The Der'al Collective


Oliver stood up, "With former member GulTorUfs attack on the Tor Lallur we must discuss the extent of our military response.

[Doors are now closed to non Deral Collective members.
other tribes may join but cannot see what is done here ingame until after their admittance is approved.]


Dar’ab slams his fist into a table “Dare strike Pit! Dare strike children! Drive out holy cave! Gul’tor’Uf ultimate sacrilege! Must pay! All pay! No forgive! NO FORGIVE!”


Quill heard Dar’ab’s wails of suffering and genuinely felt bad for the Pit Worshippers. His own unique perspectives on religious freedom simply made him happy the Uhryu had started their crusade against the plague vampyrs instead of his own True Flame.

It was only a matter of time before the Gor’abs of Karov learned the True Flames secret. Better to act now and act fast. Before the massacres began.

"Vellum has commanded me to give his good friend Dar’ab all the help possible in his time of need.

I would like to vote on a full mobilization of the Der’al Collective militaries against the GulTor’Uf and their vassals.

Uhryu Bill and Mag’ol Rapiog must be brought to justice for their blatent Religiously motived hate crime against the Tor Lallur."


“Dar’ab vote kill Gul’tor"Uf tribe! Make pay sacrilege. Vote yes. Vote all Collective defend Tor’Lallur, punish Gul’tor’Uf!”


Quill took a moment so he didnt grin ear to ear. Of all the roles being played by the Dimension Walker, Quill was most challenging.

He adjusted the fine copper clasps that held up his robes.
"GulTor Uf must be brought to justice.

And the Ferals under their manipulation must be freed and reeducated so they do not grow to hate the Tor Lallur the way the GulTor Uf do."


"If we do this, I feel that we must achieve the alliance or at least a promise of Non aggression from the United Tribes of Refuge.

Their interests among the Yagogi are also under threat by GulTor’Uf."

Oh the poor GulTor’Uf thought Quill. They would be torn apart by the DC and the UtR. But once they were gone the fine Karovian hunting grounds would be split between the DC and UtR. All those herds would be rounded up and enslaved. The Ferals would either serve as KGM or as True Flame. And Quill thought, I will secure an allied force ready to push Warmongers Dead completely from the Goblin Lands.


Scribe sighed and said “I will keep them away from your people so that they can not use healing Leyas on you.”


Quill said, "It still does not bring justice to the GulTor’Uf.

And with all respect…you and what army?

One person cannot stop an entire army of hateful Uhryus spreading their Uhryu Reformism.

This is a vote. So far I and Dar’ab have voted to go to war. Do you vote to got to war or not to go to war?"


Scribe closed his eyes then said, “I vote with my superiors in the AoE. If they believe we are strong enough to go to war then I will stand with that choice.”


[OOC- Vote is tallied as 2 for a full Military Response
1 abstain from Scribe.]

Oliver watched the back and forth between Vellum and Scribe.
Neither had made powerful arguments for or against.

But he knew if he voted against Tor Lallurs revenge it would tear the Der’al Collective in half.
He sighed heavily, wishing the GulTorUf had allowed them to handle it as an internal Der’al Collective matter.
But now neither side could be shown reason.

Oliver sighed again knowing there was no good answer.

Finally he said, “The Army of Eloga votes to support Tor Lallur.
The Kolgul Militia will be sent into Karov to apprehend the Uhryus of GulTor’Uf for their attack on the Tor Lallur.”


Scribe, after writing down the out come says “I request that my two workers be give sanctuary as they have nothing to do with their tribes actions and do not seek the destruction of Tor’Lallur”


Dar’ab looked around “Dar’ab desire revenge, Tor’Lallur desire revenge. However Tor’Lallur no true want all Gul’tor’uf gogs dead. Tor’Lallur driven from Holy Pit, Pit desecrated. Gul’tor’uf driven from home. Oasis home Gul’tor’uf. Driven from Oasis suitable punishment. Give Oasis to Feral Gogs he claim protect. They safe, secure, Gul’tor’uf wander no home, scratch, scrape for survive like Feral Gog.”


“So what your saying is you want Gul’tor’uf banished so that those around may have the resources. Will you wait and voice your desire at a trial where they may face you and their actions, or would you have us act like them and just act.”


Quill says, "What is there for trial? Last week Vellum met with GulTorUf as did you Scribe.

Vellum told me that GulTor’Uf made it clear they would attack and wipe out the Tor Lallur because of the Pit Faith.

If he premeditated this crime and announced his intentions to do so, what possibly could a trial judge?

GulTor’Uf is culpable.
Additionally GulTor’Uf is not a member of the DC so what legal reason could we use for a trial?

Since GulTor’Uf left the DC we have no legal right to put them on trial

They are an enemy nation. A criminal government that must be disbanded and replaced by the good beings of the Der’al Collective."


At that moment, a knock at the door sounded from the outside. Ka’zac, denizen of Ka’Rhug and councilgog of the UTR stood outside as humbly as he could, and waited to be acknowledged.

He called into the meeting,

"I have an interesting and beneficial proposition for the Der’al Collective, should they choose to hear it.


Quill replies, "Welcome Ka’zac of Kolgul.

What is your proposition? We honor you with finest wines and beers."


Entering, Ka’zak bowed low.

“I thank you for your courtesy, I am however of the tribe of Ka’Rhug, Kolgol is our leader. I have come here today at his request, as we have a common problem. I believe that Gul’tor’uf is a foe to both of us, but unfortunately, as certain parties within the UTR support them, we cannot act as a tribe.”

“However, as you are attacking them, we are willing to provide… weapons of a sort. We can supply you with a few of our automatons to aid you, although we’d need our operators to be disguised as your gogs so they are not recognized. These enhancements to your attack would mean that your own forces would take minimal casualties, and we could even set our machinations to only stun or incapacitate, so no one would be harmed.”

“In exchange, we’d withhold a favor from the Der’al collective for…later use. What say you?”


"Greeting Ka’zac of Ka Rhug.

I was unaware the UtR liked GulTor’Uf. I had heard rumors there was great dislike between Mag’ol Rapi’og and the UtR leadership after a certain situation in the land of the Djinni.

I could definitely dress your Olgogs as non-aligned mercs serving as allies of the Army of the True Flame. Each of our uniforms is made as part of a Zh’Ka Rapis training so we could not give you official uniforms but Lord Gobbog could spread rumors that he had hired on Colonial Mercs.

Though if we are providing you a way to strike at your enemy without reprocussions Im not sure why the Der’al Collective would owe you a favor? If you are offering a later favor to us then I would support your aid."


Kaz’ac shifted his weight, pondering an answer.

“Liked is not the correct word. Respect is what is mostly felt towards Gul’tor’uf, although recently there is much question as to their actions. However, it would be … difficult, for my tribe to pursue an open military advance against them, thus our offer to you. Our tribe is thought of as too aggressive in our attacks, so this would make it more subtle. I apologize for my vagueness, we would not ask for a favor from you but rather ask your favor in future diplomacy between our collective nations. I believe this joint attack may bring our governments closer as entities.”


“What a perfect favor, and one the Army of the True Flame will happily give,” said Quill, “What are your suggestions for the battle? I say we go in and forcibly liberate the ferals. They should be considered noncombatants. Stun them and keep them safe.
The Uhryus of GulTorUf have no names so they must all be killed for the tribe to understand how dangerous their violence against the Tor Lallur. No children but all adult Uhryus should be considered complicit.
Then banish the rest of the tribe of GulTorUf so they must wander the southern lands but north of the trail of Auf Mag Lal. Not a single Uhryu can be allowed to escape custody alive. Either they go to trial or die in the field. The rest. Get kicked out.”