Messenger to tribe of Ka'Rhug and Lur Union


(OOC this is in response to a request Gang of Uf Mag’og made in the planning thread for simonsburg.)

Lalder had sent a messenger to the Lur Union members who have control of Balgogs and the Ka’Rhug tribe. The messenger replies the message is from Lalder and it says "I’m busy elsewhere otherwise I would come in person. I’m talking with the Elders of Gangs of Uf Mag’og and they have requested no Balgogs to be allowed into the area. I think this is a very good faith thing we can do not as the fire aspect of the balgogs will be very useful against a fire demon.

Hopefully once this false god is taken care of, trust can return between the tribes of the UtR and request like this won’t have to be made. Thank you."
(OOC The messenger will have left a finger tip with a healer incase he meets with attacks)