The Ancient Warship


As the scouts of Tla’loc’al led a column of EEF troops through the deep deserts, they came upon an ancient crash site.
The scouts came from many tribes, but gave honor to Tla’loc’al and at their head was the honored Auf Lalder of Tla’loc’al and the olgog champion Ripi-tu of the Tribe of the Ur-King.
Facing Warmonger’s Dead, ancient undead soldiers created during the K’ias Wars many millenia before, the scouts quickly found themselves under attack. These dead were guarding a curved tower of ancient metals. Upon entering it the scouts found the tower was the spur of the prow of an ancient warship hidden beneath the sands for ages. Facing more Warmonger’s Dead within its upper levels, the Olgog scouts discovered the crew of the vessel, the Sylvan skeletons who once served as the Warship’s defenders.
It was the scout’s Gor’ab, a brave flesh and spirit dweller who could speak with the spirit of the ancient Sylvan crewmember. They quickly learned that the ship had been boarded by Warmonger’s forces, and its Warleoch Captain had been slain by the Warmonger’s Dead before he could activate the hundreds of Sylvan Skeletons who were in storage below deck. The remaining Sylvan Crew had locked away both the dying captain and the control crystal for the warship in a sealed sarcophagus on the bridge.
Deciding it was wiser to leave the sarcophagus sealed, the scouts quickly decided to bring the warship un-activated back to the deserts near Tla’loc’al.
Combining their Leyas powers, the scouts willed the Warship to move inside the sands. It slipped between grains of sand, like a fish through water. Arriving at a safe area, the scouts began to catalog the ancient Sylvan technology and artificing that seemed everpresent in the warship.
They opened access to the ship for study to all tribal leaders whose scouts had been part of the original expedition, with Ripi-tu and Auf Lalder as the main custodians of the vessel.
It was with great conviction that Ripi-tu convinced the rest of the olgog scouts of the great violence perpetrated by the Sylvan against his own friends within the Krato community during the K’ias Wars. His perspective, driven directly by a youth of growing up with Krato educators, made him greatly distrust the ancient Sylvan and he refused to allow any tribe to access the Sylvan Warship without his personal escort.

With the sarcophagus still sealed and the Warship still deactivated, the Olgogs have begun their studying of the ancient sylvan artificings, what will come from it still waits to be seen.



Any Players who took part in this mission gains the Permission to Study the Warship for their character’s tribe. As long as they are not at war with the Tla’loc’al tribes, or the Tribe of the Ur-King, this character will be welcome in at the site the ship has been moved to. All others may not know its location unless finding it.

Ripi-tu Lurur and Auf Lalder gain Custodians of the Crash Site. They both may consider the crashed Warship a forward base (currently S.A.R. 150 when ship is deactivated). They may also decide when or if the Sarcophagus is opened. Other players must gain their permission to open the Sarcophagus of the Warleoch.