TSGL3 Week 10 Mission: The Return of the Nine & their Ultimatum to the Olgog Leaders


The Nine have been released upon a world quite unlike the one they remember. They don’t know about the alliances between the Olgogs and Earthers in the south. They know about the rise of the UtR from information taken from their claimed soldiers.

They do not approve of the artificed war machines like Carrier Craft, Fighter Air craft, and the entire technological production line created by the Rhug’na’ru for the UtR. Non-UtR Olgog groups are not free of their persecution.

The Nine have made it clear any tribe which deploys and uses Leyas or Tech weapons used by the Earthers, the Sylvan, the Falosini, the K’ias, or the Warmonger’s Dead will suffer their wrath. They have promised to avoid targeting any civilian targets as long as their enemies do not place these weapons in or near population centers.

They have even provided a location in the middle of the Karovian desert where those who wish the blessings of the Nine and their protection can take their weapons and drop them off.

As leader of your tribe you must decide if:

A) You declare the Nine outlaws for trying to take away the defenses of your people

-Describe how you defend your military sites from the Nine and their unknown abilities (expect all Elemental Leyas types as well as Healing, Summoning and Shapeshift)

B) Ignore their threat, and try to offer up a diplomatic solution

-What message do you send to the Nine asking them to spare your weapons and vehicles

C) Load all your weapons and vehicles (anything better than stone, bone, wood and obsidian spears, axes and arrows) and drag them into the desert and hand them over to the Nine for destruction.

-Describe if any special gear or weaponized artifacts are hidden away or placed somewhere while the majority of your forces disarm by handing over the vehicles and weapons to the Nine.

Special Note: UtR Members must give an answer for their personal tribe and their vote on what to do for the UtR Council.
Drewsport Leaders must give an answer for their personal tribe and their vote on what to do for Drewsport.
Lord Grimaldus must decide how to handle the increased Riots that accompany the Nine’s Ultimatum.

Mission Rules

No player may act in response to the actions posted by another player in this thread, unless they have previously discussed a plan for this mission in a separate thread they choose to create in the forums.

A post should be under two paragraphs in length.

Mission threat intensity may be set by order of post, so post early. Post later and the dangers increase to your tribe.

Players are encouraged to create planning threads, as this mission can only be won with organized teamwork.

This mission ends on Friday April 22th at 12 Midnight EST.


Nine dragons set out from Tlalok’al, heading to where the olgogs who claim to be the Nine said they would be. Once located they and their riders would land, staying a good distance in order to not cause these unknown olgogs to feel threatened. Gol’Lal would lead the talks introducing himself, Rapi’lal, Lok’Uf’Tor, Tla’Hob,Holur’zh, Healer Stepheny(a Karovian from the Hospital of Or’lur), Glog, his two students, and Stormbreaker, the oldest and wisest dragon among those with Or’lur.

“We came here hoping to understand you harsh demands that would kill millions, for just as many have used their growth for war, far more have tried for peace. No longer do our people fear death from Earthers who slaughter whole Tribes as they sleep. Healers are able to get to the sick and wounded or bring them to a safe place where they may recover without conflict. Travel from one place to the next is fast, though most of us trust ourselves or larger beings for such.” at this he gestures to Stormbreaker who swells with pride. “While we are not perfect, we have made great changes that save lies that would otherwise have been ended by senseless slaughter and destruction.” If asked about Kolak Glog will step in and say that as the Elder charged with protecting the Tribe he should have seen the threat that Kolgol was unleashing. “It was my hopes that the signs I was seeing were my war trained mind trying to stop our new peace.”


(OOC Option B - Diplomatic solution and partial agreement. Both for council, will remove technomancy, but not sylvan tech or artifacts. Will not punish immutables if they use what they use. NOTE: Weapons on Ships are sylvan or artifact, not technomancy as I don’t have that. Only mirror crystal ships are technomantic which I’m offering to destroy.)

Lalder hoped him and others could convince the nine not to become violent. He saw an ultimatum that they did not expect them to meet. Good chance this offer of theirs was a show. He hoped for peace and that he was wrong, but was concerned he was right.

Lalder approaches them and nods with respect to them. Lalder says “I am Auf Lalder of Auf Lal’al, councilgog of the UtR. I wish to work with you, the nine. But we need a compromise. But Let me explain my perspective.

I remember Olgogs from back thousands of years ago. We then were still living in peace. Even Olgog did not fight Olgogs much. We didn’t have to. There was land with Food and water.

But then the Earthers came and the Oners came. Olgogs driven from the North to the sourth. Resources getting less and less. Then Oners slaughtered more and more Olgogs. Destroy more and more of our foods, settlements, and tribes. Then I watched Olgogs fight each other more and more just to survive. Just for water and some food to eat. This went on for hundreds and hundreds of years. Watching whole tribes and bloodlines disappear.

I still wonder how our being slaughter did not empower the mag mag gor. How much destruction, slaughter, and loss of life happened during those years. I fear the mag mag gor was feasting on our destruction. Whether we fought in armies or not.

Now, three years ago. Tribes started working together. Develop new ways to grow food, produce water and protect our tribes. We found out that if we Olgogs stop fighting each other, we could protect each other. And we were strong. We fond ways to counter the earther technology. Axes were not working on Tanks, striders, or their aircraft. The ships did.

We also built floatings farms to prevent Oners, and other enemies from destroying or poisoning the food. This was happening when they were on or in the ground.

Then the Sky rained Destruction on Tla’loc’al. An Earther weapon used to destroy much of Tla’loc’al, the parts above ground. And we had no defense.

Unfortunately, this is where my big mistake came. I was a foolish and scared Olgog who thought he could make a deal with the Djinni. I did not understand what they could do. I was used by the plans of those beyond our little world. I will work to attone for a very long time due to this. The djinni crystal has been destroyed, but the damage is done.

But now, olgogs have are having the chance for peace. It did take conflict to get to. But now the Oners are unable to slaughter Olgogs outright. Olgogs are not fighting Olgogs just for food or water. Olgogs and Earthers have a chance for peace.”

Then Lalder pauses for a moment to collect his thoughts and says “For your demands. I cannot let you risk the lives of all of the Olgogs under my care. But I do not wish conflict. I hope for compromise and to work together. Let us not destroy the gains made as while you were gone.

This is my starting offer, I will destroy any technomancy devices. I have already sacrificed the first of 2 carriers and weapons my tribe recovered to banish all the demons in Unen. We could sacrifice the next carrier to do something that would help Olgogs. Something we can work together on.

Next, Peaceful use of the Sylvan technology and artifacts should be continued to used. The Floating farms, the barges and fighters that transport goods, the carriers which also act as communication and transportation hubs to make it possible to disperse the food and supplies where needed. We also use artifacts to heal the sick and disease and to keep areas clean of wastes.

We will stress the training of Hand weapons and not that of guns of the earthers. But we will not punish those that do use them.

Next, for now the I will maintain my fleet, not expand it, but keep it out of sight and look for ways to reduce its use in combat. They already are intended for defense and helping the food production.

We still have enemies in Unit 111, the Giants who keep attacking, and the Oners. As others can take up that duties of protecting Olgogs, we can determine what to do in reducing their use. As others take up defense, then we won’t need the weapons.

When thinking of what empowers the mag mag gor, consider all of the conflict that doesn’t happen due to their presence. Destroying the fleet will increase fighting, not reduce it. Our enemies will attack if they think we are weak. Will you replace them?

Lastly, the Herd of Auf Lal’al, the UtR, are a Provisional Colony. This will not change. This alliance allows us Olgogs protection from the ones, help with the flamewinds, and allies to help protect us when it is needed. Anyone that attacks us, attacks the Colonies. Our enemies think twice about attacking, reducing the chance of war.

I ask for you, the Nine, to help us. Advise us. Not threaten or attack us. We can work with you address your concerns. But this is not a solution that can be found in one day. If we do as you ask today, there would be famine without our farms and war as our enemies take advantage.

You will determine how me and mine treat you. Will you be respected advisors and elders? Or will you be enemies and terrorists and cause harm, destruction and Famine? I prefer the first but will defend ourselves against the second.

Thank you for listening"

All mirror crystal technomancy devices will be offered up for destruction.
All floating farms, Fighters, Destroyers, and Carriers will be in the air and under fighter protection.
Crystal caves and its backup will be under extra protection.
Weapons gogs will be using are the artificed Spears and krato bones. Armor of Auf Lal’al will still be used (didn’t see anything against that.) Magi pistols will be stored and not out for now. Though if the nine break peace, then use what works to protect everyone.

(OOC below if Diplomacy doesn’t work)
Lalder and his tribe will defend themselves, even from the nine. If the nine attack, they will not be allowed in Lalder’s lands. Groups of AufGog, 2 summoners, and 2 apprentices, Tor’ab and his apprentices, will be protecting sites and counter leyas abilities. Hope to drive off. Lalder will defend allies as if he was attacked. First with diplomacy, then with supporting them.


Option B

Ogurox Hivelord would arrive at the meeting site dressed in a fine cloak woven from freely given Aegelis feathers.
He would bring any Unit 111 weapons taken during the early days of the Ka Gor tribe.

Ogurox would say, “Greetings Representatives of the Nine.
The Olgogs who live in Zh’Ka’al have decided to join with the Quall, the Aegelis and the Earthers to create a new society. They are protected from your punishments by our people, and anyone in our lands may use any technology or device they wish. I will gladly face you if it must be, but I do so as an individual not with the Zh’Ka’al army, because I do not wish to feed the Mag Mag Gor.”

Ogurox would wait for their response, and if appropriate say, "I have come, a Quall standing in defense of the Olgogs to prove time has changed us all. Let the Olgogs in our service live their lives in peace.

Our Olgogs primarily use bone and the Leyas to travel, and stone and Leyas. But if tomorrow they wanted to build their own vessels, or starships, or anything they dreamed of, I would be a foolish leader to not encourage it. I would be a foolish leader to not protect their right to explore and invent and create.

Please don’t force my hands. I do not wish any violence between our people."

The Quall was prepared to fight his way out if needed.


The Lucky Fate Squad choose option A, B, and C. Appeasement is foolish.

“You’re not the boss of us and we’re not children. If you mess with our family, friends and what not, we’ll spank you. Stay away from Mag Buskt and the Bruskti and everyone else. You got a problem with that, challenge us to our faces! We challenge you to the FIRST ANNUAL SOUTHERN OLGOG GAMES

We hide the good stuff (weapons, armor, machines, info, tech, etc) under the ground in Port Unen mainland and see if they do any damage to the mostly abandon and broken base at Mag Buskt Island. Some one has to be bait to see what they can do. If they don’t take the bait and find the good stuff, they will get a nasty surprise. Godart is dead.

In protest, the Lucky Fate Squad loads up all the stone, bone, wood and obsidian spears, axes and bows/arrows they can find and ship them to the middle of the Karovian desert. Anyone else wants to protest we gather from them to also along with this message to the Nine: fist pump


Absalom and Hebron were in chaos, riots spreading, talk of rebellion spreading like wildfire. Lord Grimaldus while being rather tolerant for a Church of One leader he was still a bit racist and not as enlightened as most of the northern colonial leadership. In the begining he left the situation in the hands of Paladin Captain Durandal who promised to end the riots without too many casualties. However the situation was getting worse and with the arrival of these so called Nine the violence was getting out of hand.
In response Lord Grimaldus did what he felt he had to, he declared martial law within the lands of Absalom and Hebron. Was this the best choice? No not at all, but it was the best solution that came to him in his anger. In Lord Grimaldus’ mind he had given these Goblins more then they could ever have dreamed of. Colonial citizenship (pending) rights as people, basic human dignity etc. The fact that they demanded reparations, to be treated better then your average human who had to work to live.

This would not stand, from this point until the violence ended, all citizens, human or Olgog, or other, had to be home by dark. No one but patrols would be allowed on the street unless they were being escorted home by said security forces. Anyone found armed after dark who is not a knight, squire, or a member of the EEF would be arrested and their weapon confiscated. If they resisted they would be subdued violently and brought up on charges of assault.
Until further notice, Olgogs are not to gather in groups larger then twenty unless they are planned. Any armed group who don’t show good reason as to why they are armed i.e. escorting a trade caravan, hunting for food etc, will be arrested on the charge of preforming a religious service. If they are preforming a religious service they are required to inform the local guards who will observe the event to make sure no violence is being plotting rebellion against the colonial government.

All soldiers involved in enforcing the Martial Law will be armed with basic equipment for now. Swords, shields, bows, arrows, crossbows, bolts, spears, mounted soldiers etc. No technological weapons will be used unless the situation escalates. Paladin Captain Durandal and his elite riders shall patrol the lands to go after any attempt to mass an army.

The local EEF garrisons shall be notified of the situation and be given a copy of the rules. A copy shall also be sent along with a report of the situation to the office of the Colonial General.

Hopefully with this display the situation can be brought back to normal soon.

Lord Grimaldus really hopes that Ser Resugent returns soon, he might have thought of a better way to handle this, but until he returns, the rod will have to suffice.


Prelate Tla’ol heard about the Nine’s return and was deeply concerned. He was scared of war brewing in the Goblin Lands once ago so he decided to meet with the Nine and attempt to speak to them.

Prelate Tla’ol is a fully developed Ar’yeserai. He stands 8 feet 7 inches tall with four arms, and four horns. His overall form resembles an Olgog however rather then the bullish form of a Quall. He is wearing a light yellow robe.

Tla’ol will attempt to act as a mediator and push toward non violent solutions. He will not attempt to push for any Ar’yeserai gains, nor attempt to favor either side. He wants to be as impartial as possible.


Uruf, knight of the Bladed Sun, knew the Goblin Lands were leading directly to warfare due to the deals the United Tribes made with the Sylvan and Djinni, the Der’al Collective made with the Quall and Krato, and Drewsport made with the Dead Redeemers.

While they might have convinced the Nine to turn a blind eye to the experiments of the Immutable Olgog Groups, they couldn’t do so after so much warfare had spread across the Goblin Lands and such strong bonds had been formed with transdimensional beings. Now the Olgogs were not the masters of their own destiny, and in that way the Nine were right.

The UtR Olgogs couldn’t act without asking their EEF handlers for permission. The Der’al Collective needed their Krato and Quall to say yes. And he knew the Redeemers had given a K’ias a position of leadership in Drewsport. All things he wouldn’t judge himself, but the Nine would. So Uruf would have to defend the civilians where he could. Protect them from falling debris using Earth Leyas.


The unlikely pair of Lady Hob’Lalol, and mag’ol Zhya Gog’mis come before the Nine to speak thir peace behalf the Venerable Tribe of Yagogi’al the Og’ab.

The elder mag’ol has never made much effort to come forward and speak for tribal business, but for legends of the Nine it must be his duty. He begins, “I am Zhya Gog’mis, active mag’ol and loyal councilor to Yagogi’al the Og’ab. Through the years i have not always seen eye to the with the elder gor’ab and did not understand the true natur of his ways, I have learned of the balance between words and fighting. In my youth, I was always one for war and for this Yagogi’al chose me to be one of his warriors when the time called for it. The truth is, following his ways i have picked up a great deal of patience and the times i have been called upon come less frequent, which ultimately is a good things for the tribe.”

This is where Lady Hob’Lalol picked up, “My gog, Yagogi’al the Og’ab would have greatly wished to come before you and come to a compromise. He has been wracked with grief over what has happened to the hunting grounds in Karov and is looking to organize a dance to heal the damage which has been done. Yagogi’al has lead the tribe in true Karovian fashion, mostly on the move with certain resting spots for times during the flamewinds or other dangers. We have no uses for the mirror crystal vessels or their technomatic weaponry. In fact we have very little use for a great deal of the artifacts we have come across or acquired. We have mainly been working with the Olgogolem pendant armor for means of hunting and getting around, as tell as the cantrip familiar vials for getting messages through. We have been granted gifts such as ceremonial weapons and armors, the Badges of the Day for conducting intertribal business. Our greatest boons have come in the form of alliances, and this is where Yagogi’al has grown from the traditional ways. He has worked with tribes from other regions, looking to take some of their culture and train some of our own tribe in their ways to better understand olgog cultures. In this we have work with Auf Ur’sa who granted use with the Oasis and Maklal seeds for a better olgog future. We have worked alongside the Kul Gul Rapi, and Mag Buskt, in which Yagogi’al and Mag Buskt came to terms as allies and they now hold each others battle blade. We have looked to provide patience and balance to the new ways of the UtR. The greatest thing that my Yagogi’al has taught the young olgogs is it would be in bad form, breaking alliances and ties, to rely solely on that of tradition. In addition, to act in service as the Gor’ab, we will not defer to using stone, bone, wood or obsidian. We MUST hold tight to the zela battle blades of our training and carry out the task of the Gor’ab, this will not be negotiable.”


OOC - Option B Diplomacy (with mustard)

Urog approached the council of 9, looking to see if Mag Auf Yyanyi was among them.

“We have been judged. The Earthers would call it a trial. In Brez there is no law, just customs, and after 2000 years there’s not a whole lot of history or tradition we can access. But you, the nine, have judged us to be wrong. Us, the olgog tribes, gangs, clans, and nations. You come back, enslave my army that was defending our people, and damning us to give up our ways or be put to death. And not once did you approach the Council of the United Tribes of Der’al, my gang, or anyone before proclaiming us to be wrong. That alone is a declaration of war against us. And then you state that we can only be saved if we give over our weapons and warmachines to you, 9 olgog that the world haven’t seen in 2,000 years! After enslaving my army, no less.”

“If I were a lesser olgog, I would declare war, even if it means the death of my gang. But I am not my enemies. My enemies in Brez defeat others through force or through lies. The worse of them poison others who cannot feed themeselves with false food. But I am not like them. After hundreds upon hundreds of years of fighting and death in Brez for just 1 city block. With my friends among our council, I have built farms. Tla makes its way through the city. I no longer fight for greater og or glory. I protect them. Millions of olgog in Brez. And the hundreds of thousands throughout the United Tribes of Der’al’s lands. Together, we ended thousands of years of war with the Earthers. We are learning about each other, no longer yearning for war. We want peace, and I am not so proud to throw it all away just 9 heroes came back from the dead and steal my army.”

“But I have a lot of olgog to protect. Despite the battles against the Earthers, the MagMagGor, the Yyan Empire, and other ancient evil, the olgog of Brez fight less today than they did for a thousand years.”

“So if you are here to judge my actions, prepare to see the better lives that I have created for my gog.”

“That said, I am not going to pretend you’re entirely wrong either. Most of the war we have seen is because of our own actions. The Mirror Crystal fleet, Kalok the Greater Evil…all things that Mag Auf Yyanyi warned us about. While my friends built machines of war and raised gods, I built temples of healing. But I still used them in battle. They’re useful against the grey furs of the MagMagGor. But I admit, I did not do enough to stop my friends. I worried about my corner of the council, ignoring my place among them. I’m just as guilty as they are of inciting war. I joined with them to visit the land of the Sylvan so that we can find guidance. I went on the fools errand to the Djinni to do something that I still don’t understand and went anyway. I did not challenge Kolgol when he was raising an evil in his volcano. I am just as guilty as they are. So if this is a trial, I am not begging forgiveness. The world is hard, and we made our decisions. I stand by them, even if they were mistakes. Mag Auf Yyanyi taught me well, in that regard.”

“So where does that leave us? I can’t suddenly take 50 million olgog out of Brez and wander the desert for food and tla. Not all would follow. And I can’t hope to do that without making my gor stronger. The tyrants that would rule only for greater og, and do even worse than I have done. The only thing that protects them is what I have wrought. And, no matter what you say, this council of nine has done nothing to prove themselves as bringers of peace to der’al. Not when you threaten violence only to us, and not my gor. Millions of olgog can’t change the way they live overnight. Not when I brought so many of them peace, and when you threaten only more war.”

“And then there is the matter with the Earthers. We have entered into agreements with them. To find better ways to leave together in Der’al without fighting. Your ultimatum ignores those agreements, and the complications that come with them. I have spent years building friendship with them. Together we fought the MagMagGor, the Mirror Fleet, the Yyan Empire, while you slumbered and did nothing. When the Mag Der’al infected us all, threatening to destroy the olgog and the Earthers alike, only to feed the MagMag Gor, the Earthers were there to help. We have learned from each other, taught one another, and you want us to leave that all behind. I cannot. If there is anything I learned, is that you stand by your friends…especially when they stand by you. Your demands break would force us to break that friendship. It is not a decision I can make on a whim, and not until the 9 prove themselves to be something more than tyrants who demand obedience of every olgog leader to live our lives as they see fit. If there is anything the last few years have taught me is that no matter how good your intentions are, like I am hoping they are, how you choose to act upon them is all that matters.”

“I cannot submit my olgog to tyrant, even if they are legends of our people. Most of my Brezans haven’t even heard of you, and how you defended us. They will not care, either. You were not there when the Der’na destroyed our homes. When nightmares consumed our kin. When we were slaves. If you wish my olgog to live better lives, through peace and like the old ways, you’re going to have to teach them. On their terms, not yours. OTherwise, you are no different than every other tyrant who has come to our lands to steal our olgog from us, like the Kolgul Militia, like the other gangs, like the Mak’laltor and the Ganek Lagg, like the Rehsedian clans with their rehsedian weapons, the Yyan, or the MagMag Gor himself.”

“Mag Auf Yyanyi has taught me much. I admit I have much more to learn. He is one that I will follow, and he does not demand what you demand. If you are willing to teach a better way to live, I will learn. But I will not make my gangers slaves to your way of life. You say the choice is mine, but it is really yours.”

“Because I have admitted that you are not wrong about our path, I will give up many of my weapons. But I cannot give them to you. I do not trust you as so long as you hold my army captive. I will give them to the Earthers. They do not need them anyway, but them I trust to destroy our weapons. Except the ones that will defend new Earther cities, such as Simonsburg, which is a free-city and not subject to my rule alone. The same will be true of any magi canon’s that do permanent damage to life. The ones that do only pain, I will keep. My censor-craft are temples of healing. They will continue to serve my gangers, preventing unneeded illness and death. My vote is to give the Tribal Council’s airships to the Earthers. I will no longer use them. Mag Auf Yyanyi was right about that.”

“Regarding the rest - teach us to live without them. Teach us not to fear our gor in Brez, and maybe we can do better.”

“But we cannot leave our homes overnight. And do not threaten me with death. We Brezans are used to facing death. Until I became King, we expected it every day of our lives. And even if you are the greatest gor we will ever face, we will not back down. Because if you don’t kill us, then our gor will if we do as you say. And we have no proof that you would ever help us if we needed it.”

“I ask you all, before you pass judgment on us, to spend more time learning about the last 2000 years. It may serve you better than killing off my olgog as we try to defend the only way of life we know.”

Defense of military positions - already stated general Brezan tactics in the last 3 posts. I’ll PM my entire Army’s resources if you require. However, main difference:

  1. Only defend. Use censor-craft to heal anywhere there is attacking. Offer to heal any injured 9 that are wounded in their attacks towards us.
  2. Main strategy is not to defeat and/or kill the 9, but rather use a binding needle to bind them in place. All Kings (except Shirley, whose temper is so high that it would kill her) would use it. Have rest of army attack in order to distract, and use the Kings to implement it.
  3. If successfully bound, give them over to the EEF for “handling” until we can figure out a better strategy.
  4. Warn the EEF - basic speech “Our heroes of legend want us to leave the cities and give up our weapons. But we made a promise to you to defend the train stations. We will keep that promise. But know that if we fail, Blood’og and Ganek Lagg will be able to control Brez Station. You need a back-up plan. But whatever you do, do not interfere with the 9’s attacks on us. It is our battle, and we do not want to drag you further into our battles. Thank you, good friends. May we speak to each other again.”


Option A (I guess)

The outcasts will dig into the ruins of Unen. Rum-blood and any of the other leyas users who can will set up as many wards as possible. If it comes to a fight the Outcasts will try to draw their attackers into these areas and ambush them they will try very hard to avoid causing any final deaths though, knowing many of the soldiers are being controlled. They will also send a message to The Nine.

“You abandoned your people thousands of years ago. By what right do you come back and make demands? You don’t like the decisions we made in your absence ? While you hid from the world? To bad. You have no right to command anyone. If you ever did you gave it up centuries ago. Our people have had to make great sacrifices and have built things our ancestors could only dream of. If people wish to follow you and your teachings we won’t stop them. But we will not stand by and be forced to give up what we have made.”


Sir Mag’Nrs, humbled by the internal strife of the Morgothians with the vile Sir Stout, had so little to do in dealing or negotiating with the Nine. He did see this as a opportunity, oh learning more about the olgog history and ways, possibly learning more about his own olgog culture before becoming a honorable Morgothian. (suck it Sir Stout)


Tor’lallur post from phone. Post have mistakes.

Lok’ab of Tor’lallur go to Nine in finest robe dipped in blessed Pit. Bow before Nine
"Great Nine, I Lok’ab of Tor’lallur bring tidings of Sacred Pit, may it Holy waters bless your return. Much have change from when you walk the desert, much pain and suffer. Tor’lallur remember ancient ways of bone and stone but few other have. Most Gogs join with earthgor turn from ways. Raise powerful weapons that being death from sky. Simple Gogs fear them no speak out. Tor’lallur also fear, salt made deal to survive. We consume sick of Gogs, in exchange we not harmed and Holy Pit not defiled. Tor’lallur join with Gogs from Eloga but still too weak to resist UTR Gogs.

UTR say need powerful weapon to keep safe, no tree m true, drive of Church gor with less. Weapons cause own problems, create more enemies. Gogs protect each other through unity not through flying death weapons. Friends help not need power to wipe out all.

Tor’lallur cooperate with Great Nine. Eloga also willing to be friends. Need Nine to save Gogs from selves.

Edit : started this post before midnight Tor’lallur swear upon the precious :-p


Option B–

An young olgog arrived at the camp of the Nine. Approaching, he states “I’m here to deliver a message to the nine from the forces of the Redeemer.” when he is shown to one of the nine, he hands them a leeter.

the letter reads:

"to the nine,
Hello, from the forces of the redeemer. We welcome you to come to the northern town of DRewsport to explain your position to us and the people of the town. After which the townsfolk with decide for themselves if they want to follow your demands. We welcome the chance to learn more about you and your beliefs. just know that we can not let you force anyone under our protection to follow your beliefs. if they chose to remain here in Drewsport and continue their current lifestyle we will support them.
We also would welcome you to visti the community of new holys. As our guests, we would welcome you to visit and see the community that we have built. In reference to your demands though. New Holys is chartered as a Peace of falos settlement and comes under the laws and regulations there of. As artificed items and equipment are allowed under the laws of the PoF, we will not be getting rid of them from the community of New Holys.

Also, due to the fact that the majority of our forces are not olgogs and are under the command of a member of the forces of the Peace of Falos, we will not be disarming the forces themselves. But any citizens that feel that they must follow your dictates, will be allowed to follow their own conscious.

Thank you,
Lord L’gani
Scribe and administrator for The shield of the Redeemer"


Krodnok wasn’t going to give up his weapons. He wasn’t going to disarm his people. To do so would be to invite disaster, to allow enemies victory, before battle had even begun.

Krodnok wouldn’t go himself, as the Nine wouldn’t see him peacefully. Instead he sends Sarhana, the same Earther girl who had convinced the majority of his current followers to join him. She was able to pull that off. Let’s see if she can make lightning strike twice , he thought.

She would be accompanied by 20 warriors, 14 Olgog, 6 Earter. All alive, and all armed with vampiric spears.

To the Nine;

"I am Sarhana, and I am here to deliver a message to you, on behalf of my God Krodnok. And His message is simple: as we are fighting a war on two fronts, we will not disarm.

"With all due respect, and wether you like it or not, the forces of both Kalok or the Warmonger will not fight with stick and stone. They will come at this world with the best that they have, and we must answer in kind.

“This message is, of course, delivered with and intended to carry the utmost respect. However, I should not have to say this, but I will. We already fight a war on two fronts. We hope that, for the sake of this world, for Der’al, you will ally with us, rather than make us fight a third enemy.”

If that doesn’t work, Krodnok and his followers will defend themselves however they need to…

(Ooc: Sorry this was late. Forgot this was mission day.)