The Ziggurat over Drewsport (TSGL3 Week 3+)


Witch turned to Tor’ab and said, "I can definitely see how similar our timelines are in some ways by talking to you Tor’ab. After all I am not shocked to hear the UtR sending in Assassins for “police actions”.

Though in my timeline UtR police actions are handled by the Security Wing of the UtR in other words the Kul Gul Rapi and the Yagogi Gor’ab.

So where do you expect me to park this ziggurat while the negotiations take place? Any place outside of Drewsport is open to attack by Unit 111 and the other Warmonger’s Dead…

If I were to go to anywhere in the UtR, or some place that is not above a populated place, the EEF would immediately move in to steal, I mean secure, the Ziggurat.

So when you say I refuse to listen you are simply wrong. It’s not that I want to wipe out Drewsport. But it is at the moment the only safe place to park.

I don’t want to have to wipe out anyone. Not even the people aboard Lalders fleet. But desperate times call for desperate measures.


"The proverbial gun to the head of Drewsport is as much to keep my GulTor’Gor safe from your allies as it is to spur the UtR in this timeline into action.

If I simply wanted an air war with the UtR I would have not stopped here at Drewsport. I would never be so obvious. The first sigh you would know I had a ziggurat was when you got back reports that your carriers was already missing in action. "


Tor’ab says “Then let me relay this to the Leaders of the UtR. I’m sure they are meeting right now. You have control of the field around us. Let a commcrystal through.”


The sky above Drewsport began to darken and a thin young Djinni male drifted down from the stormclouds. He passed down to the Ziggurat and Witch recognized the being from her own timeline. She opened the way and he drifted down in an Annihilation forcefield much like the one that surrounded Krodnok. The young Djinni bowed on his cloud - like tail and presented a silver platter holding a crystal ball. Above the ball floated the image of the Djinni Baroness Pryiya, the very same who granted Lalder the Leyas Generators for his Carriers and the Mirror Crystal curse.

Her glowing image spoke, “Greetings Witch Gogkiller. Welcome to this timeline. I understand you need a fleet to aid you, and the Olgogs are too selfish and haughty to help?
You were a Katheron. A spirit created a new and beyond the curse which afflicts these people. Why should you suffer from their hate and intolerance Witch?
Especially when the fleet I offer you will easily defeat any enemy now that you have claimed such a powerful flagship.”

Both Krodnok and Tor’ab instantly knew the arrival of this Djinni representative could add an element of Chaos most dangerous to any hope of peace.


Witch looked at Tor’ab harshly , “You have not earned my trust enough for me to lower any of the annihilation penning you in. I know those annihilation shields are the only reason you haven’t killed me yet.”

She turned to Krodnok and the Djinni servant , “Pardon me I must consult things with my advisors. Be free to relax or to interrogate our prisoners. They seem awful talkative when disparaging me, may be they will show more respect for you.”


Witch had one of the pilgrims brought up much to the delight of the Djinni. They did love watching an Uth slaughter in the name of their own Uth curse. The Djinni wished they had come up with a curse as brilliantly cruel as the Uthvelor Curse.

Witch activated her curse and began to search the memories of those with the Djinni Baroness Pryiya. She stumbled upon a memory of Commander Fonlan approximately a year earlier.

One year earlier

Fonlan was feeling a bit nervous. His current employer the Djinni Baroness Pryiya and her entire court had gathered around the Mirror Crystal she had kept. They watched as Rapi’og one half of the igniter of the Mirror Crystal was defending his homeland from the Red Furs and the Armies of Eloga. Their gasps and joy as the battle progressed allowed Fonlan to breath a sigh of relief. A year before the Olgogs had come searching for Leyas Generators. And they had left with the generators and a curse that now culminated before them.

Fonlan knew the Olgogs had got whatever they deserved when making deals with the Djinni. But he knew if the Djinni did not get enough enjoyment out of the curse they would grow bored and sadistic.

Pryiya watched with earnest as the battle progressed and Rapi’og ’ s life was in the balance.

“You seem worried My Liege,” Fonlan asked.

“There is always a chance I misread the hatred of Lalder and Rapi’og. Maybe they understood the mirror crystal curse enough. In this moment they could thwart it all Fonlan. A year of carefully set up dominoes could be defeated in this moment if Lalder and his fleet come to the defense of Rapi’og.”

Fonlan knew the Djinni were devious but it pleased him to know the Olgogs had a chance. “So if Lalder comes in and saves Rapi’og putting aside their mutual disdain, the curse will be stopped?”

“Yes but if either die before their hatred is resolved then the curse completes and the Mirror crystal shatters the membrane between timelines,” said Pryiya with obvious glee.

Fonlan watched as Rapi’og died sad, in pain, and rejected by those around him. It was a terrible way to end their life on this world even for a bully like Rapi’og. The mirror crystal in front of them shattered to dust.

“Good. This is even better than I could imagine,” said Pryiya, “The Olgogs think they have offset the curse by keeping their crystal whole. It is simply dust held together by stone. And slowly the elements of that timeline will leak into this one.
The only question is will they learn this before or after they regret letting Rapi’og die?”

The memory ended and Witch found herself crying actual tears. She wiped her eyes on the cloak of the dead pilgrim she now held. And turned back to the prisoners and her guests.


Krodnok turned and looked at Tor’ab. “So, I’ve heard what she’s had to say,” he said, gesturing over to Gogkiller. “And you seem to have a problem with everything that comes out of her mouth. I ask you, what is your problem here?”


Tor’ab responds to Krodnok "My problem is two fold. One was her means. She and hers were killing Merchants and raising them as a means, I guess to get the UtR’s attention.

My second issue what happens after if we follow her plan to join against this evil Lalder’s fleet.

This is brought on Her unwillingness to listen to me. As I have come around to listen, because I had this issue at first. She has not done the same. Her hatred seems to go from their timelines to ours.

She thinks of me as the Tor’ab in her time. Yes, I’m an enforcer, and yes I am good at it. But I have done more. So while her intentions for the first part seem true, the defeat the Lalder of their timeline. My growing concern is what happens after that. And since She has refused to listen to words or intent. Instead choosing to make the worse out of what is said. Choosing to continue to call names. Claim that I am here to assassinate her.

It doesn’t look very good for what happens after the Evil Lalder’s fleet is defeated. WIll she turn this ships weapons of the UtR of this timeline?"


“What, exactly, isn’t she listening to you about?” asked Krodnok.


Tor’ab says “Specifically about removing the threat to Drewsport to get the UtR to work with them.”


“Ok. So, from what I’m hearing, you aren’t listening,” said Krodnok. “Which, you being UtR, doesn’t suprise me,” he added, as a bit of an afterthought. “Or, maybe, you just don’t understand proper desperation.”


Tor’ab responses "Saying she does not want to harm anyone in Drewsport is not the same as saying she won’t. The threat is still there. That didn’t take back the statements made at the beginning. And you are right, I most likely don’t understand their desperation. But I also understand this witch has no qualms about killing anyone. She did kill a little girl in front of us all.

I am trying to see it from their point. I’m also giving them the suggestion that will allow the others to more easily work with her. Threatening a city is no way to ask for help. Remove that threat. Say its just parking here to avoid others attack like she did to me. Not sure it would be believed, but it is a start."


“Agree to what she wants,” Krodnok said. “But tell her the truth, that, ultimately, what Lalder and the UtR do isn’t your call. Then tell her you will go to Lalder and explain the situation. If he really cares about this world, instead of just himself, he’ll help.”

Krodnok sighed. “Unfortunately, I think he’s more concerned with himself and gaining favor with the EEF. Getting involved here doesn’t help that…”

With that, Krodnok turns away from Tor’ob and waits for Gogkiller to return.