Planning for liberation of Unen


Torlak’ab invited the various leaders to a planning meeting to discuss pushing the Kalokian forces out of Unen.

He set up a tent outside of Drewsport to host the meeting. Taking precautions to prevent technomantic spying.


Lalder arrived. He says "What is the best way to stop this ceremony and save all of the innocents? I have more than enough ability to level the area to prevent the ceremony from completing, but obviously that is not a choice I wish to do. "

(OOC I’m at work so I can’t post something large, just wanted to put Lalder joining.


Shirley lugged herself in. She was testy today. Not even seeing Lalder made her happy. Her massive frame stood tall, and she was on the verge of beserker rage. She didn’t need to berserk to use the Leyas anymore, but it generally didn’t stop her from doing it anyway. Old habits die hard. This whole business with other dimensions and evil lalders made her distrust her friends. She didn’t want to come, but Urog was convincing. Luckily for her, she enjoyed that kind of convincing.

Hikiti, the young Ur Rhug walked in with Shirley. He got stuck with Shirley duty. Hikiti hated being on Shirley duty.

Shirley began: “Urog says we shud avoid direct fighten.” She paused as she made direct eye contact with Lalder. As the pause got a little long, Hikiti continued. “I’m sorry, I missed my cue. We should send a few small groups into Unen, sneaking their way in. Use stealth and take out the artillery. Once the artillery is down, we can focus on saving the sacrifices. Then…and only then, do we focus on destroying the demons.”

Hikiti let that idea settle. Urog had clear plans about everything else, but he wanted to make sure everyone else had their say.


Lalder says "Avoiding a direct fight will be hard, but it would be better to keep everything on a smaller scale. Especially while the captives are still in there. Otherwise they could just move up their timetable if they saw a massive attack.

What I could is have my carriers and fighters put on a show of getting ready to attack. Just out of range of their defenses. This would keep their attention allowing for these smaller groups to take out the artillery and the rescue the captives.

I can contribute a mobile group to the rescue as well."


Shirley avoided making eye contact with Lalder. Hikiti knew the plan anyway, and he was learn-ed, and stuff, so she let him do the talking.

She whispered in his ear, and he began. “Timing is an issue. We know that we have to destroy the Kalokian forces in Unen. But we have three things we have to do. First, save the sacrifices, take out the big weapons, and then destroy the Kalokians. If the fighting gets too intense before we take out the weapons or save the sacrifices, the Kalokians will just kill everyone.” Hikiti and Shirley remember well the day that Kalok destroyed Simonsburg.

“That, and we don’t know why the Kalokians haven’t done their sacrifice already, so timing is important. We need a plan to get to the center of Unen, avoiding everyone, and saving the sacrifices. At the same time we then need to take out the weapons, and then we can initiate the attack.” He looked to Lalder, “Your carriers and fighters can’t even be seen until we’ve taken action to save the city. Because only then will we need the distraction…to sneak out of the city.”


Lalder says "Ok, use your crystal to signal the fleet to move in. If they are about to perform the ceremony and you can’t stop it, single an early bombing run to take out everything and pull out. I really don’t want to use that option, but it will be ready just in case other actions fail. I will move the carriers to near orbit to await any call for support.

I will send groups to assist in sneaking in. What do you want them to do? Help with the captives or take out the artillery. Again here we can coordinate these two actions.

Also note, if you cannot save all of the captives. We can bring back anyone you have body parts for. Its better that they not be giving final death by this ceremony, even if we have to kill them first to prevent that. I expect souls and life force will be consumed if this ceremony is what kills them. Again not a plan I want to use, but an option to save who we can if things go bad. "


Urik walked into the room. He was heavily armed, dirty and looked bone weary. He glared at Lalder and his hand tightened on the stock of the assault rifle he carried. He took a deep breath and his hand relaxed as he rubbed at his eyes with his other hand. He looked at he others in the room and nodded quickly in greeting.
“If you want to sneak people into Unen we can help with that. And we’re gonna need some help taking it thier heavy artillery.”


When Urik spoke up, Shirley was so happy she almost ran to him and put him in a massive hug. Hikiti’s hand on her elbow reminded her that she was to behave.

Hikiti breathed a small sigh of relief when Shirley accepted his reminder. He knows what that look on her face meant. It meant a massive hug.
Followed by not-so-gentle petting. Followed by ripped clothing and armor.

…nobody needed to see what happens after that
…especially not Hikiti
…and again
…and again
…Hikiti really hated Shirley duty.

Shirley ignored the troubled Ur Rhug, pointing to Urik and speaking loudly, “Now THAS whut I’m talkin’ 'bout!” She gestured towards what, if she were a man, would be balls.

Hikiti tired really hard to pretend that Shirley wasn’t crass and completely unsuitable for diplomatic duty. It was really really hard. Why didn’t Vektor come to these anymore? He was the master planner of the gang. Hikiti spent many many days and hours learning from Vektor.

Vektor was the one who studied it all. The first raid of the illegal Earther settlement outside Brez, the hob’tor mine and its defenses, the slaver camp battle that saved Tusk, the raids of Jamesville, the battles of the Great Uf, when Vektor defeated the Op-u-lints, battle of Simonsburg and all its later defenses against Earthers and Kalok, the Kolgul militia, the infiltration of Bartsport, San Station, the Mag Buskt affairs, Thomasville, the Kuggoryyan attack of Unen, the Yyan encounters, the hovertrain, the trek to the land of the djinni and the sylvan, the Falling Star Forge, the Mag Der’al, the clean-up of the Unen Coast, the Brezan civil war and all the countless raids and defenses of Brez.

And Hikiti had to learn it all…for Tusk.

Hikiti, sounding almost unperturbed, “Good. Urik, if you know the defenses, then you’re in charge of the artillery. We’ll send Ur Rhug in with you. They’ll help you travel from tor to tor, making your way faster. They also know hoblal’or, which will help you destroy the mountings. They’ll get you in and out quickly, as long as you know how to guide them. Let us know what you think a good number is and we’ll give to to you.”

He paused, “Now how do we get to the sacrifices and get them out?”

(ooc to Urik - i’m going to assume that if you agree and give me a number of olgog that I can “spare”, I’ll give basic instructions in my post but you’ll detail what the squads do and how).


“Yeah we can use your Ur Rhug.” Urik replied with a nod. “They can help us move fast enough I hope to spread out a bit and hit all the artillery almost at once. Anything we can take intact we’ll turn on their defenses and then their carriers. That’ll probably make some holes big enough to get people in and out through. And cause plenty of confusion. I’m also planning to have some of people targeting thier leadership.” He considered for a second. "Maybe fifteen Ur Rhug? Most for the assault teams and a few others to help move around the kill teams.

“We’re gonna lose some prisoners for sure. Hopefully we can make a big enough hole for your forces to secure the place before they take to many.”

"If we can cause enough damage and confusion that should let you guys hit the cathedral.


Lalder says "I can supply another 2 teams to either help with the Artillery, retrieving the captives, or dealing with Balgogs. They can go from tor to tor. Each will have a summoner and will be able to use the elemental leyas. Balgogs are made of earth and stone. Shifting their bodies with leyas will bring them down so the spirits can be banished. Also I can supply 4 summoners that can try and banish demons to your existing teams.

Your call Urik and Shirely where you want my teams to best help your plans.

Right now, I have on my list is for the fleet to stay out of sight until called in or be prepared to interrupt the ceremony if things go badly. What other teams, supplies, or goals is needed?"

(OOC I’ll need to write my post tonight. Trying to figure out where I can help.)


Hikiti nodded. “Good, I’ll need someone to lead us through the tunnels to get us close to the cathedral.”

He looked at Lalder. “Lalder, activate a part of the Council army. A forth of it or so should be enough to help the initial attack. Stay out of range until we signal the attack. Once we do, we’ll do the main attack. Between the artillery and attack, we should be able to use our advanced position to prevent the ceremony.”

Shirley piped in:
“I’ll be therr on tha groun’. No more stayin behind. Take care of them flyin things first.” Hikiti continue before Shirley got emotional. “Right, Lalder, once we get control of the artillery we need to make sure the carrier has something to do other than attack the rebels and us. Both of us will then need to make sure the entire defense doesn’t focus on taking back the artillery from the ground too. Take the lead on that, and Shirley will be there to help.”

He looked at Urik. “Hold your positions, because once it becomes safe, our censor craft will drop reinforcements.” He smiled at that. “It’ll help.”

“Lalder, send us a small group to free the slaves. Rhug’ab asks to fight with Dolan, they fought together at the Great Uf and she’d like to fight with him again.”

He looked at torlak’ab. "We could use help infiltrating the city to free the slaves. And then when chaos breaks out, help with the assault. "

He looked around. “Any chance we can get help from the sea?”

(Ooc- I know Lalder you post on Thursday, so if we don’t get the details fast enough, you know you’re leading the assault once the artillery is down. Reminder: units who fought together at great uf get bonuses, which is why I asked for Dolan. Shirley will give all members of UTR a bonus.)


Late to the party as always, Dol walks in and looks around. “So, this is all we got? ah well… you now have my entire fleet of ships except the bat, she is on a mission. So ten ships be enough to cause a distraction for ya?”

Dol doesn’t do anything small, ten ships, waging almost three hundred pirates on this venture. “Let’s do this.”

“The ship will retake the harbor, filled with light infused cannonballs, spear wall and air wall cannonballs (for fun and confusion), tsunami force cannonballs, lightning blast cannonballs, tidal strike cannonballs, of course the best bet would be to begin with the blinding light cannonballs to create all the shadows you guys need, ya?”


Hikiti nodded to Dol.

“Just wait for the signal to launch the attack. Also, be ready in case we have to swim out of Unen with the hostages.”


Dol, thought about that concept, “okay, I have one ship that could accommodate passengers swimming in, it opens in the back for little ships to go in and out. It is called the Revenant, it will be cleared and ready. Other than that, if that ship is out of commission, the hostages may need to climb rope ladders.”


“They should probably go after the Balgogs. We don’t have much to deal with them.”


Lalder then says "I have a few tricks I’m working on. WIth the Captured, watch out for a very large shadow. it might give a good chance for you to rescue them. "


An elderly earther arrived on a horse to the meeting wearing the insigna of Lord Grimaldus. Arriving he gets down from his horse and leans heavily on a cane.
“My apologies for my late arrival, these old bones aren’t as limber as they used to be. I come with a message from my lord Grimaldus, he understands that you have an issue, he regrets to inform you that our military forces are unavailable to aid you in your liberation of Unen. He instead offers to send volunteers trained in first aid and healing leyas to aid those hurt in the battle to come. He can provide twenty nurses who can bandage wounds and set bones, and a dozen healers who can use the leyas to cure small wounds. If you don’t mind our aid, we would like to assist our fellow colonists in their mission.”


Urik looked doubtfully at the old earther for a moment. Than again he wasn’t in any position to turn down help. “Alright. We can use the help. You can set up a triage for the wounded once we take the artillierty positions. Unless anyone has an objection?” He looked between the gathered leaders,


Lalder says “as long as the Triage is outside the city. It should not be near the ceremony or artillery positions. just incase of a counter attack. Keep the healers far from the combat as possible. If it were an ordinary enemy this precaution wouldn’t be needed, but if Kalok only needs to kill to bring himself here, he will not care if they were the original sacrifices or the injured and healers.”


Torlok’ab nodded to those gathered and said “sounds like we have some idea what we are doing. Only know that we will not let them sacrifice the innocents to Malik. I will do everything I can to prevent it.”