Ryuk's messengers reach out to the vampyres of Unen.


Ryuk had some experience converting people to his way of thinking, and the vampyres looked like the best target around here. He would send small groups of kasantians out as missionaries, bringing new ways of torture and nightmare slave collars.

The goal was to convert the olgogs to the kasantian way. The first step was to get the vampyres torturing others, and in return for the bit of torture, protecting the torturees family.

The next step was to have the olgogs enslave the nightmares that get created with the nightmare collars. This isn’t a far stretch, as it prevents colateral damage and being blamed for harming others. And its good PR to cleanup after yourselves.

The last step in stage one, is to get the olgogs to use the nightmare slave labor. This is going to be done by example, with the missionaries having their own nightmares be seen doing chores and work.

Control is going to be through the rate at which nightmare collars are sent out.


Ryuk was surprised when one of his first messengers returned with tales of brutal Olgog vampyrs with no patience for northerners.
A piece of drift wood was included with the messenger. Its shifting symbols imparted the message.
“Kasanthians we know you serve the Mag Mag Gor. Your Devil Bishop was his prophet. Our Mag Buskt will not allow your kind top corrupt these lands. Leave now or face the threat of the Families of Mag Buskt. The Bruskti are coming for any Kasanthian we find in our lands.”

He knew technically what they said was true. But overall Warmonger Cult worship had been done away with in Kasanth, with the Kasanthian Federation firmly following the Church of Shadows under PeaceLord Orloc Nightshade and his grandson Lurlock and his former apprentices.


Oh picture time!

Ryuk enchants (or has someone enchant for him) two messages on a pieces of wood. One is a picture book version of kasantians kicking out the cult of warmonger, and asking to listen to the messagers. The other is a message indicating Ryuk wants to know where any warmongers cultists are so he can skin them alive, draw and quarter them, then burn the pieces.


Ryuk received a full response when his messenger returned terrified about being nearly hurled from an airship.

Ryuk read their response and might just understand why, "We share with you a piece of wood designed to help you learn our language and instead of spending the time to learn it you just put together a picturebook and sent it back.

You want to prove your metal, you want to gain our respect. Then you must find and capture the villian who betrayed the many at the Tomb of Holys. He is a demon fiend known as the Usurper. You find and capture that servant of the Mag Mag Gor and we will believe that you do not groven at the waste of the worm. Then and only then we will meet with you."

The messenger said, "Leftenant, sir, the Olgogs laughed when they finished writing this. They said there was no way you could catch the Usurper. That if you tried, you would end up destroying yourself instead. "

The messenger apologized profusely that he could not convince them to trust the Kasanthian cause.


Ryuk looks at the messenger slightly confused "Those pictures they sent were some sort of language? I see why you had so much difficulty with them.

I’m going to need your name, as you are going to be my liaison with the olgogs from now. Its the curse of being good at your job."

Ryuk accesses the unity network and starts pulling what he can about this usurper


The messenger meekly replied, “Leftenant Ryuk my name is Lucia Maven Largonel. My uncle was Sev Pontius, an apprentice to Grand Magi Orloc.”


I like that name!

You know what, I’m going to make you my apprentice.


Specifically dressed in plain clothes instead of their Morgothian armor, Sir Mag’Nrs accompanied by Sir Beast will go check out what’s going on with this whole Kasanthian PR thing. They will stand in observing, trying to get others to follow in this action and when the crowd gets big enough will use their control nightmare Morgothian devotion to have nightmares going crazy and start attacking said crowd. Just to avoid being spotted, Mag’Nrs will specifically have something attack him, a minor glancing wound and make him come out as more heroic saving others against the nightmare menace of the Kasanthians. HA and that’s how you take control of the nightmares.