Return of the Fallen


“The Auf” of Or’Lur could not have been more overjoyed at the return of Mag Auf Yyanyi. Under his guidance, the tribes would be that much closer to becoming united. The recent death of the chieftan Tladol, however, made it a bitter victory. They had set out for Bartsport to find the Earther tech that would hopefully bring him back, but instead the chieftan had been replaced, not resurrected. Although “The Auf” greatly supported Yyanyi’s views of unification over Tladol’s intent to wipe out the Earthers, it was still a tragic loss and he regretted failing to resurrect him. Unfortunately, the guilt of not reviving the remaining 7 chiefs and Tladol would be another burden he would have to bear. Hopefully in time, they could still be resurrected.

On a slightly brighter side, “The Auf” had found many other Olgog heads disrespectfully mounted on a wall as trophies. He knew that it was cruel not to resurrect all of them, but bringing back all eight chieftans would likely cause a dangerous power struggle.

However, the Kalokgog felt there would be no harm in reviving the remaining 12 gogs. They would be resurrected one at a time, for management’s sake, to ask where they are from, so that they could finally return home. “The Auf” sat down on the cavern floor, laid out the first of the Olgog ears and began channeling the leyas to bring him back.


The Ear extended tufts of hair and then a section of scalp, and suddenly brains and then a whole head and then a neck and torso. Once the green furred torso is there the arms legs and rest fill in quickly. Covered head to toe in thick green fur, the Olgog was about four feet tall and very broad. His mane was black and sprinkled with orange highlights. There was a truly primitive quality to him that seemed old even for an ancient Olgog.

Seeing he was alive, he chortled with joy and placed his head on the ground in a deep bow to “The Auf”.

“Ogalab Mag Gor’ab, I am, kind Aufgog,” said the ancient Olgog, “Tell me wise one, where are we?”


“The Auf” smiled at the alive-again Olgog, and returned his bow. “Greetings. This is cavern inside Tla’loc’al.” He said, gesturing around at the large open space. The two Olgogs likely had many questions for each other and “The Auf” tried to pace himself. Not wanting to overwhelm Mag Gor’ab, he started with the two questions he felt would be the most important.

“How you fall? Where you from?” inquired “The Auf”.

How Mag Gor’ab was killed could be important in sizing up the hairless one that had so disrespectfully mounted the Olgog heads like trophies. If there was a threat to the olgogs in the form of one hairless, then they would need information about him. Then, finding out where Mag Gor’ab was from, he could be informed of what has changed in his absence.


Ogalab Mag Gor’ab gave a toothy grin, “Hoo Muns gave good ambush. They trapped us in ravine and shot downs spears of white hot liquid. They kill many Gor’ab and melt many Gortorgul (Zela swords). Their leaders were a kolreshed (cyborg), Seidermann and and the Mag Gor Jkutu (Kias Dominio).
It was same time as Hoo muns Cheiftain is Glomhammer.
I come from the Oasis near the Hills of the Kolgul (modern Karov)”


“The Auf” was silent for a long moment, taking this in. He had expected the Church of One to be alone and that Mag Gor’ab’s death had been far more recent. The thought of the Church attacking Olgogs along side of a Kias was truly chilling, and he prayed that it was not the case. The Aufgog didn’t know much about the kolreshed, but it didnt seem like something that would normally work with the Church of One. That left Seidermann. He had to be the hairless that had taken Mag Gor’ab’s head as a trophy.

“Seidermann is strong gog’ab. Gogs be wary.” Seidermann must be very dangerous to have defeated all of those Olgogs including the chieftans. “You been fallen long time. Der’al change since you last hunt. I must bring-back more gogs.” said “The Auf” motioning to the other ears lying next to him. “I ask you stay til done. Then, if choose, can go home.”

The Kalokgog thumped the butt of his pole-axe on the cave floor to summon another member of his tribe waiting outside to act as a guide for the resurrected gogs. Before having Ogalab shown to a sleeping place, “The Auf” showed him the name plates bent around each ear. “You know?”


Ogalab Mag Gor’ab looked at the name plates and made “The Auf” pronounce each name. His skill at reading was non-existent and unless he hummed to himself he seemed unable to draw the Leyas to him in meaningful ways.
Finally as they reached one name which was not a native olgog name and his eyes widened in surprise then understanding, “That name is MagMag’Ol. Protodoxa the Shatterer was the most honored Olgog to serve in the armies of Lord Falos during the ancient K’ias Wars. I know, he was my apprentice, a boy-king who grew into the gog who set the boundaries where the Tribes of K’iorn, K’iou and Baribur may not go and where Olgogs rule supreme.”
Ogalab’s breathing quickened, “It was his death we were traveling to bring justice to the murderers of Mag Protodoxa. It was so long after the K’ias Wars, and then the Hoo Muns come from the sky and start the Hoo Muns war. First is Yyan Gor, Then is K’ias, Then is Hoo Muns, is Olgogs always tormented by the gultor (death by swords, war)… Before I go, how long Hoo Muns war on Olgogs?”


To “The Auf”, the answer to that seemed complicated. “Many years, hairless called Church One attack, kill many gogs. Hate all not like them. Many years… Only few moons ago did gogs say enough. Hairless no war on gogs. Gogs war on hairless.” The elder of the Ol’Lur tribe shook his head sadly, “Many gogs want war on all er-thurs. Not I. I war on Church One. Not all hairless gor. Most frightened by Church One lies.”

“The Auf” took a moment to breath. He hadn’t spoken that much at once in a long time. He wouldn’t have said so much if he didn’t feel so strongly that the Church of One was the biggest threat to gogs. The last thing he wanted was to give Ogalab the wrong impression and have him leave with the intent of killing all humans. After all, if the gogs did that, what would make them any better than their enemies?

Realizing he hadn’t clarified earlier he said, “One who kill you, Seidermann, belong Church One. One day, will perish.” That was a promise that “The Auf” had just made, not only to himself, but to every Olgog felled by Seidermann’s hand.

The elder of Ol’Lur waved over his fellow tribesman, who had been waiting patiently by the cave entrance. He had been told to act as a guide around Tla’loc’al for the newly resurrected guests. Before they exited the cave, “The Auf” spoke once more “I pray gogs join 'gainst common gor, then stay joined.” He hoped that Ogalab shared a similar view.

(Unless Ogalab had a parting response), “The Auf” briefly scribbles down his conversation with Ogalab Mag Gor’ab for later referrence, and moves to resurrect the next olgog; Protodoxa the Shatterer.


The flash of Healing Leyas and there stood the ancient nation-builder, Protodoxa the Shatterer. He was tall for an Olgog of his age, nearly seven feet tall with an elongated face and long fingered hands. His fur grew short and grey-green with bluish stripes in it.

He was very thin and towered over the Auf but the Shatterer did not carry himself in a menacing way.

He smiled a bit of a goofy grin and said, “Praise be to Lord Falos, Praise be to the Distant Shores and the Leyas! Praise be to my mighty fine luck, and praise be to you noble Auf!”

He picked up “The Auf” and swung him around in an embrace that was not a traditional Olgog one.

Noticing he may have given disrespect, he placed “The Auf” down and backed a respectable distance away and said, “Sorry I get a bit excitable. Name is Protodoxa, I am the proud result of the Falosini Cross-breeding program at the start of the K’ias Wars. This element of the program didn’t work out and got cancelled and instead the Falosini just hired and on trained up more of the Gor’ab. But it made me a great negotiator on behalf of the Olgogs. I think it helped I could look the Falosini in the eye, instead of just up at their cowl.
Sometimes I think I share too much. So is Seidermann and the Order of Squires dead, the Goblin Genocide over, and all us Olgogs freed from Earther Oppression?”


“The Auf” gave an amused smirk as he straightened out his robes. “Welcome. Goblin Genocide past. Seidermann lives. Squire Order, not know.” he answered. “Now, gogs fight hairless Church One for gog lands.” He pointed to the ears lying on the cave floor, then at himself. “I bring-back Seidermann’s fallen foes, brother gogs, gather Ur, stop him. Brought-back Mag Auf Yyanyi, be Chieftan. Want bring all gogs together. Then, er-thers not attack no more.”

“The Auf” smiled, gesturing to Protodoxa. “You help?”

(OOC: I’m quickly realizing that maaayybe I should get some other people’s input on these interviews, so: Tribes in Tla’loc’al are invited, and GulTor’Uf is invited (I assume you’re Tla’loc’al but just to be safe.))


Lalder, Chief Elder of the Herd of Auf Lal’ al, enters swiftly with obvious signs of distraction and more spring to his step than someone of his age should have. He seems to be thinking about something of deep concern. Looking to the Auf, Lalder nods to him and asks "I got your message to show up from Deryalur, but without much detail. What is going on? "

Lalder sighs, then after taking a second to focus his thoughts, and he states"Many events are happening right now. And too many Gors too few Gogs."


A short while after Lalder enters, Kolgol strides into the room, looking briskly left and right. He smiles seeing that The Auf and Lalder are already there, along with two others.

“Sorry I am late friends, other matters called my attention previously. I am glad you invited me here Auf, I shall have many questions for…” As his voice trails off as he looks at the nameplates with no ears attached. “Surely these are not…the…” He seems lost for words as he looks from nameplate to the Olgog who it belongs to.


“Honor to you Cheiftain Lalder and Cheiftain Kolgol,” said Protodoxa the Shatterer. In his small time holding “The Auf” had learned all he needed about the nearby people, and had instantly gained deep trust for “The Auf”. Now he needed to trust “The Auf”'s assessment of their allies.
"I am Protodoxa, once honored with title of MagMag’Ol of these lands, and once served in the Armies of the Falosini. I definitely don’t seek that responsibility anymore, but I do wonder what you plan on doing about Inquisitor Siedermann. I am saddened to know after all this time, that monster is still hunting our peoples. For over two thousands summers he has hunted our kind, and made them suffer.

Now I learn from the most honored Auf, that he still hunts our kind, and grows mutant infiltrators to send into our communities.
This cannot be allowed to continue. If I knew his location, I would grab my hammer and crush him on my own.
My hammer, I do wonder where Siedermann took my hammer after he took my head. Its power would help us here…"


Seeming to collect himself, Kolgol stood straight, as if at attention.

“Glory be to you as well mighty Protodaxa, I learned much about you when I was a young gog. It is an honor to work alongside you. I know little about this Inquisitor Siedermann, however, a young human has recently come into my possession who most likely knows much about him, maybe even his current status. I would be glad to send for him if you please.”

He grabs a nearby olgog and whispers something into his ear. The olgog nods and moves towards the door.


“The Auf” was startled by Protodoxa’s knowledge of the gogs who had just entered. He hadn’t mentioned their names, he was sure of it. Putting that aside, he smiled at the new arrivals. “Welcome” he greeted them each with a bow and motioned for them to sit. Indicating the ears, “The Auf” explained to the Chieftans, “I bring-back fallen gogs from Bartsport. Mag Auf Yyanyi, Ogalab Mag Gor’ob, Protodoxa Shatterer.” The Aufgog turned and addressed Protodoxa, “These,” pointing to Lalder and Kolgol, “Tribe chieftans. Share hope of united gogs.”

Introductions aside, the Kalokgog thought about the more pressing matters. “Chieftan Kolgol. Ask squire. Get Uf of gor Siedermann. Protodoxa, hammer may be in Bartsport. Saw weapons, didn’t care. Only saved fallen gogs. May be there.” In Bartsport, “The Auf” had barely glanced at the weapons, instead focusing on saving the Olgog heads mounted on the wall. Given the choice again, he still would have chosen to save the Olgogs, but wished he had at least looked to see what was there. “Should be certain. Chieftans Lalder and Kolgol, you help? Know Rhug’na’ru Pirates, Or’Lur Tribe will help. Were at Bartsport at attack. I must stay; bring-back other gogs. Can send Ol’Lur Tor’og.”

To any who did not know “The Auf” it would sound like he was planning a raid on what’s left of Bartsport, but in reality, he thought of it as more of a search party. Looking up at Protodoxa, “The Auf” asked, “What say you?”


Tla’Hob stepped into the "The Auf"s quarters, his mind filled with many troubles.


Kolgol nods after a moment. “I shall send for squire Dominic in a moment. First however, I must ask, what are we going to do with this Siedermann? He is no doubt quite powerful. War already looms on our horizons and I must ensure safety for me people.” Nonetheless, he nods to an olgog standing next to him, who picks up his pack and begins to jog to the room where Dominic resided.


“The Auf” looked to Kolgol, solomnly. “Siedermann, Mag Gor, but not objective in Bartsport. We kill Seidermann, hairless retaliate.” he sighed heavily. “Er-thers may send 'sassins. Like Chieftain Tladol. Leave decision to you. Best hope, leave finger or ear behind so can bring-back.”


Kolgol fidgets impatiently. "I am sure the good squire will be here soon. In the meantime, let us discuss how we will locate the hammer. Surely this High paladin will not keep it with him. I fear that we may need to raze another city like Bartsport…and we all know how that turned out. If we are not careful, the humans will seek retribution before we are united, and we will surely be crushed.


Lalder standing there listen about events that he has not been informed of, but after getting a better understanding he asks “Should we just send a few Tor’ogs in to search. I know my tribes is able to move around undetected. And with a stone I made for him, which we can make for the others, he can use his Leyas abilities without being detected. I could leave a few stones for your use.” Lalder continued “I don’t believe the time is right for action yet as we have other enemies to deal with first before we can put our entire attention on one target.”

Then looking at the auf, “After we get the crystals and my tribesman back from the dead unit 7756, I will be able to put more Gogs behind what we decide here. But I will have to leave soon to lead the ambush.”


“The Auf” considered this, then nodded his head. “Perhaps not yet. Chief Kolgol, you send gogs to aid Chief Lalder? I leave five Ol’Lur hunters, your command. They serve well.”

(OOC: I leave 5 standard tribals to the command of Lalder for the ambush.)

Turning to Protodoxa, “Once ambush resolved, then we search Bartsport for hammer. Forgive delay.” He said with a respectful bow.