmares were slowly cooking away in the sunlight. Despite them being created by the Morgothian faithful, they did still burn in the open sun. And the Karovians felled one after another as the caravaneers watched. One of the Drewsport merchants asked, “Should we intervene? He may be a dark knight, but the enemy of our enemy and all that?”

Before Nameless Finality could answer an Earth elemental rose up alongside the Morgothian. It turned the sand to mud, and sent a wave of it moving towards the Karovians, driving them back. The Morgothian used the moment, to divert some stolen lifeforce to convert the Daemonbeasts back to their form of lie. The Nightmares leapt to the Morgothians aid adding pressure and driving the Og’GulTor Karovians back into the mud created by the Earth elemental. Then the Earth Elemental turned the mud to stone, encasing the Karovian’s feet and trapping them in place.

At that moment an Uf Mag’og Censorcraft drifted down from over a rise, and from it dropped Brezan Olgogs. The Brezans quickly disarmed the Karovians. Held at spear point, encased in stone up to their ankles, the young Karovians finally submitted.

Nameless Finality leapt down from the caravan and approached the UtR Vessel openly. Unit 817 and the UtR had worked closely in the past, and he knew he would be respected.

The commander of the Censorcraft was King Urog’s ward, Tusk. A quick discussion ensued and it was agreed the young Karovians would be rounded up and marched back to Drewsport to the Unit 817 holdings. The Caravans set out together with the Censorcraft and NecroStrider in tow. And between them walked the captured Karovian youths.

Only a few miles from Drewsport they found the Kalok Fraytur moored over a small encampment of Og’GulTor. The Karovian youths were surrounding a charismatic Bruskti with a top hat cocked to the side. The youth were crouching in the Karovian style with legs bent as if they were sitting in a low chair. They seemed to be airing their greviances. The Bruskti introduced himself to the caravaneers as Babi Yaal of the Kul Gul Rapi Family. Both Tusk and Glog confirmed Babi Yaal as who he said he was, and a peacekeeper of the UtR in good standing. Nameless Finality wished to know what Babi was discussing with the youths that had prevented them from rioting.

Babi revealed the Karovian youths believe Lalder had corrupted the UtR and all of Gobin Lands by making deals with the Djinni. That as long as Lalder lived his life the Djinni would be manipulating them all for their entertainment. It was an interesting theory but the important part was they revealed why the mirror crystal Rapi’og had sent them here. It was as Nameless Finality had suspected, an elaborate ploy to draw out the UtR and Drewsport Forces so that the GulTor’Gor could finish the real mission. Gather enough undead to excavate a hidden K’ias Ziggurat. On the Mirror Crystal Timeline it had been recovered by the Kasanthians of Bartsport who were not split by infighting as the ones on this timeline.

It was barely three days ride from Bartsport and hidden under an ancient valley of sand dunes. The Church of One had missed it for centuries, so it was not surprising that it was still there when Witch Gogkiller had arrived into this timeline bearing a stolen Spear of Rehsed from her own timeline. The K’ias weapon was active enough to reactivate the Ziggurat and grant Witch the power to stand against Lalder’s Carrier fleet when it comes through the Mirror Crystal.

But first they needed undead workers to unearth the ziggurat and that would mean raiding cavarans. And she commanded
the Og’GulTor to do everything they could to draw the attention of the United Tribes. They did all they could, even going so far as to post threatening messages on the corpses of slain people. But of course being youths on Refuge they left the bodies in a state where they could be resurrected to tell the tale of the Karovians prowess in battle.


Epilogue: Ziggurat over Drewsport

The K’ias Ziggurat hung over Drewsport. Its shadow made many worry. More than a few angry free pirates had walked outside and took pot shots at it with shotguns and blunderbuss. Their firearms were little use against an annihilation shield which simply removed the projectiles from existence. The deadly vessel did nothing beyond menace the city, and its captain Witch Gogkiller, an Uthvelor from the Mirror Crystal timeline, hurt none within the city.

A messenger was sent out from the Zigguarat, a GulTor’Gor Tor’ol bearing the news that the Witch Gogkiller would not harm a single soul in Drewsport if Lalder and his UtR gathered his entire fleet and the armies of the combined Goblin Lands forces.
They had to get both Krodnok and Kalok to aid them. And they would prepare the statue of Rapi’og at the museum in the way the documents the Tor’ol carried showed so that it would pull the mirror crystal Lalder (MCL Fleet) and his fleet into a trap they could not hope to escape from.

It seemed Witch Gogkiller and her GulTor’Gor had Tor’ab, Naeil, and Red Bishop Declaire hostage and were interrogating them in the Ziggurat.



All players who took part in the GulTor’Gor Part of the Mission gain one set of
GulTor’Gor Armor. A.R. vs Melee & Missile 7, A.R. vs Energy and Chill is 6. Artificed with Chill Shield, Shadow Armor, Vampiric Touch, Chill Bolt, and Parasite at 3 successes.

All players who took part in the Og’GulTor Part of the Mission gain one
Og’GulTor Steed. Brezan Stalker with layered armor, A.R. vs Melee & Missile +4, A.R. vs Energy and Chill is +2. Artificed with Wilderness Camo, Skin Like Stone, Catlike Reflexes, and Obscure at 4 successes.

Unit 817 takes 30 bodies which can be converted back to Life as Karovian Ur Maks who were Og’GulTor.
There are also currently 50 Karovian Ur Maks who were Scouts in the Og’GulTor who are now prisoners of the Drewsport Government. Decisions will need to be made about them.

Lord Grimaldus loses Inqusiitors Leon Patrotcha and Inquisitor Beautregard who are in a shadow cocoon bag currently held by Tor’ab who serves Lalder.

Godart Gains the Death of Godart. Godart himself is currently unusable in posts due to his unexpected death by betrayal by a demonic faction within the Church of One. Howeveer Neail and the Rest of the Lucky Fate gain +1 attack and dodge as long as Godart is dead. Hekeriki gains the side quest, When I return home, I must find a way to save Godart. Godart loses 15 Goblin Gunners due to final death. However 5 survivers of the battle gains +10 H.P. and +2 Bonus to hit due to being the Truly Lucky. Godart loses 1 Artillery strider due to betrayal.

Tor’ab, Red Bishop Declare, and Naeil are in the Ziggurat Above Drewsport thread in Unen