Space Campaign thread: Under handed attacks or just winning?


Many really creative players took part in the Space Campaign from the early days of play by email and the addition of the forum elements in part 3.

There were a lot of heroic moments and some not.

My favorite heroic moment was when President John Doe of the Uloh Free Confederacy took a public lashing to prevent open war and allow both sides to save face without blood shed. He saved the lives of many.

It was a really powerful moment when I read it.

There were also more underhanded moments, like when TerraNovaIndustries tried to change all the passport and government information for Su Maehl.

Su Maehl was a male space pirate who tried to go legit, and with help from the Da uhnb Temporal Empire he eventually earned the title of IR Stockholder.

When he was just running a small shipping company, hired hackers discovered that TerraNovaIndustries had been changing his data to make Su come up officially as a girl. Of course a cursory glance at his junk would let anyone know he was a Boy named Su. But would the IR Brethren soldiers allow him to explain or would they just put him on a one way trip to a penal colony for using a “fake passport”?

What do you think? Was this a fair type of attack or was it underhanded ? Was it appropriate to do? Was it good tactics?